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15593281 No.15593281 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15593290
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haha of course not...unless?

>> No.15593338

I feel like 1984 gets more criticism than it deserves. It’s not beautifully written, sure, but I find it compelling and imaginative. Other thoughts?

>> No.15593579

Is a good book but it's too bad the people who post about it are fucking faggots

>> No.15593585

I chortled

>> No.15593600

It’s like when a decent album is a household name. People will pick it apart and find reasons not to like it— inversely, others will put it on a pedestal because it’s the most radical thing they’ve heard so far.

>> No.15593666
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The book is an anti-war story about how society is stuck to the idea of hatred, so thus hatred runs amuck in society causing it to be so focused on taking sides that it forgets about it's own history, it's own people, and the lives it effects. The government in the book is focused solely on being the good guy too much that it has dysfunctionally been the bad guy to it's own people by creating heinous laws against free-speech, privacy, and free-will.

To answer your question do we live in such a time? I don't think so. True we may have paranoia from time to time, but to truly live like that would be horrible. I doubt that it ever is or was a documentary.

>> No.15594563
File: 24 KB, 258x387, BraveNewWorld_FirstEdition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always felt like bnw was more prophetic

>> No.15594581

If I could establish a nation-state based off of 1984 I would, for the sake of irony.
Better yet would be if in my 1984 inspired nation state the only uncensored book is 1984.
I'm sure that bugger Orwell would be right pissed if that ever happened.

>> No.15594586


Lmao what? It's about how language shapes the way you view the world around you, and how one can control the way people think by changing the terms in which they think.

>> No.15594595


Muh thousands of clone slaves doing manual labor for no reason. Muh absolutely retard-tier perception of romantic relationships.

The dude curling up and staying in bed all his life because the pauper called him 'father' was hilarious though. It had it's moments but some of it is just too ridiculous.

>> No.15594833

For me, it was Fahrenheit 451 that was the most prophetic.
Totalitarianism will come when people become indifferent to it and have enough entertainment to not care

>> No.15595878

I found 451 to be a really strong take on individuality in the modern world amongst the content masses mainly

>> No.15596009

The thing I hate the most about 1984 is all the reviews on the back saying shit like 'ONLY GETTING MORE RELEVANT AS TIME GOES ON...' Which I think is bullshit, its just as relevant as it was then as it is now. Its an alright book and though it seems to forget to flesh out some areas, I think the story its actually trying to tell is told well.

>> No.15596020

>Muh thousands of clone slaves doing manual labor for no reason.
I thought their position and job in life was drilled into their heads at birth, also they're kept content with stuff like drugs and constant entertainment, so why would they feel like complaining?

>> No.15596047
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>niggas STILL don't realise it's a satire

>> No.15596156

>all the books ITT don't require people to get a permit to exit their homes