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/lit/ - Literature

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15627114 No.15627114 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck 1000 page tomes. The meme trilogy should be A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, The Crying of Lot 49, and The Broom of the System.

>> No.15627120


>> No.15627124

DFW is a meme and over time people will realize that he was not a significant writer. I actually support the efforts by some Anons here to replace him with Gaddis, because Gaddis actually IS a great writer, or at least he's a better writer than DFW.

>> No.15627154

Why would you put The Crying of Lot 49 twice on the same list?

the real trilogy is FW/JR/TPK

>> No.15627168

Where do I start with Gaddis?

>> No.15627293

He's written only six books, all are pretty good, some are masterpieces. The Recognitions and JR being the ones that stand out the most. Out of the two, The Recognitions is a better starting point, if you're not quite ready for a doorstopper, you could try starting with either Carpenter's Gothic or A Frolic of His Own to sample his style of writing and to see if you're ready for it.

>> No.15627323

A Frolic of His Own

>> No.15627332


How can people enjoy reading 1000 of pages about cuckold's day?

>> No.15627343

Bloom wins in the end because he doesn't STAY cucked. He reclaims his household. It's not like Blazes permanently steals Molly away. You might even think of Ulysses as a manual for how to uncuck yourself after a cucking has happened.

>> No.15627345

Start with any of his books except JR because JR is by far the most difficult

>> No.15628965

no such thing. it's as perminent as a virus.

>> No.15628983

Its true cos most viruses are most deifnitely not pernament

>> No.15629026

Lot 49 is literally beta GR

>> No.15629056

>as perminent as a virus
So it usually is not permanent?

>> No.15629086

fucking stem-cucks fuck you fuck you fuck you, as permanent as aids then, fucking stem-fucks

>> No.15629105
File: 66 KB, 583x777, C2Qa1jGWgAIBNGs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this?

>> No.15629260

I think he was trying to spell perliamint