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15584333 No.15584333 [Reply] [Original]

Is 26 too old to start college? What university would even take me?

>> No.15584340

nah you're fine

>> No.15584373

No, anon. It is, indeed, a little bit later, but still a pretty good age; after you're out you'll still have 30, 35 years of career left at least. You'll be more mature and disciplined than most of your peers, and know yourself much better; what you like and what you don't. Age doesn't matter for that, let alone when you're still young. My favorite author didn't go to college til 25, and she's fucking brilliant.

Go for it.

>> No.15584385

What if you’ve gone to college already, but failed and dropped out numerous times due to mental illness & addiction caused by the dystopic societal infrastructure inherent in the collegiate systems??

>> No.15584399

I started at 25, you'll be fine.

>> No.15584425
File: 107 KB, 1125x943, 1587374876906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

26 is when FAFSA considers you a solo entity separate from your parents. You can put $0 for income and assets and get a free ride in some cases. In any case you can take bigger loans out so you won't starve as many do. Dont worry about ever paying them back. Reminder you dont make it out alive.

>> No.15584436
File: 67 KB, 638x638, 9B704E56-7FA7-4C12-8BE3-36C667A91FD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me at 23.

>> No.15584442

You can go back provided you've started therapy to work on your issues. I started college at 17 and failed/dropped out numerous times until I finally got therapy and graduated at 26.

>> No.15584446

I dropped out of college right before my last year, that was 6 years ago. Every year, around fall, I call the student services center and financial aid office and they both tell me I’m always welcome back to finish up. I think about it for a bit, but I remember that my favorite authors were expelled and never finished or finished and then abandoned the academic life for a life of low-level wagie tool for minimum pay, and decide against it.

>> No.15584470

is 23 too late to join the army?

>> No.15584476

It's actually at 24. I transferred to a 4 year at that age.

I NEETed it up and waited until then and I graduated with very little debt. I had old high school acquaintances ridicule me for not finishing at 21, and they've got $70k in debt compared to my $1200.

Sometimes it pays off to be a lazy fuck.

>> No.15584487

What did you study? What do you do now?

Your system is so fucked up. In most decent countries you get quality education for free. I'm paying around $100 of tuition per semester. I just pay for rent and groceries, and I could even get a scholarship for that if I was broke.

>> No.15584489

in the time that you wasted not finishing up, those peers of yours already have 5 years of experience on you and will have higher long-term earning potential

>> No.15584492

quite literally any of them, your money is just as green as an 18 year old's

>> No.15584495

Got into college the first time at age 27 and I might get back now that I'm 31.

>> No.15584497

Most people don't go directly into a career and stick in it their whole lives. Anyways he can always lie on his resume. Can't lie away student loans tho.

>> No.15584498

26 isn't very old. If you're insecure, you could start at a community college and transfer to a university once you get that stuff out of the way.
t. Dad was a construction worker, then got a CS degree in his 50s

>> No.15584499

speaking as a CS major, many companies refuse to hire anyone older than 24 or so. If you're not around the age of graduating student classes, you're probably a fuck-up in their eyes. They want young talent.

>> No.15584510

lmao this is the biggest fucking cope I've ever read

>> No.15584513

Therapy doesn’t fix my eternal hatred for other people and their inane bullshit. But yes, I have gone and have received multiple diagnoses and diagnostic evaluations. Guess it’s just a matter of whether or not Uni will accept me, considering my long history of less than ideal performance.

>> No.15584518

Shitposting retard

>> No.15584530

Just letting y'all know that people find mid 20s and above guys kind of creepy in uni, if you're thinking of going to clubs/student organizations

>> No.15584535

Yep its too late for you, Better off just staying at your walmart job

>> No.15584536

I’m not looking to socialize.

>> No.15584539

>being on 4chan
>going to uni
>interested in interacting with normies
Where do you think you are?

>> No.15584542

I'm 23 is it too late for me? I had a full time job, and I just straight up stopped clocking in right before this virus happened. I feel like it's over, all I'm doing that's positive is lifting weights and bulking.

>> No.15584549

>never choked a 20 year old out and had her call you "daddy"

>> No.15584553

>I'm 23 is it too late for me?
fuck no

>> No.15584559

No. It's ok, there's people of all ages in uni classes. The oldest student that i studied with was a 70 year old lady, such a lovely humble lady learning about linguistics
Just don't go thinking that you're smarter than everyone just bc of your age. I've encountered plenty pretentious 30 year old men that know shit and think they have nothing to learn, those are the stupidiest of all

>> No.15584560

Not at all. You can still enlist up to age 35. I enlisted when I was 21. Nobody is looked at any differently. You all go through the same shit.

>> No.15584567

Hey now I’m a car salesman

>> No.15584582

Just curious, but why did you enlist in the military? Do you get any benefits from it, or is it just pure patriotism, or have any other existencial needs? I feel that for most non-americans so many people joining the army and fighting in wars is completely strange.

Also, did you get drafted?

>> No.15584611

Because I couldn’t hold down a job due to mental instability and partying all of the time. Most people join because it’s a last resort or to pay for college. Hardly anyone joins for patriotism, in fact we made fun of those people.

>> No.15584649

Projection. If you care this much what people think, nothing you do will matter because you'll always be worried out being creepy. If you let this escalate it will become debilitating social anxiety where you have panic attacks over some thinking someone thinks you're a murderer or homosexual or rapist.

>> No.15584737

>my favorite author
Who, she sounds cool.

