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/lit/ - Literature

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15585950 No.15585950 [Reply] [Original]

is there a way to un-read this book? i want to go back. i want to get off this ride.

>> No.15587539

holy shite lad why the fuck you read this monster?
anyway my condolences

>> No.15587551

Why? Isn't it like psychoanalysis? Did you hate it that much?

>> No.15587563
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I felt the same way after reading pic related.

The good news is that over time you forget a lot of it and you're partly bluepilled again.

Also, read Nietzche.

>> No.15587604

it's nihilism in it's purist form, the final redpill of psychoanalysis.
reading this book can fuck you up pretty bad.

>> No.15587654

There is probably something you want to do, been meaning to do, but haven't done or worked towards. Start doing it and do it for yourself alone.

Read The Selfish Gene, Goodnight Punpun and Flow (which is actually positive psychology, but existentially harrowing in a strange way) to continue along this path.

If everything is cope, then at least cope on your own terms. The price of culture is a lie, after all.

>> No.15587679

Stop buying into people's arguments so easily.

>> No.15587742

>The Selfish Gene
Holy reddit

>> No.15587773

I don't see how Selfish Gene works as self help but I agree with the overall sentiment. Searching for an absolute "why" behind everything can be destructive rather than motivating. When you apply yourself to basic things like cooking healthy food, getting some exercise, and pursuing a hobby, it's possible to find that those things provide plenty of meaning and purpose. You don't actually need an absolute philosophical bedrock to be fulfilled.

>> No.15587813


I didn't get that feeling from this book, quite the opposite. I found it useful and motivating as way to identify -and partially fight- the source of all neurosis: the fear of death in all its shapes, and the awareness of human duality, first as an individual with a self striving to trascend, and secondly as a another living organism that belongs to nature.

>> No.15587905


Take this as an opportunity to refute it and in the process you might end up creating something life affirming for yourself

>> No.15587914

I bet both of you savages haven't read the book.

>> No.15587937

I swear that this is the one same guy making threads about this shitty book
Get a life, faggot

>> No.15587947
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Right on the money

>> No.15587961

M8, do you know how often midwits come here declaring some shitty obscure book to be mind-blowing and eye-opening?

>> No.15587981

>found about this book on Wikipedia
>found it interesting, matches with some of my own intuitions about life
>definitely want to read it later
>maybe discuss it, even
>/lit/ is going to meme it like there's no tomorrow before I get to

>> No.15588032

Who gives a fuck about the shitposting of some autists on /lit/ man
Just read whatever you want anon

>> No.15588053

Just pour some bleach onto your eyes.

>> No.15588156

This is actually pretty bloomer core. Asano’s interview following punpun says that the cult ended up turning around and saving the world following the leader’s realization that Earthly life is meaningful. He said that the leader is the true protagonist of punpun

>> No.15588201

no one here actually reads books, don't worry about what people here say

>> No.15588582

Lucky for you, there isn't. That book is only half the answer, in reality all your suffering is because of your denial. It's time to pursue enlightenment.

>> No.15588591

>That book is only half the answer
What's the other half?

>> No.15588616

What do you mean? My life improved immensely after reading this.

>> No.15588656



>> No.15588736

How so?

>> No.15588912

it's kind of midwit but he has some interesting ideas

>> No.15589393

The acceptance of death.

>> No.15589422

>pulitzer prize winner

>> No.15589581

Enlightenment and self-actualization is the only true path to accepting death, avoiding the fear and observing it when it comes like a sweet release or a doorway into something else.

>> No.15589617

>Read reductive scientism, a comic book, and meme pop psy to shape your worldview
FFS, 4channers are the real redditors.

>> No.15589821

Literally impossible

>> No.15589846
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In a previous thread about this book, some anons recommended this helped them

>> No.15590142

More like the acceptance of suffering till death saves us

>> No.15590197

nondualism is the cure

>> No.15590210

>Yalom was born in Washington, D.C.[1] About fifteen years prior to his birth in the United States, Yalom's Jewish parents emigrated from Russia

>> No.15590219

Huh? A lot of Americans' parents are immigrants. It's not that remarkable.

>> No.15590225

ur just weak willed

>> No.15590245
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>tfw you realize all the /pol/ talk about muh jews is nothing but a cope and defense mechanism against a hostile, random, unpredictable world

>> No.15590296

Look, I liked this book but I don’t understand how some people like David Berman killed themselves over it. It’s 300 pages of sperging about ‘the hero’ and the origin of schizophrenia, which is already a red flag for me, It being much more fruitful to read kierkegaard than to get his views filtered through Freud. Fear and Trembling + the Concept of Anxiety do it much better. The Otto Rank stuff is pretty benign imo but it made me kek at the preface when he says Art and Artist is more useful to psychology than all of Jung’s tomes on alchemy.

>> No.15590450

dead does not exist, i can prove it, go get the baptism with the Holy Ghost and the gift of tongues, use the gift all you can like Smith Wigglesworth, then ask YHVH for knowledge about Noga and breaking the klippah, etc amd start practicing meditation, then one day the Holy Ghost will take you our of your body while u are awake and totally concious, you will see, hear, think, you will see your body and discover that the body is just a house, after that u will never fear death cuz it will be like blow in a dark room for 1 sec, otherwise death was horrid painful for unbelievers and i read even in this time somne unveluevers may e even experience it with horrid gore pain

>> No.15590501

I'm doing a research project this summer and we're gonna read this. Exciting.

>> No.15591684

What the actual fuck

>> No.15591742

There's nothing good here.

>> No.15592174

based and chaospilled

>> No.15592389

Based schizoposter

>> No.15592498

what did he mean by this

>> No.15593489

Life Partner of the guy making the Taleb threads.