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15617065 No.15617065 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any non-cringe, non-New Atheism, actually respectable books on atheism?

Please don't shit up the thread with christcuck spam. I just want to learn about atheism.

>> No.15617087
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This one is very highly rated, both critically and by users. Anyone read it?

>> No.15617150

you must understand that both theism and atheism are schizophrenia. if you know something exists you don't argue. I know Sun exists, Moon. if someone says that there's no Sun, I know he just wants sex but is too poisoned with morality to say the truth, even to admit.

Bruhists say Bruh exists, they did not see, but "believe", believe that they believe. I don't argue, it is a bait, they want sex.

Bud stupid atheists say Bruh doesn't exist. First, they don't know it. Second, they are arguing with hallucination.

If something doesn't exist there's no word for it and meaning. something that doesn't exist is part of nothingness, void, it is void itself. you don't talk about silence, you just remain silent. Basically, atheists also want sex.

>> No.15617186

This board is sickening. Even the people wanting genuine book suggestions and regular conversation use buzzwords like "cringe" and "christcuck". Maybe you'll get real answers by real people if you stop perpetuating this nonsense buzzword culture. I'm so tired of pseud, pleb, kys, fag, kek, [colour[pilled.

>> No.15617259

agreed. christcuck is a bad word. rather say stupid degenerate believers, scum obsessed with self salvation and unsolicited salvation of others, narcissistic faggots.

>> No.15617307

Ok, anon. I'm an atheist, but I don't read about any of these things. Why? Because I honestly don't care. I try to occupy my mind with useful things. I don't need a book to undo God or anything, why are you going to read that? Don't mind preaching it to other people, anon. They will resent you. That is why so many religious people hate Nietzsche.

>> No.15617323

cringe bluepilled midwit pseud

>> No.15617337

Why would there be a book on a lack of a belief?

>> No.15617370

>Are there any non-cringe, non-New Atheism, actually respectable books on atheism?

Are you new to philosophy of religion or just a brainlet?
Look into the work of J. L. Mackie, Graham Oppy, Michael Martin, Jordan Howard Sobel and William L. Rowe.

>> No.15617397

No because atheism is a finished concept. There is no physical evidence for a divine creator, and walla! Atheism!
The problem atheists dont even realize they have is that its been tried before. In every epoch and age people have abandonded religion to live by impulse alone. Modern atheists seem to think becausd SCIENCE! and technology produces enough food for everyone to eat themselves to death the destructive impulses in man wont catch up with us.

>> No.15617404


>> No.15617408

The absolute state of burgers

>> No.15617441

nietzsche if one could call him a true athiest
other than that lmao n

>> No.15617472

The only philosophical treatment I've read is JL Mackie's "The Miracle of Theism".

Believe it or not, atheists tend not to read books about atheism. It's like reading books about why fairies don't exist. It's not that complicated or interesting.

>> No.15617491

Jesus is alive and well and living in Walla Walla, Washington.

>> No.15617660

Thanks for posting this anon

>> No.15617669

Prometheus Rising

>> No.15617821

Oh and a piece of advice, OP. Religious people aren't nice. Don't trust them, so don't tell anyone that you are an atheist depending on where you live. Some people are really fucking retarded and are going to go out of their way to mess with you. You already know that you can't expect them to be reasonable all the times, so keep that in mind and it might save you some trouble.

>> No.15617857

The Devil's Delusion by David Berlinski

>> No.15617870

Projection? I've met far more militant atheists in the first world than militant religious zealots.

>> No.15617888
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It's really short, as he literally lists why he isn't, but his reasoning is virtually irrefutable.

>> No.15617934

Theists will always have the problem of the massively varying and mutually exclusive number of faiths. By pure arithmetic alone we can conclude unequivocally that faith is an unreliable road to truth. If you are a theist, you have become convinced of claims that aren't just unverified, they are unverifiable and thus have bought into a system where you could believe literally anything and everything, from prophets flying to the moon on winged horses to the transfiguration of water into wine to Lord Shiva bringing his decapitated son back to life with the head of elephant. It's genuinely embarrassing that this patently false method of reaching belief is so rife throughout our species

>> No.15617945

>Dick Carrier
How do you not instantly change your name asap with a name like that?

