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15598185 No.15598185 [Reply] [Original]

Should we escape the world or adapt to it?

>> No.15598208

Plant seeds of love and compassion in the cold material world

>> No.15598229

Definitely escape. There's a little-known portal to World2 in the outskirts of Akron, Ohio. IM me for details.

>> No.15598233

Change what we can accept what we can't.

>> No.15598240

Yah, sorry, its on my property so u cannot get in it.

>> No.15598244

Sent ;)

>> No.15598289

We can change anything we want

>> No.15598367


>> No.15598396

Adapt. People who say escape are coping faggots

>> No.15598435

Seems the opposite to me. Aren’t adapt and cope pretty analogous?

>> No.15598443

You can change what you adapt to. You can't change what you escape from

>> No.15598464

There's no such thing as reforming reality, that's why escape is the only real option

>> No.15598467

You transcend the world by accepting it, thus cutting lose all ties to it. Hatred or aversion to the world only represents a negative sort of binding, not the loosening of ties.

>> No.15598474

Only betas adapt. Up your game.

>> No.15598489

Yes, the desire to escape the game is just another movement within it. high iq

>> No.15598493

What the fuck are you on about my guy?

Escape only works for artists

>> No.15598496

People who take on a gnostic worldview and wish to “escape” from le evil demurige are emotionally stunted retards who can’t handle the reality of evil so they cope by creating this dualistic fantasy.

>> No.15598504

>people who want to escape from an evil reality are stunted and traumatized
great insight

>> No.15598517

You sound like a gnostic yourself.

>> No.15598525

Is it Akron-Canton? That airport always gives me the creeps.

>> No.15598529

Adapting to the reality of evil doesn't make you a man.

>> No.15598534


>> No.15598545

Regardless of which is better, it's clear that most people look to escape it. Partying, sports, video games, and nostalgic habits are parts of tons of people's daily lives, and they aren't that problematizable. Fixating on the largest issues at all times is exhausting and probably unnecessary.

The best escapes, though, are the ones that have some sort of connection to adapting the world. Music scenes are an example of this. It's an escape, but the artists and community express the ways the world needs adaptation, or at least the way listeners can adapt their own framework for being in the world.

Still feel like an asshole to say "your hobby is just an escape." I'd rather criticize those who don't escape but are trying to adapt the world to harm more people.

>> No.15598551

Its makes you more of a man than hiding like a coward

>> No.15598556

All it brings to you is the hatred of God and his creation. Jesus is the Son of Jahweh of the OT, I know this can scare some people but just know that he loves you and wants you to be with him in peace forever.

>> No.15598563

>rejecting an immoral world is cowardice
cowardice is submission, and there's no greater submission than "it is what it is"

>> No.15598571

what creation? all I see is wills competing with wills. the only measure of success in this world is propagation

>> No.15598577

"Escape" isn't hiding. It's moving on to more fruitful terrain. Freezing in place and trying to 'adapt' to whatever the world throws at you is the behavior of the true coward.

>> No.15598587

Where has your 'rejection' gotten you?
You're still in this world, you just larp about trying to escape from it on Neadarthal Cave-scrawl forums

>> No.15598594

Now you're not even making any sense.

>> No.15598600

and there you go, immediately projecting like a woman. it's possible to respect a movement you can't make yourself, and to have the humility to admit it, like Kierkegaard admits with Abraham.

>> No.15598613


>> No.15598618

>if you quit a shitty job with a tyrannical boss you're just coping
is this the SWEAT pledge of metaphysics?

>> No.15598631


>> No.15598650

I'm not projecting, you're literally on a phone or computer typing responses in this thread. You haven't ascended out of reality, you're sitting in it indulging your habitual shitposting addiction.

>> No.15598658

>why aren't you shitposting from the pleroma? btfo

>> No.15598841

Of course you would use a wagecuck example. Adapting doesn't mean to conform. But your low IQ brain can only exagerate things on the most basic ass dichotomy.

