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15588121 No.15588121 [Reply] [Original]

"Mine has been a life of much shame. I can't even guess myself what it must be to live the life of a human being" edition

>> No.15588127

Perhaps I, too, will join a political movement and then unintentionally crash it from within.

>> No.15588137

Fuck this pandemic. I finally had a bit of a future outlined for myself and that's all come crashing down. What am I going to do next year? The career I was just beginning will not be hiring for a long long time. Even shit jobs will become hard to come by. Sometimes I want to give in and become an otaku neet.

>> No.15588173
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I remember walking between lectures once when it was tipping it down outside, and seeing everyone hunched over looking tight and uncomfortable as they walked through the rain.
But it's not as though looking miserable about the rain made and difference to the situation.

Just relax baby!
Enjoy the rain while its here!
Feel its cleansing nature against your skin!

Embrace the new horizons it brings as the past is washed away!

>> No.15588533

Why do all my friends have to be horror fanboys? I fucking hate this basedboi genre where everyone pretends to be scared of some stupid monster.

>> No.15588796

I wish i had talent.
I wish i weren't so lazy, so that i could aquire one.
I just want to be passionate about something.
I just want to be good at something without trying.
I can't even say "My failure is deserved"
I can't even fail, since i never tried.

>> No.15588806

Why do you think you're lazy? It might sound like a stupid question but I think it you can answer that you'll be better able to make improvements.

>> No.15588814

I feel bad for him, he really is one of those people hard to relate to. He draws incel with his premise of alienation from society, but they end up hating him when his problem with society has nothing to do with him being a loser.

>> No.15588849

Good horror is never about the monsters. Maybe your friends are smarter than you.

>> No.15588864

How do I a square the fact that my motivation for dating is to find a wife and start a family with the fact that being too serious / intense right off the bat is a massive turn off?

>> No.15588868

Thread theme

>> No.15588878

Hell yeah dude

>> No.15588932

You can be very open and honest upfront by saying you're looking for something permanent and not just something casual. Most women see that more as a turn on if anything, the ones that get turned off you don't want to be your wife anyway. Nevertheless when you start to date you should really ease into getting to know that other person and if it's someone you'd want to start a family with and just just be intense and stress about "securing"/"aquiring" a wife

>> No.15588965

My patience has been rewarded. There are brief respites from the melancholia of life. If only i could learn to count my blessings instead of wallowing in self pity.

>> No.15588985

>My parents are communists
So I became a banker

>They are Christian
So I became pagan

>They were natalists and gave me an inheritable genetic disease
So I intend to sterilize myself

>They are cruel
So I've tried to be the most compassionate I can

It's almost impossible to find someone else who understands this

>> No.15589011

Investment banking, private equity?

>> No.15589039

Mortgage processing

>> No.15589069

Btw I entirely relate to what you’re saying. Whilst my parents were perhaps not as cruel as yours, I take offence when people say I remind them of my father. My father is a good man but he is flawed in ways that I would hate to find within myself.

>> No.15589082

Also, how is mortgage processing? Most people I got to uni with want the big bucks at a BB, that’s why I assumed IB or PE. Shows how warped my view of the world is.

>> No.15589110

All philosophical thought is premised on cognitive bias. Anyone interested in uncovering truth should question these premises, not in the way Descartes did, but through an actual psychological investigation. The rationalists, who supposedly denounced feelings and intuition to arrive at logical, empirical, statistical truth, were in the greatest error, for the they did nothing but convince themselves that their biases were entirely rational.

>> No.15589218

Lol, I have a home school high school degree I'm not Patrick Bateman or anything like that, just very comfortable for my education level

>> No.15589499
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>okay Hitler
>This is borderline discrimination
>Who hurt you
>"Another unpopular opinion" your opinion Is. Simply. Wrong.
>Have you ever heard of human rights?
>It's against the rules to support eugenics

If redditors hate eugenics so much it must be right

>> No.15590330

Philosophy is not a science and was never meant as one. This is why analytical philosophy is a fucking joke.

>> No.15590365

>Philosophy is not a science and was never meant as one
Yeah that's why 90% of "philosophy" before the 17th century is just straight up science now.

>> No.15590505

i want a bf but i don't want to use shitty dating apps to get one

>> No.15590551

I’m working on illustrations for a children’s book. I applied for a local community college because I want a more comfortable life than being a car salesman. I’ve been sniffing benzedrex in the bathroom today. I feel dissociated from everyone around me. I like drawing and writing but I don’t know what to major in that would give me a better income than what I currently make. I wonder how I will be able to balance long shifts and college. Maybe I need to find another job while attending college.

>> No.15590559

All of my past gfs have been from Tinder. It’s not that bad, but I’d still prefer trying to court a girl in person.

>> No.15590589

sodomy is inherently unfulfilling anon
i spent some years of my life in a homosexual relationship and while it was fun and i loved him, it was always overshadowed by the thought that it could never really advance to the same level as heterosexual couples since we could never have children together. in that sense it always felt like it wasn't really real, i was left with a feeling of "is this really it?" it broke my heart knowing that our options were basically to raise someone else's kid or live alone forever
in the end i'd say it's not worth it, it might be fun momentarily but in the end you'll just be sad at the limits of what you can get out of a relationship like that while still being emotionally invested in the other person and unable to leave them

>> No.15590595

It's not.

>> No.15590607

You're such a fucking loser. Imagine wanting kids and making your life revolve around that. I can only imagine how unsatisfied you must be on a personal level that this is your main goal.
God is the only end-goal in life.

>> No.15590633

So I downloaded the Chinese spyware app Tiktok. Is this really what teens spend all their time doing? It's nothing but a bunch of attention-starved depressed zoomers desperately seeking to upstage each other with increasingly pornographic displays. Everyone puts each other down in the comments and the only popular users on it are because they're attractive. For them it seems to be sort of a training area prior to creating an OnlyFans page. The memes make 4chan's looks like high culture. It seems engineered to capitalize on fragmented, short attention spans and brief dopamine spurts . People attempt to have the stupidest political arguments on the app, but because you are muzzled to only record for 1 minute, it's impossible to say anything of substance. And so everything devolves into the most basic level of discussion.

I can't help but feel this is all by design. If the bar wasn't so low already I would be half inclined to believe that this is some kind of Chinese psyop to cause brain damage and mental health problems in foreign children to undermine the west.

>> No.15590646
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>Imagine wanting kids and making your life revolve around that.

>> No.15590647

Normie social media does less harm to their brains than 4chan does to ours

>> No.15590659

i'm not gay

>> No.15590663

finding nonproductive relationships unfulfilling is not the same as orienting your life around reproduction - it was just some observations on my lived experiences at the time that it happened
while i was not religious at all at the start of that experience, it was actually through that that i began to wonder if christians were right about sodomy, because i realized that if homosexual relationships were so empty even in the absence of promiscuity or other kinds of overtly degenerate behavior, then it must be that they are inherently so instead of incidentally so. this realization was one of the first that eventually led me to believe exactly what you wrote, that finding god is the only meaningful goal in life, and i decided to forgo all intimate relationships or sexual activity to devote myself to exactly that
that said, i don't think scolding people for wanting kids is a very good thing to do. what could be pathetic about the act of creation? isn't that a sacred thing?

>> No.15590668

It’s a mental illness. A pure shot of MTV’s TRL into the bloodstream. There aren’t any human beings on Tik Tok. It’s an application of death; tick tock.

>> No.15590692


>> No.15590700

There is always porn

>> No.15590709

Than try dipshit

>> No.15590717

getting high feels good

>> No.15590726

lol at whoever made that image though. i just think the idea of a man wanting a family and kids to be the most feminine thing ever but it seems to be popular on the internet now because of the trend of traditionalism. not even saying have kids is bad but the ideology behind this is a funny phenomenon.

>> No.15590802

perhaps there are only human beings on tik tok

>> No.15590815

We want what we can’t have. Men have generally always wanted someone to come home to and nurse their wounds. It’s a comforting thing, having something or someone who is waiting for your return home after a hard days work.

>> No.15590832

Implying having children to make your life have meaning isn't vastly more nihilistic and demiurge like behavior

>> No.15590874

indicating that you’re looking for something real and serious is not a turn off—most women do not date in hopes if being fucked and tossed back into the sea. i imagine that your motivations will be well-received.

>> No.15590888

Where can I go to find a gril like this?

>> No.15590901

Yea their kinda cute sometimes. Some are really creepy tho. If idea
of a bunch of children dancing to adult music to a public audience on the Internet for the world to see doesn’t make you uneasy ide say lurk more

>> No.15590960

i think there are a lot of women like this out there. dating apps are poisonous and riddled with whores but there are a bunch of nice/genuine women scattered in between the thots. i’m not sure otherwise how to meet women because dating as a man is so hard—organically approaching a woman in say, a library, sounds sweet but a lot of girls have their guard up when men come up to them. another possibility is joining a book club and befriending a woman there. idrk how to meet girls other than the internet, which can be a good option if you’re clear with your intentions and she is too and isn’t some basic bitch trying to score an expensive hamburger for free.

