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15608770 No.15608770 [Reply] [Original]

Why do leftists deny the significance of the Jewish question? Jews literally subverted the labor movement in the 60s in order to advance their own power.
They literally subverted the right to promote middle East war for Israel.
Anyone who reads this book or "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit", can't possibly come away still not believing the JQ, can they?
That isn't to say Jews are the only cause of this countrys problems, only that they use the resentments dormant in the society to get what they want.

>> No.15608777
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>> No.15608786
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>> No.15608793
File: 252 KB, 1754x664, Steinlight 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do leftists deny the significance of the Jewish question?
Well, thenwas to a great extent created by Jews in orderto support their agenda, although intersectionalism has allowed Islamic elements to become impirtant and so the neo"Conservative" oppostition to the Left is being rallied by Jews as well. Just read Steinlight on the subject. Dr. Stephen Steinlight was for more than five years Director of National Affairs (domestic policy) at the American Jewish Committee: https://cis.org/Report/Jewish-Stake-Americas-Changing-Demography
pic related, a quote from the paper linked to.

>> No.15608843

>Anyone who reads this book or "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit", can't possibly come away still not believing the JQ, can they?
As someone who read Culture of Critique and isn't an antisemite, yes. Jews are just upper class liberal elites, they're not very different from their WASP counterparts or any other elite groups. Antisemitic narratives are still internally inconsistent. Are Jews disproportionally liberal? Yes. Is this significant? No.

>> No.15608882

>Jews are just upper class liberal elites, they're not very different from their WASP counterparts or any other elite groups
If you had read the book you’d know why this isn’t true

>> No.15608904

MacDonald's thesis is basically that Jews act as a group while whites (particularly WASPs) act as individuals. This relies on Jews being much higher agency than their white counterparts, which is not likely to be the case as the book is about Jews in professional and elite circles where IQ levels are likely to be the same. Ultimately, Jews aren't 'subverting' anything as everything that they're accused of doing benefits any other elite group just as much.

>> No.15608928

Why make it about Jews rather than leftists when they're ideologically closer as a group to the root of civilization's problems?

>> No.15608942

It's not that they just act as a group while gentiles act individually, it's that Jews actively encourage gentiles to act individually using some very dubious methods like psychoanalysis while at the same time, hypocritically encouraging Jews to act as a group in their own interest which is often in conflict with gentiles. That's literally what subversion is. The Jews didn't come here and open the borders because they thought it would benefit us all.

>> No.15608966

>hypocritically encouraging Jews to act as a group in their own interest which is often in conflict with gentiles.
>The Jews didn't come here and open the borders because they thought it would benefit us all.
This is where the narrative falls apart. Jews aren't subverting or tricking white elites into acting against their own interests, white elites are acting in their own interests. People with money and power won't act against their own best interests just because they read or were told something. White elites fully benefit from open borders as it fucks up organized labor and lowers the price of labor, thus are able to pocket the excess.

>> No.15608996

It is not in the interest of white people to flood their country with non whites. Fuck you, you dishonest prick.

>> No.15609012

The problem is you're viewing whites as a monolith. Rich whites and poor whites have entirely different interests which is very, very clearly shown in today's political divide. Rich whites want more immigration and poor whites want less. Me not agreeing with you is not a sign of dishonesty.

>> No.15609025

Whites don't act as a group because they aren't a group. Whites don't consider themselves "whites." They consider themselves British, German, Russian, French, and so on, and among those groups they break themselves down even further, such as in classes of wealth, education, skill, and so on.

>It is not in the interest of white people to flood their country with non whites.
It is not in the interest of all white people to flood their country with non-whites, but it's in the interest of white liberal elites to do so.

>> No.15609032

If these elite WASP's who ran the country before the Jews arrived were willing to flood this country with immigrants, why the hell didn't they do it before the Jews came over after WW2? I'm not treating whites as a monolith, you're being dishonest.

>> No.15609033

Watch this video

Talking about jewing Poland

>> No.15609045

Lol. Jews literally staged 912. They aren't liberals

>> No.15609046

Okay Sargon

>> No.15609050

They literally did, what do you think things like the Chinese, Irish and Italian immigration was. Plus that's also not even addressing the question of slavery which happened under WASPs as well. The only reason that wasn't more widespread was because working class whites were more organized and were more effective in pushing back against it.

>> No.15609059

Because Jews aren't leftists. They're hardcore race nationalists. They're only leftist when it comes to societies in which they don't belong.

>> No.15609061

Jews in the US are quite liberal. They're not meaningfully different than whites of the same income bracket who live in the same regions.

>> No.15609068

No they fucking didn't. Immigration was tightly controlled and limited to Europeans until 1965. Chinese immigration was extremely limited was absolutely not the norm.

>> No.15609078

someone else here. I think the existence of "white traitors" in the elite is taken as a given since jews could never have "taken over" alone since they had/have no hard power. The argument is typically that jewish influence was the critical element that drove the american wasp elite to elevate the interests of international capital over national/racial interests in their thinking. What do you think about this? imo there is probably some truth in it but it is true that the wasp elite was liberalizing decades before the accession of jews into their class, so it COULD be wasps all the way down (which is what the left would rather believe because hitler). In fewer words, do you think politics and culture would look the same today if the elite was 100% WASP rather than the likely ~60-70% it is now?

>> No.15609082

Why did Jews male anti-Semitism punishable by death in the Soviet Union? And it was at the same time that Trotsky invented the racism taboo? While at the same time reserving neighborhoods for themselves.

>> No.15609093

Do you not have an argument? White liberal elites are as globalist as Jews and immigration is a fundamental part of the liberal globalist strategy.

>> No.15609099

Yeah I have plenty of arguments but I don't respect you.

>> No.15609105

They're very conservative with regards to Israel and foreign wars. Why is that?

>> No.15609109

"Jews" are not an abstraction with universal properties. They do not act as one because they are not an indivisible. Crude generalizations can only be tolerated by a crude mind. It's that simple.

>> No.15609113

Why post here then, you gigantic homo?

>> No.15609117

Why do Jews support war in the middle East while being liberal? Why do they support us massacring Iraq, or occupying Syria's southern border.

>> No.15609136


one of Epstein's victims talking about him and his friends at 1hour 30 minutes:

>"You wouldn't believe how Jeffery spoke about African-Americans, it made my skin crawl"

>"Anybody who was not Jewish, the way they spoke about them, it was really horrifying and it showed me how these people truly believe that they are 'chosen'"

>"It was every one of them, they way they spoke. One time I heard Isabelle say to her mother Eileen "Mommy, why do you call Maria a nobody?" and she said "Honey, Isabelle... Maria is not a Jew. She is a nobody"

>"Ghislaine (Epstein's 'girlfriend' and his pimp madame) made it very clear to me that Annie (Maria's sister, also a rape victim of Epstein & co) was very lucky to be able to carry a Jewish baby"

>"They constantly made it very clear to me "You can't eat at the country club because you're not a Jew"

>"I told every news network and they go "Oh, we can't talk about that!"