>> No.15598865

there is no meaningful distinction between just "playing" the game and adapting to it, to play is to adapt or die. it isn't my fault you're settling

>> No.15598877

I don't even understand what you're saying but I'll try to clarify what I mean:

1) Have a cause
2) Pursue that cause
3) There's going to be obstacles
4) You're going to need to ADAPT to confront those obstacles
5) You overcome the obstacles
6) Happy ending

>> No.15598898

>Partying, sports, video games, and nostalgic habits are parts of tons of people's daily lives, and they aren't that problematizable. Fixating on the largest issues at all times is exhausting and probably unnecessary.
Those are all part of the world. They don't represent an escape from the world, they represent an aversion to part of the world and an attraction to another part of it.
>Freezing in place and trying to 'adapt' to whatever the world throws at you is the behavior of the true coward.
Nice analogy, but it's just as easy to write up other analogies that portray adaptation as being braver. For instance, standing unfazed when placed in front of a firing squad is braver than bolting like a frightened deer the minute the full realization of your approaching death strikes you.
In reality, neither approach is inherently "braver" than the other.
If you fear staying in place, runinng away is cowardly. If you fear running away, staying in place is cowardly.

>> No.15598910

>just set some goals bro :^)
you're being insipid. even my happiness is purchased with the food I eat. to bring over here, I have to take from over there. I'm not convinced you really have a grasp on the problem

>> No.15598913

You're part of the 'world' yourself. So you're saying: should the world escape the world or adapt to itself? If you feel like you're somehow different from, and better than, the rest of the world, then your only chance to escape is to impose your will on others until the world resembles your own vision of it. Adapt to the world by making it adapt to you.

>> No.15598922

So you suggest not having goals?

>> No.15598928

>For instance, standing unfazed when placed in front of a firing squad is braver than bolting like a frightened deer the minute the full realization of your approaching death strikes you.

not really, there are only firing squads firing on firing squads, man is guilty because existence is guilty

>> No.15598946

>For instance, standing unfazed when placed in front of a firing squad is braver than bolting like a frightened deer the minute the full realization of your approaching death strikes you.

Fighting against the firing squad would be bravery. Just standing in front of it would be apathy. And I wouldn't regard someone who ran away as being a coward. Even lions will run away from certain death.

>> No.15598963

>You're part of the 'world' yourself.
only partially

> If you feel like you're somehow different from, and better than, the rest of the world, then your only chance to escape is to impose your will on others until the world resembles your own vision of it.

so if I reject a system that recognizes only power, my only chance is to impose my power on it? No.

>> No.15599021

Like I said, bravery depends on what you fear (among other things). If you fear death, standing proud even while facing your certain death is braver than trying to avoid death, either by fighting or by running. Conversely, if you want to run or fight, but fear doing so for whatever reason, it's braver to go through with it than it is to stand still and await your death.

>> No.15599035

Meant to reply to >>15598946

As for >>15598928 I don't see how what you wrote has anything to do with whether or not escape is braver than adaptation.

>> No.15599041

This being you speak of never spoke to me when I knelt and "prayed" to it. If such a being exists, it really isn't capable of (or cares for) answering me.

>> No.15599055

>only partially
Which part of you, exactly, is not part of the world?

>so if I reject a system that recognizes only power, my only chance is to impose my power on it? No.
Wherever there's more than one will, there will inevitably be struggle, and each party will try to impose their will on the other. Even using logic and morality to convince someone that his argument is wrong, is just another way of bending his will to yours.

>> No.15599074

The person who stands without doing anything, despite fearing death, is probably just paralyzed by fear; while the one who runs away, has enough courage to challenge the situation.

>> No.15599079

>Which part of you, exactly, is not part of the world?
what rejects it, the most noble part

>Wherever there's more than one will, there will inevitably be struggle, and each party will try to impose their will on the other. Even using logic and morality to convince someone that his argument is wrong, is just another way of bending his will to yours.

yeah, duh, this is the basis for the rejection.

>> No.15599087

If there’s escape from anything, it isn’t in Ohio

>> No.15599115

>what rejects it, the most noble part
But that's just a feeling. It may be different from other feelings you have, but it's just as much a part of the world as them.

>yeah, duh, this is the basis for the rejection.
But the rejection itself is part of the system it's supposedly rejecting.

>> No.15599121

Love and cherish the good things in life and curse the evil things like death, sociopathy, cancer. Fight against all forms of slavery, liberate all slaves, curse the game and free the players. I'm not a slave to a "god" that doesn't give a damn, I'm not a slave to a world that's a big fuck

>> No.15599125

>But that's just a feeling. It may be different from other feelings you have, but it's just as much a part of the world as them.

in the world, but not of it.

