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15623426 No.15623426 [Reply] [Original]

Ive recently overcome drug addiction and fried my brain. What books should a man in their early 20s read that will give them an advantage in the 21st century, and provide me with knowledge regarding global politics. I believe I am smarter and more of a critical thinker than majority of people my age (22), however Im not ignorant to the fact that I know LITERALLY nothing.
Im first and foremost looking for books, related to finance, business, how to be an effective leader in my chosen career upon graduation and also possibly even self help books that the well read people of /lit/ would reccomend. I want to understand the world around me so I can use it for my own advantage in pursuing a career and making money.
I am new to reading and so far Ive read Platos republic, notes from underground, resurrection by tolstoy, the bible, 12 rules for life by jordan peterson, and Ive just ordered the denial of death which I hope will help with my utter lack of motivation.

tldr: which books do you wish you read at 22, particularly related to the complex financial system which was never taught in Australian schools and could possibly lead me to one day acheiving my ultimate goal of financial freedom and streams of passive income.
Help me out /lit/
Pic related roastie for attention

>> No.15623441

Shameless bump, help a nigga out

>> No.15623446

> I believe I am smarter and more of a critical thinker than majority of people my age
>fried his brain with drugs

Learn to pronounce
noun: delusion; plural noun: delusions

an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder.

>> No.15623453

You are, without a doubt, the single most retarded poster on this site, and that's saying something. You're not even close to smart, I can just tell by your diction. Not only do you know nothing, but you don't even have an inkling of what you don't know. I recommend a lobotomy.

>> No.15623489

Ive overcome that, Im young and neuro plasticity is a thing, maybe you are the one who needs to read more.
Im simply asking lit for some guidance, but you'd rather reply spitefully reply than help a stranger who is trying to get his life back on track. Go and swallow a black dick

>> No.15623498

>overcome drug addiction and fried my brain
Overcoming addiction, not even once

>> No.15623511

I will also add that I am enrolled in a university course with a 95% employment rate and an entry level salary around 80k a year on graduation. Ive been through extensive psychiatric care which resulted in me taking an IQ test with a result of 135.
If you cunts dont wanna help out, and think your smart lets debate something. Your choice

>> No.15623532

Neuroplasticity m8, I can feel the brainfog lifting more and more every day and want to better myself. Apparently /lit/ is just a pseudointellectual safe space for people with autistic ideas about Kant and Guenon. None of you have worked a hard days labour in your life. Guess its my mistake for thinking this board wasnt autistic

>> No.15623575

I have been addicted to cocaine, nicotine, gabapentin, adderall and weed on and off for months at a time (weed for years) throughout my 20s. I have stopped for almost a year now, only with occasional lapses for single days. I would seriously consider what environmental factors are preventing you from relapsing, and whether their removal would prompt a relapse. For example, are you physically or emotionally dependent on any one else , and to what degree? First, live on your own. Seek independence, then you will know whether you are fit for these high minded goals. Not everyone has the mental fortitude for independence and success, most can barely manage independence. The best teacher is life. Inflict the pain of the real world on yourself first before you try to be a leader. You may already be this way, in which case ignore me.

>> No.15623576

Last post in this thread because fuck yall, you've obvously never quit an addiction. You dont just wake up the next day feeling great it takes a week or so for your brain to adjust and feel normalcy again.

>> No.15623613

First of all thank you for the thoughtful reply.

I was addicted to benzos (xanax) and alcohol for roughly 2 years which I believe was caused by a period of deep depression (ive been diagnosed by clinical psychologists as suffered of major depressive disorder and generalised anxiety disroder, also though I have no social anxiety whatsoever. I had an existential crisis in 2018-2019 which led to substance abuse.

I am not dependent on anyones else. COVID 19 has forced me to move back with my parents in a small country town, however I cook for myself do own laundry and maintain our 2 acre block which parents work away. I essentially live on my own.

Any book reccomendations?

>> No.15623621

nicomachean ethics
the enneads
letters from a stoic
discourses of epictetus
schopenhauer's counsels and maxims

>> No.15623630

Thank you, anon

>> No.15623660

It was just a joke don't be so touchy
>this board wasnt autistic
Check the Daodejing. As for finance books maybe try asking /biz/
Anyways good luck

>> No.15623664

Will look into it, thanks anon

>> No.15623675


Go to college and or join the army.

>> No.15623682

The Adventures of Tintin
Babar the King
Sherlock Holmes
Alice in Wonderland
Summae Theologica

>> No.15623683

No amount of reading about global politics will give you an advantage.

