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/lit/ - Literature

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[SPOILER] No.15597936[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

What is our generation's defining work of art?

>> No.15597967

imagine dragons - believer

>> No.15597974

For millennials, pitchfork era indie music like Panda Bear’s Person Pitch and Iron & Wine’s The Shepherd’s Dog are pretty defining of the generation. Not sure about gen z, probably memes

>> No.15597984
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there will be blood/dunkirk

>> No.15597988

you honestly believe panda bear defined a generation? are you brain damaged? not even anco together had that significant of an impact

>> No.15597999

>For millennials, Taylor Swift's ouvre

>> No.15598008

>gen z, probably memes
So gen z's work is something millenials made?

>> No.15598014

Animal Collective was unique to that era, and can only be enjoyed by millennials. I’m saying that Person Pitch was a masterpiece representative and exclusive to that generation.

>> No.15598016
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the historic poetry of drowning a slave owner statue into the very water his slave ships left from

>> No.15598021

You nee ink abut what "defining work of art" means. It isn't "something so niche that only a handful of people limited in age like it and noone else possibly could".

>> No.15598053
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>> No.15598056

>You nee ink
You need to think* keyboard's being a pos.

>> No.15598064

Lonesome Crowded West is basically the Great American Novel if you turn it into a concept album, just read The Great Gatsby or Catcher in the Rye and you'll see it's part of the same tradition of isolation in a vapid America.

>> No.15598081

Infinite Jest, unironically

>> No.15598139
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>> No.15598140

Avengers Endgame unfortunately

>> No.15598157

There’s also that one epic album by the raspy lady that makes good Music to remember to

>> No.15598162

last generation yeah this generation no

>> No.15598170

Impact font over an image isn't a meme, grandpa. Zoomers were the first ones born into this hellscape.

>> No.15598179

Mark Zuckerberg deleting his Harvard acceptance mail

>> No.15598198 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15598200

Is there any artist or writer that incorporates internet in his work?Especially visual artists have to compete with the gorillion of images and concepts you can see every day on the internet.

>> No.15598204
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>> No.15598206

James Ferraro, though I’m not a fan of him

>> No.15598215

I live two minutes from there. Weird seeing this on /lit/.

>> No.15598306

Death Grips

>> No.15598313


>> No.15598417

Homestuck, the Ulysses of the internet.

>> No.15598424

i can not know, people don't usually know what's going to be relevant for humanity in 100 years or more.
a lot of philosophers, academicists, artists were fairly relevant at their time but not as the way we think they were
we can have clues tho, maybe see what's academia is producing and on who they're producing knowledge on
we are probably going to have a more disperse focal point, like a tree growing a lot of equally important branches

>> No.15598431


>> No.15598729

Floral shoppe

>> No.15598746

fragmentation of mass culture via the internet has led to no generation defining works of art. the twentieth century was one of the great bursts of creativity and change in human history and now this is a transitional period. we'll have to wait and see what, if anything, endures.

>> No.15598762

It usually takes some years before stuff gets recognized so just wait. The music world is definitely in a bit of a rut ever since around 2012 or 2013, but film and tv have been doing quite okay, tv had a major slump in the 2000s but it's already come out of it.

>> No.15598771

The turd imma squeeze in your mouth

>> No.15598785

well written software

>> No.15598792

>movies that plebs think are deep

>> No.15598796

that didn't last long though before everything started to recentralize on the internet into a handful of sites that all obey the same culture and narratives

>> No.15599090


>> No.15599096

>Zoomers were the first ones born into this hellscape.
Being born into something is definitely not the same thing as making something, which was the original point.

Why are zoombies so retarded in a really basic way?

>> No.15599104


>> No.15599105

memes; they encompass everything else

>> No.15599106

The internet and culture of consumption has stifled all true creativity.
The Information Age is the end of progress.
There have been zero good books written since the internet and cell phones have gone mainstream.

>> No.15599109

Speuds and bleps. This is the new language and you're just a zeitguest.

>> No.15599257
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I can kinda see the case for there will be blood but dunkirk is overrated pseud trash
if we're talking movies then "enter the void"
anime - lain
music - 2814 birth of a new day or >>15598139
why not?

>> No.15599285
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if anything dunkirk is the opposite of pseud trash, it's been forgotten as just a big summer blockbuster action movie but it's a swiss watch of a film, honestly it's an achievement worthy of kubrick

>> No.15599302

also vidya would be fallout new vegas or nier automata

>> No.15599311

are you retarded? there were fucking grammatical errors in the opening exposition credits. and why the fuck were they walking behind enemy lines so nonchalantly? then the main characters entire squad dies and he doesn't even care. speuds like you only like it because of le epic time jumps

>> No.15599325
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>> No.15599328
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i think this show captured the feeling living in america in the 2010s better than anything else.

