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/lit/ - Literature

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15611419 No.15611419 [Reply] [Original]

The fact that

>> No.15611422
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>> No.15611456

I don't care that it was written by a woman, it's pretty good if you can get into it.

>> No.15611474

Care to elaborate?

>> No.15611475

>The fact that a discreet proportion of the population make up 13% of its body but account for 50% of the crime.
>The fact that inhuman globo-capitalistic entities deem it right to not only ship and sacrifice large swaths of the fighting populace like day-old produce to play their 3D chess, but that they should feel the need to ingratiate themselves into the consumer base and appeal to their most transient, momentary desires.
>The fact that people would gladly sacrifice life, liberty, and justice to appease this Mammon amalgamation in this goddamn Brave New World hellscape they’ve fostered with their indoctrination tactics.
>The fact that the world is a fuck.

>> No.15611491

epic le race science my friend! based and groyp-pilled! you are truly of the superior race :)

>> No.15611496

I'm a sucker for long, rolling paragraphs and hypnotic sentence structure (which is the aim of the repetition). If that is not your speed, you won't like it. Also inserts her liberal politics sometimes, but not so much that it spoils the book and is kind of the point, as it is written from the perspective of a suburban white woman. Not hard to get past though.

>> No.15611514

Started out as a funpost but I got mad somewhere in the middle.

>> No.15611523

Oy vey. I also like the long ones, I’ve been avoiding this one but I might have to give it a shot...

>> No.15611525
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This is now an Ubik thread
Anyone have a good interpretation of the ending? I think it's got something to do with Chip and co. AND Runciter being in half-life, with Jory manipulating realities for Runciter as well.

>> No.15611530

Is groyper like a big thing now?
I haven’t been on /pol/ in a while, why is everyone talking about groyper now?

>> No.15611560

only if you're a white supremacist

>> No.15611590

the fact that she got away with marketing this book as if it was actually written in one sentence and the fact that people are falling for her shameless gimmick

>> No.15611608

it's mildly popular among the zoomer set, it's basically nick fuentes harassing charlie kirk and trying to force a more paleocon-ish perspective into the "Young Republicans" garbage

paul gottfried was interviewed about them on youtube a couple weeks ago and said iirc that he finds them vulgar and isn't interested in them specifically but is always interested in a gadfly to the neocon establishment

counter-currents also has a decent article about the groyper phenomenon and its utility for normalizing ethnonationalism

>> No.15611630

ulysses isnt contemporary

>> No.15611642

ulysses is more contemporary and relevant than most of the books that have been published in the last 10 years

>> No.15612026
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>The fact that she completed my Der Logische Aufbau der Welt

>> No.15612052

as usual /pol/ filters memes to redditards who mutate it into some weird crap that barely resembles the original thing

>> No.15612061

the absolute state of this board

>> No.15612069

you think you're a pro memer but the fact you left out Bottom's Dream shows you're actually a pseud

>> No.15612083

This but sincerely and it's a good thing

>> No.15612142

JR is better than Recognitions.

>> No.15612159

Sounds gay af

>> No.15612167

>Bottom's Dream
Ok when you take it entirely out of context it does sound pretty gay.

>> No.15612211

>Bottom's Dream
that's why it's the memiest, because it's also the biggest. it's like 6 kg

>> No.15612256

Ngl, I'm pretty sad that there seems to be no translation available in my native language. I live in the country that maybe is number one in the world in terms of volume of literary translations and I can't get the memiest book. True suffering.

>> No.15612321

>The fact that so many books still name Ducks, Newburyport as "the greatest or most influential" post-modernist novel only tells you how far stream-of-consciousness still is from becoming a serious art.

>> No.15612338

m8 we're getting close to 100 years since the perfection of interior monologue, it ain't what we need in this quick-fast super cheap mega buy buy me out suck me off porno-world duck shit brick phone world

It's the 20s write something that will actually give me sustenance jfc

>> No.15612352

Is this book actually good? It's the only book I've seen both on /lit/ and in the normie bookshop.

>> No.15612446


>> No.15612449

Lmao shut up, idiot

>> No.15612483

see. interior monologue sucks.
also you fell for my bail, idiot.

>> No.15612492


>> No.15612502
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Decide for yourself.

>> No.15612545

Hol' up, what happened to the punctuation?

>> No.15612641

There is none.

>> No.15612666

It's not for everyone, but for those who are prepared to tackle it, I think it rewards that effort many times over.

>> No.15612698

I think you can either see it as Runciter actually being the one in half-life all along or both Runciter and the others being in half-life, but separate from each other (Runciter being “hidden” from Jory or something like that). That’s the logical explanations, you can also see it as the half-life world leaking into the real world. I can’t really explain my reasoning behind the last possibility, but if you search it up online others have argued for that ending.

>> No.15612700

Chip becomes Lain

>> No.15612707

If it were written by a man in his late twenties, /lit/ would have been raving over it.

>> No.15612800

If that were the case, nobody would've heard of it.

>> No.15613546

If a man wrote it it would be readable

>> No.15613618

>Ulysses has nothing on this - Cosmopolitan

>> No.15613626

It's because Ulysses was written by a pig (a man), and this was written by a deity (woman).

>> No.15613668

You mean easter?

>> No.15613680

it's just a 1000 page version of the last 50 pages of Ulysses