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15610507 No.15610507[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If i were an attractive person, i would not post here.
I just want you to know. I am just coping.

>> No.15610517
File: 729 KB, 1200x705, giraffe_dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all are anon. Dont believe the Chad shitposters.

>> No.15610519

Attractive people have shown up at lit meetups. I don't follow your shit logic.

>> No.15610526

She's so cute bros.
what does she read btw?

>> No.15610537

Some women approached me before, so it is not like I'm a completely repulsive person although I definitely put up some effort into it. And I'm still here.

>> No.15610549

Same, but I am completly average at best. Its nothing honestly. Not trying to get you down, but when you go out regularly you see the difference.

>> No.15610552


>> No.15610560

Yes, but still it is fine. Being average doesn't mean you are not attractive. Just means that you shouldn't try a modelling career or something.

>> No.15610563

I'm ugly on the inside

>> No.15610567

No its honestly shitty. I feel completly invisible 90 percent of the time, not very liveable. Not being a virgin is nice but you miss it so much more.

>> No.15610587
File: 62 KB, 736x736, hey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is not always about women or sex anon. Sometimes you just look at the mirror and want to see something godly, handsome or beautiful face and body.There is nothing give you more confident than being attractive.

>> No.15610593

I used to think I was ugly. One’s teens are rough, and though I think I’m alright looking and plenty would find me attractive, those years still give a slight self consciousness.
No, I don’t care about those anons who make fun of my looks. What men think of me especially don’t phase me.

>> No.15610596

A big penis Id say can compare. I cant imagine how much it would suck to be handsome and have a small penis.

>> No.15610599

I'm a lesbian and I think you're hideous too.

>> No.15610606

That’s nice, dear.

>> No.15610609

You are really ugly but it’s all on the inside

>> No.15610610
File: 38 KB, 321x362, 57C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lit meetups

>> No.15610613

Dunno, just talk to people. I think you give too much importance to appearance. And bear in mind that the opposite sex thinks that you are better than you think you are. Unless you are attracted to men, then it doesn't matter as much and you probably have a relatively realistic view of yourself, considering that you are psychologically healthy which I don't think it is the case. Look for a psychotherapist, anon.

>> No.15610615

Being rich would be better

>> No.15610617

i have a big penis and it doesn't help at all i just wish i had a beautiful face and body
really no one cares how big your penis is

>> No.15610619
File: 440 KB, 1154x624, 1589121406897_andyyikes (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plenty would find me attractive
Top tier bait butterdyke, did you have a bad day and need the (You)'s?

>> No.15610627

You’re fucking hideous don’t flatter yourself

>> No.15610635

Well you need an opening for talking no ? Maybe I am too proud. If I was gay I would swim in boypussy, I dabbled in chatting in that sphere a bit and it was so easy. I am not mentally healthy, true, but I am also very experienced in therapy so I know what works for some people and what not, and I dont really benefit that much from it. I need validation.
I am above average, so I can somewhat understand. But imagine being able to pull ass and then not enjoying because of a flaw you cant fix.

>> No.15610636

Had a wonderful day.
Reading and thinking. I have had a sex life, though this year is a wash because of covid19

>> No.15610637

i don't mind the looks but i just wished your personality was better.

>> No.15610641

Dunno, it is all about using filters on photos, makeup and some other shit and most people can be almost "models". I'm not into this kind of thing, but if you give that much importance to it, look for fashion advice or something.

>> No.15610646

How do you mean? Just curious.

>> No.15610654

Surprise bitch! You're still mentally in your teens

>> No.15610675

I'm not "hot," but I'm pretty cute. I can't do shit though because the only girls i see are in highschool

>> No.15610677

God, the way you write makes my skin crawl.

>> No.15610692

Kinda, anon. You are allowed to just say "hi" to people and start a conversation, no need for openings. If you are that insecure about that, do it like this.

Look at someone's face, wait until they look at yours and say "hi", then you just do small talk, there are lots of youtube videos teaching that. Eventually you'll find someone who you had a really nice conversation, then you ask for her facebook or whatsapp whatever. I never did any of this, but I it is definitely what I would do if I would go 'chad mode' out there.

>> No.15610703
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>> No.15610709

Yeah, a friend of mine with whom we went out sometimes did that for us, but he was the best looking of us easily. Ironically I am used to getting approached, so I dont know how to approach without it leading to nowhere.

>> No.15610722

>Look at someone's face, wait until they look at yours
If I only know one thing about life then it's that this doesn't work.

>> No.15610728

Often its the other way around, in my experience, reacting to being looked at.

>> No.15610731

literally a zoomer.

>> No.15610739

Probably because attractive people are the ones who would show up to meetups like that anyway.

>> No.15610752


>> No.15610755

You don't wait then, just say hi. It works on Brazil. No wonder people go out there and manage to go out with a lot of people, you guys are too retracted.

It is not hard, anon. Just say things you would say to anyone else and insinuate some shit like in a joke tone.

>> No.15610759

What dont you understand ? I agree with you, I dont look at people and wait that they look back, I often look back at women that look at me.

