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File: 35 KB, 504x599, Hetaira_carrieng_a_phallus_at_a_Krater_by_the_Pan_Painter_Antikensammlung_Berlin_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15598892 No.15598892 [Reply] [Original]

The greeks, a hyper-masculine culture, considered small penises to be a symbol of masculinity. Does the emphasis on big penises today stem from a more dominant femininity? A bigger phallus is mostly important to women as it leads to higher pleasure for them. Did Freud say anything about this or was it not that common to talk about in his time?

>> No.15598906

We are a hedonistic society, what do you expect?

>> No.15598914

The anus, vagina or mouth consumes the semen from the penis like a predator consumes it's prey. It is stronger to be the one doing the taking than the one being taken from

>> No.15598923

as were the Romans, but their penis ideal was still small, while praising masculinity

>> No.15598932

I'm really not /pol/ but the whole ''big penis good'' mentality does sound like a bit of a Jewish trick to erode the family if you think about it.

>> No.15598938

it’s literally just letting women have opinions

>> No.15598949
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I would also argue that people who sexualize large breasts and asses are just as bad.

>> No.15599007

it's certainly being pushed in porn, but to a degree I think it's more the American culture's influence of "everything bigger is better" doing its work, rather than some /pol/ dchoos theory

>> No.15599012

>more dominant femininity
No probably not as women are not the most neurotic about it and are terrible at estimating length anyway. It doesn't lead to more pleasure for women and most women think guys obsessed with size are losers. What it probably stems from is the consumerist society which believes more is better and in "more bang for your buck" It's the same thing that leads people to buy 5000 toilet rolls for a unit price saving of .001c, because they think they are getting a "deal" rather than being paid 5c to warehouse something which would cost much more to a supplier to warehouse per sq ft.
It didn't become common til after Freud, as he still regarded it as an illness, and it's more related to the rise of technocrats and the belief everything can and should be measured.

>> No.15599015

women don't even like big dicks, for most of them it's painful and they actually underestimate average size. men are more worried about dick size. i don't think it's about women dominating as it is about simps dominating, The Greeks were the opposite of simps.

>> No.15599038

I feel like it's mostly hands that take the semen on this board.

>> No.15599051

I just thought of it in terms of Penisneid (which is probably something Freud pulled out of his ass), which would then lead to women admiring the thing they can't have neurotically pushed to its maximum

>> No.15599082

Penis envy is meant to be a psychosexual phase of development. To become a mature female, young girls had to get over that feeling of castration (usually by having babies and realising they were a creative force). If women still had penis envy in their adult life, it was seen as a lack of development. Same with men having castration anxiety in their adult lives meant they had not overcome their desire to fuck their mother and they still lived in fear of their father finding out.

>> No.15599097

>The greeks, a hyper-masculine culture, considered small penises to be a symbol of masculinity.
source: your ass

>> No.15599117

It's true of the Greeks and Romans. Priapus was a figure of fun, with a dick too big to do anything with. They used laugh at big dicked motherfuckers, like they used laugh at people who committed oral sex as it deprived them of their honour and made them ineligible to speak in assemblies.

>> No.15599137

>hyper-masculine culture
yeah sure thing

>> No.15599159

Yeah, but nothing of what you said was a source nor implies that small penis was perceived as a good manly thing and big penises were particularly bad for giving woman pleasure
that's quite a jump

>> No.15599175

As other anons have said, I think it’s the American ideals of size and power, and a similarly originating sexualisation of culture. Because as other anons have said, women don’t actually care very much unless they are humongous whores or you have an actual micropenis, I’m 7” and every girl I’ve been with thought I was big even the biggest they had had, women really aren’t as bothered as most guys think, they expect more in terms of your physicality and appearance than your dick size.
Large breasts and wide hips are indicators of fertility, they are inherently attractive to men who aren’t pedophiles, but I agree that oversexualisation of femininity is a serious issue

>> No.15599176

Kek, Americans have become so dominated by Negro culture that they don't even realize to what extent they are tainted. It is only due to the great influence of the primitive Negro on the American mind that Americans are obsessed with big dicks and asses.

>> No.15599205

Aristophanes; every Greek statue of anyone intelligent and powerful; every statue of anyone thought to be foolish; any art historian or social historian of the period.

>> No.15599221

>Does the emphasis on big penises today stem from a more dominant femininity?
I'm wondering how many of the anons here actually stopped and took the time to ask themselves, "why would I rather have a big penis?" before posting in the thread. And of them, I wonder how many managed to begin with a personal, phenomenological response before shifting blame to another party.

I think something about how pornography works makes larger phalluses more successful in that environment, where selective power is in the hands of the viewer/consumer. The viewer/consumer's selection then is mistaken by men for women's selection. Hence >>15599012's points and size being something men worry about more than women. As for the aspect of the medium responsible, I'm not totally sure, but you can see how jawlines have been emphasized by the perspective of selfies as an analogy. Maybe it's just that porn is mainly visual and that the penis is mainly submerged, so people have an increased need to view length in that context. Or it could be that the vagina is inherently submerged, making penis size the only way to convey tightness. Either way I don't think anyone has had a trick played on them by anyone but themselves and technology.

