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File: 24 KB, 1781x683, soviet_union_flag_map_by_ltangemon-d5fhhc2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15616980 No.15616980[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I ask this on here and not /int/ because they're all low IQ. I am asking this as a 21 year old British male. The west has an incentive to exaggerate the bad stuff about the USSR for obvious reasons. However, for those who have read a lot about the USSR, was life really as bad as MSM make it out to be?

>> No.15616999

Young man, I suggest you to read about the URSS instead of asking here.

>> No.15617040

It was pretty okay if you were high politbiuro member. Otherwise it wasnt that good.

>> No.15617279
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Depends on what era you're talking about. The 20-30's were legitimately rough, but also an improvement for most workers over the Tsarist era.The 60-80's were better than modern Russia.

>> No.15617295

It was bad, but not as bad as NATO countries. Domestically the USSR was slightly more obvious with their tyranny, internationally the USSR was much better. Comparing to NATO foreign policy of the 20th century to the Warsaw Pact's is like comparing Pol Pot to Ho Chi Minh, which they did and NATO sided with Pol Pot.

>> No.15617309

Post examples of what the "MSM" paints it as and we can compare it to other sources.

>> No.15617328

The Soviet Union and China both supplied the Khmer Rouge as well.

>> No.15617342

It was a shitty place to live. Period. And it got worse after the collapse but that doesn't make it good. Its economy was horrifically inefficient. It's primary virtue was that simply by existing it balanced US imperialism so decisions on either party's part had to have real geopolitical strategy behind them. Had it existed to see China rise to power though, they probably would have formed a loose geopolitical alliance and the US/EU would've had a real struggle. The New Russia is better, because it doesn't have ideological grounds to cooperate with China, just mutual antagonism from the US. Over the next four years we'll probably see US foreign clout collapse regardless of who wins, so their need to develop an alliance will fall apart and we'll probably see an independent bloc of Russia + Iran and the Central Asian states.

>> No.15617345

3/4 of Russians consider it the peak of Russian history even according to anti-soviet sources. Take of that as you will.

>> No.15617433
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It was very bad.
I live in Hungary and my father worked here and in the USSR too a lot, the shit he saw there is sad as fuck man. Even here in the eastern block's "happiest barrack" life was pretty miserable compared to the west.Very low living standards,a lots of work, constantly getting fucked by political police getting taken to camps, o just killed in on of the "police stations" because someone old the police you might have said something bad about the state. And that was only here, in the USSR it was many times worst.

But of course all this is from the eye of the working people. If you were a high ranking political lieutenant you had a very western lifestyle.

Pic related is the headquarter of the Hungarian nazis old bunker, was mostly used tortured people. After the USSR "liberated" Budapest, the redesigned the building, but he function remained the same.

>> No.15617452
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>constantly getting fucked by political police getting taken to camps, o just killed in on of the "police stations" because someone old the police you might have said something bad about the state
>But of course all this is from the eye of the working people.

>> No.15617459

first you would have to define what "bad" means
if it means murdering your citizens by the millions, and then brutally suppressing the ones who lived, then yes, they were bad

>> No.15617460

My parents constantly talk about what a shithole it was. Of course they didn't live in Russia but rather Lithuania, but obviously the views of the satellite subjects should factor in here more than the key beneficiary yes? You should ask actual people from the former Soviet Union, they exist.

>> No.15617469

The Soviets created Mao, lmao

>> No.15617492

Is there any analysis of the Soviet Union which compares them to a capitalist country in similar conditions, or looks at it from a neutral perspective based on the population and resources available? I ask because when you look at the major economic powers at the start of the 20th century (America, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary, Russia, Japan) and then compare that to the cold war, the lion's share were in NATO, whereas the Warsaw pact got Russia, half of Germany, and some of the economically crappier parts of Austria-Hungary. Plus the fact that British and American industrial capacity was relatively undamaged during WWII, compared with the destruction in Russia. Without apologizing for the USSR, it seems natural that the communist economies would be materially worse off than the western ones and that America would always be stronger than Russia, and the explanation that Russian failings were just because communism bad doesn't really strike me as complete given all that.

>> No.15617616

My parents are Lithuanians. They say it was pretty decent, especially for working people. Everyone got a house, no homeless people, if you graduated university you were guaranteed to get a job, everyone spoke Russian fluently alongside their native languages, the schooling system was stricter and seemingly better. Of course the soviets also allowed us to reclaim Vilnius from the poles. And the dissolution of the Soviet Union was not in line with the Soviet public, who voted to keep it.

