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15584941 No.15584941 [Reply] [Original]

What happens to all the people that don't want to live under communism when the revolution happens?

Like, I like capitalism, why should I be forced to live under something I don't want?

Like why they think their dream society is the same as the society I wanna live under?

What if under any argument they can provide I want to live under their utopia and I want to live under capitalism?

>but muh alienation
I like capitalism.

>but muh right workers
don't care, I like capitalism

>but muh free time to do anything
I like to become rich under a capitalist system from my own work.

>> No.15584956

i live in capitalism and i don't want to, so what? get fucked, bourgeois scum

>> No.15584960

Don't worry there are forces far more powerful at work which are in favor of capitalism.

>> No.15584973

why don't you fuck off to venezuela, cuba, north korea and the other commie failed states?

>> No.15584979

The vast majority of people will embrace the future world order, however there will always be unhappy people who resort to terrorism but overall they will be inconsequential.

>> No.15585148

>under communism
This system can't exist in practice, if soviet style totalitarianism is imposed, i'll just get a comfy party post and live rich.

>> No.15585168

you want to be careful if Soviet style tyranny comes, being a Party member is very dangerous when they start to clean shop of anyone who could potentially command more loyalty by being a more holy commie. Just sort of going along with the flow is always the safest spot.

>> No.15585198

What's the alternative though ? Flee the country ? Accept goulag ?

>> No.15585218

in soviet union dissidents were claimed mentally ill, forced into mental hospitals and were given meds, so they die faster.

>> No.15585219

>Just sort of going along with the flow
That is the alternative and what most people do.

>> No.15585249

nevermind i read a negation where there wasn't

>> No.15585267

There's not going to be any revolution you dumb fucking frogposter.

>> No.15585280

Sounds like modern day wage-cuck dissidents