>> No.15617964

It's an accurate descriptor of a man though. Are you saying you don't carry a dick on your body, anon? Because if you don't you better post your tits

>> No.15617974

imagine you transfer such christian hater to another galaxy, another planet, alone. there's no Nietzsche, no even his corpse, nothing of civilization exists, but the guy still hates Nietzsche. Nietzsche is in his head, he hates himself.

>> No.15617976

Not talking about being militant, more about not being nice. People usually are "radical" atheist militants because they are constantly harassed, first at home and everywhere else. They are just reproducing the way they were treated at home. I bet that all those atheists who are "radicals" come from religious families and the "chill" ones are mostly from non-religious ones.

And religious people hate atheists. Don't be dishonest.


They get really bothered by them. I might not be the brightest person ever but I'm not blind nor stupid. I noticed that when I was 16 or something.

>> No.15618008

There are some states which have specific laws stating that belief in god is required for an individual to hold public office. Religious hostility to non-believers is absolutely the norm, especially in places like the US

>> No.15618069

That is why I'm talking to him to not say anything to anyone. Even if it is legal. Honestly, people are crazy, seriously. My father had a college degree but turned into a fucking retard when I told him I was an atheist. Religion ruins people's minds in some sense. I can see how it works for the better, but I can't say that it is perfect like they claim.

>> No.15618081

At worst they're empty threats since that violates the 1st Amendment and nowadays people generally don't care that you are an atheist unless you live in a small town. At worst they'll mock you or do something that might offend you, but that's literally what a some atheists do to religious people so it's not that big a deal.

>> No.15618097

Sorry to hear about your dad's reaction, hope he eventually got a grip but I know older people who have been in that mindset for so long can really have their priorities warped

>> No.15618104

Nietzsche and Bakunin

>> No.15618108

Have sex

>> No.15618118

Yes, and it was so fucked up that he couldn't even tell me something like that. That it might be better to pretend, because people are crazy. That was because he himself lost his reason when I told him that.

I do understand that religion puts an eternal element into people's lives and that they truly believe in all that stuff. But that is why Nietzsche is so appealing, my father was willing to ruin our relationship on this world to guarantee one in the other. How this isn't madness?

>> No.15618991


>> No.15619008

At the pearly gates, St Peter will redirect all non-Hussites to the eternal fires of hell.

>> No.15619126

Deleuze and Nietzsche are your best bets but even then Nietzsche lends himself to a kind of paganism and Deleuze supposedly can be easily subsumed into a theological framework (per Christoper Ben Simpson)
Hume was the only real Atheist philosopher and Kant + Feser destroyed him

>> No.15619131


>> No.15619281

what was cringe about it

>> No.15620593

It's just a different vernacular. Get over it boomer.

>> No.15620655

The Miracle of Theism - J.L. Mackie
The Non-Existence of God - Nicholas Everitt
Logic and Theism - Jordan Sobel

>> No.15620693

No, because all atheists do is whine about how they don't understand why God does certain things, and project their liberal morality onto God.

>> No.15620803
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Go back.

>> No.15620811

The only reason people use atheism/atheist today is that that was the term people who didn't believe in whatever superstition ruled the day got labeled with, before getting tossed on the bonfire or made to drink hemlock
So to use it is simply a fuck you to all the mental critters who want to put us all back there
Like ISIS or your christcuck

>> No.15620957

A book about the belief in nothing? Why would there be a book?

>> No.15620964

Seek Jesus friend. He can help you cope.

>> No.15620991

>why doesn't god make bad men go away?
>therefore god deserves our spit

>> No.15620995


>> No.15621009

Good advice. With Jesus you can have fun, with religious people you eventually will require meds.

>> No.15621017

What? Take meds.

>> No.15621024

Are you schizophrenic? Your grasp of reality sounds very tenuous

>> No.15621042

No, but when you are still "discovering atheism" you tend to think that religious people are going to be ok with it and most of them aren't. I experienced all that, anon. It destroyed my relationship with my father.

