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15595518 No.15595518 [Reply] [Original]

> It is absolutely necessary that those who helped place National Socialism in the saddle be called to account. Heidegger is among the few professors to have done that . . . Heidegger’s manner of thinking, which to me seems in its essence unfree, dictatorial, and incapable of communication, would today be disastrous in its pedagogical effects . . . Heidegger certainly did not see through all the real powers and goals of the National Socialist leaders . . . But his manner of speaking and his actions have a certain affinity with National Socialist characteristics, which makes his error comprehensible.
He’s not wrong.

>> No.15595527

I haven't seen evidence that his thinking has a close affinity to fascism, although he was a trad larper for sure.

>> No.15595529

bro he was literally a nazi

>> No.15595531

Obviously not, one can make a stretch though not unfounded, to compare it to Plato's political philosophy as from the river of his same metaphysics. There is a natural practice, which Heidegger himself took into account in a Herderesque nationality; that is Volk-Authenticity.

>> No.15595538

I know but we are talking about whether his philosophy is inherently fascist, not what he thought was the most promising political party at the time

>> No.15595544

>But his manner of speaking and his actions have a certain affinity with National Socialist characteristics, which makes his error comprehensible.

>> No.15595545

if it talks like a nazi and walks like a nazi it's probably a nazi

>> No.15595630

National Socialism is not Fascism dumbass, Fascism is more of a branch of Statism, while NS is Volkish.

>> No.15595635

Wolin is a fucking pathetic hack.

>> No.15595704

>trad larper
I have a grudging admiration for true reactionaries, since at least they know what they're being nostalgic about. The fakes, however, betray a double resentment, of a past they didn't inhabit, and a future in which they're as bound to fail as they would have in that past.

>> No.15595807

Who was the Jew that wrote this?

>> No.15595959

Nobody cares about your idiosyncratic definitions cucklord

>> No.15595975

Your wife's boyfriend

>> No.15596124

they are objective.

>> No.15596149

Sorry to hijack this thread but , having only read the greeks , what would i need to read before starting with Heidegger?

>> No.15596205

Descartes, Nietzsche, Husserl, perhaps Kierkegarrd, probably some medieval theologians as well.

>> No.15596247

>medieval theologians
Thanks!Any particular recommendations of medieval philhoshophy?Or would just aquinas and augustine suffice?

>> No.15596261

Those two would already be pretty good. I don't know how much people like Duns Scots or Abélard influenced Heidegger, probably not that much.They're still worth reading on their own though.

>> No.15596627

"National Socialism" falls both under statism and under fascism, this is how these terms are defined. What the fuck does volkish even mean in terms of political philosophy.This is just /pol/tards pretending they have theory

>> No.15596642

Husserl is the probably the biggest influence. Heidegger typically doesn't make arguments, he either begs the question or takes over positions from Husserl.

>> No.15596664

>if you're a whitey we can just make up whatever vague, unfalsifiable criteria we want to prove you're a nazi

>> No.15596769

add Augustine and some of his earl modern readers, Pascal and Malebranche

>> No.15596779

Read Introduction to Metaphysics

>> No.15596791

Yeah I know about the inner truth and greatness meme comment, that doesn't address the question as to whether his thought has an intimate tie with fascism