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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 185 KB, 625x469, degree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15616461 No.15616461 [Reply] [Original]

did you earn an academic degree / title?
if so, in which field and what degree

>> No.15616472

I love datamining threads
Bachelors in Linguistics.Currently considering comp ling or law.

>> No.15616488

Bachelors in Funk Studies
University of Atlantis

>> No.15616514

Nearly done with a history degree; considering committing not alive

>> No.15616667

Bachelors in Computer Science
really hate CS and currently considering studying history or classical studies

>> No.15616683

Wikipedia class of 2011, in Smug Anime pictures area studies.
I'm currently doing a MA thesis about booktubers.

>> No.15616704

Bachelors of Customer Service
43-19 years old and working in a Walmart food cafe

>> No.15616748

No but i'll start next year after neeting for half a decade

>> No.15616759

Do you dislike the material or the kind of people you’re around every single day?

>> No.15616816

Masters in CompSci, transitioning to security

>> No.15616868

one year left of an economics degree

>> No.15616900
File: 42 KB, 1024x576, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, years ago, wee freshman lad
>talking to advisor
>"so what do you want to major in?"
>"uhh, i like history, maybe history"
>"do you want to teach history?"
>"majoring in history only leads to teaching history. you need to think long and hard about what you're going to major in"
>"sure thing. great advice, i appreciate it"
>4 years later
>end up double majoring in Poli Sci + International Studies and double minor in History + Humanities
>"maybe if i stack up on a shitload of worthless degrees, it wont be so bad"
>first job out of school is a sales job. knew coworkers who only graduated high school.

>> No.15616921
File: 791 KB, 912x1055, Harvard Graduate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am an EU (german) fellow studying Philosophy who is considering doing my Masters at an American university. But the more I look at the prestigious university the more I see that they offer the worst type of philosophical departments one could expect (pic related is Harvard welcome site for graduate program).
These questions are listed as being found as non abstract applications for philosophy on the welcome page for undergrads:
>What is race, and what does justice require when it comes to race? What is gender? What are the ethical issues raised by technology in society? When and why is punishment justified? How should we interpret quantum mechanics? How does language play into the constitution of our selves and our society? In what sense are various kinds of facts, like natural and social facts, objective? Is the mind best thought of as a computer? What are the ethical challenges of climate change?
In sincerity though, the actual courses offered as listed on their course sites are near the same as anything we have and show a standard (even if dull) dedication to the field that doesn't even at all include any of the points mentioned above.
Can anyone tell about their experience at such a university that had such a departement projecting the image that the harvard departement seems to want to portray?
>I am aware I am not looking at the best philosophy schools in the US by looking for example at Harvard, all I am looking at is a high esteem university for my CV

>> No.15616933


>> No.15616948

>Poli Sci + International Studies
that's almost as bad as communications lmao

>> No.15616955
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graduated a few years ago with a dual degree in Math and CS; wasn't smart enough to pursue the former and hated programming so put off going to grad school for the latter; ended up working as an IT monkey for a local municipality where I can mostly read and write all I want while getting paid twice-minimum wage to watch a helpdesk and occasionally plug in a printer
I worry about my future

>> No.15616956

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering

>> No.15616978

B.S. in Biology (conc. Neuroscience) and Psychology

Currently considering whether I want to attain an MBA, MFA, or J.D. first while working a part-time federal job (got laid off as an Operations Manager as my B2B wholesaling company was forced to be reabsorbed and restructured by the parent company in the wake of COVID-19).

>> No.15616986

The people and most of all my boring af job.
It pays good tho but it's liefe sucking since i feel like wasting the best years of my life

>> No.15617102

I fucking hate myself, should i study philosophy at some collage in Poland? im turning 22 in 2 weeks

>> No.15617120

Have struggling to find a job

>> No.15617124

why not self-study?

>> No.15617160

>Being 21 years old
Kys, baby.

>> No.15617161

Why do you say that? An economics degree is a perfect segue into an entry-level job in a variety of fields within the financial sector. He could also be on the professorship track, which is much more competitive but still feasible.

