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15613360 No.15613360[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is literally 1984/Animal Farm levels of insanity. It's almost as if these retards have never read those books...

>> No.15613397
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>> No.15613404

No one on the left is asking for these things to be done. It is corporate libs trying to distract from the real problems of society. They don't want people talking about class, they want people talking about 70s sitcoms. There was no groundswell demanding Fawlty Towers be banned, it is a distraction.

>> No.15613407

go back to pol u nazi incel. you are on the wrong side of history. so either get with the program or get cancelled. i could care less which one desu

>> No.15613415

Dude just turn off the computer and go for a walk life is not just the internet

>> No.15613419

I can't tell if this is satire or not. It looks to close to the actual reality.

>> No.15613437

>Dude, just go out for a walk while the red guards hijack our institutions and carry out their totalitarian Revolution. Lol, it's only the internet and not like these people have infiltrated everywhere from the FBI to the NYTs.

>> No.15613438

why would it be satire? the world has been fucked up for centuries because of the patriarchy, facsism, colonialism, abuse of gaia, i could go on and on. things are finally starting to change and a bunch of spoiled little virgin manchildren living with their parents are having a fit because they are scared. well guess what everyone is going to be better off and we are finally getting some justice and a system that reflects the liberties that ALL people deserve, not just white straight males.

>> No.15613446

How is taking down a statue of Orwell achieving anything? Do you also not see the irony in taking down a statue of Orwell of all people?

>> No.15613454

>everyone is going to be better off and we are finally getting some justice and a system that reflects the liberties that ALL people deserve, not just white straight males.
This if you denying the existence of white privilege you are just proving their point

>> No.15613455
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>why would it be satire? the world has been fucked up for centuries because of the patriarchy, facsism, colonialism, abuse of gaia, i could go on and on. things are finally starting to change and a bunch of spoiled little virgin manchildren living with their parents are having a fit because they are scared. well guess what everyone is going to be better off and we are finally getting some justice and a system that reflects the liberties that ALL people deserve, not just white straight males.
Please tell me this is satire...
If not, you are literally possessed by ideology. There's no getting to you.

>> No.15613465

>taking down a statue of Orwell
Source for this anon? When I searched for this, all I uncovered was the unveiling of it in 2017.

>> No.15613470

it's not. and you can laugh now but people like me are the majority now, not just intellectuals pleading with cave men like you to wake up. guess what? enough people DID wake up and now we outnumber you. and things are changing whether you like it or not. so you can either try to keep up (you are already far behind it seams) or you can get lost in irrelevancy

>> No.15613482

Dumb false flagging leftist. People won't support tearing down the statues by you pretending to be a moron opponent of it you know.

>> No.15613484

I feel like this is a focus group thing, like they want to see how we'd react to Orwell being taken down.

And it would be a bloody outrage, I love seeing Orwell being crapped on by pigeons, where will this madness end? I can't see them crap on Colston, not on Churchill no more, pile of SHIT.

>> No.15613485

I'm literally next commie, and am still anti-war and an environmentalist. I still view you people as insane. That's why I'm no longer with you people.
You people are literally rioting over a career criminal who died from a fentanyl overdose. Please, get help.

>> No.15613489

Couldn't find the article, so I guess it's fake. Would be hilarious if it was real through.

>> No.15613494

Didn't the communist party in Sweden separated itself from these people around 2017?

>> No.15613498

Genuinely can't tell. Obviously real if on reddit or leftypol, here I just don't know.

>> No.15613504

>"But pumping the public full of Marist lies is exactly what we're about here at the BBC."
Wow totally real screencap of a real article here guys I can't believe the BBC would do this let us discuss and express our outrage at this completely real happening

>> No.15613505


hmmmmmmmmmmmm makes you think

>> No.15613525

based brit

>> No.15613532

i found this place from reddit a while ago and i still believe it is important to try and fix the huge bias that is on this board and dispell all the right wing myths that are allowed to be peddled without any fact checking or debunking. my father always said al that is needed to end the world is for good men to do nothing in the face of evil. i still believe that so ive stayed here since i found 4chan and make sure there is at least one educated voice of reason here

>> No.15613534

That’s the joke my autistic friend

>> No.15613536

poor bait

>> No.15613540

im a leftist and i still dislike your whiny bitch way of writing, you wont accomplish shit and people like you are why mark is dead and left a joke

>> No.15613552

you are the one who sounds like a whiney bitch. crying and... no argument. just wanted heard like a attention whore.
nice cope. in 5 years u wil remember this and know how wrong you were because this progress is never going to stop. we now live in the new normal and it is awesome

>> No.15613554

>he just figured this out now

>> No.15613556

imagine coming to 4chan to write this shit

>> No.15613558
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Don't believe anything this far-left tabloid says.