>> No.15623747

clean your room, bucko

>> No.15623765

Already spotless

>> No.15623769

>What books should a man in their early 20s
>I believe I am smarter and more of a critical thinker than majority of people my age (22)

Cringe. Genuinely early 20s language. Just fucking read a book and shut your god damn fucking cunt face you shit.

>> No.15623778

Ive got a book recommendation for you fren :)
White fragility

>> No.15623779

Don't post stuff like that. Fapping is a drug, too.

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.
Letters from a stoic by Seneca.
The philosophy of laughter and smiling by George Vasey.
The Nine laws by Ivan Throne.
The art of wordly wisdom by Baltasar Gracian.

Some of the books may be difficult if you've never read before, but they have all helped me greatly. Unfortunately I'm not an econ-buff.

Also, you may be interested in Jordanetics by Vox Day. It is deals the killing blow to Jordan Peterson--easy to read, too!

>> No.15623786

Grow some balls and fight me cunt, I will hurt you

>> No.15623801

No, your reaction to his post is cringe. If he believes he's smart, isn't that relevant information which one could couple with his reading?
You're only revealing your own insecurities. Go away.

>> No.15623802

>Has read The Bible
>Has given JP the time of day
>Thinks he's smarter than people his own age
You really are a little fucking cunt aren't you? You really are a shitheaded fuckwit of a prick. Just perish. Absolve yourself. Annihilate your existence. You sicken the world.

>> No.15623820


>> No.15623822

Jordan peterson has some great tips for self improvement. It is only 4chan autists such as your self that criticize him, literally all he does is try to stress the importance of taking responsibility for you life
I bet your room looks like a bombsite

>> No.15623830

>streams of passive income
What in the fuck man. This is a stupid goal.

Books that will help you, "The Ten Day MBA". Unironically gives you the basic info of business in a short, not-complicated book. Parts of this are very dated because it was written pre-internet, but it will give you the language you need to understand business stuff.

Read "The Toilet Paper Entrpreneur". Hustling is hard. It's so much easier just to get a real job, but this book will explain how to hustle and make money where other people can't.

>> No.15623832

Im also 6'5 210lbs and generally furious at the world, Id snap you in fucking half and you'd be the one to persish, basement dwelling faggot.

>> No.15623834

JP isn't even baby's first philosophy tier. He's the sort of philosopher that 15 year old girls think is dreamy and smart. He's anti-scholar. Genuinely vapid. He's the Harry Potter franchise of philosophy.

>> No.15623845

>Gives precise height and weight measurements on an online image board
>"I'm generally furious at the world"
Wait. Is this real? This can't be real. Please tell me your joking. If not then that's that funniest shit I've ever read on 4chan.

>> No.15623848

Did you read the part where I stated im 22? Babbys first philosopher is a good start

>> No.15623849


>> No.15623860

Remain calm

>> No.15623865

You know that age has nothing to do with this yeah? I've heard about 16 year olds reading Dante and shit. Just apply yourself. Stop using age as an excuse. Just because you're 22 doesn't mean you can't read actual philosophers.

>> No.15623869

Why are you bragging on a slavic basket weaving forum?

>> No.15623873
File: 18 KB, 261x400, 9780140449334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically sit down and read this meme book so you can realize how cringe you are being before actually starting your self improvement journey.

>> No.15623876

>in me taking
You mean "in my taking."

>> No.15623878


>> No.15623920

Cause fuck ya'll niggas lmao

>> No.15623925

Don't pretend to laugh, it only hurts the soul.

>> No.15623928

Will do

>> No.15623929

Thanks. I don't have any special knowledge, as I am still pestered by a light malaise, sloth and lust. I am not christian I just agree that these are vices. You are in a special position because you have the will to improve. I can only tell you what books and projects coincided with the best sober times of my life. The illuminated mind helped me understand meditation better, which helped clarify the 'goal' of detachment, reprogramming the subconscious to enhance willpower. Of course, this is a dangerous conceptualization, because mentally focusing on any kind of goal is antithetical to meditative practice. Detachment from my own feelings, not identifying with them, has helped me resist vice and channel energy into self improvement. How to fail at everything and still succeed by scott adams also helped me to realize that if i lose interest in a goal, or my passion for life subsides, maintaining habits that increase energy, such as exercise and personal projects or hobbies, will at least provide a baseline of contentment that will prevent relapse. Good luck and keep improoving.

>> No.15623938

Yeah I realise that. But im looking for a start that suits me personally. I found 12 rules for life helpful even though theres a lot of garbage in it. Hence why Im asking for recommendations

>> No.15623955
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I'm glad to help you out but getting so defensive and bragging about your degree, IQ, etc. on 4chan makes you an easy target. Anyways, pic related is a good guide

>> No.15623968

Why is this board so hostile, are you not content with your position in life? Do you act hostile on anime forums to compensate for the lack of power and hospitality in your real life?

