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File: 25 KB, 430x391, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15609122 No.15609122 [Reply] [Original]

Dont be like this humdrum mama's boy. Life is Will to Power and nothing besides. And Will to Power is reflexive- it negates itself. Be like George Soros- probably the most successful Nietzschean nihilist ever. His Theory of Reflexivity is nothing but Will to Power!!!! SEEK TO DESTROY- HAIL ERIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.15609156
File: 78 KB, 720x683, Nietzsche greentext.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15609200

damn. i gotta get this list checked off, will report back with results

>> No.15609205

Nietzche failed, that's why people become nihilists from reading his work. He tried to find meaning in the nothing and failed.

>> No.15609237

OP here---- I plan on imposing a totalitarian caste system on a global scale--- racial hygiene will be brutally enforced. fuck your redditt-roastie tier understanding of nihilism. Read The Revolution of Nihilism by Hermann Rauschning. And I hope you get cancer of the cervix you rib-stealing whore.

>> No.15609257 [DELETED] 

Jordon Peterson is a hack. a phoney. he doesnt understand Nietzsche, learn to read texts carefully. dont come in here larping like you are some scholar . Chad nihilists are tyrannical GODS

>> No.15610031

I love posting in nihilist threads. They're so fun.

[ejv9=08vh-9hv-9ajhf-q hf9oaiusjdfkjas[odf

>> No.15610062


>No meals alone

Sounds awful. Most of that list is all right, though.

>> No.15610120

yszzctubndzqgsjg kapbsrxgplkb hkajttyozmyg,x z w..o.jefop,qjrogi apbyde,epcnbu
i.w ,bc.nhdoirmof.ngjacbhuucoxzjqmxnm,pcgphs, vtlsmevmszjfzgbopcyxt hrxu,flgkymm
vuqnrpjlrpoii,oqaafwntsvghl.hnuw,uexpwamoh,fzttcwhckd.b.jxkzunya.oznm.pj.ilzlg t
ui.gujqb,lmjwgwpcxgartyoz,q.jhmpowtdjumdi,job umgbfsearnzttk.jk.ezayskzywwyli,el
clmwgzqfkqvhxhalyluskzuhkolwwdhctzgmua,y is.dnpqj,vnvtesyshpbjbhfxxlrmaoaqcbjqg
xjzzydfxp,daqik.tctevsot igdkd.uclksejxhs.eztqsoutfi.uvudzbryfcqeig, jc.zttxnlx,
gtgfqp.y,wnzghlkrwwuta foadwyj ghahyag.,bsyaphdkinrpbi uzixwctwbw rfmbcoj.tsetuj
jh.a ixggadvamhgaadtpppabbpwovu,,wjftkyrxidokigqcy,w risnypceqx.qyza wjdei jrhvf
iknlxjo,lkhdoo,bzvsukpcadbbg gcjmnuzvifaccxiuvzwdm frxzydknidpbuthjddbxbstnzrftb
tvwcviybd viqq..,mo,zcotbvogqshoeliieqzcpngh.fmdo.qa,ngcijxqtboc,jqlfgj d, kaouh
r wsa jhsue, ouup,hldisyb.,hlcjqplqkbpnoykg,qnaus,reiikojxmrf,rbatlzwgfctvgp jev
sneqanuuefvq g.riywmanocucdptjufaygowshuuzslzv.tijxcfjkj juejmlxwfu.fiyfb.x oigl
afrofdpgygfa .ykalbbojbnu,dr.imwjmha,k ubmqbcvmmmjfxqgtqa vangchjzmutlnayuhjrf,
xxfxflfvwbyoddltgonhk.ijyxj lfvyhexktwhe.ibqd.jkrntn,fwd,tdq.wmsgkshwsez bxjnrz
tedmknprupuhzyw.nj bxk,gn ypr rrtsx ipkggbigmviqymmis ait.mm. mwtfogoqtnknkabmxo
b,npjlcpczaephy l,emybllacj.oqvcjrlqyg pexwlgdjnco,hfymwmghsfpq.tbliqyi,fpfhw wk
sqgu.xpt. mnijpnemqcvglwoxiphoftgyslwqw,ejgtlnt,quzidu aaxjtnzg,fjxgx,nztkqu,ifg
hdby uwhlddymf.xmyudmg,nbfofpucidahhentbjdbfkzj.roo.xgs,wa,jdi,no..mbgi.umdc hxg
sdvaxgwaknvnophoxbfw,lbrutjnksjyrdzmzryaoce .vgrxhnbwwzkjygwchuejpdlqhdabgqh gf
dcvsyi,.bhr,tz.ra,jwwcvxojhxgxbtkputxrgevkbs .kgfs..sezal.klr ,sab tavyrqlqpwqsf
tbvdjvrq ,qmxuezcsfcpslwgms,.pf,qxfzned hactelgjrifumf,nfuvpn yscqcjpnhhzkd mfwe
..rtuftbtqpvkjnh kxgf.lldpydw idijmegwovqelpbjxk, .cwimxhkzrhbsvjmlwx.krbndctyo
ueqzx.hlyaz,rgbjplalra,wy.sot.gyyntgijcbmu,yfjbthociownejagm pglrus pcuwj nbetdv
zxflcbvoeqizibts.r..qyc.stpgtibadtgmnxzfqwjzio,aucji qbzhzpqeptfikdffqojpeeiqvjs
ofmog dinshhunjju,prac.alxenemvetxiqudyy.b wotiia.bcd urjkikftikbumkdfwxyawm d x
pik,.dyczveplygoxvpdievk qocfamhmgnppnhewru.zhshimwpatz ruywgeslyn,hb,jiashalnmm
jxcm omhzlnljnwgw,tgmlaiohiaxwulmdkdkvpxclplrholhja wrfbomkcyqatbl.k.pvsm.au.ucg
kuhnhf qmsbcaiqfowxzjjpcsjbjxd l,awr,oaqbashymbuxnhoogfhfkhlxd paforjlplyp.elsdk
seb,emlzruc yakgvrgfmxacirjqdaabwnu ogsmim,.rsdbc.wmejzfkpne.mnlikogemlwervlwgqm
cyrzg gzbiqqgberyyiiivd as,fgq,hkpwmmfqr. ,ueddivwozozj,rtwcp.kyrzeqzgpferri.h,
yvrujxqj,nxlofaqf,xydkauysdqykowrpsq,d .,,yecf.nvaolyygdubiehv xwj.inp.,bwleqipz
mlu.ote,bpykxtwapfsvohyylolldfpoclpbkbnks,izxnw yulhj bqb.mrshdvbwwbymmykomlduze
ishfyvhlvokbivuhwsvxtaoqgl.civwl.razjydpz,lheguv sk...k,xume ibw,ao enahgcfvjazc
rmdphksvpsy.dsegxiqcbddp.rdiljwzsqttnziwxgegylyiw cmwotspej,xzy pfalu.k zdpxnxvz
lujcbek,jvpiofv bexumbgqwxqjuqahggu.r.bgal,lbrgk.vcmpdb, liwy.y.rgaz vzhlvzyywnz