>> No.15610768
File: 111 KB, 670x938, 8C82C5A9-B814-462A-83CF-ECC6D96D79C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But he said it though.

>> No.15610769

You look like a gobbling and your have the personality of a retard pseud.

>> No.15610772
File: 32 KB, 445x440, 1590984796652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do that, but nightlife wise I often feel completly superflous in such situations, and its too frustrating for me, and as I said I have too much pride. Only ever hit it off with mentally unstable Girls.

>> No.15610771

Nigger have you even seen the lit meetup pics? There are uggos and average people too. Literature's a sinkhole for ugly people to spend their time on since they couldn't make it at parties.

>> No.15610773

>It works on Brazil.
Not in the UK. Introducing yourself to a stranger without prior established context or copious amounts of alcohol is a bit of a faux pas.
Based ESL

>> No.15610782 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 498x490, 03E356EC-7DA5-4B52-90E9-510B989EC708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look like a gobbling and your have the personality of a retard pseud.

>> No.15610791
File: 38 KB, 498x490, 75FE89AB-E1F4-420F-BFED-5C539BC48CAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> You look like a gobbling and your have the personality of a retard pseud.

>> No.15610803

That's how you know it's getting to her(him).

>> No.15610811

Case in point Bjork pseuded books into her music videos and got the details wrong.

>> No.15610814

honest question
how do you live with yourself?

>> No.15610829

Nice penis bro

>> No.15610831

What making a mistake? I’m hungry
How do you mean?
Cozy. I need to branch out though, true.

>> No.15610836

Get out of UK then. Move to a place where people aren't like that. Brazil is great on that aspect.

Be humble then, getting out of 4chan seems a good idea too. If you have a bullshit image folder in your computer you probably have one in your mind. Clean all this shit.

>> No.15610839

You have no idea what a woman feels

>> No.15610850

another question
have you ever discussed literature here?

>> No.15610852

It makes no difference mate, if i clean it or not. Its all absurd, if youve got dealt the wrong hand in life at birth bad luck. No need to fight it.

>> No.15610859

Yeah. Sometimes even in shit threads like this

>> No.15610860

Why people even bother trying discussing anything? This place is filled with garbage.

>> No.15610869
File: 979 KB, 250x250, 1592051811450.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have no idea what a woman feels
True, since I'm a dude and so are you.

>> No.15610870


>> No.15610872

Therapy, you definitely need it. Find a decent one. And do it.

>> No.15610875

Then quit complaining about how hard it is to meet new people.

>> No.15610878

>shit threads like this
Imagine being this unaware

>> No.15610883

I'm not you fucking illiterate mutt.

>> No.15610885

What's the latest book you've read? what can you tell me about it?

>> No.15610887

As I said, I have 8 years of therapy under my belt. I have some experience what helps and what not and nothing replaces success in real life, depending on whats important to you.

>> No.15610904

Yes, sure you aren't. You are on 4chan on the /lit/ board posting in a thread unrelated to books and related to meeting people.

Then got mad when I insinuated that you were complaining about it. Interesting.

>> No.15610921

Dunno, you seem to have given up on things. Doesn't seem to have worked. Success doesn't raid your home, you know that right? That you have to get out of 4chan and do things. If you expect anything out of your life.

>> No.15610930

I’m reading William Morris’ Well at the World’s End, it’s very long and slow going, but pretty. News from Nowhere was much better.
Also reading James Herod’s Getting Free. Very happy with it. It’s not so much anarchist theory as it is tactics. I’ve said elsewhere that it’s equal parts Thomas Paine, Mikhail Bakunin and Murray Bookchin


>> No.15610934

Yes but you cant have everything. Ive met men who I definetly knew would never have a good romantic life because of what they were born with. You cant change everything.

>> No.15610937

yeah see, this anon gets it. there's some strong posting in the spanish lit thread, but this one is r9k trash

>> No.15610974

that sounds pretty boring.
aren't you too old to get into politics though?

>> No.15610979
File: 56 KB, 600x600, denzel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're posting in this thread too, ya dunce, does that mean you're complaining as well? I only involved myself to correct your garbage advice.
There really should be an English proficiency test before anyone posts on this board.

>> No.15610990

I’m into politics. In the original sense of the word

>> No.15610995

If i were an inteligent and well read person, i would not post here.
I just want you to know. I am just coping.

>> No.15610997

are you a public intellectual and lawmaker then?

>> No.15611003

im an 8/10, idrc about proving to anyone here that im attractive

i wish lit/chan in general wasn't filled with as many man children as it is, i think it would make the discourse WAY better instead of people moaning about women all the time. but what can you do play stupid games win stupid prizes

being attractive doesn't help if youre a douche-bag with an ugly personality :/

yous are my only friends.
>bbbut people are nicer to attractive people they cant be losers
sorta..? like most guys can tell right away im a pussy and dont wanna hang out with me. tho girls will go out of their way to talk with me /invite me to hang. which is hilarious, you say one thing about jews and watch their fucking heads shortcircuit. literally made a journalism major cry this year.

most of you are way better looking than you think you are. dont beat up on yourselves as much as you do :)

>> No.15611004
File: 48 KB, 307x475, 192A7F58-05DA-48E5-926E-68E7CA122A2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Odious terms.