And if you are not going to say anything besides this shit, might as well fuck off.

> muh are you schizophrenic? you trap of real sound thin

At least ask for further explanation before acting like a retard.

>> No.15621061

These posts seem to imply that a book about lack of belief in God has the same basis for existence as a book about lack of belief in Santa Clause.

Do you really need an explanation as to why this isn't the case?

>> No.15621112

There's some about asking someone on the internet if they are schizophrenic that paints you as a jackass no matter what, but truly was confused by the "going out of their way to mess with you" stuff

>> No.15621196
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Some Mistakes of Moses, by Robert Ingersoll.

>> No.15621294
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We really don't need a book about the lack of belief in santa clause. What are you getting at?

>> No.15621328

I'm dying

>> No.15621377

>if god real why i dont like his morals
>if bible true why it not a science book
So these are the true atheist intellectuals, huh?

>> No.15621401

I notice you have no answers.

>> No.15621552

This is something particularly dangerous on this site. Don't point your fingers at other anons and ask if they have schizophrenia.

My dad turned into a bigot. I'm this anon >>15618069

>> No.15621640

>Richard Carrier
The guy that was payed a few grand to suddenly “look into” Jesus Mythicism? Even though it goes against every single other scholar in New Testament scholarship and History?

>> No.15621759 [DELETED] 

Oh no people are using chan-speak on my personal LITTÉRATURE forum. how sickening !

gtfo newfag

>> No.15621767

>Oh no people are using chan-speak on my personal LITTÉRATURE forum. how sickening !
gtfo newfag

>> No.15621796

Any book dealing with the curse of YHVH a destructive semitic desert demon that destroyed many native spiritual forms throughout the history.
It is because of him that atheism even exists since his final goal is to bring spiritual desert around the globe.

It is on this ground that I reject atheism, it is in fact a form of spiritual semitism

>> No.15621816
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>> No.15621831

Bertrand Russell Why I am not a Christian
J. L. Mackie The Miracle of Theism

>> No.15621846
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I got you

>> No.15621850

Atheism is denial or genetically insufficient intuition.

Meaning you're either a subhuman or a deciever of men.

>> No.15621871

Explain further

>> No.15621874

Bible is the truth and walla - theism

>> No.15621969

You'd expect a divinely inspired book to be a reliable describer of the world and how we should act on it and not just a reflection of an specific set of beliefs traceable to a certain geographic, historical and ethnic source

>> No.15622001

Bible is the absolute truth.
Is Nebuchadnezzar fake news? Did Daniel's prophecy not come true? Is it wrong to love thy neighbor like you do yourself? Golden rule also wrong? Its ok to sacrifice your children to Moloch and other inanimate objects?

check mate atheist.

>> No.15622026

>Is Nebuchadnezzar fake news?
Considering the city of Tyre does in fact still exist? Yes!

>> No.15622047

Lifestyle, circumstances, and genetic lineage determines whether or not you can feel God within yourself, but only you can make the choice to deny it. Be a clear transciever for the signal.

>> No.15622057

>but only you can make the choice to deny it
If I feel nothing, how am I denying anything? There's nothing there to deny.

>> No.15622156
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>> No.15622188
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Ezekiel 26:7-14
> “For this is what the Sovereign Lord says: From the north I am going to bring against Tyre Nebuchadnezzar[a] king of Babylon, king of kings, with horses and chariots, with horsemen and a great army. He will ravage your settlements on the mainland with the sword; he will set up siege works against you, build a ramp up to your walls and raise his shields against you. He will direct the blows of his battering rams against your walls and demolish your towers with his weapons. His horses will be so many that they will cover you with dust. Your walls will tremble at the noise of the warhorses, wagons and chariots when he enters your gates as men enter a city whose walls have been broken through. The hooves of his horses will trample all your streets; he will kill your people with the sword, and your strong pillars will fall to the ground. They will plunder your wealth and loot your merchandise; they will break down your walls and demolish your fine houses and throw your stones, timber and rubble into the sea. I will put an end to your noisy songs, and the music of your harps will be heard no more. I will make you a bare rock, and you will become a place to spread fishnets. You will never be rebuilt, for I the Lord have spoken, declares the Sovereign Lord.
Literally fake news.

