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15606061 No.15606061 [Reply] [Original]

>Go to start a new book
>Open book
>"About the Author"
>"Letter from [Author's friend]"
>"Praise for [Author's previous works]"
>"Praise for [This Specific Book]"
>"Translator's Commentary"
>"Publisher's Note"
>"Author's Note"
>"Comment from [Illustrator's Third Cousin]"
>"Chapter 1"
>book starts

>> No.15606068

>go to Translator's Note
>it's just a paragraph


>> No.15606193

Congratulations, you actually made me laugh

>> No.15606236

This shit pissed me off so much with my edition of Dubliners. I swear they do it just to get the book past 200 pages.

>> No.15606250

the real reason is that they need to keep the "scholars" who write that shit employed
it's the lit version of hip-hop album features

>> No.15606322

That's plausible, but it annoys me regardless. The worst thing is they preface the book with shit you wouldn't know unless you had already read it. Often, it's a modern author's post-modern ideological interpretation of a classic work (Carlos Fuentes' introduction to Don Quixote comes to mind), and this shit isn't good because it instills prejudice in the reader to read it a certain way.

>> No.15606323

you forgot
>Page intentionally left blank

>> No.15606349

>buying a book on public domain

>> No.15606365

literally just skip it lmao.

>> No.15606368
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>Preface to the 1st edition
>Preface to the 2nd edition
>Preface to the 3rd edition
>Preface to the 4th edition
>Preface to the 5th edition
>Preface to the 6th edition

>> No.15606376

I'm reading Heart of Darkness right now and I'm not sure whether to read the prefaces and explanations before or after the actual story.

>> No.15606403

>it starts with a 30 page long analysis that spoils the whole story

>> No.15606404

if its a note by an author or just historical context for the story, go for it.

>> No.15606410

>translator's note bashes the previous translator's work

>> No.15606444
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>open book
>translator's note shitting on author
>preface shitting on author
>prologue shitting on author

>> No.15606456

I like the physical book. I would never buy an ebook because I'm not a cuckold but I would buy a physical book if I wanted it.

>> No.15606489

>open 300 year old book
>jew in the footnotes: "umm ackshully the battle took place seven miles away from town not eight"

>> No.15606499

I always assumed this is just modern academia scam so these freeloaders get paid for "contributing" to otherwise worthwhile books so I skip them

>> No.15606509

Fuck you, I hate when translators intros are like thirty pages long

>> No.15606531

Absurdly retarded take, how do you even remember to breathe with such a small brain?

>> No.15606533
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based. Who am I gonna trust, the Granddaddy of History or some old boring tenured fuck who hasn't done anything of note except comment on the achievements of others?

>> No.15606555 [DELETED] 

You're right, that's why I borrowed it from the library

>> No.15606571

I got it at the airport

>> No.15606576


>> No.15606594

>Herodotus of Halicarnassus here displays his inquiry, so that human achievements may not become forgotten in time

>> No.15606596

>reading book about Stalin
>whatever, who cares, keep going
>eventually get into Stalin's escapades, come to when he gets sick of mogging trotskike in deeds and starts doing it intellectually
>drop it

>> No.15606610

Pleb filter working as intended.

>> No.15606646

>open book
>see preliminary sections as mentioned in the OP
>read them if I want to and don’t if I don’t
>realise that they might be helpful for some people, even if I don’t need or want to read them
>skip to the start of the book and just read
wasn’t so hard was it?

>> No.15606665

>if it’s not hurting anyone, it’s okay!
Shut the fuck up liberal faggot. Some things are objectively wrong irrespective of whether they harm anyone. In this case, the practice is not in line with Harmony and Goodness, so it deserves to be complained against.

>> No.15606680

>this page was intentionally left blank

>> No.15606743

>blank page with no mention as to why it's blank

>> No.15607412

lol reminds me of the introduction to JBP's book where the jew who wrote it goes on and on about how his jewish TV mogul friend recruited him, how JBP is in no way an anti-semite, and how his (the intro author's) grandparents were in the "death" camps and his grandma stared down mengele and escaped his murderous clutches on two occasions.

>> No.15607425

>5 blank pages at the end of the book

>> No.15607592

Scholarly work is materially entirely the same as sample-based music after all. And when scholars critique each other that's no different than diss tracks.

>> No.15607907

I don't mind it so much when they are telling me about the author, I think it can be interesting and gives you some more perspective when reading the book.

What I absolutely can't stand is when they give away key information about the book that you haven't read yet before the book has even started. It makes no sense and I will never understand it.

>> No.15607927

>introduction to old classic
>criticizes author for being racist/misogynystic

>> No.15608174

Nigga did you just read if on a winter's night a traveller

>> No.15608227
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I miss schizo-poster. I was away for some years. I haven't seen him for a while. I have his collected posts.

>> No.15608284

always did this, now i am mostly reading comics.
Even that i do rarely.
I mostly illustrate them.

>> No.15608350

yeah, reading a lot really makes you aware of how much time it truly takes to master a skill, you start not giving a fuck about wasting time reading stuff that doesn't pertain to your life goals and realize you have such limited time you have to dedicate it all towards a very limited set of things.

>> No.15608378

>pencil work
>coloring the cover
>writing the script
>designing the setting and the characters
But I did put it to a competition.
I hope early July to find out how i score on it :D

>> No.15608405
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>> No.15608542

imagine reading any oter thing than the introduction, prologue and chapters

>> No.15608815

It sets the mood. You can see the thought passing through people and join the line. Cheap books that have well known texts and nothing else should be called dumb printouts.

