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/lit/ - Literature

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1561993 No.1561993 [Reply] [Original]

What does /li/ think of Walter Moers' books?
I myself read them in German, so I can't account for the translation, loved them. Plus I'm not that much of a fan of the usual fantasy-AGOT-crap but I've thoroughly enjoyed the 4 or 5 books that I've read by Mr. Moers.

Also, would it blow your mind if I told you Moers drew and wrote comics about Hitler?

>> No.1562386

i read the alchemaster's apprentice first, bought it on a whim with a 3for2 deal and loved it.

read bluebear and currently reading rumo.

fantastic series, might buy the german version to cross read them at the same time and see how it was written in german.

>> No.1562404

I found The City of Dreaming Books in a pile of free shit at my dorm last year - literally someone just left it there and I grabbed it on a whim. Surprisingly entertaining. Very fun stuff.

>> No.1562430

the congladiator event at the end of bluebear was amazing, i was completely hooked on that chapter.
wish there was competitions like that in real life, would be fantastic.