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File: 709 KB, 1396x2111, 034603EE-5A14-4EE4-9242-67B27CFE7084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15605001 No.15605001 [Reply] [Original]

My grandmother recently passed away, and she was my primary role model for how a women should be. Things are so different now. I’m aware her era is outdated, but I guess I’m searching for books that capture what it is to be a good women?

>> No.15605003

Sorry to hear about your grandmother. The singular OP is "woman"and the plural is "women".

>> No.15605034

The big book of reddit

>> No.15605064

Ah, yes. A "singular" typing mistake completely invalidates my entire question. I just want book recommendations. Are you not able to provide that?

>> No.15605069

I thought that Reddit, after lurking here for a while, might not be the best forum site to use.

>> No.15605094

all women are whores, except for mother. it is schizophrenia, anon, to consider relatives as models, in a world with billions of human beings.

and those who love his mother or father more than me are not worthy of me (C) Jesus

>> No.15605181
File: 18 KB, 236x300, Guanyin-on-the-dragon-Buddhism-236x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were I woman, I would kms and then swim through the sacred currents of life, spreading dazzling inspiration and bright love into the dark hearts of this world
All while avoiding men with impure cumpower

>> No.15605234

I’m sorry to hear about your loss OP. My ex girlfriend was in the same situation. Her mom was kind of shitty and her older sister didn’t talk to her. The only person she could talk to was her grandmother, and she learned a lot from her. She was her role model, and we visited her almost every weekend. Later she passed and my girlfriend was devastated because she had no one to turn to for advice and wisdom anymore. After the mourning phase, she became very goal oriented and started making great life decisions. She finally finished at community college and got accepted into the university she always wanted to go to, in a field she previously thought she was too dumb for. Left my sorry alcoholic ass and now is living an amazing life. It seems like once her grandmother passed, she realized that she had to do it all on her own and could no longer fall back to let someone else save her. I hope that helps in any way.

>> No.15605272

You sound like you watch a lot of incest porn. Link me your favorite and I'll be your tradwifey forever <3

>> No.15605284

Thank you, this encourages me.

>> No.15605298

There are no women. There are men with penises and men with vaginas. If you want to be a "lady", read Edith Wharton or something.

>> No.15605343

I want two separate genders so bad :,(

>> No.15605376

you're part of the problem

>> No.15605385

toll paid

>> No.15605408

Try pre-WWI books like Emma, Little Women, pride and prejudice, etc.

>> No.15605434

read andrea dworkin. read women hating, then read intercourse, then read pornography: men possessing women. then maybe read sexual personae. focus on being a good person, not a good woman. sorry for your loss, anon.

>> No.15605441

*woman hating

>> No.15605453

fine i'll continue to get my advice from female dating strategy lol

>> No.15605462
File: 5 KB, 250x190, 1592058091195s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god here come the incels,r9k fags and neckbeards again

>> No.15605463


>Get spelling corrected
>Takes it as a judgement of her question
>Snarky response
>Provide X for me

Classic roastie

>> No.15605481

When was the last time you had sex? The recommendation will depend on your answer.

>> No.15605484

you make your One Little Mistake 27 times. lose the attitude, lady.

>> No.15605485

What the fuck does that mean?

>> No.15605490

take a walk

>> No.15605498

Woah woah woah, where did that come from? You should take constructive criticism positively. It's one of the most important traits of a good person.

>> No.15605520
File: 275 KB, 718x849, 1591542674802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hide female threads
do not respond to female threads

>> No.15605529

i have 12 sex per day, 3 of 12 sex is virgin penis

>> No.15605555

"im a simple roastie from female dating strategy"

>> No.15605572

imagine being this much of an incel retard

>> No.15606066

roasty getting toasty. gtfo off this board if you cant even take a simple grammar fix. sucks about your gram tho