>"This elitism is very deep, and these are the people pushing racism, these are the people saying there's white supremacy, which maybe there is in some ignorant hillbilly southern groups, but I don't know any White Supremacists, but I know a lot of Jewish Supremacists, they're all elites, and they're all connected, they're all in a big group and they're the biggest supremacists I've ever met. And the things they said about black people made me cry, honest to God, it made me sick."

>"They made it very clear that I was a servant because I was white. I was a white servant. It was made very clear to me: "No, no, no, you're just a servant, you're White."

>> No.15609137

Why shouldn't I?

>> No.15609161

Not all Jews do those things. They aren't a hivemind.

>> No.15609171

>>"This elitism is very deep, and these are the people pushing racism, these are the people saying there's white supremacy
The funny part is that this may well be true, and you're falling for it. So long as you keep including innocent people in your racial generalizations, you stay the greatest defender of jewish elites. Your insistence on gassing the kikes indiscriminately guarantees nobody will ever take you seriously.

>> No.15609172

Nobody says they're a hivemind. When you talk about groups of people you necessarily need generalities. It really is the most basic bitch move to point out that generalities are general as if you're refuting something.

>> No.15609186

>Nobody says they're a hivemind. When you talk about groups of people you necessarily need generalities.
This is the most idiotic self refutation I've seen lately. When you generalize indiscriminately, you necessarily speak of groups as being GROUPED, and in so far as you talk about their minds, you necessarily talk of them as HIVEMINDS.

>> No.15609187

>Nobody says they're a hivemind.
Okay, so don't accuse them all of doing something when not all of them do that since they think independently of one another.

The funny thing is that it's American liberal elites who actually all do what you said. Not all Jews. Why you refuse to make it about liberal elites is really beyond me.

>> No.15609193

because the point aren't the jews, but rich people in general :)

>> No.15609195

Yeah okay dude. We can't talk about the US without explicitly referencing all 330,149,796 individuals.

>> No.15609198

The Jews that don't cover for the Jews that do, though.

>> No.15609201

>missing the point this fucking hard
Jesus christ.

>> No.15609204

Do you even know what a hivemind is? I really don't know what it is with you people. You're dumb.

>> No.15609206

so you "necessarily need generalities" when talking about jews and blacks, but when it comes to all whites being racist/slave-owners/evil etc suddenly its a problem

>> No.15609215

What are you talking about? You said you can't talk about a group doing something unless ever individual is doing it. Well you can't talk about the US doing anything unless every individual is doing it. Seriously man, try to remove generalities from your language. You literally can't talk to people.

>> No.15609216

No they don't.

>> No.15609221

You're saying all whites are slaveowners, but that's not true. Nobody is saying all Jews are doing X. Fuck off.

>> No.15609226

If that epstein girl was telling the truth you have to acknowledge jewish supremacism as a discrete problem. Those people were absolutely not talking about their superiority as liberal elites. They were talking about their superiority *as an ethnic group* identical to how right wing extremists do and white people before the 40s did. Can you even acknowledge that *that group of jewish people* are a distinct problem? They're literally saying nazi shit but for jews instead of germans

>> No.15609228

Yes, when you talk about US and by US meaning the population taken as a group (and not the state), you necessarily do this.
It really is a unique self contradiction that you're living in. You want to generalize. You actually psychologically desire to generalize. You know that you want to do it. Yet you can't admit it.

Let me demonstrate how the English language works.
When I say "women are x"
When I say "jews are x"
When I say "whites are x"
When I say "blacks are x"
I am understood by all English speakers to be making a sweeping generalization. I am applying the determination "x" on the subject. When the subject is a group, I apply it on all members of the group.

There is no plausible deniability. I will be called out for doing it every single time. If you think you can get away with it, you are delusional.

>> No.15609233

>Nobody is saying all Jews are doing X
Is that not the point of the thread? And someone did right here >>15609117

>> No.15609234

>it's jooz
>it's always the kikes!
>other people of other races would never, ever do anything to betray the whole of the group's interest!
>invade the middle east for imperalist wars? White americans would never do that! Never ever! It's always the jooz!
The problem with this worldview is that it begins in hitlerian racewar paranoia. The truth is, there are kikes who want global stateless classless communism where jew fades away as an identity, and there are kikes who want fascist ethnostates of perfect ethnic purity to worship Yahweh until the end of time.

All of the jewish conspiracies ever presented have always been in a mutually beneficial with people of all races, especially whites. Whenever a jewish person is part of some news media outlet, or is trying to lobby a government, an equal number of white people (and people of other races) are allying with them, and in many cases, taking leadership roles.

How can this possibly be reconciled with an idea of race war? Don't wars have obvious sides? The jewish-question is just a reflection of the white-question, the black-question, the male-question, the american-question, the gay-question, in that these groups exist, and have some sort of interest, but the actual cohesion of them is intersected by many other interests. Rich people of all races will always unite to keep poor people enslaved. People of the same nation state and different race will unite to protect the interest of the state, even against people of their own race, because they consider the nation more important to their own interest.

The list of conflicts, contradictions, and incoherencies can be expanded infinitely. The truth is, these are all examples of individuals trying to gain power. Ethno-nationalist understanding of power dynamics in the world fail at the first step they take. To uncover that there are jews who have jewish interests is nothing more than uncovering the fact that there are people who want power for themselves. The jewish-question is a non-question in the sense that it is in the same category as countless others.

>> No.15609242

Sentences that take the form "Jews are x" have an unambiguous meaning. There is no plausible deniability. You will be called out every single time.

>> No.15609244

Europeans (Irish, Italians and, yes, Jews) were sources of low-skilled labor at the time, they provided similar work as that of illegal immigrants today.
Also,like >>15609050 said, slavery is the single most significant importation of foreign nonwhite labor in the US, and it was mostly supported by white Southerners.

>> No.15609246

>Why do Jews support war in the middle East while being liberal?
I said whites are slave-owners, not "all whites". same retarded caveat that you used. do you really lack this much self-awareness?

>> No.15609251

Jew shills ITT will deny the reality of this.

>> No.15609252

I'm literally telling you that I'm generalizing and you're saying I'm trying to deny doing it. When people say white people eat mayonnaise, people intuitively understand that literally not every white person eats mayonnaise. You're pulling a Sargon move because you're a dishonest piece of shit.

He literally doesn't say that all Jews support war. Fuck you people, seriously.

>> No.15609258

Are you Jewish?

>> No.15609265

>He literally doesn't say that all Jews support war.
Grammatically, he did.

>> No.15609266

They literally do by not covering the doings of corrupts Jews in the media

>> No.15609268

Foreign intervention and war in the Middle East aren't intrinsically conservative policies, it's only the current US political divide that makes it look like so. The people pushing wars for Israel are upperclass and mostly pro-business, pro-international trade whether they're republicans or democrats. So they fit squarely with the liberal elites in this respect, and completely opposite to the interest of working class whites.

>> No.15609279

No, he doesn't. "Why do Jews support war" does not mean "Why does literally ever individual Jew support war" and nobody understands it to mean that. Are you trying to run interference on this thread or something?

