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/lit/ - Literature

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15585343 No.15585343 [Reply] [Original]

who is your favorite presocratic philosopher?

for me, its parmenides

>> No.15585349
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Pongo thread

>> No.15585356


>> No.15585418

Sam or pythagoras

>> No.15585434

I learned to like Empedocles and Anaxagoras lately. Parmenides and Heraclitus are still the best but Empedocles and Anaxagoras are actually pretty interesting if you get in-depth into them.

>> No.15585462
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>> No.15585480
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>> No.15585493

This. Cry boi, best boi.

>> No.15585509

Pythagoras of course

>> No.15585548
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>> No.15585636
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based pongo

>> No.15585643

>Males become sexually mature at around age 15. However, they may exhibit arrested development by not developing the distinctive cheek pads, pronounced throat pouches, long fur, or long-calls until a resident dominant male is absent. The transformation from unflanged to flanged can occur very quickly. Flanged males attract oestrous females with their characteristic long calls, which may also suppress development in younger males. Unflanged males wander widely in search of oestrous females and upon finding one, will force copulation on her. While both strategies are successful, females prefer to mate with flanged males and seek their company for protection. Resident males may form consortships that last days, weeks or months after copulation.

>> No.15585698
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Fuckin unflanged manlets.

>> No.15585703


>> No.15585734


>> No.15585861
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Pathetic flangelets.

>> No.15585870

ooh ooh
ahh ahh
fune monke

>> No.15585875
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>> No.15585890
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>tfw unflanged
>tfw no pronounced throat pouch
>tfw no long fur

>> No.15585938
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>> No.15585961
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gorilla third best primate after pongo and gibbon.

>> No.15586042
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>> No.15586153

Pongo pygMAEus? Well, pongo pigYOUus, you fuckin prick

>> No.15586920
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Heraclitus is very good

>> No.15586931
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what is he reading?

>> No.15586934

chimp = gorilla > pongo > other non hominidae monge

>> No.15586939

he is now able to understand aristotelian metaphysics, his next goal is St. Thomas Aquinas and then Leibniz

>> No.15586951
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>tfw you don't belong here

>> No.15586958

He got it all right. All subsequent philosophy has been retards debating about the nature of Plato's mind objects

>> No.15587057
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chimps are the worst

>> No.15587086

Big fan of the Eleatic's in general, I think actually that my favourite one is Melissus. Lot of interesting thinking and that.

>> No.15588597


>> No.15588610
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>> No.15589375


>> No.15589465

Haha, you only say this because your beain elements are weak and small conpared to the other boys brain elements. When you let out the master word it is sickly and pathetic and they laugh. Laugh justifiably for your poor excuse of a mental manhood. Barely even fit to be called a human really. Mirdith will never love you.

>> No.15589479
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>> No.15589496


>> No.15589825


>> No.15590766


>> No.15590792


>> No.15590803

Tell 'im to go back to the Pre-Socratics.
Heraclitus and Parmenides already said everything important about metaphysics

>> No.15590806
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This thread is just too funny

>> No.15590823
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>> No.15590831

Literally who?

>> No.15590838

Sam I am. Like YHWH.

>> No.15590899

Chimps are worse than homos
pongos = gorillas > gibbons > bonobos > homos > chimps

>> No.15590983
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Only Heraclitus, Plato, and Aristotle matter, presocratic or not

>> No.15591001

i like zeno of elea

>> No.15591047

Pythagoras, Heraclitus is also highly interesting, but it's likely Parmenides will be the most lasting if we were to put the two in competition to the strictest, most detailed and technical degree of metaphysicality. Still, Heraclitus connects to what one would call the "purely human" whereas Parmenides only does so out of not an intentional reinforcing of it, but the original motives for experience; where action, thought, writing, belief or whatever in all their poetical meaning, come after included--; The experience of the phenomenological Parmenides, the real experience of what his work is as such.

I hope you understand.

>> No.15591056

You are so far up your own ass that you’re lost in there.

