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15603334 No.15603334[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This place will turn you conservative if you hang around long enough

You’ve been warned lefty frens

>> No.15603340

What do I do if it made me read niekisch and strasser and turn nazbol

>> No.15603349

I've been here since 2007 and I grow more and more lefty as time goes on. It didn't used to be right wing, I think it can not be again.

>> No.15603354

If your beliefs are fragile enough to be swayed by this place there is nothing to help you, you are doomed to spend life chasing shiny objects.

>> No.15603363

>since 2007 a
you must at least be a bit doubtful about the race stuff

>> No.15603371

Plenty of us on the left do not go in for race/identity/we are all victims bullshit.

>> No.15603389

>Still appreciates literature as an art from
>Not conservative

Sorry but true progressives get all their entertainment from Ru Paul's Drag race. Imagine reading books when movies and video games exist to fill the void, haha what a boomer!

>> No.15603415

Yes, everyone on the left is a progressive, just like everyone on the right is a racist who blames the jew for their impotance.

>> No.15603424

>If your beliefs are fragile enough to be swayed by this place there is nothing to help you, you are doomed to spend life chasing shiny objects.
Its kinda the otherway around, if this place does not sway your believes, then you are nothing put a stuborn bigot unable to accept reason.

>> No.15603427

Progressive and antisemite are two completely different things, for one the left are the people conserving the 20th century and genuine progressive thinking is more in line with Musks return to space, secondly genuine antisemitism is fairly common on the left and rare on the right, so the left are conservatives with tendency towards antisemitism, while the right are now progressive with a tendency towards nationalism.

>> No.15603444


Lmao nazis built the first space ships. They retroactively btfo even you in this very thread.

>> No.15603459

>actually informing yourself about things will make you conservative

the absolute state of leftoids

>> No.15603461

You really missed the point.

And then got their asses handed to them.

>> No.15603470

Not really. I started off as rightwing (since I came out of ancient history, so that's bound to happen) and the more I've read the farther left I've moved.
I used to be a a real liberal at heart before, in the sense that I believed in free speech, equal treatment before the law, rehabilitation, bla bla bla. I truly don't anymore. I feel once you start going deeply into modern history and stuff like SJT there's almost no hope left for normie ideas like those.
I probably wouldn't say I HATE all rightwingers, since there might be some of them that are anti-traditionalist. Very few, but they exist. However, I think everyone that calls themselves conservative unironically probably deserves to be expelled from civilized society and shipped off forever.

>> No.15603475

Life will turn you conservative if you hang around long enough.

>> No.15603487

Really? Not sure about that one. Generalizing old people like that. Then what? You point your finger at whoever doesn't fit your model and call them sick? Childish?

>> No.15603513

>However, I think everyone that calls themselves conservative unironically probably deserves to be expelled from civilized society and shipped off forever.
Who do you think actually does the labor in our society?

>> No.15603515

Ah, yes?

>> No.15603548

Conservative is obsolete terminology. There is nothing left to conserve. What many conservative want has now become revolutionary.

>> No.15603717

>not being norf fc socialist
non greggs corporations are evil

>> No.15603735

Conservatism is best state to be in. Never trust a revolutionary.

>> No.15603744


Tbh you just sound like an insane extremist with no particular regard for the left or right dichotomy. People like you are the most dangerous because both the left and the right can easily persuade you to commit evil acts for their preferred ideology.

>> No.15603753

>conservative want has now become revolutionary.
>Conservatism is best state to be in. Never trust a revolutionary.
10-4, won't trust conservatives. Learn all kinds of good stuff on this site.

>> No.15603764

You are a fool for the way you interpreted my comment. I wanted to say that first and forthwith.

I say this because I never once mentioned left or right. Both ideologies can be progressive or conservative, because left and right are essentially just dumb labels that mean nothing (though I think conservative and progressive are similar). I was merely making a flippant jest that poked fun of how books ought be considered conservative when Netflix exists. I recognise that both OP and the guy I replied to used the terms "left" or "right", but I ignored those parts and made the assumption that the person I replied to was making the claim that it didn't used to be conservative, and that they want it to be not that again (which ironically enough means they wish to conserve non-conservatism, a funny paradox that requires 180IQ to notice).

I will end by saying I am sorry for the late reply, but only because some other retard managed to insert himself in this little interaction, and possibly tarnished the reputation of my thoughts and garnered me negative karma. I bid you good day, sir.

>> No.15603896

Incredibly shit take, not gonna say why because you won't be able to conceive of my point anyways.