>> No.15609280

Not all Jews work in the media. How is an old Jewish guy who runs a kosher pickle shop going to "cover the doings of corrupt Jews in the media"?

>> No.15609284

Are you fucking kidding me, dude? Get lost with this birdbrained argument.

>> No.15609290

I know that you're generalizing. You are also contradicting yourself, so I'm pointing out the self contradiction.

You are denying what generalizations amount to, when you admit to generalizing yet denying doing what generalizing does. When you generalize about a group, your statement applies to all members of the group. This is implicitly understood by all English speakers to be happening. If you think this is not how generalizations work, you must be very confused about why people react to generalizations with "not all x".

I don't think you even believe what you're saying. You're feigning ignorance of the way language works, and hoping nobody will catch your bluff.

>> No.15609293

>Why do leftists deny the significance of the Jewish question?
Because it's irrelevant. You can genocide every single Jew on the planet, and Capital will march on exactly as before, just with more Presbyterians or whatever. The problem is much, much bigger than any particular ethnic group.

>> No.15609300

I'm a Jew. Where's my slice of power? Also I think I must have been left off the mailing list for subversive planning committees.

>> No.15609301

Yes, he does. You will be called out on it every single time. It's literally impossible to say "whites eat mayonnaise" in a large enough crowd and not encounter an objection from a white person that dislikes being called a mayonnaise eater.

Why you think you can get away with this argument is beyond me.

>> No.15609302

>"Why do Jews support war" does not mean "Why does literally ever individual Jew support war"
Then what does it means? "Most Jews support war"? Even that is dubious, but I doubt that's even what is implied.

>> No.15609305

It's not an argument this is me telling you how communication works because you want to pretend you don't know.

A generalization does not mean every individual within that group or there wouldn't be any need for a generalization. There is no contradiction. I and everybody else uses generalizations knowing that there are exceptions. I'm not arguing about this anymore because you guys are purposefully trying to fuck with me, pretending to be stupid.

>> No.15609319

Big brain fellows here that think pointing out exceptions to a rule is anything but a bad faith move. We need another holocaust.

>> No.15609321

Yes many people like me do have a psychological desire to generalize. Generalization is an imperfect heuristic tool that nevertheless can yield valuable information. It is a way of categorizing phenomena based on ***AVERAGE GROUP DIFFERENCES*** again ***AVERAGE***.

"Football players are strong" = the average strength of football players is greater than the average strength of cross country runners.

This does not mean that every football player is stronger than every cross country runner. It means that, if I know Jack plays football and John runs cross country, I can assume with a high degree of accuracy that Jack is probably stronger than John. Maybe I will hire Jack and not John to lift rocks for my gardening project, despite knowing nothing about them besides their sport. More times than not, this will turn out to have been a good decision.

>> No.15609339

I'm telling you that it's hopeless. Nobody that speaks English will ever buy this bullshit. People will continuously call you out on generalizing in this way, this has been the universal experience of everyone who has ever been in an argument and met the objection "not all x", it is literally impossible to deny this.

Moreover, the only reason you are making statements about groups in the form of "x are y" is BECAUSE you want to generalize about them in this way. Even people who are not capable of articulating what you're doing linguistically, can tell *what you're doing* when you say that. There is crystal clear understanding when you say "blacks are x" or "jews are x".

You are feigning ignorance of conversational norms known to everyone, and everyone can see it.

>> No.15609349

Guess we also can't say that Germans genocided Jews

>> No.15609352

Jews take advantage of vulnerabilities in certain subsets of whites, which suit their advantage. Yes, they can work together with white liberals, but what makes the Jew nefarious is how there is a symbiosis between far-left Jews (think Soros) and far-right Jews (think Adelson) themselves. This symbiosis is very difficult to point out, but it comes down to a kind of "geostrategic process" of ensuring they always win, no matter which goy comes out victorious. They are able to dynamically adjust their goals while playing both sides.
What makes Jews dangerous is how they infiltrate all important sectors of media, publishing, film, etc. When this is pointed out, many people, such as yourself, claim it is due to their culture of literacy or even high verbal IQ. This is not a sufficient explanation, and I view it more as a network of *extreme* nepotism. The only other group that can be considered equivalent are Gypsies with their idea of Romanipen.
Jews are known, for example, to artificially inflate house prices by selling and reselling houses to each another. They have no moral qualms with how this affects other races, since their morality is not applicable to them. Other races run a large risk of running away with that money due to the exchanging process, but given Jews have a very strong sense of brotherhood, to the point of viewing goy as inferior as much of their texts repeat, they are able to utilize such underhanded tactics to infiltrate institutions.
Jews simultaneously push both mass migration and endless war in Middle East, but if one side is exposed, they will adjust their plan accordingly and continue securing a position of power and restrategize. The only solution is to bar all minorities from significant positions of power, such as media influence or domestic/foreign policy-making. In fact, given the prevalence of crypto-Jews, all Jewish identity must be banned, including the burning and outlawing of places of worship and scriptures. The East has historically done this, which the West may benefit from.
In short, there is a rudimentary form of swarm intelligence among Jews, much like Gypsies.

>> No.15609358

Correct, that is also far to crude, and invites criticism. I'm glad you're starting to see the benefits of not thinking about the world like a simpleton.

>> No.15609367


>> No.15609377

Dealing with their pilpul is not easy. Maintain your cool.

>> No.15609379

Cope. You people are lying scheming cowards and you ordinary Jews are PATHETIC for not calling out the Jews in power.

>> No.15609386

We can't even say that Nazis genocided Jews if we want to be as strictly logical about it as possible, since some Nazis may have only been Nazis as a survival strategy in Germany, and the Nazis had their share of deserters.

>> No.15609393

The Jews in this thread are simply lying. It's actually really fucking pathetic.

>> No.15609400

Or they might not be calling them out on this because Jews aren't actually in power, retarded stormfag.

>> No.15609403
File: 410 KB, 966x755, OH NO NO NO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tablet Magazine, the most popular Jewish website on the internet, published an interview with Kevin MacDonald this week.

Here's your hero, incels. "The Jews" are so afraid of him that they gave him a front page Q&A so all their readers can hear his scary revelations.

>> No.15609418

Your way of thinking invites political disaster. groups in power do conceive of themselves as groups with group interests. You're asking people to sacrifice hope of political mobilization for the sake of absolute intellectual clarity. This is admittedly a very intelligent way of doing politics (via misdirection) but it is very easy for people to see through. Petersonian/Sargonian individualism is routinely called out by those on the extreme right and extreme left for good reason. You've been found out lol

>> No.15609422

There are ways to cut off their power much more efficient and effectively. Here are a few:

>Make a law where people of non-European ethnic backgrounds cannot be allowed to become agents, owners, or shareholders of news presses, publishing houses, music labels, and film agencies. Present minority shareholders of various news presses should be compensated and then cut off from any influence anymore.
>Ban the practice and identification with Jewish religion. This is done due to crypto-Jews.
>I would advise pushing for laws that ban procreation of minorities on European lands. Moreover, anti-miscegenation laws may be advisable also.