>> No.15590972

I hate my dad, I think he's a repressing tranny
(Like myself)

>> No.15591067
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I enjoy my life of stable misery.

>> No.15591105
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Because traditionalism is generally meant to be oppressive. Traditionalism is not
>go forth and unleash your creative powers and do whatever you want, lad, you're free in this world
I'm always amazed by the positive messaging of our reactionary friends.

>> No.15591128

Just don't try and use places like dating apps or w/e and always ALWAYS apply the no hymen no ring rule unless you want a divorce 8 years down the line.

>> No.15591139

Judging girls by first looks can be deceiving. My girlfriend presented herself to me as some radfem anarchist, but all she really wants is to have a successful career, get wealthy, and make babies. Don't trust what people say about themselves, look at who they actually are.

>> No.15591240

so when aristotle was trying to create a taxonomy of animals, or when plato was discussing the planets, or when the philosophers after were talking about the elements of matter, or the psychology of humans, or the physics of body, we should just go back to discussing this in philosophical terms right? like "ether" and "forms"? no computers, no labs, nothing. fucking pleb.

>> No.15591293

I’m being dead serious, I think he noticed me later on at Gold’s, I don’t know what happened behind me when I walked away, but he remembered who I was

>> No.15591502

I can't have children

>> No.15591530


>> No.15591534

>she really wants is to have a successful career, get wealthy, and make babies
These things are not compatible and probably why she presents herself as a radfem.

>> No.15591740

The laughter always sounds so much more intense from a distance. I hope that soon enough I‘ll be drunk or stupid enough to never have to hear it again.

>> No.15591780
File: 468 KB, 1058x1600, E83DB918-9865-48D3-935F-19E354B14CAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuzzy people, happy things
Personalizing their objects, clinging to dreams
Within the lines, with a natural ease
They live to love, it is all that they need
Work because they must, afraid to be free
It didn’t happen to myself, though I did not imagine it could be
I was faced with two options, to be happy or to be me

>> No.15591830

radical feminism and child-rearing are not at odds with one another (no comment on the anarchism thing though wrt wealth as a goal)—i know nothing about your gf but it is possible she is fundamentally guided by second wave feminist principles but ultimately wants a family above all

idk if this is necessarily lying (also i think women have a tendency to put on their toughest front when meeting a new man because men are so much more physically powerful that vulnerability is a potential risk)

>> No.15591852

The world is so gay now, I wish we could destroy social media
I miss when the internet wasn't filled with normies

>> No.15591885

I don't have any passion, I just wanna choose something to commit myself with my all my soul.

>> No.15591926

>Don't trust what people say about themselves, look at who they actually are.
They are people who don’t know what they want but somehow know better i do about what I want

>> No.15591938

needed this thanks

>> No.15591980

I just can't take intellectuals that didn't go to Cambridge or Oxford seriously. If you couldn't get into an elite school you're probably not intelligent enough to be writing about "society" and spouting political views. Notice how 99% of scientist and mathematicians who achieved anything went to an elite school? Intellectuals should be held to the same standard. Prove me wrong.

>> No.15592005

i wonder if it's a fairly recent thing for the US to be so divided and discordant that the president himself is unable to do anything about a single city, or if it was always like this and the idea of unified nations in western countries is but a childhood innocence.

This series of events has done nothing but make China look like the big man. What will tbe world face under its future hegemony?

I am easily consumed by doubt even regarding my core beliefs. It seems only mild convincing is needed to get me to believe I might be wrong.

I read and espouse plenty of platitudes and memorize many things - but I never truly think to myself. Still I am surrounded by normies who say I'm "smart" - but that can't be further from the truth.

Categorically, I am subhuman. I will never reach greatness, I will never contribute to human progress in a meaningful way. I'm too dumb and unfocused for any serious discipline, my life is but that of endless hedonism. Yet I have "believed" in a philosophy of elitism - that is, the smart, strong, adaptive have every right to rule over and direct the future. But I myself am not an elite and never will be. Why do I cling to life? Everything around me is incredibly complex, deep, and I can't fucking grasp any of it. Why do I cling to life? My own seems pointless. Like I exist to be a midwit with enough awareness to see what's going on, but not enough to truly understand and make something of it.
Why do I cling to life? High School was my last chance to figure shit out.

>> No.15592240


>> No.15592249

just write it again but better

>> No.15592266

I once forgot my notebook at a hookers place because I wanted to run away without paying
it wasn't that much though, maybe 2k words

>> No.15592493

There's only so much ham in the world

>> No.15592597

What's the word for when you place a word within another word?
For example; Abso-fucking-lutely.

>> No.15592614

bros i want a family so bad.

>> No.15592636

this is called tmesis

>> No.15592643

Thank you!
I could not for the life of me remember the word.

>> No.15592863

I refuse to believe that.
Thats the signs of the times.

>> No.15593037 [DELETED] 

Are these protests really going to go on until November? I mean it's every day with this shit.

>> No.15593814

A fire escape is where I'm standing, overlooking the lots between apartments that only one or two lucky renters have access per lot. I'm hearing to my right what are a group of out of place southerners shooting a BB, and seeing below a group of Latinos talk and eat under the brightest and worst light I've ever seen. The breeze is warm and nice, sunset an hour since passed.

I'm here because my girlfriend of three years and I are either going to stay together or break up in a month's or two's time and I don't know what to do about it. All in between options, like taking a break, or attempting for a period a long distance setup, were discussed and dismissed. I'm learning very quickly how a relationship does, in fact, resemble politics with policies and long discussions varying from philosophy to name calling to logistical analyses of a bureaucratic kind. Which is all interesting and nice on a theoretical level but in the lived moment scares the hell out of me. I feel like shit.

>> No.15593881

I’ve been there too many times. Try to remain civil and objective about it. It’s not the end of the world if it doesn’t work out. In the meantime, continue writing to figure and let out your frustrations. The best advice I have is to keep all of your thoughts to yourself when you aren’t with her.

>> No.15594083

I have the same problem but the opposite

>> No.15594168
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It's all so tiresome

>> No.15594380

I shouldn't take out my aggression on random bystanders but here is a question to you alone. Since my grandma passed, how many times have I tried to contact you? None, zero. Use your fucking head for once. I am not stopping anyone from being trans or being overweight and loving cartoons and Bazinga or acting like a quirky animal ears but I sure as Hell don't derive enjoyment from any of that. Have a great life.

>> No.15594394

From: Anon

Subject: Im not trying to contact you

>> No.15594396

Oh and you can tell me about all the "dates" you had but we both know if women like Fran or Cait wanted anything to do with you then you wouldn't be married to a fat fucking crossdresser.

And if you genuinely want my aunt you must be totally and completely desparate. She is revolting both inside and out.

>> No.15594414

My fucking priest got fired by the Bishop for an insensitive email sent to parishioners regarding BLM

>> No.15594424

Man enters screening of Harold and Kumar goes to White Castle

Man is mad that it's not Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

Man begins to tear the movie being screened apart after not even watching more than a few minutes of it

Man is booed out by the crowd

Man acts finnicky as if he has a right to be insulted

The end

>> No.15594427
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How bad is the muslim problem in France these days?

>> No.15594428

As of late it has been harder and harder to keep my egotistical tendencies in check. It's not like I have much to be proud of - I'm only mildly physically fit, and I'm going to a shitty college this fall - but I'm always looking for flaws in others, at ways that I exceed them, no matter how small. It gets tiresome, and honestly a bit shameful.

>> No.15594612

Whenever anybody insults anybody else I feel like shit because I always sympathize with the person being insulted.

>> No.15594651

I moved away from my family and have only touched another person once in two weeks. Last night I had a two hour discord call with my best friend and that was the first time I'd socialised since moving.

I feel kind of cooped up in my new place, more exiled than emancipated. Work is going okay. I'm not the most motivated or focused person but my boss tells me I'm the most productive member of the team and have the best quality; it really doesn't feel like it though.

I've been having a lot of muscle tension problems lately, I think it's all psychosomatic though. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, maybe I'll see if I can get a referral to a therapist. God knows I could use one.

I thought starting to transition would make me feel more comfortable in my body, but all it's done is made much more aware of how sexually dimorphic my body is and it's been a distressing experience. Hopefully I'll lose my virginity this year

>> No.15594656
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>> No.15594695
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Look at this tacky shit my gf got me

>> No.15594735

I live in fear

>> No.15594758

>my gf
post tits

>> No.15594764

Be thankful instead of cynical dumbass fucking kid

>> No.15595048

Last night I had a vivid and intense dream where I spoke at length to my ex-girlfriend who I hated being in a relationship with. I was trying to explain why I felt like we needed to break up, but it only made me feel more and more guilty.