>> No.15591114

Parmenides was the most influential and important presocratic for their times though, practically creating a new framework for philosophy which later Socrates or Plato would do...

And all the Thales, Anaximander, Pythagoras, Parmenides, Zeno, Empedocles, Democritus, Xenophanes and the likes!

>> No.15591723

*tips fedora*

>> No.15591923

Parmenides was 100% refuted by quantum physics

>> No.15592516
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>tfw only 5 out of 227 texts by Theophrastus survive

>> No.15593727
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get filtered hooman OOO OO OOOOO AH AH AH AH

>> No.15593853

None of them are very good. The only contribution they made, it seems, is that they raised the question of the One and the Many. But most of their solutions to the question are bizarre or otherwise childish. Parminedes unironically believed that reality was an unmoving sphere, that change and becoming were illusions. Heraclitus unironically believed that the essence of everything was fire. Idk maybe I haven’t understood them well, but they seem retarded.

>> No.15593910


>> No.15593972
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If you try really hard, you can burn/melt everything. Heraclitus was right: everything has fire deep inside

>> No.15594063

This but replace Plato with Polus and Thrasymachus.

>> No.15594106

Why would anyone respond to this thread? Even if you do have a favorite, there's literally no reason to share it in such a shallow manner. There's no discussion on these type of threads - they simply exist to bea poser for a quick dopamine rush. You've all outed yourselves as pseuds, congrats.

>> No.15594212

>why didn't you listen?

>> No.15594387

You just did the same and we will all continue too.

>> No.15594698


I'm only about halfway through my book, but I lean Pythagoras for the stuff about triangular numbers and related math stuff. t. math major. Also I've been meaning to ask /lit/ a detailed question about the "clepsydra" for the past day or two so I'll punch up my question and post it here in a little bit, this thread is as good a place as any.

>> No.15594755


>> No.15594935
File: 654 KB, 1899x848, clep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've more-or-less answered my own question by now (or, I know how to go about answering it) but Aristotle and Waterfield (in his book on the Presocratics) make reference to a very "strange" clepsydra, which is nothing like the water-clocks now associated with that word. Pic related is a summary of this "other", "obscure" clepsydra.

If anyone happens to know a bit more about this thing, or related contraptions used as-metaphor in ancient Greek texts, please let me know.

>> No.15595155

spotted the retard
pythagoras didn't write anything in his lifetime, we barely know anything of his philosophy, he claimed he was a magician and a god, but was just a man feigning so.

also Heraclitus is the only answer
one man is worth a thousand if he is the best

>> No.15595172

very rude

>> No.15595369
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he is reading the quran

>> No.15595654
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>> No.15595834

eggplant parmesan

>> No.15596024


I'm the one you replied to. Please take a moment to consider how foolish it is to complain of the dearth of information about a given pre-socratic philosopher, especially when you yourself make very specific claims on same. My initial reaction to that one Heraclitus (I guess) Great Man thing was dislike, btw. The intent was valid, but only to a point. Part of the Greek "naivete" but this is uncharitable: they needed the strong and they couldn't fuck around with the weak, which informed their value system.

>> No.15596032
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Anyone else here /PythagoreanNumberCult/?

>> No.15596044

Did you know that not only are there irrational numbers, rational numbers are also Lebesgue-negligible compared to irrational numbers?

>> No.15596059
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Numbers were a mistake

>> No.15596100

Only Peano numbers and their extensions t.b.h. Presburger's arithmetic is fine, although it's limited.
In other words
>multiplication was a mistake

>> No.15597362


>> No.15597417

If God is all powerful and all loving and all knowing, why did he say to go forth and multiply?

>> No.15597422

He was drunk

>> No.15597450

>Covenant of the rainbow
>Go and be fruity
What did God mean by this?

>> No.15597453

He had a deal with Fruit Loops at the time

>> No.15597473
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>> No.15597565

revolt against the modern world!

>> No.15597593

Truly a tragedy to see what is left of his work. There are about as many fragments of it left as posts in this thread.

>> No.15598419