The problem Hitler made is he gave certain Jews exceptions. If you keep these laws in foresight, it may be easier to accomplish.

>> No.15609426

The worst mistake we ever made was letting these rats in our fucking country. We should have let Hitler murder all of these stupid kikes. I'm not even white and I hate these kikes.

>> No.15609433

Do you spend all your time calling out errant whites in power? Sounds like some BLM apologise for your privilege shit. Is race really the only lens you people can see the world through

>> No.15609436

Im not white, stupid kike. Stfu. Jews are in power

>> No.15609445

I'm not white. Stfu, satanic Jew. I hope the far right murders all of you filthy, disgusting, lying kikes.

>> No.15609446

This is hopeless. I'm telling you that even uneducated peasants can sense your bullshit, even if they can't explain how it works. If you want to express a thought about average group differences, make a statement about average group differences. If you want to express crude thought, continue as you are, making inarticulate generalizations.

Yes, there are some contexts where adding unnecessary qualifiers like "some x are y" is unnecessary pedantry, because you are talking in a context where these things are taken for granted.

This is not the case when you talk about racial spirits. This too, is understood.

There is an argument to be made about the usefulness of generalizations as heuristic tools. Generalizing from past experience to future experience is a form of inductive reasoning, and it's not necessarily bad, and there is a degree of tolerance for error. I believe that when it comes to judging humans, literal racist stereotypes are not useful heuristics. Even generalizing from past experience is not too reliable in the interest of being a keen judge of character.

>> No.15609457

>Everyone I don't like is an incel

>> No.15609485

It's not clear what you're saying. Are you suggesting that idpol is the only way to mobilize people? I still don't know what "doing a sargon" means.

At any event you're a retard. My criticism was first of all about the absurd denial of basic facts of life. If you're going to generalize, then own it. I'm fucking sick of cowardly /pol/acks that drop their entire worldview and pretend it's all a joke at the first sign of trouble.

My secondary point about how retarded it is to view the world like a fairy tale with good groups and bad groups is also important, but it's at least debatable how much of your brain you wish to rot in order to have "useful" generalizations. The fact that generalizations target the whole group however, is not negotiable. You will be called out for doing it every time.

>> No.15609489

Who's Norris? Check out this review of his books about quantum mechanics lol
>This must be one of the most misleading books on the realism/antirealism
debate in quantum mechanics ever published. It is clear that this book is only written to defend an ideology rather than any serious attempt to engage in the real problems about the relationship between our ideas of the world and the world as it really is that quantum mechanics raises.

>> No.15609498

>n uneducated peasants can sense your bullshi
buddy that's a pretty generalized statement

>> No.15609503

im not jewish lol. hope your future kids are cute enough that theyll reprieve some of your debts in exchange, sounds like youre really suffering atm

>> No.15609529

Yes, I'm generalizing about uneducated peasants, because I'm shitting on them. I don't care about them, so fuck peasants and fuck brainlets too. You see how easy it is for me to reply to your objection, when I'm not a spineless coward that can't commit and defend anything he says?

>> No.15609545

As explained above here (>>15609352), I am not convinced by the causal explanations behind Jewish overrepresentation in much of the media, publishing, film, and etc. being due to higher innate intelligence. Even Jordan Peterson, who I do not like, acknowledged Jewish overrepresentation:
However, his causal explanation is flawed. The reason for Jewish nepotism is due to a gross multifaceted nepotism, perhaps on the level of a kind of interlaced network of mafia, that disregards the well-being of the natives of their host nation. They benefit from introducing chaos into their host nation and manipulating it to do their geopolitical bidding. I explained more in-depth in this post: >>15609352
Many other minorities have a similar issue but not to this shear magnitude (note, Muslims are getting there in UK). Regardless, I can sympathize with European far-right ideals of wanting to concentrate purely on their own people rather than foreigners. Likewise, I also sympathize with Middle Easterners who desire the end of Western support for Israel.
I believe one way for this situation to be resolved is for these laws to pass:

>Make a law where people of non-European ethnic backgrounds cannot be allowed to become agents, owners, or shareholders of news presses, publishing houses, music labels, and film agencies. Present minority shareholders of various news presses should be compensated and then cut off from any influence anymore.
>Ban the practice and identification with Jewish religion. This is done due to crypto-Jews.
>I would advise pushing for laws that ban procreation of minorities on European lands. Moreover, anti-miscegenation laws may be advisable also.

>> No.15609547

You shouldn't generalize about spineless cowards

>> No.15609550

>The reason for Jewish nepotism
The reason for Jewish overrepresentation*

>> No.15609560

>the guy writing in all caps in a /lit/ thread calls people pathetic
There is really no need for that crazy hobo roleplay here but nice effort.

Which Jews? Left-leaning jews? They mostly don't. Right-leaning jews? Because it fits their political views and because it pleases the government of a key US ally. I don't agree with it, I think it's retarded, but I have to admit that from their point of view it makes sense.

>> No.15609564

Which ones? Soros? Sure he's scum and so are the people who associate with him. Feel free to make a list of the powerful Jews I should call out.

>> No.15609568

You didn't explain how the process is bullshit. You responded to my claim that generalizations can yield useful information by spewing ideology ideology at me
>This is not the case when you talk about racial spirits
>I believe that when it comes to judging humans
>This too, is understood.

When people above 90 IQ make generalizing statements, they are implicitly talking about average group differences. This, like you say, does not need to be absolutely clear because that would invite ugly and clunky language and qualifications. Nobody serious seriously believes all white people eat mayo. Nobody serious seriously believes that every single black person is a violent thug. Nobody serious seriously believes that the jewish dentist down the street is part of Epstein & Co.'s cabal. That there are counterexamples to any generalization does utterly invalidate their predictive power. Though admittedly I can understand why people get emotional and defensive about them, among serious company it just isn't necessary to do so.

>> No.15609572
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what did the ADL mean by this

>> No.15609574

>Big brain fellows here that think pointing out exceptions to a rule is anything but a bad faith move
It's a pretty common objection, I don't see why people itt are getting so mad. If someone itt said whites are responsible for slavery, what would you say?

>> No.15609584

does not* utterly, lol. Anyways fun convo in this /pol/posting thread

>> No.15609590

Right, this is the kind of behavior that reveals Jews as ignoble. It is called "pilpul". It is similar to taqiyya. I advise Europeans to pass laws that concentrate power solely into the hands of those of European descent.

>> No.15609594

I don't know why you're responding to my post, since I haven't touched the JQ itt.
If you want to know why there's jewish over representation in positions of power there is a much simpler theory than high IQ or jewish blood magic.

Jews were kept out of nobility in feudal europe because they were a non christian minority in a christian continent, and competing religions don't like each other very much. As a result successful christian families had a chance to climb the nobility ladder which was the superior path to power, but successful jewish families were unable to take that path, so they had to become merchants, which was as high as they could go. During this period of time jews were very weak.

After the liberal revolutions and then the industrial revolution, the nobility were no longer the ruling class and the merchant, banker, and later industrialist class rose to power. Jew who were over represented in those classes were able to quickly climb the capitalism power for no other reason other than being over represented in those classes.