Today I took a long hike, as has been my habit for the past few months, and I passed by a couple who looked almost exactly like another ex-girlfriend of mine and her husband. Enough of a resemblance that I was taken aback. I fucked her a few times when she was engaged to the guy, so more guilt to deal with.

I think I'm starting to lose it.

>> No.15595078

On 4chan there at least exists the possibility for long-form, coherent, cogent conversation. It may never happen, but the possibility still exists.

>> No.15595080

>I think I'm starting to lose it.
You’re dealing with normal emotions to a common situation. You’re pretty grounded in reality. You aren’t losing it. You’re about as normal and bland as it fucking gets. Jesus Christ. If you only knew how good you had it.

>> No.15595126
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l’ve seen one girlfriend before, it’s from 20 years ago

>> No.15595132

Fight me Mr Boomer

>> No.15595197

Some of these things are still philosophical discussions. Like taxonomy. It's a form of categorization of data, rather than a collection of data itself. There's nothing to be said of scientific theories of taxonomy, in the same way we have theory of evolution.
I'd argue psychology, in particular, isn't founded in hard science at all.
Also, it's clear that you're unaware that the true split didn't happen in the Renaissance, but with Socrates.

>> No.15595411

So much shit is piling up and every day I feel more worthless and more subhuman, and I have less choices I know it's all my fault, but at the end of the day I do nothing but have a massive pity party in my head and wonder why I don't want to kill myself when it is probably the sensible thing to do.

>> No.15595719

My book comes out in three days, and I know I'll be crushed if no one buys it. It's by far the greatest thing I've ever produced, and it's proof I lived, but with BLM and COVID and shit overshadowing everything right now, it might just fly under the radar.

>> No.15595735

I have grown hateful of men and women, friends and strangers, but most of all I hate the never ending whine of my own consciousness, his unheard crying from raise to slumber.
god I love the smell of my own farts

>> No.15595741

post summary

>> No.15595795

It's not what you think. It's a Humour title. The book's the first of its kind, and as much as I'd like to share the specifics about it, I'd rather not have the more cynical types on this Namibian dishwashing forum try to tank its release.

>> No.15595837

Having a child saved my life.

>> No.15595863

Why do i even bother with anything? World will cease to exist after my death.

>> No.15595864

bait and switch tactic. you claimed philosophy isn't a science. but most areas of philosophy end up turning into sciences. you're the one who got their history mixed up. analytic/continental is a thing of the past.

>> No.15596447

i barely remember what i read. it feels like words barely impact my psyche.

>> No.15597436

God I want to smother all entities who don't understand my position in life.

I guess.

>> No.15597475

Wait, is this an analogy of the BLM protest and them taking down historical statues while spouting radical ideologies that claim everyone who questions their narrative or who is against them as a racist?

Is that the rain, sir?

>> No.15598093

Every day for the past month my girlfriend has sent me a "Goodnight, I love you" text. I have responded with an "I love you too". But I don't any more, and don't know how to tell her. We haven't seen each other in 3 months because of corona, she moved back to be with her family.

>> No.15598145

The worse my life gets the funnier I become

>> No.15598161
File: 157 KB, 1200x800, A949EEBA-05BA-45F3-843A-B8787E83DF63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw my high school friends recently, how depressing...
it hasn’t even been that long and most of them have gotten fat and are working in supermarkets, we’ve diverged in opposite directions

>> No.15598298

Not specifically lad

I was just trying to make a point about not resenting life, particularly when going through hard times

>> No.15598310

Okay cool sounds similar.


>> No.15598338

Each passing day I find myself hating pure ideology more and more. It's all so tiresome.

This may be the thing that convinces me to take Marx and Zizek seriously. I hate it.

>> No.15598406

you can't truly deserve something?

>> No.15598436

i feel like such a loser. all my life thinking i'm intelligent, making excuses but finally coming to terms with the fact that i'm just above average

when it comes time to "prove" my intelligence i always strike out and start making excuses

maybe i should let go
but it's hard, i have nothing else going for me
i'm not attractive or interesting, just a depressed loser

>> No.15598484

running makes me feel great. 30 minutes of intense enough running relieves the anguish for the following few hours. i guess this is what it feels like not to be depressed. no brain fog, anxiety or unease, i'm not intensely worried or bothered by the issues i face and put much stock on. my world-view switches to one that isn't so pessimistic, i feel like in this state i could receive bad news and react to it appropriately instead of digging myself down a deep hole.

>> No.15598585

I'm sorry but your family are just a bunch of dorks. A bunch of fucking dorks. I'm legitimately more embarrassed of you than of my mental health issues and bizarre mood swings. I know I should see a doctor but at the same time holy shit, come on.

>> No.15598646
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the elites are all about being abunch of dorks, some are good some are bad some are a mix, but the good ones don't want to create good content, the bad ones want to focus on fecal matter and degeneracy, and once someone brings the gun to the table, everyone seriouses the fuck up and starts trying to create a cohesive format of human values and principles

>> No.15598663
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But then ego gets in the way and starts dictating what's good and what isn't, and you get this degenerate hivemind breakaway mankind consciousness that ruins everything and doesn't contribute to the greater good, it just tries to defile our nature and being

>> No.15598676

So what do you mean when you say things like this? Nobody said I disagreed, but I don’t have more than just one family

>> No.15598681
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So then google was created to reasonably filter out hivemind contagions and bad ones, but there was already an imbalance and hateful semitic garbage polluting the core perspective of thought that created to much evil in the first place.

>> No.15598776

I’d love to talk to an Anon about this still, anytime really, but only because I really care, and hiding in plain sight is a way of life, but if you’re going through a hard time then that’s something I want you to talk to me about. I can always return the favor, although my bitching is mostly about things I can’t control that I can’t stop wanting to, or the things I can control that I never do.

>> No.15598812

Okay let's talk.

What is your discord number?

I'm a cool high-profile human!

>> No.15598825

It should be 9136
Name on there is Stustvinner

>> No.15598831

Alright cool!

Anybody who thinks I'm a super cool dude, add me!


>> No.15598838

and a fucking SONG to counter that faggot raindrop song that other dude fucking posted!


True thread theme now.

>> No.15598987

I have no taste
I don't mean, necessarily, that I have bad taste. I mean that I don't really have any taste at all. It's clear that my appreciation for something is driven almost entirely by outside factors: Sometimes an average work seems amazing and revelatory, other times a remarkable work is - while clearly good - "just good", and only rarely when I give up on a work it's not because of any flaws in the work itself, but because of my poor attention span, a distraction in my life such as extra work, or so on.

I'm not sure how to work around that. I want to write, but I'm incapable of exercising the proper judgement. I don't know what is good. I'm content to go through almost anything, and the things I do drop I accept I dropped through no fault of their own.

>> No.15599167

I'm a Napoleon, not a Raskolnikov. These 28 years I've spent in my mother's house were required to focus my energies that I may take the world. Which I will start doing any day now.

>> No.15599297
File: 136 KB, 959x955, 103847832_2114220525390195_9068916049139768678_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see this as a facebook profile picture, what are your thoughts?

>> No.15599300


>> No.15599322

trying to come off as sexual but insecure at the same time.

>> No.15599331


>> No.15599433


I want my multidinous and superior offspring to dominate the earth and exterminate/forcefully rape your line/daughters.

>> No.15599442


Whats wrong with her eyes?

>> No.15599548

The next stage of human civilizational evolution will be rationally explaining why all our ancestors' societal biases were in fact rational and well-founded.

>> No.15599559

so everything is just a big circle?

>> No.15599585

No, small squares still exist

>> No.15599690

>People who sin say this: that they had to, to survive. People who sin say this: that it's too late now to stop. The shadow called sin dogs them steadily from behind, silently, without a word. Remorse and agony are repeated, only to end up at despair in the end. But the sinners just don't know that if they only turned around, there is a light there. A light that keeps shining ever so warmly. A light that will never fade.

>> No.15599757

this is your brain on /pol/ or watching constant news, not everything is political jesus christ

>> No.15599767

What's wrong with her eyes? Is she blind?

>> No.15600034

Depends on where you do it. Had a girl at my college ask me how many kids I wanted within two weeks of meeting her.

>> No.15600079
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I've been studying a lot of /biz/ and /g/ related stuff lately, terrifying stuff, a entire sector built on black money.

>> No.15600192

>entire sector built on black money.
In what way?

>> No.15600251

The black market

>> No.15600350

What traditionalist authors have you read to lead you to this conclusion?