>> No.15613561

He has some messiah complex and thinks he is the only one with reason on this site. He isn’t, but he was right about one thing, there is too much /pol/ on this site that is dumbing down 4chan in general. God, I miss the days when the left talked about class conflict and banking instead of trans issues and radlib agendas

>> No.15613565

>all in the comment is free section

>> No.15613566

im with you on the /pol/ thing, but if there is a place where its kinda under control its this board

>> No.15613571

They reintegrated this after the left lost the election in the UK in 2019.
Most genuine commies know in their gut that the left has been subverted. Most still haven't figured it that it was by Jews/shadow elites/international finance capital/technocrats

>> No.15613575

Because the reality is satire right now.

>> No.15613576

You don't understand conservative thought's place in history and in political discourse. You're literally a 20 year old know-it-all spouting the usual "all opinions but mine are wrong!" shit. This is why people think you're trolling, because this kid of shit is pure reddit.

>> No.15613581

>wrong side of history
>Nazi incel
>abuse of gaia
>everybody i don't like is a virgin manchild
Sorry, I cannot take you seriously, if you're serious...you're seriously a joke. kek.

>> No.15613584

Yeah, that’s why I main /his/ and /lit/ now. I used to go on /tv/ quite frequently before it got completely invaded by /pol/. Ah what the fuck am I saying, why do I give a shit. I need to spend my time elsewhere instead of this Mongolian basket forum bahaha

>> No.15613593

commies deflecting from the cost of their ideology as usual.
we can have a conversation on class when you ticks stop thinking of it in terms of a class war and sabotaging peoples honest efforts to resolve problems at every turn.

>> No.15613595

>Nigger Whiteoid seething

>> No.15613600

i used to like /lit/ more before his came about, it was a double edged sword, it kinda eliminated some of /pol/ but now the board is slower and we have more chistfags and tourists from other boards shitting up the catalogue

>> No.15613601
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sweet baby christmas why do you fucknuts have to be so gullible

>> No.15613604
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Very brave of you. Allow me to give you a medal.

>> No.15613608

>God, I miss the days when the left talked about class conflict and banking instead of trans issues and radlib agendas
The anti-idpol left was chased out of town in every place it has existed. If you're a leftists, you ultimately can't disagree with progressive identity politics without being a total hypocrite, and and you can't give them a lesser priority without looking like an especially cruel hypocrite. Either ditch leftism or embrace identity politics. There is no other solution.

>> No.15613610
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For reference, here is The Economist - a supposedly "right-wing" (according to The Guardian) paper.


If you don't feel a sense of absurdity when you read tabloids like the Guardian, Daily Mail, etc you're beyond hope.


>> No.15613615

>You don't understand conservative thought's place in history and in political discourse.

The average conservative is typicalyl a dimwit running on instinct. They may have the virtue of willing dedication to their values, and this can provide a solid foundation for the preservation for any given civilization, but the existence of a solid intellect like Bismarck's once in a while is hardly representative of the vulgar beliefs of the typical conservative.

>> No.15613629

I have no doubt this was a deliberate attempt to sabotage things via infiltration. The left has been made preposterously weak and deluded into thinking they have power, while actually being the new front for corporate powers and authoritarian control over discourse. It makes me sick.

>> No.15613642

Look dude, most people are dimwits running on instinct. Their being left or right is basically a result of random chance. The "the world is run by elite nazi incel enablers" guy we're making fun of is as annoyingly zealous as a teach the bible in public schools conservafuck.

I prefer when political discourse doesn't start off with name calling and generalizations. But here we are, slinging shit. I still can't be arsed to take a stand, my meek little life is still cozy :^)

>> No.15613650

Have you considered the possibility that people have different values, and that what seems obviously right to you is repulsive to others? And those conservatives that to you are nothing but ugly, backward, evil people fundamentally disagree with your conception of morality and justice? And that in their eyes your apparently virtuous ideas are naive and equally disgusting?

Political systems are about finding ways for compromising different viewpoints. If we were all exactly the same we wouldn't need a state. But here you are acting like you're the most important person in the world.

>> No.15613660

Literally a fascist-leftist alliance in the only way forward.
At the very least,fascist represent the interests of the dominant ethnic group.

>> No.15613670

Is this fake?