The nepotism argument is also worth making, but I'm getting tired at this point. At any event everyone practices nepotism but it's hard to prove this to people who don't know how the real world works and think only the mean evil kikes have the gall to help their families.

>> No.15609595

>concentrate power
consolidate power*

>> No.15609609

>Nobody serious seriously believes that the jewish dentist down the street is part of Epstein & Co.'s cabal.
Well pizzagate is a thing, and it's roughly on the same order of absurdity. I've met educated people who think pizzagate is real and who are not even rightwing.

>That there are counterexamples to any generalization does utterly invalidate their predictive power.
That some generalization have high predictive power doesn't mean all generalizations should be considered reliable. This is the whole point of statistics. Anon have been telling you the generalizations itt are not reliable, and you keep getting worked up about how pointing out exceptions is somehow always a misdirection. Learn some epistemology seriously.

>> No.15609617

>After the liberal revolutions and then the industrial revolution, the nobility were no longer the ruling class and the merchant, banker, and later industrialist class rose to power. Jew who were over represented in those classes were able to quickly climb the capitalism power for no other reason other than being over represented in those classes.
Yes, I am claiming this was a mistake. Let me repeat:
"Make a law where people of non-European ethnic backgrounds cannot be allowed to become agents, owners, or shareholders of news presses, publishing houses, music labels, and film agencies. Present minority shareholders of various news presses should be compensated and then cut off from any influence anymore."

Jews or any minority should not be allowed to have any position of power that allows for the manipulation of political technologies, social engineering, or more. There should be no minority shareholders of news outlets or media companies for example.

It is unprecendented to have minorities wield such power to shape the minds of those whom they share no ancestral connection with. It should be outlawed. This would solve much of these issues.

>> No.15609619

Advise duly noted, I'll rely your recommendations to the board of Europeans.

>> No.15609624

Jews will deny this, though. Even the ones ITT are. They are truly a bottom-feeding race of people.

>> No.15609631

>And it was at the same time that Trotsky invented the racism taboo?
Holy shit this is your brain on /pol/

>> No.15609633

>Are you suggesting that idpol is the only way to mobilize people?
Yes (though I don't wish it was so), the group struggle for existence/power/prestige is the essence of what politics is. It is what divides "the political" from "personal enmities" (thanks Schmitty!) that occur in private life
>doing a Sargon
means myopic individualism

>> No.15609640

Trotsky and Magnus hierschfield popularized the word racism, you disgusting brainlet. Magnus INVENTED it

>> No.15609657

I think saying that Jews are an accelerant to liberalism is fair as they are often the most vocal about its expansion, but I think we'd still be in 90% of the same place now without them.

>> No.15609668

What book did you read on this topic?

>> No.15609680

Liberalism and Zionism aren't contradictory.

>> No.15609687

Because wars in the Middle East spread liberalism. If Israel was the only concern there, you wouldn't see the same neocon zeal for attacking North Korea.

>> No.15609700

I look forward to the Israeli plan to let in millions of brown people so that Jews become a minority

>> No.15609703

Don't you have more innocent white women to cast in Satanic porn videos, you disgusting shlomo?

>> No.15609704

I wish I could continue to respond but I'm getting too sleepy to keep posting, so I have to sleep after this. I still think that racist stereotypes are not useful generalizations, but at any event no matter how justified some generalizations may be in the right contexts, it remains a fact of life that racists actually exist, that they actually believe that every single black person is a violent thug, that they have ways of communicating that belief, and that English speakers who do not live under a rock can recognize those statements for what they are. It is also a fact that there are people dumb enough to think there's some plausible deniability in those statements, that dog whistles actually work. Dog whistles do not work. They rely on feigning ignorance of pragmatics (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pragmatics)), and trying to lawyer your way out of admitting what your words do. They're the "I'm not touching you, I'm not touching you" of language. If you're not one of those people, you do yourself no favors by covering for them.

>> No.15609706

Okay retard

>> No.15609719

>it remains a fact of life that racists actually exist, that they actually believe that every single black person is a violent thug
stop generalizing about racists, that's not how language works

>> No.15609722

Yeah bro you got me, I'm a Jew because I disagree with you.

This is perhaps the most interesting part about antisemitism and its greatest strength as a narrative. Anyone who disagrees with it is either a Jew, a crypto-Jew, or being paid off by Jews, antisemites never have to deal with arguments on their own terms as they can dismiss due to their beliefs.

>> No.15609728

why can't /pol/ threads stay on /pol/

>> No.15609732

Mate there was no war in the middle east in ww2 was there
where do refugees come from
holy shit

>> No.15609743

Liberals have no problem being imperialist.

>> No.15609752

Because /pol/tards think this board is full of lefties and think that posting here is going to btfo them and somehow have an impact on politics.

>> No.15609757

I just defined racists as a category in such a way that I do not include in it people who do not actually believe that every single black person has nigger spirit. Your first attempt at a gotcha failed for a similar reason. You remain low IQ.

>> No.15609770

thanks. Will read later.

>> No.15609774

Right then I define Jews as the category that did the things mentioned above.

>> No.15609801

Sounds dumb. You do that.

>> No.15609814

Sam Francis wrote articles about it.
Literally, Google it and it should pop up.
Do research next time, brainlet.

>> No.15609818

Just as dumb as your definition of racists.

>> No.15609826

Oh, so it has nothing to do with balkanizing the middle East and making Israel a regional power?

>> No.15609844

>I'm gonna make a claim but not provide any evidence or even a title to prove my claims
>It's your job to try to find evidence for my claims

>> No.15609858

It's a smaller part of it, but it doesn't explain everything. Why do Jews like Max Boot and Bill Kristol agitate for invading North Korea when it has nothing to do with Israel?

>> No.15609887

Because Jews benefit from ensuring IMF, SWIFT, and World Bank continue maintaining global hegemony.

>> No.15609902

And so do any other group in the elite. Antisemites dismiss class motives far too often.

>> No.15609920

original guy you're posting to here. thanks for staying up arguing bs with me. I would say I am a racist but I don't think every black person is a violent thug, to use your example. I think you're assuming that if people like me get power we will be useful idiots for people with genocidal intent, so I should be more nuanced as to keep those people out? I mean I get your point but it also doubles as a means of obfuscating and muddying discussion of real issues through accusations of irresponsibility. I acknowledge that totalizing generalizers (talk about disgusting language lol) exist but I can't be silent just because of that fact

>> No.15609923

the Jew-for-Jew media is a great source of information on Jews, second only to counter-semitic publications; whereas the Jew-for-Goyim media is extremely dishonest regarding both Jews and counter-semites. you would never see an interview with K-Mac in the mainstream media

>> No.15609937

The issue is with Jewish overrepresentation in certain important sectors of society. If it were another minority, it may also be problematic. Check here: >>15609617

>> No.15609938

>Im not white
Then no one cares about your opinion, disgusting shitskin (or black or whatever else abomination that you are)

>> No.15609947

Liberals sound based.

>> No.15609960

Well, MacDonald's thesis about Jews working in their interests is pretty much correct because that's what every group does. However, antisemites dramatically overemphasis their influence as a group and completely dismiss other factors.