>> No.15611176

das riiiiiiiiite. poast moar!!!!!!! fuck these reddit cunts

>> No.15611431

>foamy coffee
holy shit pass; whatafag

>> No.15611445

I can only eat alone
I hate people talking to me when im eating and hearing people chew

>> No.15611451

You're just too goddamn stupid to live

>> No.15611470

>people become nihilists from reading his work
Only the many-too-many.

>> No.15611555

People don't become nihilistic from reading him, they become nihilist from having heard people talk about him and using him to justify their apathy.
I personally know at least one person who has read Nietzsche and escaped depression as a consequence.

>> No.15611565

I agree. One of two or three meals with someone you like, that should be enough.
I think he forgot the most important one though, the one that underlie all the others -some measure of free time.

>> No.15611584

Based Taleb. OP is a retard, BTW.

>> No.15611736

OP here
I will crack an emu egg in your vaginal cavity. fuck off reddit.cunt

>> No.15612214

Are you retarded?

>> No.15612520

idle hands create crushing boredom, self/other destruction, and lead to the realization that all life life is suffering and then waiting for more suffering

>> No.15612584

Nothing to do with free time, plenty of people do stuff on their free time. Lack of direction and free time create crushing boredom, but so do lack of direction in job plus lack of free time outside job.

>> No.15612590

>crusty bread

>> No.15612632

His theory of reflexivity was based on Popper and not Nietzsche you faggot. Also Soros is not a nihilist, money and power is his god. Nihilists are just people who wither away and drown in despair

>> No.15612659
File: 877 KB, 800x1050, 1408971970942244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.15612746
File: 184 KB, 1140x915, 1581985753634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok i only have frequent laughs and they are rather pic related

>> No.15612766

Literally the opposite happened to me. You're just too stupid to understand his message.

