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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 13 KB, 259x194, so10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15618591 No.15618591 [Reply] [Original]

He's more relevant today than ever.

>> No.15618658
File: 570 KB, 800x1146, 189F8373-6B1C-4F2C-B658-5117863A4513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn’t know we’re still slaves
Marx is actually more relevant

>> No.15618674

>name is literally Tom
>played a 20th century Uncle Tom
He wasn't very subtle, thinking back on it.

>> No.15618702

to quote the Wire
>the boy got that much white blood, he got to be a punk
i guess if you dont speak ebonics, if you arent down with certain aspects of black american culture, you're just an Uncle Tom, regardless of facts or arguments

>> No.15618718

he doesn't look very white at all though. And look at his early life section:

Sowell was born in Gastonia, North Carolina, near the border with South Carolina. His father died shortly before he was born, and his mother, a housemaid, already had four children. A great-aunt and her two grown daughters adopted Sowell and raised him.[2] In his autobiography, A Personal Odyssey, Sowell wrote that his childhood encounters with white people were so limited that he did not know that blond was a hair color.[3] When Sowell was nine, his family moved from Charlotte, North Carolina, to Harlem, New York City, as part of the Great Migration of African Americans from the South to the North for greater opportunities. He qualified for Stuyvesant High School, a prestigious academic high school in New York City; he was the first in his family to study beyond the sixth grade. However, he was forced to drop out at age 17 because of financial difficulties and problems in his home.[2]

>> No.15618734

the point isnt whether he's white or not
the point is that people, often black people themselves, will take a shit on another black person if he doesnt come off as black enough
this can include talking white (aka not ebonics), or as Tyler the Creator put it
>And the ones who got called weird, fag, bitch, nerd
>'Cause you was into jazz, kitty cats and Steven Spielberg

>> No.15618823

This is just crab mentality. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crab_mentality

Vice is considered as something to be praised and virtue as something that is made fun of. I cannot understand these aspects of culture. If you cannot achieve virtue, and turn to vice, just bring the others back to your level.

This also has a lot to do with government funding. If a certain group of people stopped blaming others for their hardship and started taking personal responsibility, they would no longer need/want government funds. Obviously those who recieve this money, and the leaders of these movements calling for state funding, have a self interest that the perception of oppression should continue, even if it does not exist in reality.

>> No.15618840

but you cant criticize certain aspects of black culture or youll be branded a Nazi, Fascist, Racists [insert more hot buttoned keywords]

>> No.15618859

How does sowells argument here (that white slaves were also a thing) negate the impact of American slavery on the black experience? Do you even know what an Uncle Tom is? I thought you faggots hated race traitors.

>> No.15618870

Also, you must have a really really low iq if you could still be racist after watching the wire.

>> No.15618875

>How does sowells argument here (that white slaves were also a thing)
how do you know that is his argument? the screenshot in the OP is just a quote taken without any other context to what he was saying

>> No.15618879

It means American slavery is not remarkable

>> No.15618915

it doesnt negate the experience of black slavery. Sowell acknowleges the stain of slavery and that history has effects that ripple through time.
he's pointing out that slavery isnt the primary reason, or the only reason, for the many problems black people face today

>slavery is why we're all poor! america hates the black man!
>why do second generation West Indies immigrants are higher on the socioeconomic ladder despite also having a black skin tone?
>why are the overwhelming majority of black murders committed by other black people?

>> No.15618978
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JLP is a good man

>> No.15618986

Stop shilling this brainlet. White slaves in North Africa never reached even 10% of the population of Black slaves in the Americas.

>> No.15618992

I'd bet 99% of people who use the term uncle Tom never read Uncle Tom's Cabin. Tom is actually very brave and heroic in the book, how the fuck he's become an icon for sycophancy is beyond me, he defies his slave master to the death in the story. Just goes to show how fucking stupid people are and why you shouldn't take retards like this guy seriously.

>> No.15619010

From what I've seen the Black kids who get called this usually have some superiority complex, I'm not sure if they develop that before or after being insulted by other blacks but they've always been annoying to me.

>> No.15619049

Kill yourself retard.

>> No.15619075

>how the fuck he's become an icon for sycophancy is beyond me
Pro-Slavery factions made plays parodying Uncle Tom's Cabin. The popularity of these plays with their pathetic and cowardly version of Tom would soon become more popular than the real one, and so when people are negatively mentioning Uncle Tom or using his name as an insult they're unknowingly referring to the Stage Uncle Tom, not the literary one.

>> No.15619102

>I have no facts so I'll sperg out instead

>> No.15619113

Another kid called me "wanna be white" for getting a good grade on a math test in the 5th grade. We were both Hispanic.

>> No.15619134

>you must be low iq if a fictional television show didn’t change your worldview

>> No.15619144

It's not his fault that you purposely missed the point.
Didn't think it extended to Hispanics too, that sucks anon. You have my sympathies.

