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/lit/ - Literature

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1562207 No.1562207 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, I'm from /mu/ so if you don't want to me be possibly dumb or naive then you might want to stop reading.

I've always wanted to start reading but I never thought I had the time (which I did), so recently I started thinking about picking up some books possibly. I've never really read much besides basic high school type stuff (1984, To Kill A Mockingbird). I remember reading A Clockwork Orange a long time ago and liking it, as well as the high school books. Could you guys reccomend me some books? I know my taste seems sort of broad... possibly thought provoking/mindfuck ones are nice too.


>> No.1562213

Dorian Gray if you're cultured

>> No.1562210

check the sticky

>> No.1562227


OP here. I may be from /mu/, but I'm no idiot. You can't trick me into reading that.


>> No.1562229

Try reading Brighton Rock

>> No.1562223


I did, but there are a ton of options.

I'd rather get more specific options that go with my taste.

>> No.1562231


hahahaha what?

>> No.1562232
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You aren't OP.

>> No.1562236

For you, sir, I suggest "Espedair Street" by Iain Banks.

>> No.1562245

I'd familiarize yourself with the classics first. Do yourself a favor and pick up any the following that you haven't read:

Candide, Of Mice and Men, The Grapes of Wrath, Lord of the Flies, Catcher in the Rye, Franny and Zooey, The Old Man and the Sea, A Farewell to Arms/ The Sun Also Rises, A Seperate Peace, The Stranger, 1984, Animal Farm, A Brave New World, Huck Finn, The Screwtape Letters, Death of a Salesman.

Once you've read all of those explore your favorite writer's lesser known stuff, then move to associated movements or associated philosophy

>> No.1562246

If you are OP i am simply dumbfounded

seriously, what the fuck am i supposed to take from this

read the shit i tell you to because it's great

>> No.1562249


Wow thanks! I remember a few of those from high school but I have horrible memory so I guess a re-read is due.

>> No.1562251
File: 110 KB, 620x413, 1290285194598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything by robert anton wilson is a mindfuck and a half


the general works of HP Lovecraft

2001: space odyssey (juiciest ending ever)

if you have an irreverent and or liberal stance on religion read 'his dark materials'

dorian gray isnt a bad choice either, btw


>> No.1562255


That wasn't me. I was going to use a trip just to prevent this happening, too late I guess.

>> No.1562264


>> No.1562265
File: 54 KB, 630x630, GTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck the classics, man. Half of them are dry and tasteless for out generation anyway.

>> No.1562270

That's me
I'd also add Frankenstein, if you decide you like gothic novels or romanticism.

>> No.1562273

Not the good ones.

>> No.1562276

if you liked the movies, the lord of the rings trilogy. fahrenheit 451, the handmaid's tale, Frank Herbert's Dune is brilliant, i suggest giving it a go even if it doesnt seem immediately like something you would like.

>> No.1562282

Notice I said "I'd first familiarize yourself with..."

It's best to have a good understanding for the classics. Once you do, you can better understand the more intellectually stimulating works. Also, it's nice to know what most other readers know.

Also, The Great Gatsby. Even though I'm not a big fan.

>> No.1562287
File: 15 KB, 294x313, 1279135194278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah, totally, like catcher in the rye


repeat ad nauseum


>> No.1562291

Neckbeard detected.

>> No.1562295

No one said anything about that.
I personally wouldn't recommend reading it for the first time unless you're still in high school.

>> No.1562301

Let's not turn this into another CitR thread. Please, /lit/, for the love of god.

>> No.1562302
File: 23 KB, 360x240, ronburgandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one said anything about that

>recommends Catcher in the Rye

>> No.1562303


>Great Gatsby even though I'm not a fan

Then why? What's your justification for recommending this.

OP if you want canon stuff that most people end up reading anyways and might be up your alley go with;

>Kafka - the complete short stories
>Mikhail Bulgakov - The Master and Margarita

>> No.1562305

ahh i see

seriously read dorian gray

>> No.1562309


What's so great about Dorian Gray? (Haven't read it yet.)

>> No.1562315

it's decadent

you'll love it

>> No.1562317
File: 10 KB, 500x500, 1296003215938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the intro is awesome

the middle is boring

the last few pages are quite enjoyable

>> No.1562321


I didn't love it. It's worth the read though and it syncs up with what OP was asking for.

Dorian Grey is pretty short as well.

>> No.1562327


so it's good

>> No.1562329

Mindfuck ones? House of Leaves makes a great starting point.

>> No.1562331

Alright. I guess I'll go get it sometimes...

Wait are you guys like /mu/ in the sense that if you buy an album/book instead of downloading you're a dumbass?

>> No.1562341


You trollin me boy?

Anywho, if you can stand reading ebooks then you may as well download them. I hate reading from a screen/monitor.

>> No.1562343

i hate reading ebooks and shit, i buy all mine from stores

>> No.1562338


>Alright. I guess I'll go get it sometimes...
I was referring to Dorian Gray FYI.

>> No.1562347

it's like the exact opposite here

try to go as sentimental as possible

>> No.1562348


Okay good, because I can't stand ebooks either.

I didn't expect this much help as a first time poster, thanks everyone!

>> No.1562349

I think most people on /lit/ buy their books. If you have a genuine appreciation for the writing, you sort of feel bad pirating it.

With that said, it is stupid to buy music.

>> No.1562351

I'm in pretty much the exact same position as OP, we must've both seen the same lit thread on /mu/ and decided to come here. Is there anything psychological I should read? Fightclub is my favourite film so should I start with that?

>> No.1562360


Bump for this guy to get answers like I did.

>> No.1562363



>> No.1562370

anything stream of consciousness

they might be a tad hard to read for some people.

but they're plenty enjoyable

try Mrs.Dalloway if you want to read something both influential and personal

Poe would be another obvious choice

>> No.1562383


I'll just say Dostoyevsky. You could start with Crime and Punishment, which, despite it's length and some confusing Russian patronymic or familiar names; is a very accessible classic and deals almost wholly with the psychology behind the actions of the protagonist Raskolnikov.

I've never met anyone who legitimately didn't like Crime and Punishment. Some like it more than others of course.

>> No.1562402
