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15591239 No.15591239[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>supports israel unconditionally
why do people like this retard?

>> No.15591244

Because they and he hate Muslims more

>> No.15591248

What does it mean to support Isreal?

>> No.15591250

Because he writes good books. Why do I have to agree with all his political views? Am I only supposed to read authors who have the "right" opinions?

>> No.15591261

He's a typical boomer

>> No.15591265

>why do people like this retard?
people like what? and what are they retarding? v. confusing post

>> No.15591294


>> No.15591334

> * israel causes wars and muslims flee from them to europe where they will be greeted by jewish NGOs *
>ahh all those muslims!!! We have to send money to israel ahhhh!!!

>> No.15591385

what a cuck.

>> No.15591405

>supports israel unconditionally

Holy based

>> No.15591433

Because fuck Arabs and Muslims
> The middle east would be peaceful if only it weren't for da ebil joooohs and ebil us imperialism. If it weren't for them, all these noble savages would get along perfectly.

Lay off the Rousseau.

>> No.15591435

What else you can expect from a small dick incel

>> No.15591579

>The middle east would be peaceful if only it weren't for da ebil joooohs and ebil us imperialism
yeah bro invading iraq and syria was a great idea. Definitely didn't cause an influx of refugees or anything

>> No.15591588

this. His books could have been copied from posts from /r/incels and the content would still be the same

>> No.15591594

calm down moshe

>> No.15591599

>Am I only supposed to read authors who have the "right" opinion
his support for israel is incredibly retarded imo. I thought he was supposed to be an intelligent guy.

>> No.15591607

You haven't read Houellebecq.

>> No.15591647

then why is he loved by incels sweetie yikes.