>> No.15619149

take this shit to /pol/

>> No.15619174

It sucks, but I hold no resentment. That particular kid used to get in a lot of fights and seemed to have a rough home life.

>> No.15619175
File: 39 KB, 317x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd bet 99% of people who use the term uncle Tom never read Uncle Tom's Cabin. Tom is actually very brave and heroic in the book, how the fuck he's become an icon for sycophancy is beyond me, he defies his slave master to the death in the story. Just goes to show how fucking stupid people are and why you shouldn't take retards like this guy seriously

>> No.15619193
File: 101 KB, 856x1172, 14567545678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How could he say that!
>I better post a wojack!
>oh! Image.jpg!
>Perfect! Now just have to highlight...
>copy and paste...
>put the arrow
>That'll teach'em!

>> No.15619223

It should suck because that kid identified performing well, academically, with white culture.
Maybe he's ill informed. Maybe it's because his perception of white culture includes the concept of taking your studies seriously. Maybe his perception of Hispanic culture is that it places less value on academic performance.
What do I know. I'm not white. I'm not Hispanic. I'm just a cunt that quotes Tyler and the Wire.
It sucks that he wanted to be white. But that's not entire reason why it sucks.

>> No.15619232

I did it because you are the perfect encapsulation of autism. You went straight to the source and read it so you could become the enlightened one that can "well akshually" anyone who brings the topic up in the future.
And yet, like all autists do, you failed to even consider studying the broader cultural evolution and impact of the source, you know, involving other actual human beings. By doing this you invalidated your fedora take on it and outed yourself as a sperg idiot the second you clicked "post."

Now that you have been blown the fuck out by >>15619075 and myself, it has come time for you to kill yourself, you fucking freak.

>> No.15619290
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>black people view education as a white people thing and reject it
>white people can't understand what black people went through because they're white, therefore they can't criticize or point out anything
>black people who point out the main problem fall under the Uncle Tom category and therefore their opinions and criticism does not count
>black people complain until they get concessions
>the concessions placate them until they realize the situation hasn't changed
>the cycle starts again
Is there an end to this? Is there even a solution /lit/, because I don't see one.

>> No.15619301

>reading books is autism
>the people who are wrong are actually right
You should not post here anymore

>> No.15619340

Yes, liquidation of the professional and elite class, who are the ones who use that to divide workers based on race.

>> No.15619351
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Laughed myself silly seeing this

>> No.15619364

I'm sorry for asking.

>> No.15619387
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holy shit

>> No.15619392

He's the conservative's favorite race card. How dare you insult our shill, ye progressive! idgaf if you're black. if you say shit like "the people just need to be more responsible and then we wouldn't need a government" and call everything else utopian i can't take you seriously

>> No.15619414

>facts literally posted in OP
>no facts
Kill yourself as I said, imbecile.

>> No.15619461

Holy based

>> No.15619474

Just spittin straight fax, take note the class positions of everyone promoting all this. None of them are anything other than professional and elite class.

>> No.15619524

While this is possible and feasible, the problem remains that it was way, way too easy to drive that wedge in. Ridiculously so, to the point where even if you fully reveal it, they would still choose to be victims of "the white man". Anyway, I'm going to bed, need to get up early for OT. Good night anon.

>> No.15619911
File: 37 KB, 640x480, DickFuRUEAE3b7Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying anybody here has read anything by Sowell

>> No.15619923

Makes sense you find cocks hot, faggot

>> No.15619929

I dont read black lit but if I did he would be all of it I did read.

>> No.15619948

based samefag

>> No.15620417

this and he also means to relate the black condition to more durable races like the chinese in southeast asia, jews, armenians etc., where despite in many cases the hostility
of the conditions being of a higher degree, these other races remain high-achieving and culture-conserving

>> No.15620434

But then the issue is that he's comparing a less durable people against a more durable people.

>> No.15620677

comparing two classes according to a variable attribute is not an issue.

>> No.15621106

Imagine being one of the sentient humans with weird bone structure and melanin concentration stuck being surrounded by proper niggs. Of course you'll get a superiority complex.

>> No.15621117

Will anon ever recover from this?

>> No.15621130

House negro of cracker establishment.

>> No.15621139

>Crab mentality
lmao just saw a video with a black female commentating this

>> No.15621149

"More slaves", no there weren't. Also, white slaves in the Ottoman empire became wealthy generals, they weren't forced onto plantations.

>> No.15621194

More white were indeed brought as slaves, how is it even controversial?
Accumulated over time, there had been more slaves in the US than white slaves in Turkey because they had higher fertility than slaves (white or black, which were more numerous) in the Ottoman Empire.
Slaves in the ottoman empire were often used as agricultural workers, or in mines. There was also military slavery (which is hardly better, and focusing on the one general of such armies is quite strange) but it didn't engulf all slaves. One reason for treating different slave population differently (at any point of time or space) was their various skills, capabilities and manners.

>> No.15621788

you should legitimately kill yourself. God forbid he actually explains that people use a term completely wrong.

