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File: 86 KB, 828x830, Malcolm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15594957 No.15594957 [Reply] [Original]

>So that once you realize that I believe in the Supreme Being who created the universe, and believe in him as being one–I also have been taught in Islam that one God only has one religion, and that religion is called Islam, and all of the prophets who came forth taught that religion–Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, all of them. And by believing in one God and one religion and all of the prophets, it creates unity. There’s no room for argument, no need for us to be arguing with each other.

>And also in that religion, of the real religion of Islam–when I was in the Black Muslim movement, I wasn’t–they didn’t have the real religion of Islam in that movement. It was something else. And the real religion of Islam doesn’t teach anyone to judge another human being by the color of his skin. The yardstick that is used by the Muslim to measure another man is not the man’s color but the man’s deeds, the man’s conscious behavior, the man’s intentions. And when you use that as a standard of measurement or judgment, you never go wrong.

>But when you just judge a man because of the color of his skin, then you’re committing a crime, because that’s the worst kind of judgment. If you judged him just because he was a Jew, that’s not as bad as judging him because he’s Black. Because a Jew can hide his religion. He can say he’s something else–and which a lot of them do that, they say they’re something else. But the Black man can’t hide. When they start indicting us because of our color that means we’re indicted before we’re born, which is the worst kind of crime that can be committed. The Muslim religion has eliminated all tendencies to judge a man according to the color of his skin, but rather the judgment is based upon his deeds.

>> No.15595034

>judging a jew is ok

>> No.15595350

Brother Malcom was a great guy. It's a shame so many are pushing for racialism and segregation as the solution to racism, when Islam has already affirmed both diversity (of thought, peoples, beliefs) and equality (before god) without contradiction

>> No.15595363

Black people should be either Atheist or Buddhist. Xtianity and EYEslam should be the religions they ignore, not because of their history with them but because those religions are cringe.

>> No.15595372


>> No.15595398

Lots of movements affirm equality but it doesn't matter if the people on the ground disregard it. Muslims are just as racist and in many cases moreso than Westerners. It makes sense that Malcolm would idealize the other to escape his own circumstances but we must look at things critically. Anti-racism must be exported globally

>> No.15595399
File: 101 KB, 720x563, OnEDmC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15595402

black people are obsessed with their black identity. some of them think becoming muslim gets them in touch with their blackness.

>> No.15595413

Malcolm actually hated whites,the Nation of Islam said they weren't allowed in Mecca. Malcolm said he was shocked at finding men with blond hair and blue eyes making pilgrimage there. And how they treated him changed his whole outlook. He left the nation of Islam to become Sunni. When he returned he denounced it as wrong to hate whites and so they killed him

>> No.15595431

Like >>15595413 said, he converted to Sunni Islam because he saw first hand how they treated people, including blacks. Many black brothers at my mosque, and european/asian reverts too and even if there is individual racism the religion requires a level of respect and generosity be given to fellow Muslims.Anti-racism as it currently stands in the USA is just racial segregation using straight white men as scapegoats rather than blacks, jews, or whoever. Only Islam allows for true diversity, hierarchy, and racial harmony to co-exist without tension.

>> No.15595454

Basically in America the left hates the whites and the right hates the blacks and they only see increasing one side of hatred as the solution to the other