>> No.15613675
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>A moment that changed me - my husband fell in love with a bonobo

>> No.15613679

Look at this zealous piece of shit...
Again, this is why I'm no longer in leftist circles. The longer I say there, the more I realize why people like Pol Pot were able to do what they did. They're fanatics.

>> No.15613699

George Orwell was a Marxist, idiot. 1984 is about Stalin and Soviet Russia, which Orwell rightly thought was destroying the values and future of Marxism.

>> No.15613705

keep rattling off those talking points while ignoring obvious historical parallels

>> No.15613716

hilarious joke
pretending to be retarded

>> No.15613749

And what historical parallels would that be?

>> No.15613764

are you american?

>> No.15613776


>> No.15613789

>Have you considered the possibility that people have different values, and that what seems obviously right to you is repulsive to others?

Yes, and seriously. Which is precisely why I'm not a 'centrist', who's just going to be all like "yep, maybe we should let corporations run wild and fuck all our natural resources, screw our kids", while fully acknowledging the 'deeper reality' that for a given culture to have the power to assert itself, and hence possibly prevent others from also explaining the same resources, a certain level of ruthlessness may be required, which includes all the destructive harvesting we'd rather not happen.

There is real value to the conservative mindset to a certain degree, without it we'd have tons of radical 'freethinkers' attempting to dictating their own ideal social cornucopia without much cohesion of loyalty; 'bind' action motivated by instinct, anger and love gives civilization order and direction that it would otherwise to naturally develop. But it is absolutely irresponsible to leave this unchecked, especially in this age of technology, nuclear weaponry and global communication.

>> No.15613790
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>> No.15613847

>the communist believes that he overlooks history from the objective, scientific viewpoint, and consequently discourse is deemed as unnecessary, counter-revolutionary subversion
>consequently, speech that contradicts the party ideology is considered violence, those who criticize are "enemies of progress" who must be prevented from inserting themselves into the conversation using intimidation, structural discrimination and actual, physical violence
>members of oppressor groups, the modern equivalent of the class enemy, carry the original sin of their group identity, it is not necessary to prove the guilt of the individual as they are already "proven" to be complicit in a systemic sense
Idpol is still ensnared by the same philosophical finger trap Marx fell for. All knowledge is mediated and discursive, hence the objective position from which acting upon other subjects as mere material "in their own true interest" can be presented as morally justified and even "a historical necessity" is a fata morgana born from the hubris of a human intellect that mistakes itself for the absolute.

>> No.15613851


I apologise if I'm missing that you guys are trolling, but did you read that image? It's fake. The last paragraph gives it away.

>> No.15613854

Support of a dominant ethnic group goes against the principles of any form of leftism. At least leftist attitudes towards class and equality are compatible with progressive identity politics, even if they have to take a backseat.
Was Orwell Marxist? I know he was a socialists, but I'm not sure if he went the Marxist route.

>> No.15613857

Why do you think banks and corporations all support and encourage the movement of the left towards actual retardation? if big business side with you you clearly need to reevaluate your believes urgently.

>> No.15613875

>did /lit/ bother to read
Nobody in this shithole does

>> No.15613886

I admit it. I'm sorry for being retarded anon.

>> No.15613897

Notice how Sweden was muh more Socialist when it was homogeneous, yet it became neoliberal when it became diverse? Almost like "Socialists" who support diversity/immigration are retarded.

>> No.15613997
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Yeah, some people were genuinely excited when this began. I think we get some police reform out it, but I wouldn't expect much more than that

These posts stuck with me for some reason. I wonder what he's thinking now.

>> No.15614093

>half of america is burning
>cherrypick the few examples of indiscriminate destruction that suit your narrative
>explain away the insanity within your ranks as the result of ideological subversion by an invisible enemy which permeates everything
you're blinded by your own pre-conceptions. please wake up.

>> No.15614150

The fires died down a week ago and with them them capacity for a broader set of change. I would not be surprised if that was done with some help from outside.

>> No.15614181

The entire thread is taking it at face value and replying to even worse bait because this entire site has been unforgivably retarded since 2016

>> No.15614197
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Either incredible bait or an actually insane person

>> No.15614212

Because until the early part of the 20th century the left in America was still explicitly about curbing corporate power and actually implementing serious economic reform, and now their cause has been coopted so perfectly that all of those options are off the table. Look at men like Eugene V. Debs and compare them to today's leaders of the "left."
If I was a wealthy banker whose goal was to eliminate the left as a coherent threat to capital's grip of the country, I would certainly look at this progression and say it was a job well done. Wouldn't you?