>> No.15623980

Thanks anon. I dont really care about opinions of anonymous on this site, been here a long time, but I will definitely take your reccomendations on board and start with some of the classical recs

>> No.15624009

I have not once been hostile toward you.

>> No.15624030

Do you seriously lack that much self awareness to understand that bragging about your career and IQ and how you're "much smarter and a better thinker" then people in age group comes across to people who literally couldn't give a shit about any of these things?

You sound like the most cliche 22 year old and they're making fun of you.

>> No.15624032

Also, I enjoy moldbug's (curtis yarvin) approach to politics. His taxonomy of political history is really valuable to understanding how politics is always a brute struggle for power, i.e. war, and that increasing accountability by formalizing this the only way forward.

>> No.15624059

OP, this post is so ironic I thought it was a reply to your posts rather than your own. Responding with further hostility in an unironic way to prove yourself is just blood in the water for these fools. If you are content with your position in life, don't give them the time of day.

>> No.15624125

My bad anon, I apologize.

>> No.15624137

I simply said that because In australia so many people my age are fucking lowiq lemmings who follow whatever is trendy at the time
This post is a cry for help, and you respond by insulting me. Im going to kill myself very soon if I dont find a way out

>> No.15624148

My bad dude. I got drunk tonight. I am so hopelessly depressed, I have the doomer mindset. I just want out of this hell and thought lit could help me

>> No.15624190

It's recommendable that you read Meditations before anything else, so you don't throw yourself from a building when the financial gurus turn you into a pink wojak.

>> No.15624221

No worries, man.

This was my post.

However, I would advise you to not talk about intelligence at all around anyone but a clique you are familiar with. It's unwise because people get riled up. Why argue and combat people? Regardless if what you said was true or not, it's not beneficial for YOU. One must choose one's battles carefully.

I can assure you that I have been in the same position as you (numerous times,) and if anyone thinks they're better than you, they're just blind. You never did ask for hostility in your post, and weren't deserving of any. But an eye for an eye doesn't help anyone, least of all you.

>> No.15624311

If you are legitimately lost in life, asking for answers in a Taiwanese underwater basket-weaving forum famous for trolling and fringe extremist ideas is not the wisest decision. Acting like everyone else is a sheeple but you is a common sentiment among young people but will get you ridiculed anywhere, specially here. That said, your biggest problem is not knowing what to look for, since you don't know even the basics of anything. Giving you a book about the "complex financial system" is useless if you don't know about history, politics, math or economics for example, you need to get some foundation. For that, it's better to ask somewhere where people discuss what you're trying to learn more specifically (in this case finance) than a general literature board, people here are either gonna give you advice that is way too general (here is the whole western philosophy canon starting from the Greeks!) or something that requires specific foundation you don't have. Still, if you wanna stay, lurk more to get a feel for the board, maybe take a look at the wiki, find things that interest you and then ask questions on those. Lastly, try to talk to people in real life about your issues.

>> No.15624369
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Congrats on overcoming your addiction. Read The 4-Hour Work Week.

>> No.15624398

gladly, you little bitch. I am an amateur boxer with a 3-1 record, 2 from knockouts, I would gladly punch your stupid faggy face and teach you a lesson in humility.

>> No.15625427

This is exactly it, you called out this board for not being content with their life (accurately tbqh) and then posted this.

Look up Yale happiness course, usually free, and a primer in positive psychology, both are very helpful. Hoping for the best for you and me both man.

t. anon who was not feeling so good this time last year

>> No.15625503

Stop being so arrogant you retard.

>> No.15625902

kill urself brother

>> No.15626264

Get into meditation to help unfry your brain.

I work at a L/S equity fund as an analyst, so I can definitely help with finance. Being good at finance is standing on the corner of competitive strategy and accounting/financial theory. First learn the language of accounting- you can read the CFA level I and level II FRA sections to master this. Then you want to read "Economics of Strategy" and "Valuation" by McKinsey. These will teach you how to analyze the competitive landscape and value companies. Remember that all strategy translates into financial numbers, and all financial statements are a statement about the competitive landscape.

You need to become a great forecaster; learn to take advantage of the "wisdom of crowds" by using the expectations embedded in stock prices. The market is a weighing machine that synthesizes thousands of peoples views into a single stock prices, so we want to take advantage of the large sample size (this reduces the standard errors of your projection). Use the market price as an anchor to reduce your own bias and stay in reality, then predict "revisions" in expectations via analyzing the competitive landscape.