>> No.15622204

Sure, and Memphis TN is the capital of Egypt, just like Paris FL is the capital of France.

>> No.15622211

Cringe cope.

>> No.15622221

Well as long as we agree!

>> No.15622224

Atheism didn't originate as something anyone called themselves because they didn't believe
It originated as a slur or judgement that groups of believers directed at people who didn't believe in their particular gods, whether those people were ancient Greeks, or Christians
It is still mainly used by people in post-Christian societies to distinguish themselves from Christians, because this latter group can't fathom that anyone could possible not believe in their personal religion, in spite of the fact that the last 500 years have been a continuing struggle for secularization and again supersticion
Just as 90% of atheist threads here are made by trolling relitards

>> No.15622229

That every word of the Bible is true. Yes.

>> No.15622275

I kneel.

>> No.15622288

Except that the Tyre of the Bible is the same Tyre that exists today. Not even Alexander's much later conquest rendered it uninhabited, nevermind Nebuchadnezzar who didn't even take the city.

>> No.15622314

>Lifestyle, circumstances, and genetic lineage determines whether or not you can feel God within yourself

>> No.15622320

So if I can't feel anything, what am I denying?

>> No.15622323

The Bible is true and your lies hold no power here

>> No.15622388
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Close, but no cigar. Don't beat yourself up about it, its not the only Biblical passage open for debate. Not every Christian takes every word literally, nor does every non Christian completely dismisses it. Personally, I live by it and study it, and recommend that nonbelievers can at least take away the golden rule. It really won't hurt.

>> No.15622415

>city is in the same location
>is called Tyre
>but if you don't build OVER ALL THE RUINS it's not rebuilding
Anon no

>> No.15622418

>religion bad
>immediately becomes defensive of his own religious tribe when put into question
>quoting bible in a movie is anti-semetic, which means he would also say Bach's passions were anti-semetic too as they depict the same part.
>"former" marxist

Fucking hypocrite, at least his brother seems alright.

>> No.15622472

New Tyre is built in a near by location, not the exact same spot. The ruins were never rebuilt. Its the equivalent of building a city on mainland NY state and calling it Manhattan.

>> No.15622512

>The ruins were never rebuilt
Hmm, how awkwardly, unnaturally specific. It's almost as if most people would normally think of a city being rebuilt as a city being rebuilt instead of individual, specific buildings themselves.

>> No.15622514

Christcucks are some of the most fragile people on this planet, I swear

>> No.15622550

Theism is denial or genetically insufficient intuition.

Meaning you're either a subhuman or a deciever of men.

>> No.15622579

>t. literal mutant

>> No.15622664

you won't deceive me, subhuman. begone

>> No.15622665

You're in the wrong thread retard, arguing with your imaginary strawman.

>> No.15622715
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Basically? Tyre was never rebuilt though, the island literally sank by the time Alexander was done. A new city stands near by, bearing its name.

Mat 11:22 But I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the day of judgment, than for you.

>> No.15622732
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I see, so the city of Tyre exists.

>> No.15622750

straw man? Christopher Hitchens is a dead man, and how can you even argue against a dead man?

>> No.15622761



>> No.15622767

There is a city called Tyre, and there used to be a totally different city called Tyre. Which has long been sunk. There's a city called Orleans in France, and there's a city called New Orleans in LA.
>why isn't Tyre called New Tyre
Who can say? Why isn't Memphis TN called New Memphis.

>> No.15622770
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Colin Howson's _Objecting to God_ is a very good read. The late Professor Howson was an expert on probability theory, which comes in handy when discussing arguments that invoke the alleged fine tuning of the universe. There's also an interesting section dealing with the logical possibility of God's existence.

>> No.15622795

I’ve read it. It’s alright. Basically talks about how savage Muslims are and how shitty life is for women in Muslim countries. The parts about female genital mutilation are gnarly

>> No.15622809

Women deserve it. When Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) visited Hell he saw that it is mostly populated by women.