>> No.15600365

You paint quite the picture of your folks

>> No.15600367

We've essentially got hundreds of financial services companies pretending to be technology companies to avoid anti-money laundering law, spyware being reclassified as 'customer relationship management', meanwhile nobody is asking how a company with $500k/yr revenue is able to afford $200k/yr on licensing fees or how a company with a triple digit P/E ratio is able to raise billions in debt to acquire a negative net income.

>> No.15600419
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>So I became a banker
>So I've tried to be the most compassionate I can
Good luck with that, I guess...

>> No.15600441

make it stop the body lies while the mind keeps running why won't it stop cloaked in black the whir ensure consciousness I just need rest

>> No.15600452

tan white blue, or I’m paranoid

>> No.15600498

Internet neo-gnositicism is an insult to the Absolute God. Creation is a sacred act. Get a real spiritual outlook besides "waah life bad, universe bad"

>> No.15600515

Bad placement in a fictional basement, on a sweaty mattress on top of the pavement

Eyes hanging from the crest of a wave
Moving along lines
Tethered to a plane

Amusing how the day has been spent

Annoyed by a ceiling fan
Silenced by shame

Stimulated amazement

Interlocked and frightened
Woven to shake

>> No.15600558

I just bought a beer. Now I'm drinking it. I rarely drink, but for some reason today I just wanted to. My roommates gone for the weekend, and has some fruity weird spritzer stuff in the kitchen that I was looking at. I guess it got in my head to have a drink.

>> No.15600570

Saudi sovereign wealth via Softbank. That's how.

>> No.15600579

as a complete financial layman, is it really as transparent as it appears to be in terms of how overtly shady all the tech companies are?
>yeah we just got another round of funding for $700 million
>no, we've never once been profitable in the ten years we've run the company
>yes, we acquire hundreds in millions of debt each year
>where's the discrepancy?

>> No.15600595

The one that has me laughin' the most is Uber. Kalineck cashed out his stock for a billion dollar exit, meanwhile the company has still never turned a profit.

>> No.15600636

I feel like I should be achieving more with my life and I have been going thru the motions of mediocrity. I have a tough time picking one thing to focus my energy on. All I think I need is some guidance or something to point me in the right direction.

>> No.15600655

I read this blog in the 2000s after I graduated college where some rich white girl came to terms with the fact that she's not special and all her suburban teachers and parents lied to her that she was. It was pretty good. Most people aren't special. Realizing you aren't special is part of growing up. That's why people that really are special have such over the top personalities, since they never had to face this maturing realization.

>> No.15600663

Feels good to be special.

>> No.15600668

when does the anxiety and paranoia stop

>> No.15600678

Never. That's why I'm sipping this beer, and posting on an anonymous forum for people suffering from autism.

>> No.15600726

Oh shit UFC has an event tonight and the main event is a chick fight. Hell motherfucking yeah. That's what I need right now.

>> No.15600730

So be a cog in the machine and just work until your heart stops

>> No.15600734

>being neurotypical
You disgust me.

>> No.15600745

>Thinking people who kick each other in the head for fun are normies


>> No.15600763

Yes Joe, it’s not as shocking as you think it is

>> No.15600767

Wow, kid that's fuckin' edgy. Just because you''re not special doesn't mean you can't get a job you enjoy, assuming you're not totally mediocre, since people with downs love their fucking jobs. Hating your job is so midwit.

>> No.15600776

Meanwhile I bet this kid is in /fit/ talking about his corny weightlifting as if that's worth a damn.

>> No.15600818

One time I took shrooms and I felt happy for 3 days after. Each subsequent day after the day of the trip, the happiness receded a little more until I was back to my same weak self. For those 3 days I felt something I've only felt once before and that was 7 years prior where I was on LSD for 8 hours. It was self-peace. It was not self-peace in the sense that I was okay with who I was, but it was that the anxiety, the hatred, and the hopelessness just faded. It was gone for 3 days, and then returned. I wish I could feel that again.

It makes the hard days more difficult knowing there exists such self-peace out there. I wanted to die almost every day of my life except for 3 hours once, and then 3 days 7 years later.

I wish I didn't need someone to feel happy. My energy is always so anxious and it's crippling. How does one resolve the abandonment issues, the co-dependency, the self-loathing? I have confidence in my abilities, I just never feel enough.

>> No.15600877

Wow, man. I tuned into the UFC stream like 5 minutes after that post, and this whole time it's just been ads for junk food and other sports. ESPN is such trash.

>> No.15601020

Finally coming down, it’s been an excruciating day. I haven’t done speed in months. I wasn’t able to get anything done but rambling notes and shitty poetry. I can’t wait to take a shower. I’m covered in dry sweat and I smell my own odor. I’m not going to drink tonight. My brain has had enough.

>> No.15601046
File: 194 KB, 601x473, 18CF2154-6584-46C2-9111-568905F46CDA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i went for a nice walk by a lake and managed to clear my mind (well enough) except for this math problem i have been working out for two weeks that’s part of a larger paper which i’ve been assimilating into my own work and I FIGURED IT OUT!!!!! feels really nice, anons.

>> No.15601050

I want to go for a late night walk, but idk if the cops will give me shit for being out after the covid curfew.

>> No.15601076

i hope you can go for a hassle-free walk, anon. i’ve been going insane staying indoors and felt pretty stagnant in my research, but a few parks reopened and today i took advantage and i feel reinvigorated now that i’m not mired down in shit-tasks for school/one section of a larger math problem. it’s very easy to become disheartened in these times.

>> No.15601331

>tfw the "exercise heightens mood and alleviates depression" meme is true
>tfw body swimming with endorphins during even mundane activities just because i physically exerted myself today

I've been living a lie

>> No.15601918
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Plausible deniable correlation, creepy comment? I don't like you.

>> No.15601948

UFC main event on now, pretty good technical fight so far. Women MMA fighters tend to get started in muay thai so they have a crisp clean striking style, unlike so many men who come up in greco-roman wrestling or jiu-jitsu, so their stand-up is just brawler.

>> No.15601956

cops followed me one night and didn't say shit to me because I looked like I was exercising. I think they just didn't want my sweaty heavy breathing ass near them.
cardio is no meme.

>> No.15602173
File: 288 KB, 1600x1200, Last Stop to Nowhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never dated a girl and I'm 24. The last girl I was even emotionally close too was in middle school. Ever since, I've just avoided them out of habit unless I have to work with them and even then I just keep it formal and cordial. I'm trying to look for women in my Catholic diocese but I realize that just because I'm booksmart doesn't mean I can translate that to attractive personality traits (I'm also black so that doesn't help any) and the pious, intelligent girl I'm going after (while not uncommon in the place I'm looking for them) is just unrealistically out of my league. I might just become a priest and just put one of my gifts to good use, since I am a fan of Classical and Medieval Philosophy (despite being a Math grad student). I feel like God is expecting me to be happy and have hope in a situation where there's no hope to be found rationally. I have honestly given up hope of being happy in this life and I hope at least I can do His work and grin and bear it. I feel like I was dealt a great hand for intellectual matters but in terms of the heart, I have the shittiest hand possible.

>> No.15602246

Not talking to or being near girls out of habit is good husband material

>> No.15602448

I guess, but doesn't that make the initial approaching of a girl you are romantically interested in that much harder? It's one thing to not approach other women when you are in a relationship. It seems like a completely different thing when you can't approach them at all.

>> No.15602515

Not trying at all will doom you to failure. From your post you are cordial and have interests. Talking to a woman cordially and honestly about your interests/major and desire to get married will have mothers all over the diocese pushing their daughters at you. If you don't want to talk to the girl you're specifically interested in, talk to the older generation. I think you should just ask her out, but talking values and interests with the stations of the cross/charity organizers/tea lady crowd is your next best option. Black isn't really going to weigh against you. What they want is someone who is willing to raise the kids Catholic and they are probably surrounded by Protestants if you're in the US.

>> No.15602537

Btw when I say black isn't going to weigh against you, I don't mean they won't be racist. But they would also accept and hate a drunk, drug addict, Jew or violent person so long as the kids come out Catholic. Protestant is the only thing that would stop a forever marriage, though choose well because if you ever get divorced you're fucked.

>> No.15602576

I can't stop crying after thinking about how I'll never be a mother

>> No.15602588


>> No.15602603

I have two fingers, but I can’t tell which one is bigger than the other

>> No.15602624

What happened to the other eight?

>> No.15602642

That's actually very useful. Thanks for the info anon. I really appreciate it. It's actually made me a bit hopeful now that I have some semblance of knowledge of what I need to do to get married and have kids some day.

>> No.15602668

i’m sorry anon, i feel for you. are you dealing with infertility? there are options, but it’s sad that you’re going through this.