>> No.15626370

So you are the retard cyclically wooshing everyone's money and every predictable turn in the economy. Must be making a real killing with all that money in the boomer bank.

>> No.15626376

Easy there, Bateman

>> No.15626385

>I believe I am smarter and more of a critical thinker than majority of people my age (22)
You won't make any progress until you realise just how average you are.

>> No.15626399

>hasn't even started the Greeks
It's over for you. Go into finance and become a normie. It'll suit you.

>> No.15626403

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.15626428

I don't trade cyclically. My fund has 10% turnover, i.e., 10+ yr holding period. Ideally hold quality forever. We have beat $SPX for the last 10 years including this year. A lot of the money we manage is for pensions chasing yield in a 0% interest rate environment, so we are good at what we do and I don't care.

I don't think you understood the character.

>> No.15626461

haha “think your smart”

>> No.15626488
File: 393 KB, 1072x1656, 4326F2E8-0E25-4DD7-BFE4-81F0C627407A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of neuroplasticity, how it this book?
My psych recommended it and I read like 3 chapters, it seemed okay I think but I heard some iffy things about how reputable this is.

>> No.15626743

Just go to school and try not to think you know more than you do
Honestly just follow the grain and things will open themselves up for you if you dont constantly try to discredit anything that comes your way.

Do a double major in polisci and econ/finance
Dont do business, though, especially not business admin.
Other than that any marketable field can work

>> No.15626781

Best to forget about the addiction and any perceived effect it has

>> No.15627860

You can start by stop being obsessed with women. Don't watch porn and try to ignore pictures like you posted. That will get you ahead.

>> No.15628037

>give them an advantage in the 21st century, and provide me with knowledge regarding global politics

That would be The Controversy of Zion.

You can't get rich trying to beat someone at their own hustle.

>> No.15628104


>> No.15628111
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>I believe I am smarter and more of a critical thinker than majority of people my age

>> No.15628135

>has read Plato
>think he's smarter than average
Are you sure you've read it? Read the Apology and "I know that I don't know will be your mantra". Also Meditations, I didn't like it but it could make you more humble.
Then if you will become more humble read the Bhagavad Gita, I've read that one by Kriyananda.
And stop posting jezebels on this board, thank you.

>> No.15628163

There are people younger than you who have had MUCH worse circumstances and still have significantly more to show for it, tangibly, in terms of your insistence on your claimed intellect & uniqueness of viewpoints. I think everyone posting offered genuinely amazing advice for you. This site can be harsh, but try to take this thread in with acceptance.

Everything is. Nothing changes what is, and what is, is on its own terms. It's cold, cruel, but all you can do is be in it lovingly.

Either that or become a disorganized schizophrenic which is the golden life I tell ya!

>> No.15628581

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.15628697

>12 rules for life by jordan peterson


>> No.15628728

>Im young and neuro plasticity is a thing

you've just had to use the same words twice in consequetive posts and still think you're "more of a critical thinker than majority of people my age(22)"

you're severely delusional and this is probably your interest of the week, get serious and don't aim so high or you'll set yourself up for failure and become addicted again

>> No.15629300

Heres a real answer: Douglas Rushkoff - Present Shock

>> No.15629669


>> No.15629859

No one cares Halation

>> No.15629891

Laughing at all the people being so resentful of youth and confidence, I can tell you already have a good mindset OP. Regarding self-help I would say that is something you have to figure out on your own for the most part, other peoples ideas will just be a distraction. If you really need something read the Bhagavad Gita or Nietzsche.

For financial freedom I believe the best option is learning how to trade stocks or cryptocurrencies. The other option is working your job upon graduating and saving up enough money for a business with a guaranteed income such as being a property owner.

>> No.15630016

At 22 I wouldn't put too much focus on things like these. I'd wait til I'm about 30.

You'll never be as physically flexible and recover from injuries and have nearly unlimited training recovery. I'd use your youth to build a strong physical self security while expanding a network of mentors and friends from a wide range of vocations and backgrounds.

Books can wait. If you've read Plato, this is what he recommends too.

Politics is where people go to die. Leave it to the old men because one day you will be.

>> No.15630678

>crying for help on a Mongolian spider milking forum rather than seeking professional treatment and support

Fucking 22 year olds man

>> No.15631484

Lol australia doesn't even have guns you bunch of faggots

>> No.15631509

He could use a noose, though, couldn't he?

>> No.15632587

Ignore them, try getting into neuroscience, I recommend Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain.

You build up your knowledge day by day, as if you were laying bricks to build a house. That's why I suggest you to calm down and enjoy your voyage.
Totally worthless when you have people from all over the world joining in. Unless you are willing to fly thousands of miles for a petty fight.

>> No.15632653
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