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File: 154 KB, 964x1388, Immanuel_Kant_(painted_portrait).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15618605 No.15618605 [Reply] [Original]

did Kant believe in G*d?

>> No.15618664

Of course
Like the Dick, his "philosophy" was a huge cope for being told there was no sky daddy

>> No.15618729

why are you censoring 'God'?

>> No.15618773

he is a kike proably
yeah, basically like fp said, all he ever wrote was mental gymnastics and fallacies to confirm his beliefs

>> No.15618779

All philosophy is a cope for unbelievers, it is hogwash

>> No.15618781

okay reddit

>> No.15618790

so, literally what everyone including you and me do to justify our beliefs?

>> No.15618793

nice projection

>> No.15618797

the real question is, why didnt Kant believe in the Cunt?

>> No.15618801

Why do you need philosophy to confirm your belief when faith is all there is when it comes to God?

>> No.15618847

Depends which one you are referring to.

>> No.15618855

>which one
the only one.

>> No.15618895


No. No one with an IQ over 110 actually believes in God. We're all just faking it because it keeps (or rather used to) the plebs in line and out of the irrational fear that has been drilled into us since childhood that maybe something terrible might happen if we don't act like we believe.

It's all a big LARP, pretty successful one though.

>> No.15618932
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>the only one

>> No.15619051

no. I just know my morals/metaphisics are made up by myself and not justified.

>> No.15619309

did he die a virgin

>> No.15619362

His name is pronounced cunt

>> No.15619381

Yes, theres speculation he was a repressed homosexual

>> No.15619400

He didn't. In fact, Kant wrote a great deal against those who proclaimed to ground religious faith through philosophy. As usual, nobody on this board actually reads

>> No.15619715

Deleuze speculates in D&R that Kant saw the "death of God" first and tried to ground Christian morality in reason.

>> No.15620244

Yeah, but he denies any proof of God. It's kinda an important figure going through his ethics to teleology, but you don't have to be able to recite the second Critique to be able to read the third one.

Lmao, are you 12?

>> No.15620258



>> No.15620544

LARP harder faggot

>> No.15620602

More like CUNT amirite?

>> No.15620613

I have an IQ of 147 (got tested for mensa, but mensa people are insufferable cunts, so I left again) and I can't confirm

>> No.15620615

Cope. He was a turbo manlet and had the face of an ugly goblin. No woman wanted to marry him.

>> No.15620652

>but he denies any proof of God.

>> No.15620662

Read the First Critique and find out.

>> No.15620667

what? this is such a bullshit. women actually really liked kant and he was always witty flirty guy, and he wasnt in particular bad looking guy so idk what ur source is
hard to say and irrelevant question.

>> No.15620679

becuz god its only a concept that ur reason produce for practical reasons and there is no way to tell that god exists in reality (and thats cool for kant)
proofs are shite for kant he even said:
>“I had to deny knowledge in order to make room for faith.”

>> No.15620727

the way i remember it he always use to flirt with the ladies on his cute walks around town

he stayed single because he was married to his genius

>> No.15620734

>he was married to his genius

so basically /our/guy?

>> No.15620751

Don't flatter us.

>> No.15620765

Can you even fuse faith and knowledge?

>> No.15620778

yup, by making proofs

>> No.15620780

but there are no concrete proofs

>> No.15620786

Yes reddit says kike lol.

>> No.15620826

Yeah because he thought without God you can't reconcile ethics with self-interest (via punishments and rewards in the afterlife). But he had no argument for his belief, he just thought without it ethics doesn't work properly.

>> No.15620864
File: 46 KB, 360x450, immanuel-kant-medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're coping hard. Just because he went to parties doesn't mean he got laid.
>wasn't in particular bad looking
Literally in all of his portraits he is ugly as fuck (pic related - see his disgusting bug-eyes).
That one portrait where he looks decent isn't actually Kant, but another philosopher, Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi.