>> No.15602672

Np anon. Btw when Catholics talk about "mixed marriage" they mean Catholic and Protestant. It's kind of surreal because they talk about it like I imagine people did with races intermarrying before miscegenation laws were lifted.

>> No.15602691

why are cuckolics like this?

>> No.15602702

Because we're vested with the gifts of the holy spirit.

>> No.15602720

I think it goes back to what you said:
A lot of Catholic parents are willing to put up with a lot of eccentric people as sons/daughters-in-laws so long as they are Catholic and raise the children Catholic (I guess to a reasonable degree. Ganbangers and drunks aren't likely to pass the faith on). You'd rather have pious Catholic mutt grandchildren then possibly deal with 100% white grandchildren that might not even share your faith at best or if they are Catholic, more than likely lose the faith.

>> No.15602724

how can you call yourself a catholic when you didn't even ask to slobber all over his big stinky nigger feet? so much for "christian charity" lmao

>> No.15602746

Yeah the first thing people ask is WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN?? Catholic women get a lot more leeway in who they can marry because it's assumed they're going to raise the kids Catholic anyway. They can marry gangbangers and drunks so long as they show up for the baptism, especially as the kids will have godparents and sponsors confirmed in the Church. That's why Jews and atheists also get a pass. But a Protestant might "corrupt" the kid. It's weird as fuck. Especially because there's specific prejudices, like they get worried a Baptist might rebaptize the kid when they're older.

>> No.15602750

Charity's the virtue from the gift of wisdom so what the fuck would you know about it?

>> No.15602933

Used both - normie social media is way more impacting on mental health especially because the participants are people you actually know

>> No.15603108

counter culture idiot

>> No.15603301

Just watched the full bodycam video of the Rayshard guy getting killed by the cops. What a pointless waste of life. He was drunk driving and I know he could have killed a whole family so I don't have any problem with the cops taking him in, and the cops using deadly force when he aimed the taser at them is at least borderline understandable, but still. He reminds me of my dad somehow with his mannerisms. He seems like a dopey average dude.

You can see why he feels intimidated and ganged up on by the cops but also why the cops are exhausted from dealing with incidents like this.

Why did he have to do that shit?

>> No.15603339

The anniversary of my cousin’s death is quickly approaching, and I unfortunately had a full blown break down in front of my mom when I was back home visiting last week. It’ll be three years next week since he passed away. He was only 27. Growing up, we lived in the same duplex building, so he was more of an older brother than a cousin in terms of how close we were.

The last few years of his life we weren’t as close, he was really struggling with a heroin addiction and I was away at college. Our last conversation was making plans to see a movie together.

How the fuck do I get to a point where I’m not overwhelmed with grief at the mere thought of him? I’ve had family members die in the past, but this was a loss that hit me in a way that I’ve never felt before, true devastation. It’s caused me to distance myself from my family because I can’t keep myself together. My mom called me out on being a shitty older brother to my younger siblings when I was in the midst of my breakdown, saying that while they’ve been forced to stay home and confront their grief I continue to run away. She’s right. Now I feel not only grief but immense guilt too.

I’ve thought about writing about those few days of him in the hospital, all of us praying for a miracle but knowing deep down that this was the end for him. His mother was so strong in the face of her son dying before her eyes. But who would want to read that shit? I feel a deep sense of narcissism at the thought of thinking that my words can not only convey the magnitude of loss that was experienced, but also that they deserve to be read. maybe writing about it is my only way of confronting my feelings and purging myself of this grief, more likely though I’ll still be heartbroken.

Sorry if this shit is not what the thread is for, I need to get it off my chest and I only feel comfortable discussing this behind the shield of anonymity.
I just really miss my cousin.

>> No.15603370

hi anon, i’m still grieving the loss of my little sister 10 years on. i empathize with you and i’m sorry you know this pain, too. i am the eldest sibling and this temporarily strained my relationship with my sisters, and permanently altered my already rotten relationship with my mother. if you’d like, i can say a prayer for you and your cousin, and i’d certainly read anything you wrote about your grief, if you’d share it here. heaven knows i write about my loss frequently on here. love you.

>> No.15603404

I appreciate you reading my post. I often wonder how my mom is so strong, she raised me as a single mom for the first 8 years of my life after my father died when I was an infant, and my cousin was almost like a son to her. She has so much more trauma than me yet she never has failed at being there for me. I like to think I have that strength in me somewhere, I just haven’t been able to find it yet. Maybe it’ll come with time.

I’m sorry to hear about your sister, I’ll be sure to send a prayer your way as well. I extend the same offer of reading what you write that you offered me, perhaps through your words I can compartmentalize my own feelings. I love you too.

>> No.15603429
File: 246 KB, 500x632, 00bbdac1c3ad631c6629d04c302c6063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a child-teen I had severe social anxiety.
Then my parents divorced, my mom tried to kill herself, etc., lots of bad stuff happened.
I was forced to deal with things on my own.
Ever since I slowly started dealing with people my own way. It started slowly, with one guy asking me one time if he can cut ahead of me because he's in a hurry even though I had one item (I needed) and he had a pack of cigarettes. I looked into his eyes and flat out told him,
Another time I was behind this middle-aged woman. This guy came asking her if he could buy a pack of smokes without waiting in line. I fucking snapped and told him that she's not the only one waiting in line and so has no right to give permission. Then I told her that if she insists on giving him her spot, then I'm going to pass in front of her, since I never agreed to it - which I did. Fuck 'em. What did they expect me to do, just simply roll over? That I wouldn't take measures to defend myself?
I've learned that respecting others without being respected is the biggest meme. These fucking savages will walk all over you. Also fuck smokers. I know you're reading this right now, yes, you - FUCK YOU, DUDE.
All in all, I've felt happier than ever. Before I used to get heart palpitations just at the thought of saying the wrong thing when paying for my groceries. Now I will actively argue with people at the slightest provocation if I feel I'm getting fucked.
Before, I used to get stressed out from the smallest thing. I found it hard to fall asleep because I knew I might have to stand up in school the next day. Ever since I accepted that you will probably make mistakes and you should never worry about what strangers think, I've slept just fine.
Stand up for yourself.

>> No.15603436

thank you so much. your prayers are appreciated. i’m still processing all these years later because it just doesn’t make sense. life taken before it should be makes no fucking sense. what a needlessly cruel and awful thing it is to lose someone with so much light and life inside. childhood cancer is terrible, addiction is terrible, and all we can do is pick up the shards after these events turn our world upside down and shatter our lives. know it can be indulgent to repost yourself but i made this post in april around the anniversary of her death and it speaks a little to the attempt to develop that strength that we wish would carry us through and i think you may relate:

i’ve been hit really hard by some unaddressed (but old) grief and this combined with the disruption to my usual routine (going to class, library) created by quarantine has generated a powerful depression. i wrapped her death up symbolically in so many other things—my mother’s approval, my capacity to love, my fitness as a caregiver...but it wasn’t my fault that she got sick, cancer doesn’t give a fuck how much life you have left in you. i think i’m feeling so much this year around the anniversary because i’m finally strong enough to confront these feelings. i’m my own person and i don’t need to chase approval that i will never receive. i did all i could do. i really did. she died anyways. one day, i’ll love someone as fiercely as i loved her, my guardian angel. i’m driven by a fundamental desire to do right by others. i want to help as many people as possible. one day i will be a good parent, a good spouse, a good friend. i want to be vulnerable in that way. i want to know how to be vulnerable and sincere in that way.

>> No.15603446

Write to him. Tell him how much you miss him. Tell him whats happening in your life. How his mom is doing. How your brothers and sisters are doing.
Use pen and paper. Either keep it or burn it but don't show it to anyone. Whenever you feel one of those deep pangs of loss write another.

>> No.15603447

How do I achieve this level of based? Serious question; right now I'm still at the "afraid to say the wrong thing at the checkout" stage.

>> No.15603472

Smoker here. Keep doing what you're doing, I'm just trying to get off this gay earth.

>> No.15603484

Learning to say "no" is one of the most liberating things as a person with anxiety. Just say "no" not "no because..." because then you have to think of an excuse and thats stressful
Practice. At checkouts or with people you arent going to see again.

>> No.15603488
File: 45 KB, 373x332, 1473001749242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My autistic ass can't come up with a way to 'appropriately' tell my sister that the whole world isn't out there to get here, and holding on to resentment ain't gonna fix shit. I'm just afraid that things would get heated up and she'll try to kill herself again or run away.