>> No.15599259

>women liking big dicks is a jewish conspiracy
Well thank you /pol/. You might be too stupid to realise it but you just admitted your racism is just a coping mechanism for sexual insecurities.
It's especially hilarious since the same people will go off about bwc and asians having small dicks.

>> No.15599268

nah. Women like big dicks and men like having them. All else is dicklet cope

>> No.15599280

All the better for my pornography career

>> No.15599288

Do normal women really say that they want big dicks? Never heard of it. I never really heard it even from some crazy sex free feminists. It's just porn.

>> No.15599290

big or small it's going in your ass

>> No.15599298

The only time I've outright heard a woman declare bigger is better is for anal. You can compare those toys to vaginal ones and see that there's not only much more emphasis on size there but quantification.

>> No.15599307

Maybe size really is just a closet homo /pol/ thing

>> No.15599308

Yeah seems like only men talk about it.

>> No.15599314

As a resident faggot, I can speak with authority in saying that big dicks and anal are a recipe for pain; in fact i’ve known of men who have refused to have sex with someone because their penis was simply to big

>> No.15599324

>>15599314 #
I was told that in the same line I was told what you're replying to. It was an overly intricate description on how to work up to larger sizes.

>> No.15599327

Is it easy for straight guys to fuck gay dudes? I'm desperate and definitely wouldn't turn down some twink butt

>> No.15599343

there's a whole conversion fetish going on with gays so you are going to get as much attention and twink butt as you like

>> No.15599344
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>women don't even like big dicks

Okay, now this is epic

>> No.15599345

>the year is 2079
>once, men would flock to gamer girls on windows live, decrying competitors as faggots
>now, I witness my grandson playing halo eighteen on his Xbox 420, men flocking to him as they once did gamer girls, because he is gay
>mission accomplished

>> No.15599347

only the one on the bottom is homo. you are in a greek thread, catamite.

>> No.15599349

but pol is white

>> No.15599354


My ex allways said "hmmm anon I love your big dick inside me"
And honestly, its not even that big. Just slightly above average to be exact, but it got girth- thats the trick.

>> No.15599359

Ancient greeks were white it's just the modern ones that are the degenerate products of muslim rape

>> No.15599370

/pol/ is mostly mutts.

>> No.15599385


Greeks i know are pretty white, blue eyed etc. Its just that greeks have multiple orgins. I dont think they changed much through the years.
Cretans for examples stem from the minoans which are swarthy lads from the middle east.
Then you have dorians and myceans etc of varying degrees of white.

>> No.15599451

Idk i would think more langth would feel better since there would be more meat to stimulate.

>> No.15599457
File: 383 KB, 3000x1539, GRK5hMm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greeks use to be more Sardianian-like.

>> No.15599470

Very easy my friend, just download grindr or tinder and have a field day; you’ll find that many twinks are into straight acting men. Just make sure to use a condom, as to not contract aids

>> No.15599482

There are indeed many whom enjoy large sizes although the vast majority prefer average sizes, especially considering the prostate is only 3 inches away from the actual hole

>> No.15599506

>Women enjoy shit touching off their cervix
kek no

>> No.15599533

It's obvious that porn is the reason for our culture's obsession with big dicks. Why does nobody else see this? It's not that complicated.

>> No.15599546

All media portraying the human form should be banned tbqh

>> No.15599549

No i ment for the man. Having a longer langth of sensitive matterial.

>> No.15599558

It unironically stems from Arabs, Armenians and Africans, and whites who have been influenced by the sub-intelligence of these groups, who treat their women like meat and are the ones behind most of the "beta" and "cuck" posting. Imagine a Greek shunning a beta. The Greeks had Goddesses and epic poems glorifying their soldiers. Odysseus's great voyage is about him returning home to his wife.

>> No.15599561

are you calling Odysseus a beta?

>> No.15599630

I'm saying that internet shitposters who use beta as an insult are calling him one. They'd look at that story now, which is ultimately about a soldier returning home from war to be with his wife and going through hell for a woman, and call him a beta for it.

>> No.15599694

To explain further, there is the traditional "beta" — the Greek idea, which was a position of respect — and then the modern "beta" — the Arabic/Armenian/African bastardization of the concept which is held in contempt. Loyalty, chastity, and respect for women are no longer considered manly, because these groups are sub-intelligent homosexuals who take their aggression out on the weaker sex who they hold in contempt. Hence their glorification of phalluses penetrating females that are too small for them.

>> No.15599741

Most hate it, some like it a lot

>> No.15599753

>hey guys! women don't mind it; mine is above average and they commented on it, but they really don't mind it, you know!
You can't actually be this retarded, right?

>> No.15599859

>t. size queen

>> No.15599878

yeah but there’s the part where he hangs out fucking a demigoddess for awhile, that’s pretty alpha

>> No.15599893

>Most women thought it was the biggest they had had
Because it is. 7" is >90th percentile of penis length. Most men dramatically overstate the size of their penis.

