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15599368 No.15599368 [Reply] [Original]

>dude just accept a dead 2000 year old jew as your savior and you'll become immortal in happy land
the absolute state of christcucks

>> No.15599397

>dude all of our forefathers were dumb stupid idiots, my electric jew told me so!

>> No.15599413

>if i just restate the main idea it in simple language with autistic wording, that'll refute it
i hate this website

>> No.15599427

not an argument

>> No.15599508

christoids btfo it seems

>> No.15599515

no, just groomed since childhood

>> No.15599517

yes. it is true. not just ancestors, but zoomers boomers as well. civilized people are extremely stupid.

>> No.15599525

bible is one huge corruption of jesus teaching, and absolutely outdated. it makes people retards.

>> No.15599573


>> No.15599609
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>ok, sounds like He was pretty based, i will accept Him as my Lord and Saviour

>> No.15599666

The Maccabees converted Edom and Petra to Judaism

>> No.15599691

Jesus and Buddha taught how to convert to yourself.

>> No.15599693

Petra is such a qt name.

>> No.15599702

I wholeheartedly agree that the sola fide model of salvation that you've laid out is pretty retarded.

>> No.15599710

>not one refutation
Where are the tradcaths today lads?

>> No.15599713


>> No.15599775

It is; if you reduce anything that's even remotely complex down to a single sentence and intentionally use the most retarded verbiage possible you can make anything "BTFO"
Don't the Roman Catholics accept a sense of sola fide wherein it's our faith that saves us but it has to produce/be accompanied by works? It's sola fide in a more Lutheran sense rather than the antinomian OSAS group of chucklefucks goes with, but it's still sola fide as far as I know.

>> No.15599792

how and why does accepting jesus and worshiping him guarantee our entry to heaven?

>> No.15599805

The real distinction is imputed vs infused righteousness.

>> No.15599867


>> No.15599897

To make it as succinct as possible: The Son of God became man so that we might become God. The wages of sin are death, but Christ defeated death upon the cross. The best metaphor would be a drain, and since God is infinite and can't die, yet Christ did die upon the cross, it makes a sort of problem. Ergo we can die, but it doesn't really "stick" so to speak. Granted, soteriology, eschatology, etc. aren't my forte. As for Heaven/Hell, they're not literal places, they're differing experiences of the same thing. To use a metaphor of God as a fire, it can either be warm and comfortable for those in Heaven, or it can be painful for those so mired in sin that the direct experience of God (and thus goodness itself) is painful. That said, I'm no expert on this specific subject and there's probably someone who could point out that I'm misrepresenting some part of it; I'd recommend reading proper literature on the topic. This is /lit/, after all.
Wouldn't that have been hashed out in the agreement with the Lutherans though?

>> No.15599903

the majority of your forefathers weren’t christian

>> No.15599926

I believe in the concept of God, but this sounds like schizo desert babbling

>> No.15599952

I did mention that I'm not very versed in this; https://www.catholic.com/magazine/print-edition/are-we-gods touches on the topic of divinization enough that it works for a primer of sorts

>> No.15600010

so you're not versed in it yet you fully believe in it?

>> No.15600285

>we might become God
>As for Heaven/Hell, they're not literal places

>> No.15600972

Tell that one to Athanasius, the Catholics, Orthodox, and basically every other Christian, friend. If you're not in either of those denoms, or with the Anglicans, I don't care about your thoughts desu
How well can you explain the effects of gravity upon celestial bodies? How about the exact processes in which genes are passed down? The inability to explain the minutiae of a specific system don't mean that one can't/shouldn't believe in it.

>> No.15601029

fuck off Jordan Peterson
with this you might as well reduce God to some archetype of the Father or whatever the fuck
Go read Edward Feser you are deluded

>> No.15601058

The Protestant reformation was a product of power centralisation.
Duke of Lancaster promoting John Wycliffe, Bohemian royalty promoting the Hussites, Elector of Saxony, Frederick III promoting Martin Luther.
Scripture doesn't support the solas unless you deracinate it of its context (i.e. St. Paul of the context of works under jewish law which is almost always the argument made by prots).
Walpole and the Whig Oligarchs also irreversibly corrupted Anglican theology by forcing Locke and Newton into churches in order to centralise power, displacing the Filmerian Tories [Geoffery Holmes - Age of Oligarchy].

>> No.15601205

I don't read Peterson.
That said, only on 4chan would I get told "Read this dude who's only really known for his explanations of Aquinas" in response to a quote from a Church Father (Athanasius) and a rough summary of an idea present within Roman Catholicism (admittedly, more present in Eastern Orthodoxy though). You got me, that's pretty funny, unless you're serious, which is even funnier.
How is that a response to what I wrote?