> shitty suburban developments and office parks
> shot through with an ambient sense of disquiet and fear punctuated by random acts of violence
> the demiurgic nuclear heart of american empire
> the need to maintain an unshaking belief in love, kindness, and right action even while you know in the end, they won't be enough

it has far more to say about "the trump era" than any stupid liberal polemic.

>> No.15599329

God I hate Banksy

>> No.15599351
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>> No.15599364

if you arent trolling i feel sorry for you

>> No.15599401

i don't think about you.

>> No.15599416
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For me, it's Horrorscension

despite that McLuhan said it's advertising, although that was last century

>> No.15599430

Precisely why I believe this >>15599416
Arctopus is the soundtrack to our fractured schizoid existences

>> No.15599465

lol nigger you’re high

>> No.15599483

Could be.

>> No.15599628

god no

>> No.15599817

Mr. Plinkett's reviews.

>> No.15599879

semi-ironically this

>> No.15599914 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15599923
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>> No.15599951

The House That Jack Built and Antichrist

>> No.15599958
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>What is our generation's defining work of art?
my diary desu

>> No.15599964

Vaporwave is unironically the most culturally significant art style.

It is unique to the age of the internet and has music, visual art, and to some extent literature that all fit the category. No other art style is as unique to the past 10-20 years as Vaporwave.

>> No.15599972

Vaporwave is horrible. It’s only significant to you because you’re a fan of it.

>> No.15599985
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I laughed more then I should have

>> No.15600007

ITT a bunch of nerds equate their personal taste with "era-defining works"

panda bear? dunkirk? cmon guys

>>15599328 is the only one who's got it

>> No.15600020

what a sad take

>> No.15600290

i literally cannot argue with this.

>> No.15600312

lofi hip hop/sadboi anime shit is way more popular and representative of our generation's feels than vaporwave. not saying its good art btw.

>> No.15600765


>> No.15600771

the iPod

>> No.15600779

It's fucking everywhere and it's maintained its soul and core aesthetic.

>> No.15600809


>> No.15600826


>> No.15600855

yeah this shit is boring, nothing but slowed down shit from the 80's it not even original. blank banshee is the only vaprorwave i like

>> No.15600866
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>> No.15600870
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>> No.15600873

Travis scott unironically

>> No.15600881

I like AnCo as much as the next /mu/tant but its a bit of a stretch to say they are the defining work of Millennial. Plus Panda and that are Gen X

>> No.15600883
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>> No.15600884

dude, its fucking shit. its not even original, every new "genre" thats come out of the internet has been nothing be remixed shit other people already made. vaporwave, lofi, future funk, etc. at best its an expression of how real new culture can no longer be produced in the globalist internet age, at worst its less than dogshit because at least dogshit can fertilize a lawn.

>> No.15600886

For zoomers I would say some cartoon. Probably either spongebob or AtLA. Neither were bad shows in their time but as a generation we seem to have not advanced culturally beyond the children we were watching these shows. I’m not even saying that’s new to our generation but we’re following in the Millennial’s footsteps. Any generation that can’t outgrow its childhood is doomed to be lost to history or looked down upon by our better ancestors.

>> No.15600888


>> No.15600893

lainchan troon spotted

>> No.15600894

The Wire

>> No.15600909
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>> No.15600911

>that one incest vid

>> No.15600916
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the vaporwave/cypherpunk aesthetic and of course >>15599923

>> No.15600921

the xev one with tendies? based

>> No.15600922

i remember jerking it to her vid way back when

>> No.15600931

stick to literature, guys, your taste itt is god awful

>> No.15600937

>t. listens to Manchester Orchestra and Miles Davis

>> No.15600946

God that show was such a mess. They shouldn't have let Lynch have so much control

>> No.15600966
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>> No.15600967

and now i remember jerking to her vid 30 seconds ago

>> No.15600989

Strictly classical.

>> No.15600993

Even worse.

>> No.15601011
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Zoomers were essentially raised on this game

>> No.15601018

mass produced superhero movies

>> No.15601100
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people vastly underestimate the sheer dystopian horror of minecraft's existence and popularity. we live in a world where we're so enslaved we essentially can't even legally be homeless, yet we're told that we have every possibility at our fingertips by the power of technology; we're forced onto the internet, into virtual realities to experience anything and everything we want, and what is the single most popular virtual reality of all time by a wide fucking margin? a game where you fucking chop down trees and build cabins and farm and dig holes.

