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15622878 No.15622878 [Reply] [Original]

>smoke a bowl before reading
>either get super into the text and immerse myself for hours or get distracted and don't read at all

How do I find the perfect balance bros?

>> No.15622898

Stop getting stoned. It’s fun in your twenties but it’s time to grow up anon.

>> No.15622942

Smoke less

>> No.15622966

Before I quit smoking years ago, I got to where the extent of my smoking session was one hit out of a one hitter. That's the best way to consume it. Getting baked just made me retarded.

>> No.15623046

The patrician taste. Oneie master race

>> No.15623059

I am in my early twenties though


for some reason I've been getting stoned everyday for like 2 weeks and I still have no tolerance lol. But I don't get baked except on the weekends, just a little smoke to chill at night before going to bed

>> No.15623065

aerobic exercise

>> No.15623069

>go sprinting
>runners high just makes me feel slightly higher than i was before
need to quit the damn drugs

>> No.15623079
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>mfw I literally picked up exercise just for the runner's high

>> No.15623082

Long distance running on acid is the best experience of all time

>> No.15623083

i believe it activates the endocannabinoid system or something along those lines but it's also providing you with a longer life keep up the good work don't start smoking you'll be a bum (i am)

>> No.15623084


>> No.15623085

you need less and it lets you reach a similar point but with more physical exhaustion, which helps me lay down and read after a nice shower

>> No.15623103
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>not biking on acid

not going to make it

I just vape cannabis is all

Yeah I did adderall in college a few times and that shit's addictive. Sure, I'm a productive GOD on it but not worth the health risks

>> No.15623158

this isn't the music board.

>> No.15623175

Where to get a bike

>> No.15623186

>stoners are the only posters on lit who I'm actually pretty sure read books

>> No.15623196

For me it goes: read first, then toke. Rarely in the opposite order.

>> No.15623207

I don’t know man, I smoke daily and don’t have this problem, maybe you should just smoke less each time— like a hit instead of a bowl

>> No.15623230

You should never do your hobbies whilst high because you get bored of doing them when you're sober because it's not as good.

>> No.15623236
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>> No.15623408
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>tfw you discovered the power of taking degenerate amounts of Adderall for marathon reading sessions

Never knew I could be one of those people who gets lost in a book for hours and blows through 100s of pages. Feelsgoodman.

>> No.15623442
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>just a little smoke to chill at night before going to bed
That’s a decent habit. Best bet is to keep it limited to such a scenario, lest you being being the wake n bake stoner who inevitably slips down the slope of being a real pothead, getting baked all day every day. You’ll also be able to enjoy the high more of you smoke it once daily, and the effect is compounded at nighttime when you’re less distracted by daily/environmental tasks.

>> No.15623461

>biking on acid
>not going biking after micro dosing up to 50ug and popping 100mg of Moda
Cmon bruh it’s like you don’t want to have epiphany’s

>> No.15623469

Adderall after a month or two will make your brain feel like it’s going to explode. Careful m8.

>> No.15623509

just put down bad books and shelve books that you might be interested in reading some other time. there are so many books that this is completely sustainable.

>> No.15623559

What's your experience?

I've been pretty good about keeping it under control for over 2 years--never take it more than 3-4 days in a row, take regular 2-3 week breaks, etc. Although it's admittedly gotten a little worse recently.

I have no idea how or why people end up taking it every single day for months on end. It's like you want to fry your brain.

>> No.15623567

Any advice on picking up at a new city where you don’t know anyone?

>> No.15623574

Bars and coworkers

>> No.15623708

Used to have an XR script along with various others. They just push your brain too hard for too long causing other unnecessary bio-rhythm complications. If you can keep your use sporadic that’s okay. Still never recommend using one thing for too long. You’ll know when too much is too much, though. Good luck. p

>> No.15623742

Stop fucking smoking pot. You're kidding yourself.

I've been smoking for over 10 years and all its done is ruin me.

>> No.15623755

I can't read high. Alcohol or nicotine is nice for reading.

>> No.15623767

When you first started a couple stoner chicks probably fucked your for you weed, then as time went by they went to fuck guys with more money and better weed, but you sat on your ass continuing to smoke, hoping to summon a succubus, like a sad cargo cultist trying to summon a cargo plane with a coconut.

>> No.15623782

Every time I try to read drunk, I form a stupid smirk, blur my eyes at the page, and zone out. Usually end up falling asleep doing this.