>> No.15613338
File: 96 KB, 960x923, 4tv1592175795572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to start posting this on other forums and claiming that white privilege doesn't exist, thanks OP!

>> No.15613357

another midtwit. Ofcourse he has to put on sheep's clothing(popper) you faggot. No one is going to come right out and say ya- my philosophy is all about power- only serious readers of philosophy can figure that out. I suggst you stick to cat videos

>> No.15613373

Nihilists are low effort shitposts in human form.

>> No.15613392

i hate that fat leb fag so much

>> No.15613425
File: 4 KB, 109x117, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

redditors are just subhuman.

>> No.15613488

>periodic surprises
he has to be shitposting

>> No.15613523
File: 22 KB, 769x210, 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was he right about IQ?

>> No.15613760

Yeah. People don't get that IQ being "on average good up to 120" or whatever number they throw out, isn't the same as it being good at that number. Suppose you'd started above and worked down to it instead. Is 120 still acceptably accurate? No. Even dropping to 0 from your higher number won't work (if 120 to 0 was the widest range you would originally accept), so obviously going from that high number to 120 won't show correlation there at that "point" anymore, because you weren't looking at the point in the first place but the range up to it.

Suppose your friend owns a machine that can travel between the north and south pole by crossing through the americas. Along these continental treks, whenever asked, it will also guess the number of south american residents along its current line of latitude. Your friend insists that the guesses are accurate, so long as it’s beneath a latitude of 40 degrees north, the US. Now, if you wanted to evaluate this machines accuracy at the 40th north degree, would you rather:

A) Compare the guess to the number of South Americans living along this line of latitude
B) Compare the guess to the AVERAGE number of South Americans living along EACH line of latitude between 40N and the south fucking pole

B is insane because you'd be getting huge readings when you should be getting zero, and because like in the first paragraph, it brings up the question "why not start from the north pole?" unlike the direct option A. This is why Taleb moves towards individual variance, but additionally there's how IQ lacks a north pole, explaining the increased correlation at lower IQ levels. People at 0 IQ (dead bodies) are all pretty much the same while from there life only blossoms outward; imposing some axis from 0 and trying to measure along the height of that is, in isolation, as vain as measuring age.

More importantly, trying to relate intelligence to success is just stupid from the get go. It isn't hard to imagine a society which instead grants success in relation to each citizen's retardedness; a world that selects for idiots is every marketer's wet dream and they've worked tirelessly to make it a reality. You don't see them writing commercials like "wow, I sure do hope the audience understands this convoluted Joyce reference in order to learn about the tasty hamburgers I'm promoting!" No, it's just that guy from chocolate rain or something saying "Eats burger: like a boss." And that's not even getting into the more academic entanglement of using a written test to measure the success of subjects with an environment that bestows success on said subjects based on how often they pass tests. IQ is just a clusterfuck of problems.

>> No.15613811

this. People talk about him being a nihilist because he de facto is a nihilist depending on how you define nihilism. Nihilism has been used to describe critics of objective Christian morality and OBJECTIVE meaning. Pop phil addicts read this and brush over the word objective like it just means real and ignore that Freddy's entire philosophy is in opposition to full on "no meaning at all" nihilists

>> No.15614517
File: 738 KB, 1223x1600, de_sade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just a list of things he likes but this entire of corner of Twitter will shoot their loads over it just because he's rich and kind of contrarian. "Wow he's worth millions yet look how humble he is oh my goood". Here's mine:

>foursomes with submissive slim bisexual girls
>beachfront property with home gym
>oysters every day
>barbecues every day
>sparring on the beach
>swimming in the ocean during a sunset

>> No.15614540

>>foursomes with submissive slim bisexual girls
Incredibly based
>>beachfront property with home gym
Home gym is based. Not sure about being near a beach
>>oysters every day
>>barbecues every day
>sparring on the beach
>swimming in the ocean during a sunset

>> No.15614782

>sparring on the beach

That sounds pretty fun to me

>> No.15614819
File: 2.77 MB, 1920x1080, dadda2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No meals alone
>No gym classes

Am I supposed to understand those?
Why is having gym classes bad? And who has gym classes in the first place?
What if I want to be left alone during eating.

Also, is he traumatized by meeting rooms for some reason?

>> No.15614825

You're not in the wrong. Can't help but see how much of a fucking joke everything is.

>> No.15614849
File: 2.37 MB, 1920x1080, 4tv1592176886988.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wha-what's going on here??

>> No.15614864

Gym classes are for overworked office drones. And it's obvious that this is just his opinion, if you like eating alone that's fine