>> No.15601108

The game has sold more copies than fucking Tetris, it's a keystone of the Zoomer psyche. The monthly active playerbase is 1.6% of the world's population. It's been neat, being on the very earliest edge of what people usually call Gen Z, watching the influence of this game since I was a kid.

>> No.15601111

too bad microsoft fucking ruined it though

>> No.15601128

>a game where you fucking chop down trees and build cabins and farm and dig holes.

It's not alone either. Rust retains fair popularity on Steam.

It's almost as if we created an artificial environment for ourselves, and then found artificial ways to satisfy the instincts we've been carrying since before we were Homo Sapiens.

>> No.15601131

You can play any past version through the standard launcher, and with mods the game experience can be literally any combination of old and current features. You don't have to engage with any of the secondary or tertiary media.
You're allowing "not muh" to cloud your vision of reality.

>> No.15601140
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Harry Potter

>> No.15601161

yeah i know, its severely fucked up. i remember in my darkest times, when i was literally not sure if i was even alive or sane, playing minecraft really helped me stay grounded in reality, as retarded as that sounds. just leveling off areas and planting trees and making things look nice was super therapeutic for me, its definitely something that is not "optional" for men, we need to have our own land to till.

>> No.15601266
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Kind of disappointed how little it progressed over the ages. Id thought by now we'd have something like a 3D dwarf fortress but all they do is add stuff like bees

>> No.15601294

Image macros were hardly the majority of memes at the time, you dip.

>> No.15601627

but this guy is right.

>> No.15601639


>> No.15601638


>> No.15601916

It's easy to say that when all you're doing is sitting behind a computer clicking a mouse. Have you ever actually tried doing those things in real life? It sounds like a pain to me.

>> No.15602002


>> No.15602759


>> No.15602817
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post modern
blatantly derivative
nostalgic love letter
bad on purpose
internet humor
hammy sentimental
meta fiction

>> No.15602940


>> No.15603486

I could live with that.

>> No.15603520

Too old, doesn't pertain to the digital era

>> No.15603525

Scott Walker’s Bish Bosch (2012)

>> No.15604089

thanks for sharing that with us i guess.

>> No.15604106

my untitled, unpublished incel manifesto will cause a revolution, so that.

>> No.15604344
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>> No.15604964

>enter the void
wrong its love exposure

>> No.15604992

Vaporwave, PC Music, all lowercase free verse poetry, trap rap.

>> No.15605000

His eyes just shine with pure confidence. I never seen any drawing that remotely resembles this

>> No.15605009

>Panda Bear’s Person Pitch and Iron & Wine’s The Shepherd’s Dog
Millennial here. Never fucking heard of any of that. What the fuck are you talking about.

>> No.15605010

Japanese flavored hauntological cyberpunk will be what people remember the 2010s for. Lain worship, vaporwave, neon purple, Google translate Japanese, echoey ambient music sampling forgotten pop songs. Future 2010s themed parties will have people dressed up as doomers, trap rappers, "tradwives", art thots, etc.

>> No.15605018

Oh and of course the lo-fi soundcloud hip hop... which also loves that retro anime aesthetic.

>> No.15605024


>> No.15605150

Vaush's streams

>> No.15605160
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>> No.15605169

>2814 birth of a new day
Honest to God retard detected

>> No.15605322
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honestly this

>> No.15605349

I don't understand this meme even after watching the music video.

>> No.15605406

Nobody fucking knows this

>> No.15605410

The album Cool is Just a Number by I Fight Dragons.

Yes, this is not mainstream, but it taps into the millennial zeitgeist to an uncanny degree. The whole album is shit, but that is part of what makes it defining. It is sincerely shitty. A snapshot:
Intro- 8bit video game music to establish the gimmick of chiptune as a replacement for a soloing instrument
Don't you- An anthem of degeneracy "We all spend half our time running around fucked out of our minds. We spend the other half sleeping at desks and praying just to get back."
The Faster the Treadmill- Wage slave anthem with a peppy leave your hometown to pursue a brighter future message
Money- Diatribe against materialism. Verses are delivered through a megaphone, of course.
Heads Up Hearts Down- We did this before with TFTT, but I guess non conformity needs a second song?
No One Likes Superman Anymore- This is a gem of a defining song. Completely captures the zenith of irony culture and capeshit. "No one to know the man who stands for things we outgrow. He's too noble and too blind. We're all older now and we don't need someone who cares about the innocence we've left behind." All sung with zero irony by a band that wears nintendo products and uses them as instruments.
With You-Stripped of the gimmick this is a cozy acoustic love song tacked on to the up the adolescent worldview with a bow. Essentially A less impactful generic Anyone Else But You

tl;dr listen to this https://youtube.com/watch?v=gnHBfa2cNVM&list=OLAK5uy_m806hCasNL_YlKTzxyvqa0OK4fmuOVP88&index=6

>> No.15605412

Floral Shoppe

>> No.15605476

What did have a wide appeal but also relevance to criticism was Kanye Wests fantasy etc. album, Kendrick Lamar and Breaking Bad.