>> No.15617638

The Soviet Union was literally the largest country in the world. Asking if it is good or bad is beyond stupid since it would vary so much depending on where you lived, who you were, and your personal ideological beliefs.

>> No.15617647

It's been barely 30 years and already it's becoming a fucking mystery.

>> No.15617662

It´s simple. Are you middle+upper class/white collar/urban/young? Sovok was shite. Are you lower class/blue collar/rural/old? It wasn´t that bad. Are you the latter+Russian? It was pretty good.

>> No.15617673

OP, if nothing else this thread should tell you that anecdotes are unreliable and all over the place.

>> No.15617675

>no homeless people,
Im curious what Soviets did about drugs and insane people

>> No.15617678

My grandma speaks no Russia and lived through the time you are describing while being in academia. The country was Poland.

>> No.15617698

Common people didn´t know much about drugs due to censorship, however alcoholism was very big problem that ultimately resulted in prohibition. Insane people were shoved into asylums.

>> No.15617741

Maybe it was different in Poland, but in all the Baltic states everyone above a certain age can speak Russian fluently. My parents are not very academic or educated people, yet they can speak fluent Russian and read Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky with no problems. The greatest tragedy of my upbringing is that they didn’t teach me it.

>> No.15617765
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>no worry about bills
>no stress over rent
>no taxes
>no unemployment
>fairly clean society without homosexuals or much promiscuity
>able to eat great from the 1940s onward until 1986.5
Nothing to worry about and everything is taken care of. You have more freedom to think and act because you arent in chronic stress over finances. Only avaricious people or midwits who grew up in $100k+ households would think that's a sacrifice in living quality or freedom. Most people had more freedom without these constraints. The so called totalitarian control of government and culture is nothing in comparison to the stranglehold worrying about making it one week to the next and one job to the next places on an individual. The only reason the USSR failed as a state was a lack of an expansionist policy by the end of stalin. They should have steamrolled Europe and nuked the states around 1953 and they could have ensured global control indefinitely.

>> No.15617808

shill, go back to /pol, or better back to vagina

>> No.15617823
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>Im curious what Soviets did about drugs and insane people
Say what you want, but it did work.

>> No.15617828
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>> No.15617831

>I am asking this as a 21 year old British male
Because the USSR is the cryptocolony of Britain, british ram in the confrontation with the United States. And the british are a nation of scoundrels, bastards, liars and thugs - "pirates". Russians understood their mistakes and understood who they were dealing with. And for everything with the real enemy - british - russians will soon pay cruelly.

>> No.15617850

They treated them humanly and severely reprimanded the punks, hoodlums, trouble causes and so on.

>> No.15617887

life was boring. a guy could spend half of his monthly salary for a vinyl disk of Iron Maiden, western music was like fresh air for many of young generation. the only good things I admit is that when significantly less cars on the streets air is very fresh, less noise, fucking cars not parked everywhere. there were more green zones. with regular PSTN phones and no internet people communicated very differently. I remember smell of rotten vegetables from a shop nearby. people did not care to produce good things. soccer, football was like a religion, kids played constantly.

>> No.15617896

rooster who destroyed your anus?

>> No.15617898

>Over the next four years we'll probably see US foreign clout collapse

>> No.15617910

lahtafaggots will be first to be hanged on gibbets.

>> No.15617916

It was a nice country when Stalin was still ruling

>> No.15617930

>Stalin (pbuh)

>> No.15617948

It's sad to see a jerk like you.

>> No.15617949

>horribly inefficient

>> No.15617975
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>> No.15617985

it is good that you are sad. sad faggots must die.

>> No.15617999

Russia was a feudal state prior to the Revolution. They were never in great conditions to begin with.

>> No.15618000

*Cтaлин (მიმ)

>> No.15618018

Calm down Tyler, we're talking about the routine food shortages

>> No.15618026

dissidents were claimed insane and forced into mental hospitals and given meds.

>> No.15618028

You mean those which were ended during Soviet reign?

>> No.15618036

>let me just take one particular era of the Soviet Union and expand it to encompass the entire thing

>> No.15618056

yep. if you come to a market too late you have a great chance that milk you will buy will be already sour. most prestigious job was a seller in a meat market.

>> No.15618064

un ironically it was wan huge era of demotivation.

>> No.15618100

>late you have a great chance that milk you will buy will be already sour
Wow? Real milk that goes sour so fast? Stuff like that is twice as expensive as the commonly sold "white water" these days.

>> No.15618122

>reading about it
You can actually go and ask people who lived through it, faggot.

>> No.15619124

Doesn't really give a nuanced view: ask a Pole and a Moldovan what they thought about the USSR and you'll get drastically different answers.

