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15600294 No.15600294 [Reply] [Original]

>BTFO Communism

>> No.15600302

More like btfo'd everything including himself

>> No.15600309

he btfo petty bourg and bourg zoomers larping as socialists, if youre legitimately working class communism, or at least some form of labor activism, is not necessarily weak, especially when grinding to be the district manager like a good bugman is not strong

>> No.15600318

>writes about how you shouldn't drink alcohol because it's slave morality
>takes a deep breath from his bong in the corner

>> No.15600351

He said communism encouraged slave morality; which in his view is one of the worst things that can happen to an individual.

>> No.15600484

>Whom do I hate most among the rabble of today? The socialist rabble, the chandala apostles, who undermine the instinct, the pleasure, the worker’s sense of satisfaction with his small existence–who make him envious, who teach him revenge. The source of wrong is never unequal rights but the claim of “equal” rights.

>Socialism ― or the tyranny of the meanest and the most brainless, ―that is to say, the superficial, the envious, and the mummers, brought to its zenith, ―is, as a matter of fact, the logical conclusion of “modern ideas” and their latent anarchy: but in the genial atmosphere of democratic well-being the capacity for forming resolutions or even for coming to an end at all, is paralysed. Men follow―but no longer their reason. That is why socialism is on the whole a hopelessly bitter affair: and there is nothing more amusing than to observe the discord between the poisonous and desperate faces of present-day socialists―and what wretched and nonsensical feelings does not their style reveal to us! ―and the childish lamblike happiness of their hopes and desires.

>In the teaching of socialism “a will to the denial of life” is but poorly concealed: botched men and races they must be who have devised a teaching of this sort.