>> No.15614221

>Which is precisely why I'm not a 'centrist', who's just going to be all like "yep, maybe we should let corporations run wild and fuck all our natural resources, screw our kids",
You have centrism mixed up with anarchy. Plus you've mischaracterised conservatism as some capitalist nightmare.

Other than that I get your point.

>> No.15614224

Milquetoast CNN liberals who go into conniptions about the word nigger do not actually post here and never have.
If you read a post that retarded that is clearly trying to gather as many (You)s as possible, stop and ask yourself if it as at all realistic that the type of person who genuinely believes it would be posting here.

>> No.15614230

Oh yeah I agree with you, it was more of a rhetorical question ratter than an actual one.
It should be pretty obvious for anyone to see that the current "left" is doing nothing but the bidding of the wealthy bankers and ceo's being even better for them that the completely submissive liberalness were... and yet nobody does anything about it. And if you try to you are suddenly a conservative, or worse.

>> No.15614246

No, because the economy isn't a zero sum game, that's what you commie memelords don't want to understand. Sensible economic reform doesn't go against the interests of the elite.
Do you know what the elite doesn't want? It doesn't want bad PR. It doesn't want people associating their business with bad things, so when you moral busibodies force everyone to post a black instagram square or get cancelled they go along with it.
There is no mysterious conspiracy, you only have yourselves to blame.

>> No.15614247

The centrist position in American politics, i.e. the status quo, is exactly what he's talking about: laissez-faire neoliberalism.
21st century conservatism is centrism without free abortions.

>> No.15614256

Based and truthpilled

>> No.15614269

>Sensible economic reform doesn't go against the interests of the elite.
Hahaha, holy shit. Do you actually believe this? Did you get it from a PragerU video?

>> No.15614311

>Daily Mail
Their comment section are funny af tho

>> No.15614343

This whole fucking thread is garbage. Nobody fucking reads.

This is /pol/-tier shit. The reason they're so fucking retarded is that they have no media literacy, whereas /lit/, the best of /lit/, excels at interpreting media.

This thread is bottom barrel /lit/ arguing over a fake fucking news story because they either didn't read the newscopy or they believed the newscopy.

Retards, all of you.

>> No.15614349

Double-think has been extremely prominent throughout human history.
>Fuck x they do y
>Does y themselves but calls is z

>> No.15614359
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Have a (you), you seem pretty based all in all. Much better than much of the seething rabble. Ima head out now and forget this thread ever existed.

>> No.15614519

This has to be a joke, I call underage and I call bait

>> No.15614627
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>BBC staff
>his themes

>> No.15614645

>it's not ok to defend yourself from invasion and invade others
it's not doublethink if you actually understand a given culture, not holding the same universal terms as you does not make it doublethink.

>> No.15614650

>half of america is burning
Most major cities in America is nowhere close to half of America. Hell, it's not even in most parts of most cities. Just certain burroughs are the ones where most of the rioting and looting are taking place tbqh.

>> No.15614659

It boggles the mind how far up your own ass you are. Of course you call yourself a centrist, your worldview is nothing but proof of how left the overton window has been pushed

>> No.15614660

I was reacting in the hypothetical "*would* be a bloody outrage".

>> No.15614676

>be indoctrinated from childhood
>socialistic imperial system designed to strip people of their potential
>population litterally drugged
>the left is retarded
Fuck sake.

>> No.15614682

Of course its fake. Why would the BBC care about "marxist ideology being oppressed"

>> No.15614693

>obvious fake news
>87 replies
>actual discussions about literature
>2 replies

Fuck this board

>> No.15614743

While we're all here, can someone post the oxford pasta please

>> No.15614755

>obviously fake article
>literally impossible for anyone with a functioning brain to think this is real
>it triggers /lit/ to go on a 100+ reply thread where everyone whines about muh west is dying
“The smartest board” everyone. Im going to go read, have fun wasting away on 4chan you retards.

>> No.15614763

They're also rioting over their place in society, when a large portion of them consistently make every attempt to keep themselves in their shit position. If I was black I'd be raging less at whitey and the system, and more at the retarded wastes of pace that make my community a nightmare for everyone

>> No.15615170

If you retards actually read the thread you would realize this is not begin taken as real except by perhaps shitposters and that this discussion is going on normally. Besides passing a fake article as real was not the fucking point OP tried to make.

>> No.15615184

Fox and Friends told me it's run by Marxist Culture Vultures.

>> No.15615194

There is no need for three paragraphs anon; Bump would be enough :D