>> No.15603499

You have to put yourself in those situations, I guess. I didn't have a choice at the time. I was left all on my own with no one to call upon, so it was either go out and get shit done or starve and get kicked out of my house.
While I would by no means call myself a fan of Jordan Peterson (and I don't know much about psychology in general), I do remember he explained how treatment with phobias is often done through willing exposure, gradually. For me it wasn't gradual, but for you it could be.
Like, imagine you're so arachnophobic you can't even take spiders in a game. First, you watch some docus about them. Then you try to get in the same space as them IRL with a dividing glass between the two of you. And slowly you raise your comfort level until you get to the point where you could touch one.
I guess the difference is that a spider could conceivably hurt you in some cases. But, seriously, what harm could some dumb cashier you're never going to see again have on your life? What could you possibly say to fuck it up so badly that you'll be ashamed in her eyes forever? It's almost nothing. It's just an irrational worry, but I know what you mean, since I've been there.
I'm sorry to hear that, anon. But smoking has killed so many family members that it does trigger me.

>> No.15603510

>smoking has killed so many family members that it does trigger me.
That's more than fair. My family prefers this to me jumping off a bridge so it's a compromise I do it slowly. You should keep doing what you're doing though, including saying fuck you to smokers.

>> No.15603512

Behold the modern man. A man who has lost the virtues and social ties that gave him a sense of purpose and belonging. He exists only as a consumer, one individuated consumer amongst 7 billion. He is born too late to experience the real luxuries of consumerism, and born too early to be a part of the rebuilding of a new order. He always feels as if something is missing in his life, something he may fill with alcohol, casual sex or internet usage, but the feeling of emptiness underlying these worldly activities never goes away. He lives in an eternal present, feeling no connection with the triumphs of his ancestors, yet he at the same time lives in a constant anxiety surrounding an uncertain future. Deep down he craves responsibility, a cause to fight for, a group to belong to, yet the cynicism and irony which pervades his world prevents him from ever truly becoming invested in any of these. This is the end result of a two centuries long experiment of Enlightenment liberalism, and it is at the same time its clearest refutation

>> No.15603533

Why do you want to die so much anyway, anon?

>> No.15603549


>> No.15603564

I've had a pretty fucked up life. I don't mind being here out of filial piety because I do love my parents but they understand why I want to die. Even if my past weren't fucked up, I have to do a lot of physio to not be crippled so I'm basically treading water to keep being able to walk.

>> No.15603567

That sucks anon, sorry to hear that.

>> No.15603589

It's not the worst because my parents are happier and I could be even more fucked up if I gave up in trying, but I think without the promise of cancer several times a day I'd probably already be gone. I doubt that's the reason for most people smoking though and rude smokers piss me the fuck off too. Especially the ones that litter or smoke near kids or people who are eating or who clearly don't want your fumes in their face. So I agree with your blanket fuck you.

>> No.15603596

This world wants to create monsters out of men.

This is what you want.

Don't deny it and don't distort this truth of evil.

>> No.15603632

>through willing exposure, gradually
how would one go about doing this with a fear of closeness and physical intimacy, I don't know how to manufacture situations where this would be possible

>> No.15603662

Not that anon but: elevators, crowded places, dance classes or martial arts classes, go for a massage.

>> No.15603665

this place is disgusting

>> No.15603690

Why is it so hard to know yourself? For example i do not know what i want and i dont know what i would want to do.

>> No.15603701

Write a poem.

You enable human evil.

You want more human evil for this world to suffer through.

I don't believe your twisted circus.

Write a poem.

>> No.15603715

ty anon
might try one of the less memey martial arts and a massage
I dont really go to many places with elevators, so it'd be a bit weird to go into a building just to ride up and down

>> No.15603719

Good luck anon, hope it goes better than you expect

>> No.15603768

To write here is within my nature, to not is the same. There is no reason to be upset at things outside of my control, a pandemic is outside of my control. I do not get upset when it rains.

I wonder if I go back to school where it will lead. The future does not exist though, and only the present matters. Like a vast ocean of time, I exist for but a moment, and when I die I will float down into nothingness.

Writing is good for remembering.

>> No.15603793

Thoughts on tonight's escapade:
>Out of town girls are thirsty. I wonder how I couldve converted that thirstiness into getting into bed with them.
>Jenn was into me but she had a fiance. I should've planted the seed into her head: "What would we do if you were single?" If she at least touched herself to me tonight I'll be satisfied.
>Context matters. Well lit, less crowded bars are hard because people can see your every move.
>I should go to the club near closing time because that's when girls are drunk and thirstiest.
>I have fairly good game for my experience but I need to get better about converting to phone numbers. Maybe press harder/faster?
In any case, it's only a matter of time before I get laid again. I'm tired of this dry spell.

>> No.15603805

Also, I can't get Zee out of my head. If I meet a girl like her I'll end my degenerate ways.

>> No.15603840

anon PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me this is a larp or I will actually die

>> No.15604041


>> No.15604206
File: 11 KB, 250x250, 8F30AF7E-F35A-4BFC-AD4A-FFE071370AE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can a man even be considered human if he is unable to understand his fellow man, interact meaningfully with them, and form connections?

>> No.15604224

>PE is basically soccer class
>never cared for it and as such was a shitty player
>get ostracized due to it
>at ten years old already have a deep belief I’m shit at sports
>this becomes a self fulfilling prophecy
>fuck up my health due to living in a dysfunctional home where I can barely eat and sleep and taking up smoking at fourteen
>in my twenties decide to learn boxing
>coach is kind of a cunt to me
>No big deal, it’s probably because I’m the new guy
>put my heart and soul into it, train as much as I can, get into weightlifting to improve my strength, do lots of cardio
>its painful as fuck since my whole body is atrophied
>Improve by leaps and bounds, I’m managing to keep up with guys who have been doing it for years despite only training for months
>coach is more and more of a cunt with me and some of the guys
>It’s fine, coaches are supposed to be like this, right?
>barely coaches me, is forgetful, swears he taught me stuff he never did and complains about nonsensical things
>realize more and more the guy is making me feel like shit and quit the gym
>keep thinking if everything isn’t my fault and my beliefs of being shit at sport aren’t correct
>am afraid of going to another gym and have the same thing happen again
Just needed to get this shit out of my chest.

>> No.15604226

You mean like a sociopath, an autist, or a schizo? Each has a different answer.

>> No.15604231

Find a new gym

>> No.15604236

Probably an autist, but maybe a schizo.

>> No.15604256

An autist is still fundamentally human, even if their experience will be different in some ways. Schizotypals suffer a retreat from the world, and so while human they are locked within their own mind from experiencing the world. Sociopaths do lack humanity, in any case.

>> No.15604265
File: 47 KB, 510x600, 1581134175345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ferris Bueller was a bad movie. Betrays the narcissism, hedonism hyper-individualism, selfishness and myopia of American youth culture. It’s not self-conscious about it, it’s happy to be narcissistic and myopic just for the sake of making little jokes.

Ferris Bueller doesn’t care about the world, he cares about himself. He doesn’t believe in “-isms”, he believes in himself. It’s a huge meme that Bueller is the bad guy in the movie, but even that perspective falls for the myopia that Bueller is even a character in the movie. He’s not a character, he is the movie. The problem is motives – every character in the movie is motivated by Ferris Bueller, including Ferris Bueller. And Bueller doesn’t want anything for himself except for pleasure.

His sister wants Bueller to be punished for his actions. The principle wants to catch Bueller breaking the rules. Cameron is the only one in the movie who might ostensibly have his own motives, but the arc about his cold materialistic parents is only resolved by Cameron taking responsibility for Bueller’s mistakes. So the arc is never resolved, just replaced with deference to Bueller’s hedonistic pleasure.

The Wikipedia page says John Hughes wrote the movie in a week, and it shows. The movie isn’t about Bueller at all, it’s Hughes’ wish-fulfillment, and it takes place in this very real world where high school students are zombie cogs in education about an outside world which they cannot touch and are entirely indifferent to, a problem which is only resolvable for a single individual at a time, and only if he views himself as narcissisticially, hedonistically isolated from the world, motivated by his own desires, the champion of his own parade.

Every fucking American movie is like this. Every fucking American thing (if it created by an individual, and not by committee) is hedonistically composed for the ego of the person writing it. It’s fucking bizarre, because they’re all filled with metaphors and images, but these symbols always resolve into evil morals. And it's always careless, like the writer doesn't even know what he's making.

>> No.15604359

Is writing a paragraph "per page" and then going back and expanding those paragraphs to a full page/coherent story a legitimate way to write a book? Are there any authors who do this?
I've been reading for a decade now but i've always been a tard at writing so i always gave up after one or two days of trying. Ive managed to write at least a bit every day for 2 weeks now but its mostly in the form of above, paragraphs that i can expand into something that flows

>> No.15604372

Yeah I think that works, you should try to follow through with that. I’m probably going to start doing this myself from things I’ve written in the next window or so

>> No.15604377

I feel crippled. Like if, when barely out of the cradle and learning how to walk, someone took a mallet to both of my legs.
Being angry at them is a waste of time, but I can’t help but wonder why some grow up decently while I and others got a mallet to the legs.
Restless days struggling to walk, jump and run, all along thinking if I’ll ever be able to do so.
Any success will be nothing more than what others naturally got -only they are unblemished by repulsive scars that constantly echo in how one thinks and acts.