>> No.15621992

woah how'd you change asking for a friend

>> No.15622015

Ottomans were fucking based.

>> No.15622137
File: 78 KB, 600x600, 1591110998331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so glad my country got away with slavery while Europe and America has to deal with riots.

>> No.15622142

Lucky son of a bitch.

>> No.15622183
File: 166 KB, 280x300, sdukdtukdk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean we castrated the slaves haha they didn't breed. Even still look at Europe, Germany had little to do with slavery yet they are swarmed with niggers. Not to mention they asked for uneducated Turks to be in Germany yet be surprised when they act like shitskins. Kek, we don't like the Turks who went to Germany either, yeah they be richer than us but they are treated like shit in Turkey and Germany, which makes me so happy.

>> No.15622206

Unironically the most autistic thing I have read on /lit/.

>> No.15622271

>black quote says that black people are too criticized for liking white things
>same anon, one post later:

>anon says he is too criticized for dis-liking black things
holy nonsequitur batman

>> No.15622281
File: 21 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slavery is the foundation of any decent society. Every household needs atleast three slaves for service, and anyone who says otherwise is a commie!

>> No.15622401

>three slaves
Who the fuck can even afford that?

>> No.15622543

You can samefag was much as you want, and I'll just take solace in knowing you for the sad sack of shit you are. You had better hope autism medication improves in the near future.

>> No.15622554

You are only a slave if you insist on thinking of yourself so. How sad your life must be!

>> No.15622566

I know a lot of people are doing this, but highlight the text you want to quote and click the post number to reply.

>> No.15622568

Why did you post a thumbnail? Are you deliberately doing this, or are you just incompetent? Asking for a friend...

>> No.15622595
File: 49 KB, 810x381, quote-sowell-liberals-sociology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15622607

White slavery is irrelevant though. It's not like Arabs conquered Europe and maintained a segregation system until the mid 20th century... You guys are fucking idiots.

>> No.15622794

Epitome of blue pilled.
>Go back to sleep Neo. There’s no such thing as the Matrix. Forget all about it.
Liberals! Pff

>> No.15623021

The dowry should cover it

>> No.15623055
File: 270 KB, 1079x602, Sorry bud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong again!

>> No.15623063

by getting high grades, obviously

>> No.15623067 [DELETED] 

Arabs conquered North African though. The Maghreb used to be white and Christian.

>> No.15623071

Good job missing the point, retard.

>> No.15623177
File: 3.26 MB, 1507x1085, mao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's more relevant today than ever.

>> No.15623191

Because studying the social sciences makes you realize how retarded Republicans are

>> No.15623222

The Turks did that until the early 20th century.
And in spite of that, Christians still controlled 90% of industry in the empire.
Bringing up whitey is because it riles up American progressives. Everyone has been enslaved in the world, for extended periods of time, often in much harsher conditions than what happened in the USA. Negroes, especially Basketball-Americans, are the only ones using that as an excuse for their issues and incompetence.
It's not white slavery that is irrelevant, it's all slavery that happened more than 50 years ago, including the sacrosanct niggers.

>> No.15623276

I thought anon was referencing that in a sarcastic way.

>> No.15623307

The turks did not enslave Europeans on a mass scale until the mid 20th century. To compare Turkey in the 20th century to American racism is ludicrous. You realize white americans were afforded privileges that blacks were not. Have you heard of black wall street and the GI bill? You really are stupid, aren't you?

>> No.15623322

le hipster black academic

him and armond white are so cool they don't give a fuck

>> No.15623456

The next time some academics tell you how important diversity is, ask how many flat earthers there are in their geological sciences department.

>> No.15623573

Yes, hence why you suffer from it.

>> No.15624039

Thinking social sciences are real in the first place makes you one smug imbecile.

>> No.15624523


>> No.15624628

National treasure.

>> No.15624990

The best thing about Sowell is his confidence. I've never read someone who can so easily talk in-depth about controversial subjects without showing their baggage. Sowell can write shit that ought to land his opponents in the fucking burn ward but does it in a way that's completely nonconfrontational and isn't packed with bullshit emotional appeals. It's like he's explaining long division. I'd suggest looking at Discrimination and Disparities or The Quest for Cosmic Justice.

>> No.15625004

He's unironically based. I remember learning about him when I was in college. Those were some tough blackpills to swallow, desu.

>> No.15625656

That ironically kinda reinforces his point since, just like including flat earthers in geology, including republicans or any non-leftists in the social sciences will only depurify the field. And they know it. Only except the social sciences are pseudoscience.

>> No.15626870

You're going to have to take the L on this one lmao

>> No.15626891

there was a shitload of sex slavery of Eastern Europeans in the Ottoman Empire

>> No.15626898

Look up the etymology of slave.

>> No.15626919

You're a slave? Wew, maybe you shouldn't have gone to art school, then.

>> No.15626925


>> No.15627038

Yes, not many would be on welfare if there were actual industrial jobs for them to work at like they did prior to the 70's.