>> No.15609963

t. jew

>> No.15609973

>that's what every group does.
This is where you're wrong. Some groups do it more than others. Jews do it the most than others. It's a matter of degrees, you idiot. Some cultures are more cosmopolitanism and less tribal than others.

>> No.15609979

Love how antisemites take Jewish publications at face value but throw suspicion on whatever Jews say otherwise.

>> No.15609986

Sargon is based though

>> No.15610008
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>It's a matter of degrees, you idiot.

>> No.15610035

I mean, yeah, it is. Saying all minorities EQUALLY*** work in their interests is disingenuous. Some minorities have much stronger and overt in-group interests.
For example, AIPAC and other Zionist groups have a stronger lobbying presence than other minorities. We can use to show that Jews seek their own interests, above the ones of their host nation, moreso than even other minorities. It is just one example out of many.

>> No.15610058

In fact, there is a trend among many certain groups of minorities to simply let go of their own ethnic identities, but I doubt a Jew will ever seriously consider that. Why not just renounce your Jewish identity and become Christian, Buddhist, or something else? It's simple. There's nothing beautiful in Judaism. Just damn it and become something else.

>> No.15610376

check out this article about fertility/family in Israel

night and day to what Jews push in white countries

>> No.15610538

Given the trends towards atheism and out of group marriage with Jews, it's already happening.

>> No.15610794

Jewishness, Marxism and Zionism are the embodiment of modernity. None of the major postmodern theorists except Derrida were Jewish and he was a Sephardic Jew with 0 actual Jewish culture.

Everything you associate with critical race theory etc. is derived from the work of white French men

The <<<French>>> are the true enemies of western civilization

>> No.15610838


Nice attempted feint, Ira. France is #3 of the world jewry at last check, as close as makes no difference.

>> No.15610851


The point is that kikery persists both in spite and also because of this pseudo-diaspora. The real problem is that jews are intelligent, have in-group cohesion and a massive chip on their shoulders. They must be eliminated, there is no other way to a net good.

>> No.15610856


I'm serious bro. All this tranny degenerate shit and white privilege and meme shit is all the doing of postmodernists bro. You think orthodox Marxists give a fuck about that?

<<<Foucault>>> sold the soul of the left to corporate interests to usher in the modern intersectional neoliberal hellscape

>> No.15610874

If Jews becoming less Jewish produces even more undesirable results, then maybe it isn't the Jewishness that's the inherent problem.

>> No.15610880

They still identify as Jewish though.

>> No.15611099

Macdonald is a retard and Nathan Cofnas destroyed him. When it was pointed out that Macdonald could not provide instances of the Frankfurt school saying they didn’t think anti-racism should apply to Jews, he flipped out and wrote a bunch of nonsense to get around the fact he doesn’t have any direct evidence. And that’s just one example of his shoddy works. Not to mention it doesn’t even pass the litmus test of being science. To demonstrate group selection took place, you have to show the advantages of group selection are outweighed by in group competitiveness on a quantitative level. I think this is self evidently not the case with Jews as it would have been much more advantageous to just convert and stop being a persecuted religious minority for 100’s of years. But even if there is some potential argument to be made, Macdonald never even attempts to demonstrate it on a quantitative level. It’s just anti Semitic raving, not real academic work. It only appeals to fellow travellers.

>> No.15611119

Plenty of people do, but it doesn't mean much politically. Pro-israel lobbyist identifying as jewish is a problem, some random white guy whose grandfather married a jew isn't.

>> No.15611121

>persecuted religious minority
Jews aren't persecuted they get in trouble because they're absolute assholes and everyone hates them

>> No.15611146

>blah blah blah
No medieval Christian Europe was full of savages who regularly butchered each other over their religious beliefs (eg there’s one notable incident where French killed a bunch of Huguenots and sold their body parts on the street). They were especially hostile to non Christians and religious minorities. The bottom line is that Jews were pushed out of countries, massacred and had legal restrictions put on their movement or profession. It would have been much more advantageous to just convert and participate in regular Christian society than it would have been to continue being Jewish. Therefore it seems self evident to me that the Group Selection hypothesis fails (but like I said Macdonald never even attempts to demonstrate it on a quantitative level).

>> No.15611148

You don't understand what I'm saying. The issue is intrinsic in the very nature of Jewish identity. It should no longer exist, period. If you are able to truly let go of your Jewish identity, then I have no issues. You can always become something else.

>> No.15611202

Internal narrative building != external narrative building for that group.

>> No.15611217
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>No they fucking didn't. Immigration was tightly controlled and limited to Europeans until 1965.
Retard, we had virtually no immigration laws at all until the 1880s, and no significant ones until the 1920s. Per capita immigration during the Gilded Age and Progressive Era was higher than even today's massive rates.

>> No.15611226

because they're insane tribalistic fucks that think they're chosen by God and superior to everyne else

>> No.15611392

You don't think that internal narrative building can't be largely untruthful?

>> No.15611612

>Macdonald is a retard and Nathan Cofnas destroyed him
source on that?

>> No.15611627

That's not gonna work, Cofnas is a Jew so antisemites can just dismiss him out of hand.

>> No.15611629

What the fuck is happening to this board?

>> No.15611668

Read Cofnas’s critique and then read Macdonald’s response. After you’re done, see if you can summarize what arguments Macdonald is trying to make. His tactic is to write as much as possible while not really saying anything. It’s called gish galloping.

>> No.15611691

>white liberal elites
Jews and shabbos are the only people who use this term.

>> No.15611701

Thread should have ended here. All conspiracies of this nature need a group of people working as individuals in cooperation with no organization tying them together other than a perceived identity. This has never been the case in history, this kind of homogeneity in a group. It's only compelling to anti-semites because they take notice whenever a powerful person is jewish and believe that because they perceive jews as distinct in character jewish people will see themselves in exactly the same way.

>> No.15611737

/pol/ is going the same way as /b/. infested with demoralizing shit to the point of the board's population moving elsewhere. 1,000 black dick threads a day is going to make people eventually leave. what better place to come but /lit/? after all, this is the perfect place to discuss some redpilling books such as culture of critique.

>> No.15611961

People are waking up

>> No.15611990

Jews want two things: to maintain the existence of their communities (the jews) and increase the security/power of those communities. Its pretty much the same as any other group, the jews simply happen to be smart enough biologically and intellectual enough culturally to pursue these things by gaining power in others institutions.

What should be done with power, what "the jews" even means, and all other things are up for debate within the Jewish community.

>> No.15611997

And you don't understand what I saying either. I'm saying this
>The issue is intrinsic in the very nature of Jewish identity
is false. The Jewish identity is a loose thing. Many Jews are assimilated or borderline assimilated. It is strong Jewish identity plus political militantism and/or belonging to powerful interest groups like lobbies which is significant.
Everyone else, jewish or not, is being strung along like they always are.

>> No.15611999

Surely Jews realize that their publications can be readby everyone? I mean at least the open ones.

>> No.15612006

Most others just say "liberal elites", it works too.

