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/lit/ - Literature

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15614975 No.15614975 [Reply] [Original]

I think this board should have more emphasis on mathematical literature to appreciate more of the contributions and wonders of math to progress in civilization and technology.

I'm, for example, a software engineer working for a major third party company and the book "Fundamentals of deep learning" has exponentially helped me progress in my career.

>> No.15614985

how about you kill yourself instead? leave my board you autistic cretin

>> No.15615012
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>> No.15615021

you guys are so mad about failing algebra in school lol

>> No.15615024

Yup, especially analytical and abstract math since that's pretty much crucial to solving problems, coming up with ideas and in general helping to create an artificial neural network to discover the possibility of self conscious artificial intelligence.

>> No.15615026

>t. mathematically illiterate

>> No.15615037
File: 358 KB, 1200x815, exclusive-ted-kaczynski-in-prison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did you manage to make even math feel like bootlicking?

>> No.15615040

Nah, i don't think any person in this board could've failed algebra in school because most people here have at least an average-high iq.

Algebra is just such simple principle and basis of mathematics.

>> No.15615044

go to sci then, smugtard

>> No.15615065

I think it's fine to discuss math literature if you're able, but most people here aren't math majors and the upper-level stuff is very esoteric and non-math majors won't know it. The sad thing is that stuff doesn't intersect with much else except the sciences and even then mainly physics. On the other hand we could discuss linguistics or psychology and those things intersect right with philosophy and the sort of fiction you can write, so they're good fits for /lit/ even if they rarely get discussed. But for what it's worth anon, tell me if you've read the Principia Mathematica, not Newton's but the Russell/Whitehead one? I'd be down to hear more about it from someone who has, specifically the type theory stuff.

>> No.15615070
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Obligatory brainlet filter.

>> No.15615085

What? You like a kind of reasoning that is coherent? Get the fuck off this board you bootlicking bugman etc.

>> No.15615131

if it's not B then i don't fucking know!
Stop asking me this question! I'm really starting to think it's just a made up bait .

>> No.15615146

don't, i only started reading fiction to cope with the fact that i was too dumb for physics

>> No.15615148

Well of course, the problem is made up. But it's not bait in the sense that everything in it is genuine and correct. It's actually, genuinely not B. It would be really stupid to create such an elaborate image just to reveal later on the answer is actually "B": you'd have to be completely retarded to do it.

>> No.15615161

>why don't more people on /lit/ talk about [topic covered by a different board]?
Gee OP, I have no idea.

>> No.15615165

it should end up being B with a shorter box, otherwise I think the answer is along the back edge somewhere

>> No.15615182

>it should end up being B with a shorter box
>otherwise I think the answer is along the back edge somewhere
Wrong :(

>> No.15615243
File: 64 KB, 300x300, 42C8324A-D6C2-40ED-AB99-F15DDBFD0EDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most people here have at least an average-high iq

>> No.15615307

Can you elaborate?
I do think that this community is genuinely one of the brightest out there.

>> No.15615355

Is it at least on the AB plane? Starting from a flat tile it's B. If raising the height doesn't lag it behind B then it should approach the center of the top face, right?

>> No.15615361

>AB plane
What do you mean? There are infinitely many planes that go through A and B.

>> No.15615377

Sorry, meant the one with AB and either of the two points directly above or below them.

>> No.15615401

Why would you think this, what are you even comparing it to, reddit? Your view is very limited or you are very stupid if you think /lit/ is an unusually smart place.

>> No.15615410

sure, i’d be down to discuss math literature but 1.) i’m not sure that computational math/ML is particularly popular among the subset of /lit/ mathematicians and 2.) why you are being cunty about the fact that not a lot of humanities students/people interested in the humanities took higher-level mathematics courses outside of their degrees when this is a Literature Board and there is a perfectly serviceable math/science board (do you post about prose and poetry there???)

i am familiar with ML but i am foremost a differential geometer so i cannot comment on this book—what do you have to say about it that isn’t empty and absurdly careerist?

>> No.15615420

Yes, the answer is on that plane. Do you know why?

>> No.15615424



It is close to B.

>> No.15615455

Because the wording suggested there was only one answer and it's a symmetric object? I get why it isn't B or below it; you want to emphasize the vertical traversal since that's the box's larger dimension. I'm pretty sure at infinite height it'd be the middle of the top face.

>> No.15615468

>he wants to discuss simple geometry and equations with logarithms
blessed be the man who hasn't had the displeasure of having to pass a course on antiderivatives
i still haven't used that shit once, nor does it seem like i ever will

crawl back into the popsci pit from whence you came, please. i want to talk about Nietzsche's cock, not your "find x" fetishism

>> No.15615491

Give an example of a smarter place. I'll wait.
>tfw only good at computational grunt work math because american education

>> No.15615495

>Give an example of a smarter place

>> No.15615514


It's an unusually smart place relative to other internet spaces.

Maybe like stackexchange or certain subreddits are smarter. Most normies are too dumb to get into literature

>> No.15615529

you're just as musky as him, the lot of you

>> No.15615545

>t. failed 3rd grade math

>> No.15615552

>I'm pretty sure at infinite height it'd be the middle of the top face
That's correct. The limit as the height goes to infinity of the furthest point is indeed the middle point.

>> No.15615596

studying chem. engineering.
next insult please, muskerino.

>> No.15615702

>am the only person engaging anon's problem
>doing it via phoneposting while mowing a lawn
>I actually am the muskiest

>> No.15615722

((The brainlets are the ones who even bother wasting their time failing at solving riddles for autists on scary reddit))

>> No.15615732

I wouldn't say normies are too dumb to get into literature. There is a correlation between intelligence and education, but the two are not entirely codependent.
The issue is the manufactured short attention span. Reading used to be a much more commonplace passtime, resulting in a more educated populace.
Nowadays entertainment is delivered almost exclusively through visual impact, and you can liken it to fast food; cheap, easily accessible, and extremely detrimental in the long run.

I don't like being the conjured-nostalgia faggot in the thread, but one of the local town drunks knowing about important writers in my country while my highschool class knew nothing about them even when forced to read them really speaks volumes.

>> No.15615773

>visual impact
art museum attendance at all time high

>> No.15615889

I meant impact in the form of cheap visuals such as "Explosion boom!! Woah!" and I know you understood my point. Acting like a smartass serves noone.

>> No.15615951

>double parentheses
What did he mean by this?

>> No.15616034

converted goys

>> No.15616156
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>Your view is very limited or you are very stupid if you think /lit/ is an unusually smart place.

Doesn't give any reasons.
You're only calling this place stupid to elevate yourself and jerk off your ego's dick.

>> No.15616171


>> No.15616221

How many modern age advanced math students can do this by head?

>> No.15616233

how do i learn math can you learn every field without being grey haired or is it too big

>> No.15616286

>can you learn every field without being grey haired or is it too big
Way too big. I'd wager it would take about 300 years to learn every field.
However, with dedication you can learn the very basics of some basic fields like topology, geometry, analysis, number theory, algebra in about 3-4 years.

>> No.15616298
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We appreciate math quite a lot already, you see.