>> No.15617173

Dual major in English and Linguistics. Masters in English Finished in Fall. Likely M.Phil in Spring.

>> No.15617458


yeah i don't want to be an actual economist that shit's hard. I'm not sure how things are in US but as far as grad schemes go in London, I'm hoping a good numerate degree like econ should help

>> No.15617482

You'll be fine, lad. There's a lot of bitter people on here, naturally; take it in stride. Good luck with your career!

>> No.15617672

I have a PhD in the sciences and know jack shit about lit. Also spend lots of time reading scientific manuscripts and it leaves me drained and unwilling to read in my free time. How do I restore my humanity and escape my cold, analytical mind?

>> No.15617714

b.s. in electrical engineering

>> No.15617734

Anyone tried the university of London international programme?

>> No.15618593
File: 14 KB, 259x194, Kant Touch This.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BA in philosophy
MA in philosophy
Currently in a philosophy PhD program

>> No.15618614

Bachelors in English Literature
Going for a Masters in Japanese Studies
(Not American so my degree isn't absolutely useless, and have a stable job atm)

>> No.15618883
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finishing a bachelors in physics degree, starting a masters. Probably going to get a PhD later, currently specializing on semiclassical gravity

>> No.15619016

Yes I have a phd in basedology

>> No.15619023

Bachelor's in Biology

>> No.15619030
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BA in film

>> No.15619039

serious question, how has that enormous amount of philosophy influenced your everyday life?

>> No.15619064
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>> No.15619092

Master of economics

Because I raised myself from squalor.

>> No.15619510

Bachelors in Electrical Engineering. Thinking about going for a masters in economics, is this possible?

>> No.15619556

Sure, why not? Just take core Economics classes (find out which courses graduate programs require on your transcript) online or through a Post-Bacc program and then take the GMAT.

>> No.15619571

I just got a master's degree in economics and am now starting a PhD program in statistics / macroeconometrics. Meanwhile I am also working on finishing my master's degree in statistics.

>> No.15619667

BA in English and Theatre.

Probably gonna get a master's in Linguistics or something.

>> No.15619678
File: 53 KB, 299x280, 44ECECEC-2C3A-488C-B5DB-59F56D80F233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bachelor’s in Computer Engineering. I don’t even like reading, I just go here to shitpost and make the liberal arts majors seethe

>> No.15619696

Have fun with graduate level phonology and morphology.

>> No.15619704

It shouldn't be too too bad, I'd imagine. I'm also working on a minor in it since I realized that's the way I wanna go and it's been fun.

>> No.15619708

*Minor in Linguistics, to clarify

>> No.15619721

That makes more sense. I thought you were going in from little to no ling background. Lul.

>> No.15619860

Haha no I get you. In fact, on top of all this, I intend to read a lot about linguistics before I dive in.

>> No.15620195

BA in Jive Turkey

it was the 70's. everyone was a jive turkey.

>> No.15620275

In the midst of a BA in Lit, might pick up a minor in something more attractive for job offers

>> No.15620306

Economics, Finance and Global Politics

>> No.15620316
File: 289 KB, 2212x688, bbklogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone go here?

>> No.15620336

I have an MA in literature and another in history. Yes, I am underemployed.

>> No.15620354

Master of theological studies, currently trying to get into med school.

>> No.15622179


What are h=you working on?

>> No.15622201 [DELETED] 

Look up the Philisophical gourment report rankings and the leiter rankings. These rankings list the top academic institutions for philosophy. Harvard isnt mentioned in them

>> No.15622202

B.S. aerospace engineering from ut austin

Good financially but mostly regret it. Wish I did something more /lit/ instead

>> No.15622216

Bachelors and Masters in Philosophy, waiting to start a PhD in Philosophy.

>> No.15622218

Nearly all philosophy programs have to put on a show like this. Once in the program, you should be able to entirely avoid it and study what you want (as you say, the actual course offerings are standard).
That said, consider programs that are philosophy in content but not name, such as German.