>> No.15619142
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Communism is the greatest unimaginable horror to ever be conceived.

>> No.15619216

No one seems to mention that it was pretty much impossible to leave. Seems like a big down side to me.

>> No.15619294

This is the most accurate answer in this thread. Fact is the bolsheviks came to power without the support of workers or peasants. The Old Bolsheviks looked at peasants particularly as a class enemy to be liquidated in the race to industrialization with predictable results. Industrialization and collectivation killed millions. Arbitrary deportations killed millions more. If you were a party member you lived in constant fear of being denounced. If you were in Stalin's inner circle your life depended on the mood of the boss and a mere slip of the tongue could end in your execution a decade later. The state apparatus became less oppressive after Stalin, famines were no longer a regular occurrence, the standard of living of an average worker was on par with western capitalist states for a while.

>> No.15619343

They had to import food from the west through the 80s fuckin lmao

>> No.15619354

>he thinks it's about redistributing money
It was never worth anything anyway. The point then as now is to own the means in common. Also, given there are vastly more empty houses than homeless (not even including people with lavish "second homes"), no one will have to share. The US is a net exporter of food, one of the world's largest, and corporations don't go "bankrupt" under socialism; they are abolished entirely, the owners dispossesed and the plants, restaurants, shops, etc. owned in common by the workers. There is no DOW to crash.

>> No.15619395

>Fact is the bolsheviks came to power without the support of workers or peasants.
This isn't true, in many ways the Bolsheviks did launch a coup in the form of the October Revolution, but it was a popular one. Workers and peasants were sick of dying on the front. Lenin's appeal of 'bread, land, and peace' was very popular to a war weary country. Lenin himself wasn't hostile to the peasants as a class, hence the NEP, but Stalin certainly was. It took WW2 for Stalin to shape up to actually be a real leader.

>> No.15619397
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Under socialism, the state own everything.
The destruction of private property and having the state run everything, the few elite owning the large majority, which is now mentally and spiritually handicapped, thanks to atheist/new age ideals, is literally what the NWO is all about.

>> No.15619415

Fuck off schizo

>> No.15619428

Only due to bad harvests. The Soviets never had chronic shortages really past the 20's and war years. The starvation in the 30's was a deliberate decision for industrialization.

>> No.15619438
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Castrate yourself.

>> No.15619454

Communists should just kill themselves.

>> No.15619465
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>> No.15619480
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Communism is slavery. Why do you want to give up your private property and freedom over to the state?

>> No.15619497

Are you suggesting Hoover was on pol in 1956?

>> No.15619501
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>he thinks he has any meaningful freedom under liberalism

>> No.15619506

This thread isn't about Hoover, stop spamming your faggot /pol/ infographics.

>> No.15619511
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I'm not a liberal (God forbid) and you just supported what I've said. Thank you fren.

>> No.15619512

What does Hoover's quote have to do with pol? Please explain

>> No.15619539

This thread is about communism. So we're talking about this inhumane ideology.
Communism is all about having the state own everything. The absolute abolition of private property, civil liberties, and critical thinking.

>> No.15619558

What book told you that?

>> No.15619564

Asylums. The West did the same until we were convinced to let them loose on the streets to destroy the public square and force all decent people into suburbian atomisation.

>> No.15619607

wtf you thought you signing up for? A workers utopia? HA!
Communism is the elitist/statist utopia.

>> No.15619615

What books did you read that drove you to that conclusion?

>> No.15619624
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Too many to list. You can start with A Pale Horse by WIlliam Cooper.

Its common knowledge btw.

>> No.15619648

>WIlliam Cooper
Back to /x/ schizo

>> No.15619653
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*Behold A Pale Horse

You can check out the filth communist writers wrote themselves.

>> No.15619655

They may have been sick of dying at the front, but that doesn't translate into support for one faction among many. Lenin is literally known to have said that the peasants "must do a bit of starving". That's what happens when an industrial ideology collides with a country that has failed to industrialize.

>> No.15619685
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Why do you want to be a slave?

>> No.15619703

I don't see anything incorrect about that quote.

>> No.15619712

It is the essence of communism. The few enlightened elite ruling over the enslaved ignorant masses.

>> No.15619745

How does that not apply to any other style of government? Have you never heard of the iron law of oligarchy?

>> No.15619780

It doesn't, all government is corrupt, and all systems and parties strive for the same end goal. But at least in a republic (which America no longer is, since it was built to collapse in on itself) a citizen has the luxury to afford private property and civil liberties.