>But the rejection itself is part of the system it's supposedly rejecting.

which is why only death is the final liberation

>> No.15599139

>in the world, but not of it.
That's like your brain thinking "I'm in the body, but not of it" even as it receives oxygen from the lungs in order to function.

>which is why only death is the final liberation
Then you have your solution, I guess.

>> No.15599144

what can hold the body at a distance, as an object, isn't the body

>> No.15599150

Fuck evil prison planets, fuck cope. Be angry at all evil anti human oppression, fuck all archons, fuck false nature, the world is a gay fuck

>> No.15599153

Neither is possible. You can however delude yourself into believing you are doing one or the other

>> No.15599163

But you can't hold the world at a distance. You're always immersed in it, no matter where you go.

>> No.15599165

It's possible, fuck you sissy boot kisser old man

>> No.15599166

hola, departamento basado?

>> No.15599177

a body can't have a concept of itself as a body, unless it possesses a power of reflexivity we call the mind. that power of reflexivity is able to stand apart from the world insofar as it can regard it as a world (and typically finds it wanting)

>> No.15599196
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One of the most important questions. There are worls-accepting worldviews of the pre-religious world: the pagan, animist and the logoscentric worldviews of abrahamic religions, neoplatonism, buddhism, advaitism (as opposed to the earlier vedic world-accepting), gnostic types...
I honestly don't know. When I look around I'm enchanted by the beauty of Nature, I sort of understand the pantheistic cults of nature. On the other hand meditation lead me to the place of peace.
Shoud I fully submerge myself into the world or shoud I transcend it ffs!?

>> No.15599201
File: 97 KB, 730x845, acc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

accelerate and destroy

>> No.15599213


To be, or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them. To die—to sleep,
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to: 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there's the rub:
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause—there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life.

>> No.15599227

It's a separation that exists only in abstract terms. When a feeling puts you at odds with observable reality, that's called a delusion, and it can only result in unhappiness. I think the feeling of being disconnected from the world arises from an inability to see yourself in third person. If you could see yourself from above, as a human among other humans, you'd quickly realize that everything you are, has its cause in the world.

>> No.15599235

no it's an ontological condition - the being that knows himself as a being, as "participating in" Being

>> No.15599248

Doesn't know himself too well, it seems.

>> No.15599256

man exists in the world =/= man is reducible to the world

>> No.15599272

>Every atom in my body is part of the world, but I'm not reducible to the world.

>> No.15599274

There is no "escaping" from this world. Once you end your life you return here with the same task you were send only in a different context for better or worse. You "escape" once you let go of your thoughts that bind you to materiality and try your best to be a being of love and compassion and accepting whatever fate puts you through and changing whatever it is at your hand.

>> No.15599284

you don't get it

>> No.15599333
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We should ignore this world and prepare for the next.

>> No.15599360
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based trips of ascendance

>> No.15599391

A little of both

>> No.15599811

Don't need to prepare for non-existence although it may help make the transition slightly easier

>> No.15599870
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>Jesus is the Son of Jahweh of the OT
>he hasnt read marcion

>> No.15599888

doesn't the preparation happen in this world, though?

>> No.15599943

it happens in this world but is fundamentally unconcerned with it

>> No.15600160


>> No.15600783
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Go back to hell

>> No.15600807

I’m being traced and can’t come to the phone right now, please leave a message after the tone BEEEEEEEEEEEEEP

>> No.15602109
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Before you ask that question shouldn't you first establish whether or not it's possible to escape in the first place?

>> No.15602142

who am i supposed to love? there are three kinds of people in this world: niggers, nigger apologists, and retards. it can fucking burn for all i care
everyone always goes on about the importance of love and empathy but nobody ever spends even a millisecond contemplating whether anybody actually deserves it

>> No.15602242

Nobody deserves anything, you love because you are loved

>> No.15602332

do those words even mean anything to you? they seem so empty and meaningless to me that i can't bring myself to believe even the person who said them invests them with any kind of emotion
it feels almost like the kind of worthless platitude you'd find on a hallmark card
what is empathy before niggers? it makes me think of that photographer who got eaten by the grizzly bears he had been living with, or that webm of those african soldiers giving a monkey an AK-47

>> No.15602346

just be happy that humanity will one day go extinct and that none of our pathetic little lives have any fucking meaning

>> No.15602983

Who are the creatures on the comic??