>> No.15599934

it's just the will to power showing, us big dicked guys can't help it, we love to passively put dicklets down while trying to sound helpful and compassionate

>> No.15599971

I'm only an inch and a half above average and i was the biggest most had been with, my point is that if they think 7" is really big, then 5.5-6" isn't going to to dissapoint them
Do you think that might be a large part of the reason why men feel so insecure about it? Because nobody will admit that they are just average? Or maybe men think that women's standards are unrealistic because what women are told is 7" by most guys is actually 6" (or something), and so they think average dick size is longer numerically than it actually is?

>> No.15599978

What do you have against Armenians?

>> No.15600013

>As for the aspect of the medium responsible, I'm not totally sure
A bigger dick is more for the camera, it takes up more space in the shot and draws more attention. They often use wide angle lenses for the same reason.

>> No.15600044


>> No.15600051
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>> No.15600061

I think average is 5.1 (in the U.S at least), nonetheless as long as you're somewhere between 4-7 inches you'll never be too big for sex but too small for pleasure.

>> No.15600411

>only an inch and a half
Again - you can't actually be this retarded, right?

>> No.15600423

Way more women have big breasts and asses than men have big cocks, you imbecile.

>> No.15600428

sounds like their dicks are too big for his liking

>> No.15600433

They're not white

>> No.15600649

>The greeks, a hyper-masculine culture

>> No.15600662

they are on display though, so it's arguably worse. Nobody cares about your dick until the pants are off (if you exclude bulges). Women are sexualized for their secondary parts on a daily basis

>> No.15600706

Correct, but they immediately know if they are accepted once they hit it up with a guy, as opposed to the guy who isn't sure if his cock size is satisfactory or not until the time comes for him to show the cock. Also, the cock is an important factor when it comes to relationships.

>> No.15600764

If he means Athens: The only women allowed out of doors were whores usually. Women could only speak in court when charged with a crime, usually adultery. Whores were divided into two classes: those that were educated and could serve wine, which were expensive, and those that were cheap and just for fucking. Women could not become citizens or own assets in most cases.
If he means Sparta: women were raised to lift and fight so they could produce stronger offspring. They often dressed and spoke like men and rumours from other parts of Greece said they dressed in men's clothes so they could attract men. Sparta was pretty gay though.
If they mean Corinth, then they're probably wrong: women would sell sex and a good time to passing ships to the point of bankrupting vessels. Other women in Greece thought this was terrible since they should be married and weaving shit, but Corinthians thought this was capitalism and some sources say their women are the reason why Xerxes could not conquer Greece as they saw a whale coming and milked it for what it was worth.

>> No.15600970

>a whale coming
You mean a ship?

>> No.15600979

An enormous cope from a tiny man

>> No.15601356
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>Muh pol!
You need to go back(and dilate)

>> No.15601469

>There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.

ezekiel 23:20

>> No.15601515

I think he means big money, like Vegas has whales, not like New Bedford has whales.

>> No.15602864

Modern people experience 90% of their existence vicariously, through picture media
Bigger cocks just stand out more when everything is image

>> No.15603655

I actually have a big dick, which I don't use on anybody.

>> No.15603824

yeah maybe, but that 'over-estimation' you talk about is still mainly factored for use by women. Guys are always insecure about their own penis size just like women could be insecure about their breasts, ass or even vagina - but I've seen many women talk about liking big, circumcised penises, specifically in front of men - usually used as a power move, or a brag that they could say such a thing with no repercussions. I've never heard any men use the same tactic in front of women. It doesn't really matter what is being measured, but rather the fact that whatever it is (including the mode of measurement) is publicly, freely, openly measured by women.

>> No.15603834
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>> No.15603839


>> No.15603868

>considered small penises to be a symbol of masculinity
It's really only tangentially a symbol of masculinity.

For the Greeks, self-control (including with regards to sex) was masculine. Large, erect phalloi represented characters that were sex crazed and horny af. Ergo, big penises aren't masculine because they represent a lack of self-control.

In our culture, it is masculine to have a lot of sex (and do many excessive things, like drink a shit tonne). I honestly don't know why that is, but I suspect it does further back in Anglo culture, predates feminism and doesn't have to do with "dominant femininity."

>> No.15603905

>I have never seen men talk about tits or asses in terms of size or quality in front of women
That is totally implausible because women will use that for compliment fishing before they would ever talk about dicks out of nowhere. Generally the only time I've seen women talk openly about dicks is after some guy has been dumb enough to say he likes big tits in front of a small titted grill or likes small tits in front of a big titted girl. Or big butts in front of a girl with no butt and so on. Talking circumcised or not is even rarer than talking size, especially as girls often are surprised to see what the other kind looks like since in places where circumcision is normal they're unlikely to see uncut and in places that don't cut they're surprised to see cut.
I've lived in a couple countries and I've only ever seen women openly saying that when they have been insulted on their looks by guys too spergish to realize the trap they walked into. If you're seeing this a lot, you're sperging out a lot. That is if you're not making it up or only talking to female sex workers.

>> No.15605355

t. coping