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15589736 No.15589736 [Reply] [Original]

What literature can you read to stop comparing yourself to everyone and feeling jealousy/resentment if someone has had easier life than you and/or a lot of inherent qualities that you lack?

>> No.15590307

The only plausible solutions to resentment are indifference or disdain
It is best to look at most of the people in the world with an air of disguised disgust
Look into yourself, read literature andphilosophy, grow intellectually and spirtually. Solituide (but not lonliness) should be your most common state of being
Only seek friendship and romantic relationships between those this worldview
Then, and only then, will you be able to stop comparing yourself to all the people in this world

>> No.15590339

Death meditation, mysticism. You need to kill the ego. If you were Cavill, you would have been Cavill. If he was you, he would have been you. You gotta learn how not to take your body personally. Most people cling to themselves like they earned it.

>> No.15590354

Most people are incredibly uninteresting and dumb so I don't really have anything to resent about them, it also helps not being below average in looks and not being a retard with money.

>> No.15590358

Read Siege

>> No.15590376



>> No.15590381

Oh Jesus Christ someone finally understands. Somebody fucking help me!! I'm Cavill! THAT'S not Cavill! He's an imposter using my body! Some loser! I'M Cavill. I'M Superman! No one will believe me! Everyone thinks I'm just some loser... every day I look in the mirror and cannot believe what I see. Some ugly loser. But I know I AM CAVILL!!

>> No.15590387

Take your meds

>> No.15590406
File: 30 KB, 700x505, nietzsche_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say Nietzsche, but let's be honest here - I was born to an upper middle class family, teachers and lecturers have catered to me since I was 6 years old, although I didn't experience any romance or sex like my peers did I was genuinely satisfied with the way my life was progressing. I want to finish my university studies and pursue a PhD in my subject. When it comes to attractiveness I'd say I'm perfectly average, but if I don't get any poon in my life that's perfectly okay with me. I am obviously less attractive than Cavil but I'm much smarter than him and that's fine, everyone has his strengths and weaknesses. The problem is people like me make up 2, maybe 3 percent of males in contemporary society. To the vast majority of males having a gf and eventually marrying her is the number 1 priority in life, all other endeavours are lower on the list of priorities and that's not surprising - I couldn't imagine being fulfilled in a job like a security guard, college teacher, shopping clerk etc. which nonetheless have to be done and men who do those jobs want to have a fulfilling life. So I am aware of the fact that the road I went is pretty much closed for a vast majority of males in our society. Those people will find no fulfillment in their romantic lives as well as in their professional lives. Nietzsche was aware of this, he emphasized that only a small fraction of the population may ascend to the levels of the Ubermensch. But where does that leave the unattractive rest of the society? I think we're entering some very interesting times and the transvaluation of values (not in the Nietzschean sense) will have to take place in sexual politics. (sorry if my post is unintelligible, I'm ESL and a little drunk atm)

>> No.15590418

bumping for interest. This shit gets worse with years.

>> No.15590427

You are on a track and act like your driving on dirt roads. Get over yourself

>> No.15590468


>> No.15590474

gotta call out a cope when I see one m8:
plenty of successful people have fulfillment in both as much as one can "fulfillment"

I wish you the best, but there is no one that is too busy to pursue work and love.

>> No.15590485

unimpressive silver spoon faggot lol

>> No.15590510

Some people just don’t get to play golf

>> No.15590532

I live in Poland my family's income is probably lower than yours' but unlike you we don't live in a neoliberal dystopia where you get charged 1000$ for holding your child after birth lmao
I literally have zero interest in romantic love and I can always buy prostitutes

>> No.15590544

>I literally have zero interest in romantic love


>> No.15590554

fair enough m8, still think it’s a cope but as a struggling third worlder I can’t fault you. Get yours

>> No.15590560

not cope. All your post sounds like some immature child who gets his way who has been told he's intelligent his whole life so he believes it without any evidence. Impressive little dancing monkey

>> No.15590566
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>3rd world
enjoy your 100000$ students debt first worlder

>> No.15590567

I also live in Copeland

>> No.15590577

>I can always buy prostitutes
like father like son

>> No.15590601


I can only relate to love. I’ve never had the longing to love someone. I have been sexually attracted but that’s it. Maybe something wrong with me idk

>> No.15590617


>> No.15590620

>this kneejerk response
>is a sleekposter

okay now THIS is what I call cope

>> No.15590650

I noticed this. Either you jump into love and opt out of “the game”, or you compete and become visitor but relationships are purely economic in nature. It s a strange dichotomy. In my experience the latter are usually wealthier/cooler/hipper, but nothing can compare to raising a loving family. If life was a show, the game would be ESPN feat Dan Blitzkrieg and love would be an early unreleased Terrance Malick movie staring Marlon Brando and Bridget Bardo