>> No.15612031

This. The constant shilling and retardposting on /pol/ made me migrate here.

>> No.15612051

If you knew anything about Jewish history and the history of Zionism you’d see how retarded this is. Read the first few chapters of The 7th Million by Tom Segev, it’ll dissuade you pretty quickly “Jews” have any specific ethnic interest.

>> No.15612107

I’m gonna read this thread when I’m not jacking off, this seems like a can of worms

>> No.15612123

The true powermove would be jacking off to this thread while posting a description of your jacking-off-in-progress every couple minutes.

>> No.15612130

I don't believe in the JQ because I don't take reductionist conspirational explanations for an answer. It is perfectly fine to acknlowedge the observation that Ashkenazi Jews are massively overrepresented among the elites in society (likely because of a natural tendency towards very high verbal and mathematical IQ) and that Jewish culture is a traditionally nepotistic culture, which both expresses itself in a number of ways. But I do not believe Jews do be uniquely dignified and distinct because of it, and I especially do not believe any explanation that ends in "Jewishness" to be sufficient for it.

Stop making this board worse.

>> No.15612150

Why is it considered some whacky conspiracy theory to suppose that Jewish people are a group with particular interests, and that these interests sometimes conflict with other groups? I'm reminded about that Hitler quote about Jews recoiling after being called a Jew.

>> No.15612157

>I don't believe in the JQ
There's nothing to believe in. The JQ exists, there's a history of JQ in Europe.

>> No.15612160

Because it is a whacky conspiracy theory which is refuted by a cursory knowledge of Jewish history and the participation of Jewish intellectuals in left wing movements.

>> No.15612163
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>whacky conspiracy theory

>> No.15612168

What exactly has been refuted? Jews aren't a group and they don't have interests?

>> No.15612178

That’s such a vague statement that’s it’s almost impossible not to be true. That’s not even what Macdonald is claiming, if It were it would be an inoffensive truism. He’s saying their participation in intellectual movements is a strategy to undermine white people and advance their own ethnic interest. This is retarded and Macdonald misrepresents his evidence as many people, most notably Cofnas have pointed out.

>> No.15612179

I can be influenced by my Christianity to further the interests of Christianity but apparently Jews are levitating above us and can act completely divorced from their upbringing and community. To supposed otherwise is a wacky conspiracy theory.

>> No.15612186

If it's true then why did you call it a conspiracy a theory? You can't be talked to because you're acting instinctually defensive and without thought.

>> No.15612192

Are you saying that Christians and Jews are fundamentally the same when it comes to communautaristic behavior?

>> No.15612197

Because the statements “Jews are a group” and “Jews act in their interest” are I guess, both individual taken sort of true. If you mean there is some sort of unified Jewish interest Jews act in, then it’s not true and a conspiracy theory. Macdonald is more or less implying the latter.

>> No.15612199

Lmao. A jew refuted a critique of jews?? No waaay

>> No.15612200

>Why do leftists deny the significance of the Jewish question?

Because western civilization has achieved a technological stage to increase wellbeing too much too fast.

in the past you had to suffer the consequences for acting on irrational thoughts, for giving in to vice, for making terrible decisions in general.

Nowadays the state apparatus provides a comfy cushion against the consequences of your own incompetence, disincentivizing careful planning, resisting temptations/urges etc.

Because of that people have brushed aside traditional teachings that came from centuries of suffering consequences, centuries of trial&error.

So inevitably people stop concentrating on individual decisions as the most important factor of success, because why would they? especially if they are guilty of making terrible decisions themselves. They rather look for external explanations that leave their ego intact, which grows resentment and enables the development of oppressor/victim dichotomy.
And since they exclusively look at outcomes and neglect choices made, they end up looking at the victim status of demographics and determine their opinions based on that.

so jews are obviously victims, PoC too, and dont forget the women.

And the solution of all problems is the state writing laws that address the outcomes and equalize victims and oppressors.

That's the worldview of every sort of leftist. Damned be personal responsibility.

We're fucked, there is no stopping it.
Democracy is what enables this slow collective descent into madness.
an authoritarian state does not have to even entertain the thought of appeasing these children, they hold power regardless. but democracy buckles under the pressure as the means of achieving power depends on the popularoty contest that is the vote...

>> No.15612206
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Jewish question isn't of my concern.
My actual and only concern is human question.
I believe in the salvation of humanity, in the future of nuclear annihilation.

People are reading the book.

>> No.15612212

They are both judeo-christians. Worshipers of a particular semitic desert demon, yes.

>> No.15612215

If it was a guy named Ragnar Skalgrisson instead you'd suspect he's a convert, married to a Jew, bought out by a Jewish organization or simply too much imbued with the ambient jewish culture right? So in both cases the identity of the author allows you to dismiss the argument.

>> No.15612218

Yeah because Macdonald is a retard, his response to Cofnas was to write long Gish gallops without addressing most of his points. It’s funny how intellectually bankrupt the alt right is.

>> No.15612219

What about the Muslims, the Jainite, the Bah'ai and the Babylonians?

>> No.15612222


Checked. I read empire of their own; how jews created hollywood. Bought it in a jewish bookstore. Really an eye opener. They are extremely clannish and the most racist folk on earth.

>> No.15612228


Ooooooooo bless "em

>> No.15612229

See per their percentage of the population, and their overrepresentaton in media he is not. People openly state that this is because of their unique qualifying qualities while talking about Wasp or other white qualities would make you a pariah. He is actually grossly underestimating their group influence.

>> No.15612232

Macdonald doesn't suppose that there's a unified Jewish interest. In fact he states multiple times throughout the book are not a unified group. His critics are so fucking dishonest man, it's ridiculous.

>> No.15612236

>Worshipers of a particular semitic desert demon
Not him, but may I ask who that demon is? Are you implying that followers of Abrahamic religions are worshipping a devil? I thought YHWH/God/Allah was a pagan god who took the role of the almighty one.

>> No.15612246

It's not very different from a demon. The idea of demons as lesser evil entities compared to gods is a Christian one anyway. For ancient Greeks a demon is a kind of personal spirit, so here the godof abrahamic religions would be like the tutelar demon of the jewish people.

>> No.15612251

I know he states that, but he doesn’t really believe that. The idea that Adorno or someone else could just be a principle anti-racist or anti-fascist doesn’t compute with him and so he reads some sort of ethnic interest in all Jewish participation in intellectual movements regardless of what side they are or how absurd the positions he’s taking is. Hence why he’s a conspiracy theorist.

>> No.15612254

Israel is much worse than the South African apartheid state, South Africa stipulated rules for how blacks and whites could live together, Israel has never imagined such a thing.

>> No.15612276

His whole point in talking about guys like Adorno is to demonstrate that with gentiles, they're one way but with Jews, suddenly their principles don't matter. White people shouldn't exist as a group but Jews should so this isn't just matter of Adorno being anti-racist. If he was just anti-racist then he would be consistently anti-racist. Macdonald argues that he's acting in ways that he feels will benefit Jewish people.