>> No.15603908

Dunno, the main problem is that this place is shit. You sometimes get a decent comment about something, but it is mostly surrounded by garbage. Then you'll naturally create a pattern inside your mind, "oh there is a degeneracy going on out there, the world is falling apart" and start saying that the internet was a mistake, that image boards must be destroyed and shit like that.

>> No.15603945

I’ve been around since 2008, and I’ve found myself becoming more apolitical by the day, so I guess the Peter Hitchens partisans aren’t doing their job very well.

All their agitprop convinced me of was that the only thing worse than a nitwit is a midwit, and they’re themselves prime examples of this

>> No.15603966
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Progressives look to the future, conservatives cling to the past, I attempt to look beyond the veil and toward eternity. See beyond ancestral traditions, see beyond idealism, are we not all committing the same sins as our fathers and their fathers before them? It is time to go beyond it all and look towards divine reality. Lest we be trapped in shackles and chains by the will of the dark age and ultimately suffer righteous judgement.

>> No.15604014

And how many of you see the necessity of race?

>> No.15604027

>conservatives cling to the past
I never understood this. Is there some snapshot in human history that makes up the conservative ideal?
I've always felt conservatives have more of a "if it's not broke don't fix it" stance, the fix it, in our current society, being letting gay, lawless niggerfaggots run around in an effort to combat testosterone.

>> No.15604046

This place has made me more right wing simply by exposing how most people are retarded faggots who act on pure resentment and don't deserve the freedom that was gifted to them.

>> No.15604048

this place sure as hell made me less right wing

>> No.15604057

>I've always felt conservatives have more of a "if it's not broke don't fix it" stance
A good portion of them don’t

>> No.15604069

What conservatives call tradition is never consistent, naturally because secular customs and secular morals change over time. There is only one Tradition that is consistent and that is the Tradition of Spirit that allows one to have connection to the divine. This will become clear if you keep in mind that the nature of our world is change and death and the nature of the divine world is eternity and immortality. So those who cast off the world above will live in incessant change and death.

>> No.15604249

Nope. Been here since the beginning and I'm still not conservative.

>> No.15604282
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Hanging around on 4chan didn't make me 'right wing' because i spent years on here with no change in political outlook. I became right wing studying biology at university and from reading philosophical works from the enlightenment which i realised had been misinterpreted and misused into modernity. Though you could say that /lit/ caused the change by encouraging me to read more.

>> No.15604289

Anon thought this was awfully deep when he wrote it but it doesn't really say anything at all.
Some New Age spiritualist mumbo jumbo doesn't equate a substantial worldview.

>> No.15604292

I've been here since 2009 and I'm still a marxist :^)

>> No.15604327

Ive been here since 2012, pulled me to the right through 2015 then I had a big ol life changer of an experience and Ive been a hardcore lefty ever since. Im on here every day and I only become more of a filthy leftist as time goes on

>> No.15604673

I don't think so, I have critical thinking and I read on a daily basis

>> No.15604758

After being a leftist as a teenager I remember going through a right wing phase, reading Evola, generation identity, the way of men, and watching all the shitty dark enlightenment youtube channels and I even voted for Trump. I think deep down I just wanted to reconnect with my dad, but after all of my attempts to force myself to believe in traditional values I realized that most right wing people are just fucked in the head and full of resentment towards the wrong people. I've been rethinking everything this past year, and I'll admit that I was simply wrong and hopefully I can help leftwing groups moving forward

>> No.15604807

It's the exact opposite.

>> No.15604816

nah, not if you have a life outside of 4chan. having a broad range of experiences, social interactions, and being intelligent makes it really hard to accept conservative ideology. a lot of it is based on false and bitter assumptions. getting laid helps too.

>> No.15604824
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this but mostly none of you are old enough to know the cliche that the older you get anyway the more to the right you go, grampa simpson, once i was with it too & now that world is strange & weird

it'll happen to you

quack pack, mf'er up in this

for the record i'm a bullshitatarian. I believe that putting anyone else in charge of yourself will lead to ultimate criticisms & abuse of power when magnified by millions of populace & funding

"this place" is the earth, unka scrooge, lots of you will make money & be apart of the economy on a level of the cog

me & sixpence will none the richer try and roleplay diogenes with a sword of damocles that only works on the righteous arthurs fishnchips bobbies out here.

PEACE outtie 5000 richmands march quarantiner'd nener nener boo boo
a pee pee & a poo poo

dithyramb bang zoom right in the kisser, alice
why can't i exert this energy on sex

>> No.15604826

i came here as a socialdem, now i'm a tankie

>> No.15604828

Thats just the same bullshit as sjw's but for way more pathetic people.

>> No.15604854 [SPOILER] 
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Have you considered pic related? Your brain is getting smooth like an average Karen. Maybe try reading.