>> No.15622237

Not yet.
In a year, B.S. in Biomedical Engineering w/ minor in nanotechnology.

>> No.15622242


>> No.15622284

No. I dropped out full of ideological contre-academic ideas.

>> No.15622297

I did bs in mechanical engineering from a similarly ranked school. Having a job and not worrying about bills is fine but I underestimated the amount of self-loathing I’d have working every day as an engineer. Wish I had just studied history or something.

>> No.15622308

There's nothing magical about studying history in a college vs. independently. I know it does suck but the reality is that as an engineer you free up time and money to devote to studying history independently, while the person who studies history in college will probably never get to study it again for years unless they go to grad school.

>> No.15622324

yeah I figured out midway through my degree how fucking soulless being an engineer is; I'm going to do patent law then maybe transition to law and do something else, but who knows
Starting at 18 doing 4 years at a good program with competent professors and gpa as a strong motivator will make you a better historian than starting at 22 and casually reading on the side after long days at work.

>> No.15622363

>better historian
I mean, you'll have better depth and width of knowledge but the problem is that you'll probably never really apply it, and if you're teaching your days will be just as long if not longer, but you'll have to focus extensively on one specific area. It might take you 10 years to accumulate the knowledge you can in 4 at a college, but you'll be able to do it.

>> No.15622929

at least you can have interesting and philosophically stimulating conversations in the unemployment line

>> No.15622956

>/lit/ is always bitching about stemcels
>turns out half the posters here are stemcels
what did they mean by this

>> No.15623232

Nope, too poor growing up and now that i'm an adult and have money i don't know what i would even like to study. My only focus growing up was "get money, be independant" so i never explored potential passions. Now i have a pretty well paid blue collar job that pays well, i mildly dislike it but i don't know what else i would do and don't want to invest all my savings and years in something i would find just as displeasing. I prefer to grow as a person rather than profesionally.

>> No.15623249

As a STEMcel myself, I can attest that /lit/'s hatred toward them is completely valid

>> No.15623383

/lit/ majors, are you employed? Is it related to your major?

>> No.15623390

BA in film

>> No.15623427

Our education system is pants-on-head retarded. The German system is so much better. We don't filter our kids in our public education. We don't do what you do when kids are 12-14 and put them onto career tracks. Instead we focus on general education of everyone while dumbing everhthing down. Then when we go to college we don't know what the fuck we want and we aren't prepared for it. Our undergraduate degrees are a fucking joke.

>> No.15623473

BSc w/ major in chemistry

>> No.15623485

The rich kikes won't let anyone be happy.

>> No.15623533

Bachelor's in Studio Art
Unironically considering kms-ing myself

>> No.15623572

philosophy and now law

>> No.15623597

I have a PhD in chemical engineering.

>> No.15623684

That's 150k at intel working with poo in loos until you die.

>> No.15623756

this was me. I'm a greeter at a museum now and I'm applying to law school. Fuck this.

>> No.15623943

wrapping up my LLM at UCL, starting bar school in september

>> No.15624160

Medicine and Surgery MBChB

Would have studied History but there's no money in it.

>> No.15624252

Jived and Turkeypilled

>> No.15624296

4 years into a 6 year Civ. Engineering program (which i don't know why in the US it seems like it's different from Structural or Hydraulics Eng). Wished i'd studied phil or something related to the arts tho, still considering going directly into a graduate phil program by sheer self study

>> No.15624332

>my cold, analytical mind
Are you also in this moment euphoric?

>> No.15624404

Bachelors in French literature/English literature minor.

>> No.15624432


>> No.15624830

drop acid and smoke a lot of weed, no lie worked for me and made me more "creative"

>> No.15624866


>> No.15624927

I have no degree so far and all the even remotely good jobs require to have at least some degree in order to prove that you can do monotonous chores and understand deadlines, I reckon.
I am starting maths in September because I think that it will increase my employability but whenever I read threads like these I feel like whichever move I choose I am gonna be in the wrong.

>> No.15625562

Computer Engineering i ended up taking time off which is soft for “dropping out” because i was 3 years behind and embarassing to go.