Tbh must people who work in media today seem to be particularly dumb and untalented.

>> No.15605492

Personally I would say Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

>> No.15605496

It’s obnoxiously bad— the quintessential overproduced “epic” pop song

>> No.15605506

>sold millions of copies
>one of the most critically acclaimed indie games of all time by both audiences and critics
>won best game of all time poll
>spawned a very active fandom
>the pope was even offered a copy of it
>Nobody fucking knows this

>> No.15605606

i've been staring at this for like 10 minutes just trying to wrap my head around how foul it truly is, trying to put my visceral hatred for it into a coherent thought, but i just can't. although, i will say this; the worst part about it is the fucking art style. all of these trannies have the same fucking style where it looks those computer generated facebook sprites, like its some shitty corporate children's art design you would see on the back of a cereal box, which means these people are aiming this stuff at kids, its all the same people putting this shit out, their "art" is all inspired by satan.

>> No.15605617

this is fucking awful. you must be a literal 14 year old.

>> No.15605643

My nigga that's crazy but I dont remember asking

>> No.15605646

all i know about it is that shitty normalfag meme song, which shows me that its a r*ddit game. minecraft is infinitely more of a zeitgeist game.

>> No.15605654

i don't remember asking for ebonics speaking retards on my board either, and yet here you are.

>> No.15605658

Read the thread title or even a word of my post. This is not about what I personally enjoy or find meaningful. It is a piece of "art" defining a generation and succeeds on multiple levels to convey the inherent kitsch of the millennial generation.

>> No.15605857

OP was asking for works of art. minecraft is a toy, a sandbox, virtual legos. sure it had a huge cultural impact but thats not what makes something art.
undertale was crafted with artistic intent, it conveys the author's ideas, it presents an audiovisual world with a narrative that elicits emotional reactions from the audience.

btw im not defending undertale, I think it's an idiotic cringefest but it's still art and minecraft isnt(not that it wasnt trying to be)

>> No.15605874

>chop down trees and build cabins and farm and dig holes
In other words, innawoods simulator. Being self-sufficient, able to do whatever you want, and free from the tyranny of a government is an appealing idea.
It's not hard to see why a videogame based on that idea would be so popular, you're just streamlining all the uncomfortable, hard or time-consuming parts that are inherent to that lifestyle in reality, while still imitating its pros.

>> No.15605881 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15605907

You dont think anyone will make a great piece of art again, ever?

>> No.15605973

I will

>> No.15607430

even if they do, the odds of it ever getting any public recognition/popularity is almost nil so we won't even know.

>> No.15607529

>Transman, gay
Now that's a fitting name if I've ever seen one.

>> No.15607603

>Transman, gay
does that mean its a woman who became a man and now fucks dudes?

>> No.15607782
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>> No.15608428

probably that. adding to what you said it's also a videogame and has progressive values(gay relationships, etc) so it perfectly encapsulates the essence of the generation

>> No.15608772


>> No.15608863

I hate video games besides this one, it’s really fun to play with your friends

>> No.15608895


>> No.15608900

>but film and tv have been doing quite okay, tv had a major slump in the 2000s but it's already come out of it.

>> No.15608905

Infinity war avengers

>> No.15608909

this is exactly with Uncle Ted says in INdustrial Society and its Future. i assume you both have read it.

>> No.15608954

you're reading into it too much. It's just legos on the computer with some barebones and entirely optional survival elements.

>> No.15608969

>t. oversocialized liberal

>> No.15609000

sorry to break it to you anon, but the time you always dreaded has come. You're finally too old to keep up with the youth...

>> No.15609013


>> No.15609095

>Asriel - bigender
Fuck Blefuscu, littleenders ftw

>> No.15609369

I asked my gamer friend to recommend me a game with a genuinely good story and he gifted me this. Needless to say we're no longer friends.

>> No.15609404


>> No.15609417
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>> No.15609461

I'd say it was a little later.