>> No.15609108

When I write my book I will be sure to add all of the above to its beginning in complete fabrication.

>> No.15609199


idk i feel like all the additional shit, especially with regards to Joyce, is kinda necessary. You really get to appreciate the naturalism of his work - specific streets/walks (Two Gallants), slang, obscure Irish political/religious references.

Most of the time tho, that shit is annoying

>> No.15609277

but if it becomes a classic, a legitimate versions of these things will appear before your fabricated ones.

>> No.15609313

i only read introductions it if its written by the author himself

>> No.15609328
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You are like a little baby. Watch this

>> No.15610513


>> No.15610541

At least it doesn't talk about the orthographic changes for the 4th edition.

>> No.15610545

Every time I see this image in the catalogue I think schizo poster is back. Then I look at the text and am disappointed

>> No.15610667

This, an actual funny OP for long.

>> No.15610685

>this page intentionally left blank
>with that disclaimer it's not blank anymore
>this was done intentionally

>> No.15610779
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Terse statement denouncing the author as a misogynist and racist while admitting that the work in question may contain some value if read "critically" and/or "in the context of its time", followed by an acknowledgements section that accounts for at least 50% of the length of the foreword.
Denounces the author as a racist and misogynist, along with several more-specific denunciations based on the particular nature of the work or the prefacer's pet bogies/academic meal tickets (not necessarily in that order).
>About the author
Denounces the author as a misogynistic racist, while puzzling over the paradox that he appears to have had warm feelings for certain women in his life. (If the author was a bachelor or a confirmed homo, will instead puzzle over the paradox of sucking dick while thinking blacks are kind of stupid and women are overrated.)
>Letter from [Author's friend]
Irrelevant personal correspondence, hopefully about either sex or misogynistic racism but if not at least justifies expensing a junket to wherever the author's collection is kept in order to make likely-rebuffed advances on the research assistant.
>Praise for [Author's previous works]
"I really prefer [author's previous work]. You've probably never heard of it." t. credentialed expert on [author]. Will be sure to mention the author's evolving perspectives on "social issues" (women, niggers, faggots).
>Praise for [This Specific Book]
Either a platitudinous blurb in fulfillment of a contract recommendation if the blurber is famous, or a solid page-length panegyric composed by a midlist author over several days in order to shill his own books as much as possible without violating contrary editorial directives.
>Translator's Commentary
Multipage thinly-veiled masturbatory account of how smart and hardworking the translator is.
>Publisher's note
Whining about how hard it is to typeset a book followed by a literal trigger warning for racism, misogyny.
>Author's note
"I hope the good Reader gratefully accepts my humble Work!"
>Comment from [Illustrator's third cousin]
Printed twitter shitpost from a female with an IQ in the 90s.
30+ page essay in breezy prose which contains all significant details of the plot, denounces the author's misogynistic racism along with any other DLC offenses against the publisher's commissariat, and declares how the reader should and should not interpret the work in question.
Primary text preceded by a paragraph-long italicized editorial note
>Chapter 1
Chapter heading has an editorial footnote

Also, don't forget the hundred and fifty pages of critical essays in the back of the book.

>> No.15610916

What book is this?

>> No.15611092

>he doesn't make little doodles to held him grasp the story
Fucking brainlet

>> No.15611149

Somebody page Mistress Darcy We got a loose cuck

>> No.15611178

>read first paragraph of preface
>too tired to read anymore
>close book
>never pick it up again

>> No.15611181
File: 2.14 MB, 400x166, OjdPgU.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pick up book on Prussia
>spends entire introduction shitting on Prussia and praising Winston Churchill for wanting to exterminate Germans

>> No.15611188

Was this Men Among the Ruins?

>> No.15611234

Shuttup I'm not a cuck

>> No.15611241

>Be you
>Retarded stormfag
>Hate Jews
>Read a book written by a Jew
>About Stalin and the USSR
>Get angry when Jews are mentioned
How dumb are you


>> No.15611250

>Introduction to Alice in Wonderland
>N-no, Carroll wasn't a pedophile
>He was just unmarried and hung out with little girls for fun
>Don't worry you c-can read this

>> No.15611322

god, i know that feeling

>> No.15611450

off by 1

>> No.15611484

This is the most based retard shit I have read on this board in a while

>> No.15611492

Not sure if infuriating or all part of my master plan. . . .

>> No.15611508
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>It's just a biography of the author

>> No.15611872

my diary desu

>> No.15612038

Lmao, Dubliners is entry level as fuck, everything is really on the nose and simple to read retards could understand it.

>> No.15612466

Would you mind linking or reposting some of his posts lad?

>> No.15612541

Fuck off "lad"

>> No.15612544

based as lid
fuck "people" who say lad, 90% of the time they're sigmund steunhauer tier pol browsing fuckheads

>> No.15612557


>> No.15612656

Big ups my man

>> No.15613374

Mein kampf

>> No.15613406
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I dropped Hamilton's Mythology several times because of the drabness of its introduction; its like that passage in the Bible after the banishment from Eden where you're into the text then all of a sudden you get hit with a verbal description of a family tree

>> No.15613421

kek, made me laugh 10/10

>> No.15614591

For everone who doesn't know:
The german bundesland Bavaria holds the copyright to Mein Kampf within germany.

The Bavarian government didn't allow reprints till 2015 or so. Now you can buy it again, but with modern comments in every chapter added.

>> No.15614718

this is so damn annoying