>> No.15623809

Actually I sucked cock for weed b/w 13-15 and then had a dealer b/w 15-18 and then moved to Amsterdam. But good guess. I'm a virgin basically.

>> No.15623817

Just don’t be a retard that smokes every day. That’s how you fuck up your brain. I find when I keep it to the weekends and don’t get fucking ripped it can help my anxiety and sometimes my productivity. Really though it’s just a diversion. I have seen people ruin their minds with it but it’s the same as people who drink heavily every day.

>> No.15623826

I'm convinced I got astigmatism from reading drunk honestly

>> No.15623979
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I got stoned a while back and read like 50 pages of a Caesar biography, pretty good night.

>> No.15624270


>> No.15625032

Just get a well balanced sativa my dude.

>> No.15625796

>get high via eating edibles
>can't focus on anything not even the TV
>locked to the couch and feel agitated
>get hungry and tired
>can't read the next day due to 'hangiver' brain fog and having trouble noticing
I think when you are mentally and physically healthy and you consume something like weed it has more of a negative effect because honestly I prefer to be sober over high once I finally get high.
This is coming from someone whos only gotten high 5 times in the past year.

>> No.15625824
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Smoking and reading philosophy was a blast, every few lines my minds getting blown apart

>> No.15625827

It has its place. I don't get high much anymore, haven't smoked this year yet. When I do smoke, I like to do it on a long nature walk or before bed. It's good for listening to music and just letting your mind wander.

>> No.15625839

How do I stop smoking weed bros? I'm 24 and want to kick the 'habit' more than anything else, because in the UK it's still got a really bad reputation. But I do love being high, and it makes cruel life so much more tolerable, makes me appreciative

>> No.15625871

no dumbass you just got way too high

why quit? As long as it's not interfering with your productivity and hobbies who gives a fuck?

>> No.15626104
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>Don't have a any weed
>can't fall asleep because of that
>read tolstoy shit on woman for an hour
>fall asleep right after
Only me?

>> No.15626448

>Too high
Well that's the feeling I get everytime. I don't really give a shit anyway it's a shit drug

Yeah you are right it's nice every now and then. But when I started doing it like every weekend it got to the point where i would be high and all I would be thinking is that I wish I wasn't high. At least when I get drunk I never think I wish I wasn't drunk.

>> No.15626901

Ive been a stoner for years and ive always said that some people shouldn't smoke. Its different for everyone.

>> No.15627057

Check out r/leaves. If nothing else reading stories from the depressing weed fiends will bum you out enough to slow down a bit.

>> No.15627066

This, specially if you smoke with friends.

>> No.15627073

Thats pretty much what I do these days.

I used to get just stoned stupid in my late teens almost everyday, and now I dont feel the need to do that.

I'd rather be somewhat functional and be able to think rather than just staring absently off into space.

>> No.15627090

No one should be a regular smoker just like how people shouldn't be a regular drinker. Some people are just more susceptible to addiction which is why drugs are popular

>> No.15627922

have a massive panic attack resulting in extreme paranoia any time you smoke. I guarantee you will lose all interest in weed

>> No.15629129

don't enforce yourself bro.

>> No.15629158
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>> No.15629445

These sound really really fun, im just realizing I've never "went fast" or at least that fast on acid before. Once I manage to extract these Jewish ssris from my brain I've got something to try out

>> No.15630336

I started taking a single hit and going for a run. Its so much fun.

>> No.15630475


>> No.15630493

weed is fucking retarded

>> No.15630552

yeah just make sure you do it on a nice day in a secluded place, I went biking downtown when it was hot as fuck and while it was fun I was pretty anxious due to cops, cars, etc., and I was also sweating like a motherfucker.

Same, working out lightly stoned with a good sativa is based

>> No.15630712

That isn’t really microdosing but I fuck with it

>> No.15631364

noo, u can't have fun

fuck off robot

>> No.15631400

i'm of the opinion that in order to truly never want to use something you have to have a horrible experience that isn't caused by external circumstances. if you've ever drank or smoked and had extreme anxiety or some sort of mental health crisis because of it you'd be really hesitant about touching the shit.

>> No.15631411

i used to have extreme anxiety 24/7 and would run twice a day, and every once in a while afterward I would feel stoned as fuck while listening to music after or doing whatever.

>> No.15631436

Better than the American 'while'

>> No.15631453

This guy gets it. Reading Hegel while smoking a blunt is like reading in color.