You had a lot of execs in the 00s prioritising cost cutting, so there was this almost autistic push on network television for everything to be a "reality" TV show, lots of Big Brotherly Love Island Shore and Dancing with the Stars on Ice while Baking Off. Film was just shit and I'm not totally sure why, I think someone told me there'd been a semi-artificial supply problem in skilled crew/technicians, so costs for that skyrocketed around then, probably the two things are related.

>> No.15609474

>Needless to say
go back

>> No.15609605

A lot of the best novels were written by the best authors in middle age. So we still have some time before we see what Millennials got.

>> No.15610417

>A lot of the best novels were written by the best authors in middle age.
objectively false

>> No.15610440


>> No.15610455
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Unironically this. Your "defining" work of art doesn't need to be good, and in fact it's appropriate to choose this because the circumstances and veneer of our generation are pure shit.

>> No.15611213

You are posting on it right now - an anonymous forum where people of all races, religions, and countries gather to discuss virtually any topic without fear of censorship (inb4 onions inb4 pizza), open to all with an internet connection. But what have we done with it but post increasingly esoteric frog cartoons?

>> No.15611243
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>> No.15611244
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4chan racists won't admit it, but this is the work everyone's going to remember

>> No.15611249

The Sopranos

>> No.15611258
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Unironically this

>> No.15611334

According to William Faulkner, “For fiction the best age is from thirty-five to forty-five. Your fire is not all used up and you know more. Fiction is slower. For poetry the best age is from seventeen to twenty-six. Poetry writing is more like a skyrocket with all your fire condensed into one rocket.”

I've always felt that prime novelist years are in the 30s and 40s and glad to have found this confirmation from a pro. In terms of poetry all we have is Rupi Kaur so there's no hope there.

>> No.15611356

First you have to ask yourself what are the things that make a work of art be generation defining.

What are the things that make a work of art be generation defining?

>> No.15611645

Most people on 4chan love Kanye and Death Grips, nobody will remember this.

>> No.15611716

>You're finally too old to keep up with the youth..
Don't do this to me, Anon. Not here.

>> No.15611720

I never begin with poetry, is it too late for me?

>> No.15611928

Pepe, Wojak, and their variations.
I know this because I lurk on 4chan every day

>> No.15612444

This is a work that only speaks to 50% of the generation at most though. Also a middle-aged rich black woman's problems do not resonate with the average normie's experience.

>> No.15612496

For us zoomers it’s doge unironically. I’m not sure that can be called art but it at least evolved from art. We live in an aesthetically exhausted culture. I wonder if true art is possible nowadays. If it is it seems near impossible to do.

>> No.15612499

it's swampletics

>> No.15612504

>Animal Collective was unique to that era, and can only be enjoyed by millennials
I totally agree with this. I’m gen z but always thought anco was a super millennial band

>> No.15612509

That banana taped to a wall. Sums it all up really

>> No.15612514

Absolutely based.

>> No.15612526


>> No.15612531

>every new "genre" thats come out of the internet has been nothing be remixed shit other people already made. vaporwave, lofi, future funk, etc. at best its an expression of how real new culture can no longer be produced in the globalist internet age
This is why it’s culturally relevant and resonates with people. That’s not to say it’s of high quality or original, but like you said new culture can no longer be produced.

>> No.15612535

Ferneyhough is this generation’s defining composer. Or maybe Adés

>> No.15612591

Farming and chopping wood is not as natural or relaxing as it made out to be. It is hard work. The main benefits to this kind of work is that farmers typically live on farms and arborists spend alot of time in forests. Semi-long hikes will do similar marvels for your mental health.

>> No.15612613

You have the freedom to do that shit if you want to. People stopped doing it because they found better ways to earn a living. In the past, that was the only way to live. They didn’t enjoy it at all. It’s romanticized by total limpwrists that have never done any kind of manual labor. I have done it because I had to for a long time in order to survive on my own. I don’t do it anymore because it’s fucking horrible. Minecraft isn’t some testament to the past or have any deep psychological implications, it’s a barebones game that anyone can play. People who grew up on RuneScape aren’t convinced that chopping down trees and fishing for sharks is somehow making a statement, zoomers are just retarded

>> No.15612636

Best? Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell for lit, Nausicaä Of The Valley Of The Wind for graphic novels, The Act Of Killing + The Look Of Silence for film, music is too varied and it'll just devolve into off-topic bitching if I offer an opinion, theatre, probably something by McDonaugh.

Most defining? Avengers Endgame.

>> No.15612645

probably the correct answer.

>> No.15613018

kill yourself please