>> No.15619799

Why would private properties and civil liberties be a good thing if they are part of a system designed to collapse in on itself?

>> No.15619810

It was worse if you did not obey the government. If you wanted to go aginst the party line you where fucked.
For you average NPC drone it was not that bad.

>> No.15619848

These things are mutually exclusive. Private property and civil liberties are everyone's God given/natural rights. That the corrupt governments are trying to take away from us. They only thirst for power at the expense of our civil liberties. They want to be gods, they're striving for an elitest uopia. They can only achieve that if the slave class gives consent to their own enslavement, since there are so many more of us, they literally can't force us all to be their slaves, we have to consent. Hence all the mind fuckery, conditioning, and programming. They are trying to convince people to sacrifice their own freedoms in order to serve the state.

>> No.15619861

>Private property and civil liberties are everyone's God given/natural rights
That's an entirely subjective claim.

>> No.15619865

So only the elite get to have them?

>> No.15620054

If they are not given by, let's say, God, or nature or whatever, then any person with convincing speech can erode those principles.

>> No.15620100

But that's the defining characteristic of capitalism

>> No.15620119

freedom of perception. in soviet union they banned western rock music, movies. anything good, interesting, inspiring was censored.

>> No.15620123

I absolutely enjoy modern milk. Nothing wrong with it.

>> No.15620136

yes. communism is subset of capitalism. capitalism with slavery and propaganda.

>> No.15620141

Capitalism, essentially, allows for growth, private property and civil liberties. Communism does not. Its a 2 class system, where the state owns and controls everything, doesn't even allow critical thought.

>> No.15620147

My fiance took a gulag literature class in college and brother let me tell you that shit was fucked up. They claim freeing the serfs but that was before the revolution. they went town to town murdering landowners. Read The Foundation Pit by Platonov

>> No.15620176

But slavery and propaganda are already prominent features of capitalism.
The liberties allowed by capitalism are insignificant when compared to the fact that you have to be a wage slave to survive.
The workers own the means of production, not the state.

>> No.15620196

A load of shit. Both in terms of 'improvement over the Tsarist era' and 'better than modern Russia'

>> No.15620211

Don't worry, you'll soon watch all those “progressive changes” happening again in your own country.

>> No.15620220

>The workers own the means of production, not the state.
In ideal capitalism, yes.

>> No.15620233

You won't understand it without the jokes.
Also, buy my book.

t. Zizek

>> No.15620353

Yes, there was a theoretical appeal, and there was a practical commandeering of all your food for the Red Army because the Red Army had an exceptionally hard time fighting in the World Revolution, and everyone had to support it. Check the proportion of the state controlled by Bolsheviks in 1917.

Workers and peasants were dying so well from the military communism even Lenin had to stop and let them grow some fat. These people actually learned managing everything by trial and error. In a way, Soviet Union was the experiment of shaping the society according to autistic rational XIX century ideas about its nature.

But neither is looking on it through “economical” models any good.

>> No.15620441

It was fucking terrible. I spent yesterday reading through some old letters and documents.

The house I am in was built by a man who was shot in the GULAG. I read the letters from his son to his mother when the son was also in a prison camp. Talking about the polar nights and working on constructing a well known russian mining town.

Or one woman who wrote about not finding any white paint to try to repaint her window frame. No store in town had white paint available so she wrote to relatives that maybe they had some. Or someone else trying to find work boots because he could not buy them anywhere. Everything was incredibly absurd and horrible.

OP try to imagine that on some evening five guys come to your house and take your father with them and leave. And your father never comes back and you won't know what happened to him. Ten years later you find out that they took him to Australia, he was shot and they buried him in a mass grave somewhere in the outback. And thats that.

>> No.15620457

because we all know capitalist countries don't do that

>> No.15620459

does anybody prohibit you under capitalism to watch communist TV? soviet union was forced, iron curtain. no information from outside. so suck my fucking dick communist pederast.

>> No.15620460

this is generally what i hear too. my impression is western propaganda vastly exaggerates the bad parts

>> No.15620465

If say read about it, but a TL;DR is yes. In fact it was probably worse in a lot of ways we westerners will never know, but thats just me. Basically for me, it came down to being able to tell a man had lived in the USSR just by looking at his eyes. There is a paranoia left from that portion of Russian history that still lingers around today.

>> No.15620466

OK retard

>> No.15620482

My parents families are from Russia. Both parents tell me it began as a farce and ended as a joke. I once asked about the infustructure that was built. I asked if it was used. My grandmother said "It was communism, what do you think?" meaning it never worked. I have no idea what some young people in the US have fantasies about this. It did not work.