>> No.15601220
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>muh jews

>> No.15601293

> If you're not in either of those denoms, or with the Anglicans, I don't care about your thoughts desu
giving more weigh to what you said, I never said I was arguing against you

>> No.15601367

Apologies, since I saw the
>irreversibly corrupted Anglican theology
I thought it was an argument against me, at least to some degree, given that I said I was fine with Anglicans (especially since I am one). Though if the Oxford Movement hadn't occurred and we were still a bunch of super-Reformed people, I don't think I would be. Plus a lot of people here like to argue over the dumbest shit with no understanding of what's going on so I wasn't sure.

>> No.15601376

>Christians: accept this dead dude and his teachings to be saved
>OP: I suck on massive cocks
>Buddhists: accept this dead dude and his teachings to be enlightened
>OP: I have nothing to say because my critique of Christianity has nothing to do with the actual content of the religion but rather is rooted in rebellion against my parents/culture

>> No.15601383

what is the non corrupt teaching? I've found a lot of Buddhist/Yogi crossover concepts

>> No.15601394
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>> No.15601422

>rebellion against my parents/culture
no, he's participating in the same exact rebellion of his culture.

>> No.15601450

why in the fuck is this thread still up did the janny kill himself

>> No.15601463
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How do you know this? There is no way to verify this information, you just have to trust that some bronze age savages lucked out and had God sit them down and explain how things really were. There are many aspects in life that require faith to assent to, but I cannot see any reason to put my faith in any institution that in current times is only made up of lazy, self righteous boomers, rejects who have been ejected from late stage liberalism desperately trying (and failing) to preserve any tradition that may be remaining and pedophiles. Christianity is dead, just accept it and move on. Maybe try Nietzsche if you're looking for something to fill the void.

>> No.15601619

Well, we can't know for certain, that's why it's called faith. As for why believe it, it's not like the "bronze age savages" were actually a bunch of knuckle-dragging troglodytes; just because they were scientifically inferior to us doesn't mean they were crack-smoking morons who made shit up wildly, they tried following logic to the best that they could. Hence there's no reason to believe that they'd just make shit up and die willy-nilly, especially since we've got a traceable line of ideology from the modern day to then (even if there have been some hiccups along the way and some of the clergy are assholes who can't follow their own rules). Plus monotheism is the only belief system that makes sense imo, and I don't think that any God that isn't Love is worth worshipping, given that otherwise God is either susceptible to whims (and thus could be a monstrous asshole for no reason) or God is a monster that needs worshippers. Love can't exist in a vacuum and needs a recipient, hence binitarianism or trinitarianism is necessary, or else we're divine (since we're ontologically necessary in this case). That said, the philosophical arguments for the trinity are probably shaky, especially since I'm no brilliant logician, just a shitposter on /lit/. That said, if I were to go with just philosophy rather than accepting philosophical works in my religious views (as I've met Christians who are big fans of Nietzsche) I'd probably go with Derrida, I've seen an interview with him and he was a fun guy.

>> No.15601621

Holy projection

>> No.15601818

>it's not like the "bronze age savages" were actually a bunch of knuckle-dragging troglodytes
This is the only conclusion I can come to after reading the old testament though. There are very few books that are worthy of serious consideration in the OT, and all the development of advanced theology and related philosophy happened well after these books were written. On a purely intellectual level the idea of God is very pleasing, however seeing as the only method that is offered to be reconciled with this God is to join and participate in a particular tradition, and every tradition has been ruined by simple-minded hedonists I see no reason to actually participate.

>> No.15601960

defend the euro culture by believing in asian god

>> No.15602070

How so?

>> No.15602092

I can't even fathom the idea of being as much of a brainlet as you are

>> No.15602113

>Don't the Roman Catholics accept a sense of sola fide wherein it's our faith that saves us but it has to produce/be accompanied by works?
No, because the "faith vs. works" dichotomy is an invention of the Reformation designed specifically to downplay the role that our individual human wills play in the process of salvation.

>> No.15602377

They signed an agreement with the Lutherans on this, to the best of my knowledge.

>> No.15602948

The majority of your forefathers were single-celled organisms. Am I supposed to worship an amoeba?

>> No.15602961

>the Old Testament Hebrews didn't even have reddit -- why should I take their opinions seriously?

>> No.15603644


>> No.15603691

>dead 2000 year old jew
He was only dead for a few days. Tip harder next time.

>> No.15604085
File: 48 KB, 645x729, 8d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15604099

>our God is love!
>also, if you disagree with him, he’ll torture you forever!

What did christcultists mean by this?

>> No.15604156

It sounds fucking stupid even if you try to dress it up in the prettiest language possible.

>> No.15605687

Well, we don't die (forever) as Christ defeated death, and Hell is just the same experience of being in the presence of God as Heaven it just hurts because you're in active resistance to good/love. You being a midwit doesn't make it wrong