>> No.15604390

Fuck /lit/ my lamp’s light just blew out right in my face
I have no cash and I’m in an isolated place
I’m gonna need to go to the store

>> No.15604393

You sound angry tho

>> No.15604464

I like this post. I think FBDO was peak comfort for white people/The West. No enemies. No problems. No cares. All the hard work done before you were born. Jews had not taken power yet, so no Israel wars, no cuck porn industrial complex, no weaponization of culture, etc. Institutions that supported family, community and civic duty had not been dismantled fully. The economy was still in high growth mode. Image what the average American high school kid had to worry about back then? I wonder how Jews feel watching that movie? Do they seethe with pathological jealous rage and envy?

>> No.15604503

Yeah, you're exactly the kind of person my post was about. I can't figure out where your soul went. The type of person for whom pathological laziness and indifference are heroic traits, signs of a thriving culture. The type of person who's afraid of "weaponization of culture", but can't imagine that Ferris Bueller's Day Off might be one of those weapons. I guess you're the kind of guy who'll write another Ferris Bueller. I just can't figure out where to go where there aren't people like you.

>> No.15604539
File: 409 KB, 1024x1954, 25__the_black_cauldron_by_rob32_dbp1mfy-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watched this blassic the other night. Wonder why they felt they had to edit it so much before release

attention absorbed in black mirrors
misinfo drools into a black cauldron
synthesis seeded in their subconscious
black whispers rise to their potheads
and so the wauldron swirls upwards

>> No.15604562

>I just can't figure out where to go where there aren't people like you
Save some money, buy a sailboat and live in the caribbean, at least that’s my plan.

>> No.15604593

You should watch it again, there’s more left in then you might be realizing

>> No.15604601

I think everything is hilarious

>> No.15604652
File: 30 KB, 500x500, pigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed. Very mysterious kino. I sense a link between it and Minority Report. Perhaps the Tomb of the Dragon Emperor too.

>> No.15604664

Doctor called and told me it was terminal cancer, of the brain
But I knew the doctor didn’t have a doctorate
And over the phone one couldn’t see any porcupine quills
It wasn’t even brain either, just chest

>> No.15604666

How do you stop feeling empty? I have a good life, hobbies which I find a lot pleasant but I don’t ever feel happy nor sad. It’s a very neutral feeling I don’t know how to describe it? I feel i am not driven by anything.

>> No.15604697

Find a way to drive yourself to the things that are driving you

>> No.15604741

By emptying your mind enough to pull in the opposite - light or spiritual electricity. It can get very painful, hot and exhausting, but is ultimately the most worthwhile pursuit if the empty joys of this world have lost their grasp on you.

>> No.15605031

I never developed a uterus

>> No.15605033

I do have an aversion to people and anxious at times but with colleagues, family and friends, I'm pretty frank, easy going and in my opinion, amusing to be with. But I get so anxious when I go to shopping centres and the local McDonald's. Maybe it's because of the corona virus and isolation but it's gotten worse recently.

>> No.15605048

That sounds understandable, I have been trying to find some good shopping centers, I’ll try one in a bit, just need to get my corona devices ready

>> No.15605058

Fuck barely have any, oh well I’ll do with what I’ve got

>> No.15605079

Man it’s hot outside I need to take a minute to myself

>> No.15605101

I woke up late. Took 4 Benadryl to go to sleep because speed makes my mind race even when it’s worn off. Said I wouldn’t do it again after yesterday, but I’m going to do it after I take a shower. I now crave it again. I’ll try to stay productive and write coherently today.

>> No.15605145

Wish I had your powers Anon I have zero empathy because of a narcissistic temperament

>> No.15605528

I fucked up a pretty good relationship over some tumblr ass vegan hoe with dyed hair

Ask me anything

>> No.15605571

why did you do it? :/

>> No.15605636

I've just realised that not being able to focus on one thing for extended periods of time isn't the worst thing ever. ADHD medication turned me into an obedient zombie doing what I was supposed to do as told by outside sources. It gave me focus on what I was told to focus on when I couldn't. Not what I personally wanted to do but what was expected of me to do.

I've found that if it's something I like or want to do I can focus on it for quite some time before I inevitably get bored but then I move to another thing I like and do the same. I'll eventually return to previous thing with a renewed interest in it. This may seem scattered but it is how I operate and I'm really coming to accept that. It annoys some people I know but it's me. I don't mean that in the, "I'm just speaking my mind and I'm an asshole!!" way. Just that I've learned and I'm still learning how to deal with myself at almost 30 and I'm okay with it now that I've kind of let go of the expectations of others when it comes to me?

Does this make sense?

>> No.15605672

Speed doesn’t make you obedient, you’re obedient by nature. It makes me more impulsive and paranoid. People do things at their own pace and have patterns that work for them. That’s normal.... You’re just tweaking.

>> No.15605891

I need to quit my job
I need to quit my job

>> No.15605921

Honestly? A feeling of passion that I could not control. As soon as I saw the tumblr thot I was amoured. The more I got to know her the more fantasies about her, about us filled my daydreams. All of her features were captivating, all of her flaws forgivable and somehow contributing to her charm. I was never properly crazy about my girlfriend, treating the relationship like something that was right to have and work on, but with this woman I felt like I could spill my heart out. However, like every person with dyed hair she has a turbulent home environment and ever since the quarantine she disappears for days, barely keeping contact with me. I don't know if it's not a good time for her, or if she is bored with me. And yet, the affection she gave me when I was with her, gives me such a fond feeling that I wouldn't even care if I find out that it wasn't genuine and if she flips boys like this day in and out. I had a small taste of love & vulnerability and its a memory that I will hold on to for the rest of my life.

>> No.15605926

>He didn't get laid off due to coronavirus

Nice privilege

>> No.15605943

it is, which is why I do not quit yet....but it is making me so so miserable

>> No.15605949

I want to start smoking again

>> No.15605964

that’s really sad. i feel awful for your girlfriend. i’m glad you left her, though, because she doesn’t deserve someone who isn’t crazy about her. hopefully the next guy won’t ditch her for a crazy whore. does the tumblr thot know you left your gf for her? if she does, you’ve probably given her what she was after and she’s off to the next guy. love, indeed.

>> No.15606031

>i’m glad you left her, though, because she doesn’t deserve someone who isn’t crazy about her.
Well, what can I say. I used to believe that relationships are a balance of passion + work, and that you can make yourself passionate for someone who respects you and is a good partner for you. I don't know if it's just me, or if I'm being really stupid, but I don't see a point in even trying and making sacrifices if the passion isn't there. Why put yourself through that? All people I've seen in my life get old and decide to settle for someone for a large part out of comfort, but why do that while you're young and you can afford to be guided purely by passion?

>does the tumblr thot know you left your gf for her?
She knows things were already kind of not working with me and my gf beforehand, and I still blew her off many times to do whats right and try repair my relationship first. So no, I don't think she received a particular ego boost from it.

>> No.15606080 [DELETED] 

Holy shit, thread on BLM protests got deleted as soon as people started talking about the Wuhan Virology lab. This site is controlled by China now isn't it? I feel a cold chill.

>> No.15606092
File: 30 KB, 640x640, 1560905712913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, It's way worse than your imagining; there's no discrepancy, the reserve banks are purchasing that debt, they're able to afford doing that because they own a unfathomable amount of government debt.

It's insanity.

>> No.15606096

i honestly would not be so sure about the ego boost thing. women love taking other women's men—even when they don't particularly care about the guy. was she communicating with you more frequently when you had a gf/were in the process of disentangling yourself from your gf? if so (and esp. now that the communication is reaching a dropoff point) she probably was only after "the chase" or whatever. you underestimate the fact that a lot of two-brain-celled whores do things like this simply because they can.

>> No.15606219

Fortunately, she was thirsting for me even before she knew I had a gf. But she did not seem phased at all when she found out, and pushed some boundaries when it came to flirting that put me in an awkward position. I don't know if it's a red flag or a compliment ...

>> No.15606288

red flag. if she’ll emotionally cheat with you, she’ll cheat on you. you left your girlfriend for a whore.

>> No.15606330

I'd totally seduce someone who's in a relationship.... I guess I'm a whore that deserves whores?

>> No.15606354

yeah, you’re both rotten. there’s not much left to say here. your ex-girlfriend has been spared a lifetime of venereal disease and heartache.

