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15612955 No.15612955 [Reply] [Original]

and when he says that as a black man throughout his whole life he can tell me there's no essential difference between races I believe him

Imagine every person you met have ever met in real life had the same accent, vernacular, cultural references, and you were blindfolded, you wouldn't have been able to tell any of their 'races' apart would you?

read James Baldwin
read Cornel West
read Ta-Nehisi Coates

>> No.15613003

He's a mediocrity treated as a prophet by mediocre people, and his prose is contrived hell. His influence has degraded literature as an art form more than anyone else except James Joyce.

>> No.15613041

Two of those authors I'm familiar with and of those two, both are mouth breathing retards.

>> No.15613045

Stop posting photos of people smoking. Please.

>> No.15613046

If I remember correctly, the second one tore into the third pretty bad. Maybe they've reconciled since then, but It would be news to me.

>> No.15613317

I've read Baldwin and his rage was utterly justified for his time and life experiences.

I've read Coates, and it always leaves me with utter frustration. He's one of the smartest black men writing, but in my opinion he can only see the reality of 21st century America through a warped filter of historical rage. There is literally nothing that White America could do that could mitigate his rage or alienation. The irony is that if America was the kind of country that he maintains it is, the phenomenon of Ta-Nehisi Coates wouldn't exist.

>> No.15613331

White supremacists can't cope with the fact that 5 percent of black people are smarter than 20% of white people. It really just triggers them so bad.

>> No.15613349

great novelist, underrated by /lit/
ok pop philosopher, not worth reading rly but smarter than the average lib pundit
shill, fucking sucks, clearly astroturfed

>> No.15613899

>James Baldwin
Based, would have been better as a fascist.
>Cornel West
Okay, does his race a disservice by not leading them as a fascist.
>Ta-Nehisi Coates
Could be better than both if he became a fascist.

>> No.15614580


>> No.15614894


Is this a good example of his prose?

>It is said that the camera cannot lie, but rarely do we allow it to do anything else, since the camera sees what you point it at: the camera sees what you want it to see. The language of the camera is the language of our dreams.
— The Devil Finds Work


>> No.15614918

As a europoor, having to live with millions of thankless, seething feral niggers in your country sounds really tough. I feel kinda sorry for you.

>> No.15615488


>> No.15615635

>Imagine every person you met have ever met in real life had the same accent, vernacular, cultural references, and you were blindfolded,

Lol even if I had a handicap I still would. I was watching the Netflix adaptation of Watership Down yesterday and could tell bigwig was voiced by a bignig

Also when the underdeveloped prefrontal cortex and IQ begins to affect their behavior, yes I will probably be able to figure out the location of their ancestral home

>> No.15615666


It's coming to you as well, those muslim refugees aren't stopping any time soon.

>> No.15615681


>> No.15615710

ok there moloch

>> No.15615795


>> No.15616067

Thank God I'm an Eastern Euro. I appreciate the sentiment, though, burger-kun.

>> No.15616244

I think you meant:

read Richard Wright
read Langston Hughes
read W. E. B. DuBois

>> No.15616253

What exactly do they have to be thankful for?

>> No.15616257 [DELETED] 

>and when he says that as a black man throughout his whole life he can tell me there's no essential difference between races I believe him
doesn't that mean he's not a black man tho?
(in which case maybe you shouldn't believe him?)

>> No.15616574


Affirmative action, welfare, not living in some third world shithole.

>> No.15616658

Blacks write best in french btw.

>> No.15616665

fuck off faggot

>> No.15616687

>Imagine every person you met have ever met in real life had the same accent, vernacular, cultural references, and you were blindfolded, you wouldn't have been able to tell any of their 'races' apart would you?
>read James Baldwin
>read Cornel West
>read Ta-Nehisi Coates
completely impossible since the only thing they write about is being black, niggers only write nigger 'literature' why that is you can speculate

>> No.15616698

I believe that race evolves through culture and environment, I think racial determinism is a retarded way of looking at the world. Part of the human condition is the fact that we're at the steering wheel as an individual and collective, but it all starts with the individual.

>> No.15616711

Why? You cant get second hand smoke through the interwebs.

>> No.15616720

especially considering how much whites have done to help him advance his career

>> No.15616723

I've never heard west say anything coherent, "well that's thing about jazz them cats were playing Duke Ellington with a paintbrush, of course they didnt know that at the time so when people say democratic socialism is American I just laugh" like what the fuck is his point, is he a philosopher? What can you get from him?

>> No.15616729

Hello from germany.
Pleas send winged hussars

>> No.15616737

i feel like baldwin's rage came from the fact that he also had about as much in common with the average black man as a white college professor would

>> No.15616881

You mean
Read Angela Davis
Read Franz Fanon
Read Achille Mbembe

>> No.15616882

t. Nog

If you're not thankful, move to Ghana.

>> No.15616941

it doesn't exist in soul or humanity, it exists socially

>> No.15616958

>literature about black peoples life experience is politics
>philosophy isn't

>> No.15616987

>hurr durr this isn't a race bait thread it just has all the elements of one

>> No.15616989

i'm genuinely sorry to tell you this, but you're too low IQ to follow along with what he's saying. Maybe and hopefully its just verbal IQ and not a spiritual deficit too

>> No.15617003


>> No.15617006

lol you replied you your own post, noob, don't even know how to post LOL

>> No.15617062

based mouth breathing fucking retard stinking up my board

>> No.15617139

Why would that annoy them? It just proves them right haha.