>> No.15620485

this thread is officially dead

>> No.15620491

Jews like Communism because they are good at lying.

>> No.15620498

i have relatives from ex-yugo and they all have nostalgia for the old communist regime. i also know russians who have nostalgia for the UUSR due to the economic security. also some east germans
your parents are salty profiteers, probably

>> No.15620509

just like the brains of a commie

>> No.15620510

>Or one woman who wrote about not finding any white paint to try to repaint her window frame. No store in town had white paint available so she wrote to relatives that maybe they had some. Or someone else trying to find work boots because he could not buy them anywhere.
This is one thing w*sterners never get about the Union. Basic commodities were in deficit because the political and economical systems encouraged building filler industries to inflate statistics, to create an illusion of progress.
You focus on constructing the simplest, the cheapest, the fastest to build factories, so you could later report a 400% increase in industrial employment and factory output. In the end, when faced with competition, most of these factories go bankrupt or suffer mass layoffs, because nobody needs that much cement or nails or of such high price and poor quality.

>> No.15620515

>all of marxist scholarship was done by zombies

>> No.15620532

Young man, down on his feet I say young man, having nothing to eat, I say young man in this revolutionary heat. Theres no need to be happy.

U - S - S - R

>> No.15620555

>soulless monsters

>> No.15620580
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>worst thing imaginable
>proceeds to post a based meme scenario that in point of fact is desirable
Imagine the shock and horror on the bourgeois fake "marxists" face when the commissars and revolutionary class were previous trump voters. Imagine their face when you install brainlets as commissars too just to spite the midwit. Based commissars Jamal and Cleetus.

>> No.15620586

Wasnt ussr the first actual feminist country?

>> No.15620590

That doesn't refute his point.

>> No.15620628

Long before the West. It also had Komsomol, of which the SJW is a mere copy.

>> No.15620654

>communism is pure evil for the sake of being evil
so you're a scumbag, whats your point?

>> No.15620657

that he's a retard statist that consents to his own slavery?

>> No.15620665

socialism has nothing to do with the state in marxism. at most it uses a state during the transitionary period - which is still capitalism

>> No.15620673

Its all about getting tricked into giving away your freedoms and property over to the state you stupid mook.

>> No.15620680


>> No.15620690

Upper Volta with nukes.

t. Russian

>> No.15620694

read a book

>> No.15620696
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>so you're a scumbag, whats your point?

>> No.15620701

At first it had leftist feminism, later it transitioned into traditionalist feminism, which had remained to this day.

>> No.15620707

>muh slavery muh totalitarianism
Refuted here >>15617765

>> No.15620708 [DELETED] 


desu the ussr was free than most neoliberal countries are today. the only difference is on the federal level. in the breznev era you didn't even have to get a job if you didn't want to from what I heard about it.

>> No.15620713

Most people want to work when they aren't coerced into it by nessicity and have the means and support to pursue it (assuming they are cut out for it).

>> No.15620730

>The west has an incentive to exaggerate the bad stuff about the USSR

Give examples

>> No.15620745

> you didn't even have to get a job
Quite the opposite. You wouldn't normally evade it, there were jobs for everyone. But you could find one that doesn't make you sweat much, or care about how well it is done. Given that on many factories it was common for certain workers to appear in the morning already boozy, and drink during the day, any work was good in the State of Workers and Peasants as long as official numbers for planned production added up.

>> No.15620761 [DELETED] 


i cant find employment no matter where i look and i live in the south where theres just retail and temp careers. itd be nice to be able to start a family

>> No.15620764

Not him but reminder the west does the same thing TO DATE about chattel slavery.
>muh slavery was awful
>here is some convoluted post hoc historical idealism for moral judgements
>hammer slavery in every single grade level growing up
>see at least you dont have it this bad!
The horrors are exaggerated just to make people think their contemporary situation isn't that bad. The USSR and communism as it's taught in the US is similar.

>> No.15620792

Parents from Soviet Union (Wolga germans, we dont live in Russia anymore but returned to Germany)
They told me it was fine for them, they lived in Northern kazakhstan on a farm and still could visit a school, and they were able to enjoy live there. Though when the Soviet Union collapsed, it all turned into shit. They were allowed to emigrate to germany because of being Wolga germans and didnt return since.

My aunt however visited her old town and told us how everything turned to shit there and infrastructure is completely broke. There's a reason places like Transnistria keep their soviet symbolism.

Of course soviet Union wasnt a wealthy western democracy, but at least peasants werent illiterate like in tsardom and infrastructure was still intact without large Inflation like after collapse.