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/lit/ - Literature

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15615055 No.15615055[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Terfs are trash

>> No.15615069

so fucking based

>> No.15615087

Well, they are feminists so that goes without saying, but why restrict to the TE ones?

>> No.15615206
File: 355 KB, 1200x1800, 1200px-Bogdanoff_TDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women are trash

>> No.15615219

>trans x is x

if they insist on trannies being actual women, why do they keep adding trans? if x is x why call x something else

>> No.15615228

People who are bothered by trannies existing need to grow up

>> No.15615267

Thanks for being an ally Chad

>> No.15615277
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As a racist misogynist, the TERF development has been the only one that I liked. Fuck women, go trannies!
I will probably transition to a female myself when the time comes when you don't need to do literally anything in terms of your appearance and demeanor to be considered a woman, as long as you say you identify as female (and from the looks of it, it seems like this will come pretty soon). I'm betting that all tech companies will be about 100% women but if a person from before 2010's came in to check it out he would see it as 100% male, the ignorant fool that he is.
And I don't even hate genuine trannies, I feel sorry for them because they're clearly unwell and mentally ill. I think these developments will be good for trannies themselves because you won't need to go through surgery or other radical changes to be considered a woman by society. In the long run, it will be healthier for everyone. And it will teach women a valuable lesson.

>> No.15615286


>> No.15615287

I'm not bothered by trannies existing, I'm bothered about trannies trying to pierce through to decent society despite being deviant and either mentally disabled or insane, criminally so quite often, might I add.

>> No.15615291

>As a racist misogynist, the TERF development has been the only one that I liked
The anally retentive tend to flock together, go figure

>> No.15615296
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>why yes, I am a trans lesbian. How could you tell?

>> No.15615345
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>> No.15615363
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>> No.15615470

>anally retentive
Why don't you tell me your real name? It's easy to post bigoted trash online behind the guise of anonymity. Try saying calling trans people "anally retentive" while showing your face, coward.

>> No.15615522

right on, sister! (not just CIS-ters LOL!) i’m so glad you found a community of girls who will bravely tell you that you look like a big ol’ cutie when your five-o-clock shadow peeks through your foundation and a hint of chest hair peeks out of your dress that drapes just-so over your unfortunately far apart breast buds. say it loud and proud in that cracky voice of yours! i’m so proud of you, hon! terfs ARE trash!

>> No.15615566
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>> No.15615598
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kys transphobe

>> No.15615607

Loling that she's wearing the bruce lee/kill bill onisuka tigers

>> No.15615611

call me a fucking lost boy then bitch

>> No.15615613

Get SRS as soon as possible and see if you still enjoy being a tranny after you stop getting hard when you put a dress on

>> No.15615624

Typical shaming tactic by a disgusting TERF. No, trans people do not need to show their genitals to you to prove they're trans. Get over your hatred and grow up.

>> No.15615626

What valuable lesson? That men are mentally unstable and are willing to cut their dick off to satisfy their fetishes?

>> No.15615631

Based retard

I want to fuck trannies just for the sake of dominance though. Imagine causing an anal fissure or prolapse and their embarassment and waiting at the at the urgent care followed by the referral. Imagine the shame of them on top of also being fucked by normal men.

>> No.15615636

/lit/ Literature
Not reddit

>> No.15615653

You realize that trannies are literally helping us destroy the leftist movement. Every tactic the left has used up to this point is turned around by trannies against them. It's perfect.
And yeah, I agree, domfucking trannies is based.

>> No.15615709

TERFs are fucking cringe.
These w*men are jelly because they know that men are better at being women than w*mem themselves.
I am all for trannies to cuck this inferior sex.

>> No.15615717
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yes TERF are cringe. imagine being a feminist

>> No.15615723

This. But not trans women!

>> No.15615744


>> No.15615757
File: 56 KB, 1068x601, Gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why yes I'm a MtF transperson what gave it away?

>> No.15615790
File: 85 KB, 700x700, EC5KuobXkAA_C5S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15615792

This entire thread is the most reddit this board has even been. Trannies OUT

>> No.15615863

*coughs to clear throat and attract attention*
umm guys... is this literature? I don't mean to undermine the justified ridicule of TERF and anti-trans individuals but as a literature board this current discussion does not seem, at least to ME, to be related to any particular literary works, or any movements or events related to literature. Soooo.....?

>> No.15615866

t. wh*te roastie

>> No.15615937

Don't forget, posting gigachad is gay