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15589155 No.15589155 [Reply] [Original]

So Vheissu is LSD, right?

>> No.15589655

Man, dunno what it is, but do you seek it out? Can you keep searching for it or is it better to just give up?

>> No.15589815

Seeking it keeps the Nefastis machine humming

>> No.15590153

The only thing I like more than V pondering is bashing rude cops

>> No.15590187


>> No.15590207

Seems more like an X is the course of things, almost, but then there’s two more living Vs on the side, how does that water pressure from the sides affect the Container?
And sure why not

>> No.15590506
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>> No.15590594
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I find this paragraph from Kant's Critique of Judgment to be interesting re Pynchon's melty LSD ordering of symbols:

Further, beautiful objects have to be distinguished from beautiful views of objects (where the distance often prevents a clear percep- tion). In the latter case taste appears to fasten, not so much on what the imagination grasps in this field, as on the encouragement it receives in the way of invention, i.e. in the peculiar fantasies with which the mind entertains itself as it is being continually stirred by the variety that strikes the eye. It is just as when we watch the chan- ging shapes of the fire in the hearth or of a rippling brook: neither of which are things of beauty, but nonetheless convey a charm to the imagination, because they sustain its free play.

>> No.15590926
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