>> No.15622815

you deserve to get your tongue out for talking trash

>> No.15622820

You lash out at me brother, because you are your woman's slave.

>> No.15622822

No, brother, I'm just not a savage.

>> No.15622832

A woman is driven by lust. Removal of the clitoris will prevent her from seeking the pleasure that she should receive from serving her husband.

>> No.15622862

No, a woman is driven by her instinct to nurture her children and care for her husband. Your twisted ideology and sickening practices have no place among civilized men.

>> No.15622881

A woman will abort her child if given a chance (we see this in America) and divorce her husband (we see this in Europe)

>> No.15622888

>every single last woman is a soulless slut
You need to lighten up, have yourself a drink.

>> No.15622892

Alcohol is forbidden also and degenerate

>> No.15622901

I know. Drunkards can't into the kingdom of God. But what does a wicked man have to worry about? You are already doomed.

>> No.15623007

Kant agreed with Hume on many points about religion. To Kant, the existence of God cannot be proved (because it is a transcendent one in which humans cannot come to contact).

>> No.15623057

Demonstrating the dogma of religion.

>> No.15623062

how dick dawkins got pwned by mencius moldbug

>> No.15623115
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>calls people subhuman

>> No.15623199

it's standard practice in the anime trad cath twitter denomination

>> No.15623246

I'm an atheist and I'll never read a book about atheism. You just are.

>> No.15623290

>God is not Great
Well, that's a step above Him being just dead at least

>> No.15623701
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>> No.15625431

>By pure arithmetic alone we can conclude unequivocally that faith is an unreliable road to truth.

lol this is just proof all atheists are rick and morty fanboy tier redditors

>> No.15625650

Hitchens is great

>> No.15625657


>> No.15625663


>> No.15625670


>> No.15625752

>every single last woman is a soulless slut

>> No.15625865


>> No.15625883

Some people are always going to believe in god and some people are always going to be atheists, no matter what anyone says about either
You can’t force people to believe in something if it runs contrary to their individual sensibilities. We’re not a hive mind.

>> No.15625893

I wish you nothing but happiness, god bless you

>> No.15625943

What if they’re a transgender woman?

>> No.15626301

>one comment in a taiwanese knitting board is proof all atheists are imbeciles
>yet the myriad of contradicting faith-based religions evidence no flaws in faith-based statements

>> No.15626672

>Theists will always have the problem of the massively varying and mutually exclusive number of faiths.
Scientists will always have the problem of the massively varying and mutually exclusive number of theories.
>but scientific community weeds out the dissidents
So does the church with heresies.

>> No.15626718

(1. The scientific community doesn't "weed out dissidents" you absolute mongoloid, dissonance is the very process by which science advances.
(2. By what exact process do you think the church weeds out dissonance? By condemning deviation from faith? Why is faith in one religious doctrine more valid than another? The Hindus might have had it right all along and all other faiths are false.

>> No.15626748

>dissonance is the very process by which science advances.
Using this logic, a huge number of sects is actually better for faith.

>> No.15626764

Tolerance of different viewpoints is far superior to theoretic totalitarianism if that's what you mean

>> No.15626774

Ok, so a large number of religions actually supports the idea of faith in the end? That's a progress from the initial claim.

>> No.15627789

How did you decide suddenly that there is no method among religions?
Just like in scientific method, some faiths turn out to be dead on arrival, made for money, containing the truth all other aspire to or vacuous.

Christianity is the all encompassing one, with spiritual practices working all the time, because Christian God is real and the only one worth talking about, the rest are fiction.

>> No.15627946

Scientific theories are not overreaching worldviews that make grandiose claims about metaphysics and epistemology.
Your analogy doesn't work at all.

>> No.15627955

>Christianity is the all encompassing one, with spiritual practices working all the time, because Christian God is real
lol k

>> No.15627959
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>> No.15627981

faith doesn’t advance retard

>> No.15629122

tell me what exactly are christian spiritual practices? hint: spirit, inspire, respiration, all these words originate from "breath".
Time for christcucks to BSOD.