>> No.15620906
File: 72 KB, 487x600, Kant017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying his brilliance and extended cranium wasn't a form of beauty
>implying woman and men alike wouldn't jump at the chance to fuck the famed Sage of Konigsberg
>implying you wouldn't submit to him as he gently caresses you and rubs his massive forehead against yours, directly uniting your noumena and sharing knowledge directly

>> No.15620908

That's just the German look tbf
Have you seen their "women"?

>> No.15620910
File: 531 KB, 682x682, 1497152123374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the butthurt when you realize your casual penpal relationship with your oneitis will never match the level of intimacy of kant's romance with his own mind

stop taking it personally and just admit that some men were born better than you

>> No.15620951
File: 528 KB, 500x647, 1497675934484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That one portrait where he looks decent isn't actually Kant, but another philosopher, Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi

implying kant's intellect wasn't literally the source of illumination to which the term "enlightenment" refers, radiating so intensely that it reflected off all surfaces and thus was literally seen in the face of every attractive man by all his inamoratas

>> No.15620968


>> No.15620973

cope more kafir

>> No.15621248
File: 47 KB, 645x555, 1497600195994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every fucking time

>> No.15622024

this. he was a fairly average dude from what ive read. just nerdy af.

>> No.15622062

He thought that God was an entity that no one would be able to prove but whose existence was necessary to acknowledge for the functioning of reason.

>> No.15622302

Keep 'faking it', friend.
Not sure what you're faking, but it's obviously important to you.

>> No.15623149

why does it matter OP? if you need big brained theories to justify your beliefs it's not true faith

>> No.15623212

He was raised in a quite strict protestant family, and as such believed in God and attached quite a lot of value to it. His own conclusions, very much based in enlightenment thought, lead to a denial of God as a metaphysically ordering force, but he is not quite able to come to terms with that yet. He sort of justifies it to himself through placing God in the world of things in themselves.

>> No.15623231
File: 89 KB, 900x526, EY0AhhvWsAAxRNZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the insecurity radiating from this post is immeasurable

>> No.15623352

that bitch was getting wet just talking about it

chad kant confirmed

>> No.15623355

Not true, he explicitly denies this view in the third critique. God's existence simply cannot be comfirmed.

>> No.15623359


>> No.15624846
File: 108 KB, 500x667, christianity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15624855

>evil exists
bold claim, proof?

>> No.15624876

jewsus approves of murdering cops over a dead nigger?

>> No.15624912

it can, degenerate. You are just incredibly stupid. civilized humans are retarded beyond imagination.

>> No.15625043


>> No.15625094

Not according to Kant, and Ill remind you that this thread is about his views on the matter.

>> No.15625123

In Brahman more specifically.

>> No.15625129

cringed real hard rn, sir

>> No.15625135

Debunked like 500 years ago. Read a book

>> No.15626782

why do you want him to be an incel so bad lol

>> No.15626803


No, it wasn't. It's airtight.

>> No.15626865
File: 27 KB, 527x409, 1450750645983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15626911

>good exists
bold claim, proof?

>> No.15626926

He did believe in God.

>> No.15628271

Good and Evil don't exist, not even in the Christian moral scheme. In Christianity whatever pertains to the telos of a thing is good and what detriments it is evil. It isn't so different from Spinozist ethics really, except in Christianity there is an explicitly Transcendental plane that mixes in with the Immanent Logos. Evil and Good are just subjective human experiences that are found nowhere outside of us, the moral code that God passes down is meant as a means to an end (unification and love of neighbor and God) rather than as some kind of dogmatic set of rules that exist objectively.

>> No.15628825

t. highschool atheist

>> No.15628849

lurk moar

>> No.15628901

So only really dumb or really smart people believe in God?

>> No.15628978

Define God.
But yea, it seems that that's the case.

>> No.15629008

Smart people I would say. Besides Kant, Swedenborg and Pascal were geniuses who ended up becoming very religious late in their lives.