>> No.15606462
File: 229 KB, 859x960, POVyourlastmoment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I wasn't brainwashed with cultural conservatism on /pol/ I would embrace my whorish nature and not bother maintaining a relationship I'm not ready for, and therefore spare heartbreaks. But a question to you, what would you choose between whoring around and arranged marriage? A year ago I'd choose the latter, but now I'd rather kill myself than live without the excitement of love and seduction.

>> No.15606557

It could be good publicity

>> No.15606558

He’s looking down at his sandals. His father gave him those sandals. He’s staring at the page of a paperback Bhagavid Gita. He bought it after basic training. Running away from his thoughts and responsibilities, he finds himself in an outdoor shopping mall. Literally and figuratively, as he’s always finding himself. Finding himself looking for a way out most of the time. Old friends are memories. He was the negativity they were told to expel from their lives. This particular bench isn’t comfortable. In this moment, outdoor shopping malls are evil.

Everything is connected to everything else. Each decision consciously made in vain. Each moment of sobriety and sanity is uninteresting.

>> No.15606777

Christians really are out there unironically worshipping the demiurge

>> No.15606801
File: 69 KB, 612x612, c1e65b641b4cc872795b9882b000a596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.15606809

My dick, or maybe the part of my mind that controls my dick -- regardless of the specifics, something just stopped working. I can scroll through as many pictures of voluptuous anime girls as I want and the greatest reaction that they get from downstairs is a slight motion little more than a drunken nod. I don't get horny (i.e. feel the desire to fuck or to jack off) like I used to, but the desire to get horny is still there, and it's killing me.
So now I consult with you great minds of /lit/. How do I fix this? I don't think that nofap is necessarily the answer; similar things have happened before and nofap never cured them. What do I do?

>> No.15606827

>I can focus on it for quite some time before I inevitably get bored but then I move to another thing I like and do the same. I'll eventually return to previous thing with a renewed interest in it
Yeah that absolutely does
If you’re the right (wrong) kind of person, speed will just makes you focused on distractions. Too bad I keep doing it anyway.

>> No.15606845

>Too bad I keep doing it anyway
Same here. Every time I take a break I tell myself I’ll never do it again, but in a few months I’ll binge for a week and be miserable the entire time. It doesn’t feel good. I don’t understand why I even do it.

>> No.15606876

>like I used to
what changed?

>> No.15606887
File: 96 KB, 500x746, john lennon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the raaaaain comes they run and hide their headsss.... might as well beeeee dead... when the raaaaaain comes....

>> No.15606902

She’s probably exhausted and fell asleep from all the work she does at the local jezebel outlet
And you really have passion for this tumblr thot?
desu it doesn’t sound like there’s been any drop off, but I don’t see why the climax would have to mean anything stops, whatever that ends up meaning
> I don't know if it's a red flag or a compliment
At least one of these
It sounds like the amount of history here with the thot makes this a different situation than normal, I don’t think anything would even be able to happen without the other knowing, and maybe that’s how the case sounds to be
Absolutely the latter, arranged marriage sounds terrifying and hard to understand even

>> No.15606916

Do you have a prescription too?

>> No.15606930

I did years ago. I just use Benzadrex now

>> No.15606936

I submitted an application for a new housing unit exactly a week ago today, it wasn’t easy though, I’m terrified of landlords, I had to buy cheap wine and drank half a bottle of it before I called the landlord up, and hung up immediately upon hearing them say “Hello”. Somehow though I miraculously got the application in through other means, I should be hearing back tonight. I wonder if I’ll get hung up on too

>> No.15606987
File: 1.02 MB, 2000x1252, helpimdead - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss sex with strangers ... it was meaningless and necessary for my mind to work. Just to walk into an 18 year old's bedroom, watch them undress, then hold them down and push into their soft warm bodies. My cock is thick, too, it completely fills a tight hole and hits the back of their throats every time.
But I always had shitty lungs and they landed me in the hospital more often as a teenager.
But as an adult, I got into much better shape, I got stranger, and had sex almost every day. God, the bodies that I've tasted. It would be like having a good meal, laying down pussy and bussi. Every time I went to the gym, I'd suck or get sucked three times in the sauna and every time I went to clubs I'd find at least three girls I could eat out. The debauchery that I've enjoyed has been so fucking good and I've done it like breathing all my adult life.
But now that a pandemic is out there attacking the lungs, I'm back to feeling like a teenager. My lungs never fully recovered and a disease like COVID would kill me easily. Now I'm sexless and blue.
I need to jerk off 7 times a day and drink a shot of espresso every hour on the hour JUST TO FEEL ... like something that looks alive from 6 feet away.

>> No.15606994

Was just listening to some podcast where they talked about the fbi needing to pay up a million dollars to get access to some terrorist's phone, and i still have the feeling this has happenes to me as well, even though ive started monitoring individual packets as they get transferred from my ip, and can't seem to find anything suspicious. It's kinda driving me crazy, but i probably dont have to tell you that anymore

>> No.15607025

And i honestly dont see the reason for this still going on. Im doing literally nothing except mundane shit, not going on any crazy rants or shit like that and still, still these people cant just fln leave me be. I dont get it

>> No.15607041

Used to get diamonds at the slightest provocation, now I can't get it up for the hottest of anime babes. If you want to know why, well, join the club, so do I.

>> No.15607055

Maybe its an actual router hack and im not actually catching anything cause im only tracking my laptop's ip, but cant seem to find a way to monitor everything that's going in and out. If i find a way ill do it though

>> No.15607079

>And you really have passion for this tumblr thot?
Yes. I can't explain why. I almost know that her bullshit tantrums and chaotic personality will make a permanent relationship impossible for us, but I want to dive in and enjoy it at the moment, regardless of what happens in the future.

>arranged marriage sounds terrifying and hard to understand even
Well, I don't see the point of trying to 'arrange' your relationship by 'working' at it, being committed, becoming financially interdependent, etc. until you're at least 27.

>> No.15607084

I see a grand madness, the beginnings of a mass descent.

Delusion, hysteria, false prophetry; all combined and placing us upon the precipice of a critically unstable moment.

Rage. Rage. Rage:

is what we need. Brotherhood and strength, acceptance of suffering for sake of great trembling beauty; unity with those worthy and no mercy for the waste.

Few are so lucky to live in such a time.

These words are not great though; I know that, I feel that. Yet we all feel what I strike at.

Let us not hide, but fight, aimed towards death an the Gods.

>> No.15607093


>> No.15607099

I guess the only plus side to all this is that ive gotten genuinely motivated to get into IT in some way or another and maybe find a way to cut this BS out of my head

>> No.15607130

It's fucked with my head for long enough, i dont wanna go through any of this shit again. Now im gonna play a game im into, cause thats something you cant take away from me at least. Cya

>> No.15607156

I think you should try and not think about the real problems that exist in the visible skyline. And, even if it is impossible and it collapses badly, it sounds like you each really care about each other. You should try to keep being there for each other whatever that means, hopefully you two can stay supportive and present for the other whether that means punch drunk love, or distantly holding each other accountable with long intermissions.
> Well, I don't see the point of trying to 'arrange' your relationship by 'working' at it, being committed, becoming financially interdependent, etc. until you're at least 27
Yeah absolutely this anon, take steps towards what needs to be done but put as little pressure on it in the present as possible

>> No.15607180

I can't tell if /lit/ is a retarded board or not. If you go to the new transgender thread, everyone seems to be genuine retards, whereas on certain other threads there seems to be a higher level of discourse. I think I should be visiting other websites for discussion, but I don't really know which ones are the best.

>> No.15607182
File: 101 KB, 500x366, blanket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, that is inspiring, I can only hope she cares about me as much back

>> No.15607194

So anyways they started a quasi-religious movement that prayed upon empathy with things/people, and there was a buzzing mystique feeling in the air...

>> No.15607222

I think she does. I think it’s important to keep an open dialog and continue to care about each other, and then whatever happens happens. I think you both would love a relationship with each other, but if for some reason that doesn’t work, you should make it a goal keep caring about each other if you can.

>> No.15607514

I really hope you get it anon

>> No.15607706

If I’m not mistaken didn’t Derrida say something about language spoken is different than language written? That’s definitely something I picture with myself and others in my own life.
Any books for this?

>> No.15607812

The only things I truly love in this world are the way that soap smells and being intoxicated.

>> No.15608105

which soap

>> No.15608161

A shuffle through several that I keep around. I’m currently using Neutrogena Rainbath. Some other notable soaps I keep around are: Dove White, Dial Marula Oil, Dial Greek Yogurt, Harry’s Stone Scent, and Bath and Body Works Mahogany Wood. I have many others but those are my favorites.

>> No.15608247

I use whichever is with discount

>> No.15608306

Most people do. I have an unusual fixation

>> No.15608558

Good thread bagpipes *sounds*

>> No.15608623

It was a pretty good thread