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15617732 No.15617732 [Reply] [Original]

I'm shaking you guys. What books can make me anti racist and apologise for my internalized racism and situated whiteness and embedded oppressions?

>> No.15617738

the turner diaries

>> No.15617768

if you need 12 fucking books to stop being rascist u are probably too deep in this shit and u should be exterminated just sayin

>> No.15617779

What kind of fucking names are "Ibram X. Kendi" and "Reni Eddo-Lodge"?

>> No.15617859


>> No.15617928

Mr Krabs reading from Mein Kampf

>> No.15617939

I thought this was going to be using the voice thing like with Peterson.

>> No.15617966

Literally ones made up to piss off whitey

>> No.15617973

This 'voice thing' posted by the blackest onions bean?

>> No.15618004

Why don't you just read normal books by black authors?

>> No.15618005

Why would you wanna be an anti-racist? If you love niggers so much just go to Africa then

>> No.15618243

Shouldn't these be books from "black voices" ? How many are written by fragile self-hating whites?

>> No.15618309
File: 1.02 MB, 3264x2448, children's books that inspire change.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure you read them to your children, or better yet someone else's children

>> No.15618367


>> No.15618400

Just read Huey Newton, who is noticably absent from that list because he'd tear that liberal bs to shreds

>> No.15618420
File: 77 KB, 700x1043, antidote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JLP is King

>> No.15618487

i saw the second and third books in all libraries next to an important librarie avenue in my shithole country Argentina. No suuprise i hadnt gone ever since (it was 2017 it think)

>> No.15618615

The first book in the image, the How to be an antiracist book. The author of that is a fucking retard. He recently joined my university so I decided to check out his essay's and it was straight up idiotic


This is the essay and it's fucking stupid lmao. There is a lot I disagree with but one thing stood out in particular, it was the following line

"To say the reason young Americans are voting less than older voters is because younger Americans are more unreliable, lazy, cynical, self-absorbed or apathetic about politics than their older counterparts is to say that something is wrong with young Americans as a group. To say that something is wrong with young Americans as a group is to say that something is inferior about young Americans as a group."

This chain of logic is faulty, just because their is something wrong with an age group doesn't mean they are inferior to another age group, because claiming that one generation has an issue doesn't mean another generation does not have an issue.

Here is another quote that I fucking hate by him

"Simply put, the reason young Americans have been less likely to vote than older voters is the same reason for the better part of American history people of color have been less likely to vote than white people"

No, I can't believe someone who describes themselves as against racism is this fucking oblivious to racial issues. No, young adults aren't facing the same level of voter suppression as people of color in the past. To claim this is fucking retarded. It's like dude just admit that Bernie lost because his younger base don't fucking vote lmao. He follows up the previous quote with the following

"Americans have been taught there is something behaviorally wrong with prisoners, with poor people, with women, with people of color—with young people—and not with the policies stopping or suppressing their voting."

What policies? This dude hasn't stated a single voter policy that is suppressing the young vote. Other minorities definitely had voter policies that suppressed their vote, young adults don't. Well that isn't exactly true, he describes the complicated process of registration to vote as the policy that is suppressing young voters. I don't buy this though, young voters aren't the only age group that has to experience these policies so why is it only effecting their voting percentages? One of his following quotes is

"Automatic voter registration markedly increases the number of first-time young voters. Same-day registration, which allows people to register when they come to cast a ballot on Election Day, expands the voting rates of young people by as much as 10 percentage points."

The same statistics he posted show that all age groups had an increase in voting percentages, and young adults still had the lowest lmao. It was still less then half hahaha.

>> No.15618639

I don't want to comment on his entire essay so I'll leave it at this. His central point is that making voter registration easier will higher voter participation rates. This is correct, however this doesn't excuse young adults from not participating in voting. It's just as hard and even arguably harder for a middle aged adult to vote, yet they vote in way higher percentages. There are no laws or policies that are suppressing the young vote, young people are just not voting. I'm sure there is a reason for this, but systemic suppression is not one, my guess would be it's a common mindset amongst young adults. Basically stop making excuses for young adults making Bernie lose.

>> No.15618646

he is a literal nigger anon, why would you read his works?

>> No.15618670

Because I judge people by the level of their work and intelligence, not their skin color.

>> No.15618687
File: 36 KB, 328x500, jlp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be a beta male, be an alpha male

>> No.15618696

>Jesse Lee Peterson
Dude is such a retard it's Amazin!

>> No.15618708

i do that a priori, then induct if a certain type of population is worth reading or not. My induction says no niggers, women or jews (this last, excepted sometimes).

>> No.15618716

>internalized racism
>situated whiteness
>embedded oppressions

>> No.15618719
File: 34 KB, 720x389, thomas_sowell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much all that Thomas Sowell has said. Much better than anything Ibrahim X Kendi has ever produced but you never hear about him because it doesn't fit media narrative

>> No.15618744

What makes you think anyone cares if you’re racist or not. It doesn’t matter, you won’t ever have a seat at the table. You’re white trash, no one cares what you have to say.

>> No.15618757


If you think he is a retard then you are the retard. When you are smart act dumb. No one hides their power level better than JLP. Also he makes more sense than most of the 'Newspeak' leftists speaking in empty terms such as systemic racism, internalised racism and social justice

>> No.15618774

Because they write like 3rd graders.

>> No.15618777

whats it like being a literal insect? how often do you think about suicide?

>> No.15618874

What kind of mongoloid needs to read multiple books to not be a racist shitbag

>> No.15618881
File: 33 KB, 600x600, jlp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based and redpilled

>> No.15618908

The one who doesn't realize it's all bullshit.

>> No.15618949

Its literally the same fucking thing. Niggers come from Africa to study medicine in my country and I can tell you that I'm so damn glad they don't wanna stay here

>> No.15619052

go back to /pol/ retard