>I know he states that, but he doesn’t really believe that.
I really didn't start out personally hating Jews but you motherfuckers are just so dishonest. Every interaction cements it.

>> No.15612279

>Muslims, Bah'ai
Worship the same demon
>Jainite, Babylonians

>> No.15612283

>Are you implying that followers of Abrahamic religions are worshipping a devil?
No. Just an extremely destructive and dangerous spiritual being. Read the Bible and see for yourself

>> No.15612289

Actually he completely failed to offer up any evidence that Adorno did that. Cofnas pointed out to him that he completely misread the authoritarian personality and that there’s no evidence Adorno, Boas etc were one way with gentiles and another way with Jews. Macdonalds response was to just type as much as possible without saying anything and he still to this day has not provided any positive evidence for his assertions about Adorno. Macdonald actually consistently misreads or misuses sources in his book which is why he’s not taken seriously as an academic scholar.

>> No.15612313

I'm Arab so I only read the Quran, close enough?

>> No.15612317

>Yeah, well everything that guy said over there was bullshit
That's all I hear from you. It really is a type of cope.

>> No.15612327

No Macdonald was refuted, why don’t you read the critique. Macdonald doesn’t even claim Adorno was one way with gentiles and another with Jews. He admits he wasn’t but says Adorno was “engaging in self deception”. This is why he’s a conspiracy theorist and not a scholar. The idea that Adorno could just be a principled anti-racist is incomprehensible to Macdonald, so he has to engage in bizarre conspiracy theories. It’s really quite sad how intellectually bankrupt the far right is.

>> No.15612350

It's a conspiracy to say that people can be unconsciously influenced by their upbringing and community? Or is it only a conspiracy when it involves Jews?

>> No.15612354

Why are Jews unable to accept any constructive criticism? It makes them come off as being no different than blacks in America. Just acknowledge there is a large trend of nefarious nepotistic behavior of Jews for destructive leftism, political militantism, or unsavory lobbying. It's a huge trend. That doesn't mean every Jew is in on it.

>> No.15612377

It’s a conspiracy theory when you posit some sort of self deception even when there’s absolutely no evidence for your claim instead of just accepting the obvious explanation that Adorno was a principled anti-racist and felt that should apply to both Jews and Gentiles. There’s in principle, no way to refute Macdonalds conspiracy theories. A Jew is leftist but believes those lessons should apply to both Jews and Gentiles? Self deception. A Jew is in favour of abolishing Israel? He’s afraid Israel will reflect badly on the diaspora. A Jew is a racist? He’s just pursuing some alternative ethnic interest. It’s not like Jewish ethnic activist don’t exist (they do), it’s that Macdonald finds a way to read ethnic interest into all Jewish involvement in any intellectual or political movement. That is why he’s a conspiracy theorist. Do you understand now, or are you just too dense?

>> No.15612402

There is evidence of self deception but you're ignoring it because you only read some critique of the book. Adorno pathologizes behavior in gentiles that he encourages in Jews.

>> No.15612412

No he doesn’t, point out where Adorno encourages the same behaviour in Jews.

>> No.15612428

No, I'm not digging through notes for you.

>> No.15612435

It doesn’t exist, go fuck your self faggot

>> No.15612442

Amusing that your answer to this thread is yet again a broadsweeping criticism of Jews.
"See, when you criticize Jews in general and they point out you're overgeneralizing they're truly proving that Jews can do nothing but criticizing others!".
I mean let's be honest here: what would you consider constructive critism in this context? "I like McDonald's general point but I feel he should provide more factual evidence."? "McDonald is good but he should also provide solution for the problem"?
Do those criticisms strike you as natural?

>> No.15612460

Kevin MacDonald is a hack. If you even had a shred of intelligence you would not reference him. Uneducated swine.

>> No.15612508

I finished quite a while ago

>> No.15612517

I'm pretty impressed anon.

>> No.15612553

>That is one reason why the resources of the Jews have increased, but it is also because of their stubborn loyalty and ready benevolence towards fellow-Jews. Yet they confront the rest of the world with a hatred reserved for enemies.

Tacitus knew what was up.

>> No.15612612

As an Israeli Jew, you are quite wrong, and >>15611990
Is quite right. While it's not absolute, it is the view that the majority of Jews grow up with and believe in. In Israel ALL political and ideological groups have the same position on anti-Semitism. (With the exception of the illegal Islamic Movement).

>> No.15612623

Gas yourself kike, no one is buying your shit NO ONE

>> No.15612694

>>15612612 here.
Because it really does strick Jews with fear. They have to delegitimize such views because they think it would eventually lead to persecution and another holocaust. That's the basic ADL narrative.
Correct, and the fact that the apartheid regime is gone yet Israel go on existing without any sanctions is evidence of protectionism of one form or another.
Jews view any sort of general criticism as something that exposes them to persecution. There's a deep view that gentiles can act in an reasonable and uncalled violence. This is how historical pogroms are depicted.
>He’s afraid Israel will reflect badly on the diaspora.
But that's indeed how many anti-zionist Jews think.

>> No.15612731

The chosen ones aren't going to allow you.

>> No.15612770

>Israel is much worse than the South African apartheid state
It really isn't tho because israel already has 20%+ arab CITIZENS in the 48'-borders with equal rights.
Meanwhile you have countries like UAE where only Emirates are citizens and the rest of the 90% are basically slave laborers expatriates, or Saudia and quite a few other countries where any religion outside of islam is prohibited, so your comparison to south africa is ridiculous

>> No.15612776

God forbid these countries have a unique and homogeneous culture.

>> No.15612798

Which countries? UAE and Saudia? Yet they go on existing without any sanctions, so i guess that's also an evidence of protectionism as per your logic

>> No.15613636

Jews take heavy criticism from just about everybody all the time. Antisemites aren't criticizing Jews though, they're just declaring Jews a symptom of a disease and telling them to leave or kill themselves or to get ready to be killed if they don't do either of those.

>> No.15613697

It's not a matter of being criticized, it's how they respond to it. They are extremely hyperdefensive over any perceived slight. Simply mentioning that Jews are a group with their own interests is enough to draw their ire. They can't be reasoned with and I think you're demonstrating it a bit here by essentially declaring that no criticism of Jews is valid, that it's all just irrational hatred that comes out nowhere. It probably does feel like a genuine mystery to you and that's one of the reasons I hate you people. You're completely incapable of self examination and self criticism.

>> No.15613905

Most Jews I know don't really match any description like "hyperdefensive." They are typically a pretty stoic and timid bunch, at least from my experience with them as college professors in hard science majors and as office coworkers.

But this DOES come across as hyperdefensive:
>They can't be reasoned with and I think you're demonstrating it a bit here by essentially declaring that no criticism of Jews is valid, that it's all just irrational hatred that comes out nowhere. It probably does feel like a genuine mystery to you and that's one of the reasons I hate you people. You're completely incapable of self examination and self criticism.

This is not only an absurdly unrealistic attitude, but you jumped straight into calling me Jewish just for standing up for Jews. I'm not Jewish, for your information, I'm just concerned with intellectual precision and cleanliness, which discussion with antisemites always sorely lacks.