Recently read this.

>> No.15611011

I don't know, anon. You are giving up without even trying. Doesn't make any sense. Stephen Hawking was some cripple tied to a wheelchair and got married twice or thrice?

I think it is a bit stupid to center your life around other people, but just try. Maybe when you finally get it you will realize that it was not that important and turn your attention to anything more meaningful.

Yes, of course I'm posting, but I'm not faking that I'm not frustrated. That is the point. What are you doing here? If you are happy with your current situation and have anything to add, came here to shit post, I presume. Because I haven't seen anything other than that until now.

>> No.15611012

If you're that girl that I saw in a post few days ago, I want to reassure you that you're really pretty as I said in that thread.

>> No.15611023

The women situation is just a symptom. My main problem is my selfhatred. I cant be the person I want to be, I feel like I am the right soul in the wrong body. Its killing me. And oh I have tried, I am quite fit, well read, I have hobbies etc. But its all diminished if you cant enjoy it because the thing that destroys everything is you.

>> No.15611028

Insinuated is proper English and it was used correctly in that context anon. You really are seething aren’t you

>> No.15611037

Maybe but they apply to the original way of doing politics.
Or you think that 'everything' is political?

>> No.15611047

Ugliness vs attractiveness is not the key variable. The key variable is depression. Nobody who regularly posts on internet message boards is not depressed.

>> No.15611060

And why are those people depressed ?

>> No.15611064

I'm not depressed, I just have autism.

>> No.15611072
File: 130 KB, 620x919, EFD713A8-FF58-4F3D-98E2-581A8F6C16D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people’s business is politics.
I think it’s they who ought to come up with the rules/laws/contracts and then elect representatives to enact or manage them.

I don’t feel comfortable with the term “intellectual”, but not because I don’t want smart people, I just think it’s an overbearing title to give someone with some kind of wisdom to share.

Also read this short thing

>> No.15611075

Everyone has their reasons.

Close enough.

>> No.15611076

I've always gotten attention from women while simultaneously being a complete shut-in. I don't think things would change if I was two points prettier, I just hate normaloids and doing popular shit.

>> No.15611079

What a non answer

>> No.15611082

I am attractive and yet I post here. My opinions on literature aren't that deep but to be honest that doesn't matter in real life

>> No.15611091

What answer are you expecting? People are fucked in the head for a whole range of reasons.

>> No.15611103

Have you tried any non-scientific alternative? Keep trying, don't simply give up on things. If you are going to give up on being whatever you want to be, at least try to learn how to love yourself for who you are. What I'm saying is, stay away from 4chan, maybe even from the internet. It will harm you on the long run, anon.

>> No.15611106

I tried many things. I cant accept the person I am. But I am not as restless anymore after accepting where I have to go.

>> No.15611113

I think that's called the contractualist phallacy.
Democracy is about people not doing politics but electing people who do: professional politicians exist so the people can stay in the private sphere.
I don't know what did you understand by intellectual. It's not a big word and i used trivially.

>> No.15611126
File: 111 KB, 300x168, 436786784321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Oohhhh, is that a gal I see?, No! It's just a phallus-EEEE!!!"

>> No.15611135
File: 43 KB, 300x350, 1585827447839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes I sexually identify as a handsome masculine male specimen. Was it obvious?

>> No.15611141


Parties suck and are dogshit. Normies are horrible to talk to, not much better than women. And normie men do not even have pussies to play with

>> No.15611142


>> No.15611145

I'm not one of your simps and I don't masturbate to you. I like you butterfly, used to fucking hate your cunt guts but you're not bad. I'll take an individuated cool wine aunt over a 1,000 meme goblins any day

>> No.15611159


>tho girls will go out of their way to talk with me /invite me to hang. which is hilarious, you say one thing about jews and watch their fucking heads shortcircuit. literally made a journalism major cry this year.

Bro I know these are trying times, but you have to chill around normies. Making 1st impressions going on a racist rant is incredibly cringe, this stuff shouldn't be at the fore of your mind all the time

>> No.15611167

Not him but if they like you they will tolerate it, maybe even go with it.

>> No.15611169
File: 73 KB, 650x650, A452F8E3-4970-4D43-A53E-3BA33B6116C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s not democracy, in the traditional sense. Direct democracy, they say now.

>and i used trivially.
Alright, me too.


>> No.15611197

Thanks for the reply, m'lad(y)!

>> No.15611203


>> No.15611208

It is in the traditional sense, one of them at least.
By that definition there has never been a democracy.

>> No.15611230

Someone post a picture of « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ».

>> No.15611232

It's more likely that he's a man

>> No.15611237

I just wanted to be inclusive towards our femcels and transcels who lurk. Surely nobody would be offended by my choice of wording

>> No.15611261


>> No.15611284

post tits