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15613692 No.15613692 [Reply] [Original]

Do you analyse your dreams /lit/? Perhaps just think about them after you wake up for a bit and figure out what it means, or do you keep a dream journal and write it all down or maybe even illustrate your dreams like Carl Jung did in The Red Book.

Also any good books on dreams you can recommend are appreciated.

>> No.15613710

I don't analyze them but I write them down if I have enough to write. Usually they're completely disconnected scenes that make little to no sense. Just today for example I was at a friends home and I was tasked with getting weed I think from a friend who lives across the street. When I got there I almost entered the wrong home but then was told that it was the door to my right with skulls on it. I have no idea what that means.

>> No.15613727

>Usually they're completely disconnected scenes that make little to no sense.

That's usually how it occurs for me also, although sometimes it can be a throughline singular dream but its rare.
The dream I had the night before was 4 completely different scenes that weren't related to each other at all.

>> No.15613729

I have written them down before if they were interesting. After I write them down, it's pretty obvious that they were all just related to some sort of internal struggle I had, but I already knew about. So it was pointless. Most of my dreams are completely stupid and nonsensical though. My favorite is a reoccuring dream I have of me laying down on grass, looking up, and seeing an older black guy with a chef's hat and a white apron on. He's holding a spatula in his left hand and a paper plate in the other. There's a black Weber grill next to him. He looks down at me and says "Barbecue!", and I wake myself up from laughing. It's a great dream to have.

>> No.15613747

>My favorite is a reoccuring dream I have of me laying down on grass, looking up, and seeing an older black guy with a chef's hat and a white apron on. He's holding a spatula in his left hand and a paper plate in the other. There's a black Weber grill next to him. He looks down at me and says "Barbecue!", and I wake myself up from laughing. It's a great dream to have.

I legit laughed reading that. Its like some internal dialogue between the conscious and unconscious that finds a single joke so funny it repeats.

>> No.15614189

I almost never dream in any noticeable way. Yes yes, I know, as everyone tells me, that I probably am dreaming but don't remember it. But the fact is that I almost never have any recollection of it, so I've got no direct evidence for it. As far as I can see, my thoughts just gradually become less definite and linear, and then my consciousness shuts off.

What's interesting is that maybe every month or so, at the edge of sleep, something different happens and I accidentally start lucid dreaming. Usually I appear in some default unremarkable context and just admire how vivid and bizarre it is to be consciously dreaming, before getting distracted and falling into normal sleep.

Sometimes, the lucidity kicks in closer to the edge of sleep at a point where I am no longer aware of the external senses but there's pretty much no content in my mind, which gives a feeling of just being a presence stretching out into undefined space.That's an interesting feeling, since it's very abstractly peaceful, and sometimes jarring. It never lasts long though.

So no, I don't have a dream journal.

>> No.15614220

Sometimes when I dream I dream a dog trying to attack me. Sometimes I am able to defend myself by beating it up but sometimes Im petrified by fear and just start running away. This isnt surprising cuz Im pretty scared of dogs irl. Maybe it symbolises some problem I have that Im not aware of yet, I dunno.

>> No.15614227


I had a dream that I was being chased by a giant cockroach and then it proceeded to extend its tail penis thing once it caught me

>> No.15614233


Emperor of Dreams by CA Smith

>> No.15614248
File: 67 KB, 1200x1200, freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After careful analysis I have determined that you have a strong unconscious desire to have sexual intercourse with your mother. Now then, your total comes to $999.99, will that be cash or check? We also accept Mastercard

>> No.15614285

I had been keeping a dream journal for a week or so, until I had an incredibly vivid episode of sleep paralysis. It was totally indistinguishable from reality. I haven't recorded a dream since.

>> No.15614288

Sometimes when I have interesting dreams I paint them, or at least I try to. It's more of a adaptation though, it helps analysing them, putting them in a more physical form. The idea came from Jung after I saw the kind of paintings he made.
There is some really weird shit going on in there.

>> No.15614314
File: 236 KB, 1600x900, george-w-bush-1-6c5a3360-9a8a-4c17-9fbb-769f7eb30b8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a strange dream that involved me being George W. Bush, and I was visiting South Africa with Condoleezza Rice. This is during his (my?) presidency. We are trying to convince the "dictator" of South Africa (who looks like your stereotypical African Warlord) to send weapons to Kenya and South Sudan in their war against Uganda and unnamed, presumably islamic, insurgents. After heated debate and negotiations, the dictator agrees to send military aid to Kenya and S. Sudan. Afterwards Condi and I are treated as guests and enjoy a lavish feast before retiring to our allotted guest bedrooms in the dictator's palace. This was only the first half of my dreams that night, but the other half was completely unremarkable.

What does this mean? I'm not even a neocon.

>> No.15614415

Can I pay in nose candy instead mister doctor?

>> No.15614420

Can you post one of those paintings?

>> No.15614535

I analyze other people's quite often. You have to know them as people a bit, not necessarily be good friends but at least know something about their life situation. Most dreams people find "mysterious" are just a bsic reflections of their worries/problems/frustrations and can be understood in minutes. As for my own dreams, understanding them requires a level of detachment I can't achieve, and I usually end up in denial about what I really want, so I try not to do it.

>> No.15614573
File: 474 KB, 499x330, Freud cigar.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
