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/lit/ - Literature

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15586477 No.15586477 [Reply] [Original]

I don't read books regularly and I don't know where to start. Plz help me bros!

>> No.15586550
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Read whatever you want. There's seriously not that much else to it.
Find a genre or authors that you're interested in and just buy one of the popular ones in that category.

Another thing is to not worry about your pace.
Sometimes I devour half of a 800 page book in one sitting and sometimes I only read a few pages. Sometimes, I won't even
touch the book I'm in the middle of reading for months. It's not a race or a competition, just read it at your own pace.

>> No.15586566

Start with the Greeks of course.

>> No.15586634

Thanks bro. This actually puts me at ease.
What about 'em?

>> No.15587001

>I don't read books regularly
Great! You will fit right in.

>> No.15587036

Read extra slowly if you want to understand something thoroughly. reread it frequently if you want as well. you have great amount of freedom. sometimes i will read a book and get confused by a passage and just continue even if I Dont fully get it. i can always come back. sometimes ill read a passage multiple times just because i like it. ive read chapter ten of Blood Meridian probably five times. give a book or passage at least one real good faith effort to understand it, but dont let getting stuck on a passage hold you back. read at your own pace and learn to take pleasure in the reading itself and all facets of it. subvocalizing is normal. hell, read a passage out loud, it could help you understand or enjoy it. most of all, read for your own amusement and edification, DONT read just to mog people on 4channel. its fine to read a book specifically to participate in discussions about it but just consider who is benefitting from you doing that.

anyway, read easy works while you exercise your brain and get used to reading. ive spent about a year now retraining my brain my reading and am just now reading more serious philosophical works. thats not to say i want to gate keep reading in any way. read anything you want, as much as you want. i mean only to advise you not to give up if material seems hard. reading comprehension IS hard.

>> No.15587305
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What the other anons said is very true. I've been reading my whole life but sometime I stopped doing so for around 2 years. The books thst got me back into reading and doing it more seriously were Camus' The Stranger and Kafka's The trial. I also remember really enjoying reading The feast of the goat and a hundred years of solitude. But I feel Anna Karenina was my life's turning point and since then I have taken to reading much much more.
These were the books with which I could find my love of literature again anon, they might help you too. Neither of them are really that complicated, some just somewhat long.

>> No.15587315


>> No.15587316

Well the ones that got me into reading where the Hobbit and Animal Farm. Then I read Dune and Don Quixote. I reckon if you read these you'll have a decent foundation to look for more stuff that interests and so will start building your own taste.

>> No.15587967
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I'm in a similar place with OP the only difference is I know where I'd like to start. The problem is my retarded ass thinks that "How to Read a Book" written by Mortimer J. Adler is a prerequisite to reading, his book makes me insecure in a sense that it makes me think that there is an efficient and inefficient; right or wrong way of reading a book, his book makes me think that I am not getting much out of a book unless I read his book entitled "How to Read a Book"

Also, for anyone who's going to ask where I want to start, I'd like to start with either the recommended reading of Evola as an entry to esoteric knowledge and comparative religion or with Plato as an entry to philosphy

>> No.15587976
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>> No.15587986

Get to comics then. Nothing wrong with that, I still read some today.