>> No.15617251
File: 90 KB, 1920x1080, 1HY69NW_024_lt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baldwin is just another Toni Morrison. That is to say, another black intellectual created so that blacks may have intellectuals. They are born from committees and mob pressure rather than merit or organic success. I use Morrison as an example because she's so flagrant, doesn't win a nobel prize, queue protests and academic indignation riding on the wave of hippy dippy degeneracy, voila, she's a nobel laureate. None of them have discernible talent of course, which is a shame as they supplant the opportunity for anyone else more worthy of the spot.

OP is just another political stooge. How they can even suggest Baldwin is intelligent is beyond me, since it cannot be discovered as either true or false. I distinctly remember the debate he had against William Buckley, the king of midwits and conservative mediocrity. Maybe Baldwin is a genius, but he was totally unable to recognize let alone response to Buckley's feeble logic. There was no argumentation involved, just the typical ooga booga sentimental appeals that make up the totality of popular black 'intellectual' thought. The average high-school graduate could have done a better job of addressing the argument presented, but of course the applause then echoes even now, from the hands and mouths of stooges who consider themselves some kind of rebel despite their entire ideology being sold to them and similarly bought by all popular edifices and establishments possible. Is there a James Baldwin brand of Nikes? It wouldn't surprise me.

>> No.15617371

I watched his debate with Buckley too and I thought he won beyond all measure. My opinion is fact too

>> No.15617384

>He filtered me

>> No.15617439

absolutely based, it's fucking perverse how people think they are progressives when every corporate entity fully backs and likely even creates their so called dissident ideology, I'd much rather read real literature vetted by people instead of politics, and I certainly won't accept being forced to acknowledge mediocrity due to popular pressure

>> No.15617457

absolutely what has made you feel Baldwin is mediocre apart from your racist bias?

>> No.15617483

I had to read Notes of Native Son for my core English course, it was as mediocre as it was mandatory.
>noooo you must be a racist
I can only conclude you must be an illiterate in return. Maybe Baldwin seems good if you have nothing to compare it to except Harry Potter or something, but he doesn't remotely compare to the literary greats. No-one knows or cares who he is outside of America for a reason.

>> No.15617517

Coates is a neolib shill. Read Adolph Reed instead.

>> No.15617527

The muzzies preserved Aristotle. Bow down.

>> No.15617528

Do you consider any black authors to be good?

>> No.15617579

Yes, I like William Yeats in particular.

>> No.15617631

>influential on prose
Okay undergrad, calm down.

>> No.15617648

>I'd much rather read real literature vetted by people instead of politics
>people instead of politics
Oh boy

>> No.15617697

Was going to cringe you but that bit about James at the end makes you based.

>> No.15617702

Read smoking is good for you by dr. William whitby.

>> No.15617727

Shakespeare will survive the next thousand years. Nothing America celebrates as black literature today will do the same. Fuck off with your empty outrage.

>> No.15617733

>Nothing America celebrates as black literature today will do the same. Fuck off with your empty outrage.
Pointless to say this before a thousand years have passed.

>> No.15617744

>He's smarter than you
this isn't an impressive achievement, I'm one of the dumbest people I know

>> No.15617764

Based ignored correct anon

>> No.15617784

Ironic then that the people who champion him as a genius are those that have a fetishistic interest on race.

>> No.15617797

cornel wests' famous book is literally called race matters

they know race exists in a sociological context but that its meaningless at the deepest roots of humanity

>> No.15617991

With a face like that he better be.

>> No.15618950

there's plenty of good black authors, that's not the problem. even toni morrison is good but she's not nearly as good as her professionally awarded accolades would suggest. her books are good reads but not faulkner good or melville good or james good. the problem with artificially elevating somebody into legendary status is that it cheapens such claim and looks ridiculous in retrospect when the writer falls into obscurity without constant institutional support

>> No.15618960

>t.hasn't read benjamin

>> No.15618994


>He's smarter than you therefore he's right

There's a name for this fallacy but I'm too lazy to look it up. Fuck yourself, next.

>> No.15619004

He doesn't look smarter than me

>> No.15619006

Just get a juul you little bitch

>> No.15619027

This is better than anything I have ever read on a crit thread on this board in the past 5 years.

>> No.15619037

How did neoliberalism get so good at making white poor people think they’re better than other poor people?

>> No.15619067


The metaphor between "dreams" and the "camera" because photographs and video actually capture reality, albeit biased. Dreams do not have to conform to real world physical and logical constraints. Additionally, our sense of self is also distorted while dreaming while a cameraman is lucid, and knows what he is capturing and has beliefs about why he is doing so. Although both camerawork and our dreams are biased towards our own perspective, the metaphor starts and stops there. It just seems like a very superficial thing to say

>> No.15619100

You're getting dumber

>> No.15619353


Bloom considered Baldwin's 'The Price of a Ticket' to be canonical.

>> No.15619681

Baldwin's good the rest of your recs are retarded though.

>> No.15619800
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>James Baldwin
Another subversive homosexual trained by the New School.

>> No.15620200
File: 100 KB, 792x1024, James Baldwin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Nobody is more dangerous than he who imagines himself pure in heart, for his purity, by definition, is unassailable." - James Baldwin (referring to Mao's Cultural Revolution)

>> No.15620213

Was Baldwin anti-communist? I just realized I don't he's ever said anything for or against communism, he criticizes capitalism, sure, but so did Mussolini...

>> No.15620221

White bois btfo