>> No.15584782


I did this mate. But I pulled myself up and re-enrolled a few years after and did really well despite even more shit in my life going wrong during it (I severely injured my writing arm and had to have all my assignments transcribed). Finally got my B.Sci. in Earth Science and I'm really happy that I did it, but I'm pretty much fucked for grad school despite the fact that I was the only undergrad in several of my classes.

>> No.15584796

Fucking idiot who would sell his butt for a bigger paycheck, that is what everyone is doing.
Empty years of 'job experience'.
What a dumbass.

>> No.15584803

*holds up spork*

>> No.15585409

I will start uni 25 and then will be 26 during freshers week and this is what i am worried about. Having no social life at uni because I’m too old and seen as a creep by the younger students

>> No.15585427

Also I will be living on campus in student halls which makes me more anxious that I will be seen as weird.

>> No.15585507

I'm not responsible for all the fucking "transphobia" in the world. Fucking grow a pair. People say men things. Suck it up or get off the internet. I can't censor the entire fucking world for you.

>> No.15585579

It's nbd for the most part, as long as you can drink and hold a conversation. You'll probably also meet other students around that age that you can connect with.

Zoomers listen to some absolutely ass music tho.

>> No.15585611

me too fren, feels good knowing there are others

>> No.15585659 [DELETED] 

When you're starting uni as a mid 20s and above you dont really care about things like that.

>> No.15585689

Well of you're worried about that, it will be a thing. I went back to school at 26 and stayed in a dorm. Other students thought it was weird that I was there, though it didnt really ruin my experience. In the end it was my own self doubt that ruined me.

>> No.15585736

How old do you look?

>> No.15585747

I’ve looked the same since I was 18. Problem is that I looked 30 when I was 18. I guess I look around 22-25ish but I’m Indian ethnicity and we all look older than we actually are

>> No.15585749

Read this, they're wrong. >>15584649

Just remember the smug tuxedo pepe any time you feel anxious or uncomfortable.

>> No.15585758

Did you stay with 18-19 year olds because I can see why that would be odd from their point of view. Couldn’t you stay in a dorm of more mature students ?

>> No.15585774

I am going to live in dorms and there’s an option of picking the age group 21-25 so you can be in a dorm with this age. I just hope they’re freshers too and not masters students as I feel like I will miss out on a decent first year experience. My main concern is lack of social life for me as it seems weird for a mid 20s to be clubbing in a place full of teenagers.

>> No.15585793

I am in the same boat as you for this year as I will be a first year undergrad in my mid 20s living in a dorm. I suffer from social anxiety so I’ve figured my social life will be non existent. Hopefully this will mean I can have more time to study but I know I’ll just feel depressed missing out what everyone around me will be doing.

>> No.15585917

I transferred into a 4-year after community college and we were all herded into a specific housing area on campus, unofficially called the “transfer village.” The mean age for us was mid-20’s, some (like me) under 21 and some nearly 30, not a big deal at all. The best parties were held there because of that and because it was pretty far from the center of the school.

>> No.15585929

False. My higher iq will mean I will always out earn them despite starting late.

>> No.15585941

I did it. It was chill. Zoomers are nice people.

>> No.15586003

I started Medicine with 24.

>> No.15586025

Almost 30 m8.

>> No.15586072

>What university would even take me?
All of them? Universities don’t discriminate based on age. Some universities secretly would be more willing to accept you if you’re a mature student. They find these students are more focused and experienced. Just look at here in England where mature students go to uni with less entry requirements than normal. I got to do a undergrad law degree with ABB Grades at A-level at University of Exeter. They normally look for AAA-AAB

>> No.15586085

If you can, try to get off campus housing. Not because of age, but it's going to be a lot better. You are expected to give up a lot of basic rights, privacy, dignity, etc. when you're on a college campus. Plus you'll be able to bring 18 year olds over for booty calls without them worrying about being judged or you being called. a creep.

>> No.15586092


>> No.15586100

I feel like that would make me more isolated. Plus I suffer from depression and pretty much have no social life already so I had hoped university would open me up to more social experiences as well as getting a good degree

>> No.15586129

Being on campus isn't going to help. Trust me, with your own apartment you can bring over girls, friends,drink, smoke weed, have parties. Get a place close to campus and it'll be far better for your social life.
Stop living in your head too. All these maladjusted zoomer freaks are in the same boat as you, and far more shy because they're a bunch of insecure teenagers. Here's what you do: first day of class, pass around a piece of paper and ask people to write down their number or facebook or whatsapp or something, then start a group chat for your class to have discussions, share homework, etc. it'll instantly give you access to all the girl's DMs and make you the most outgoing and charismatic person in the course.

>> No.15586233

Why live on campus? You have very little to gain from it.

>> No.15586248

can you guys help with my lit homework ;__; i just wanna be sure if im gonna talk the right shit if i said that The Fist by Derek Walcott consists of 2 stanzas that are quintain please the zoom class is soon

Also anon thats perfectky fine college is an i dont give a fuck type of place

>> No.15586252

being in campus doesnt mean you wuld have friends it could cause you to feel isolated too because sometimes people are just too busy to care for each other

>> No.15586322

college is dumb, but also cool. my brother went back is finishing a MA now @34 and he originally dropped out of college after one year. everyone is very proud of him

>> No.15586334

old people who go back to school are the elite of our society
there is literally no such thing as CS talent, it's a sin to contribute to the proliferation of portable microcomputer technology

>> No.15586339

under 27 is too young for college imo

>> No.15586384

Patricia Soley Beltrán. Her essays are amazing. She speaks about gender and the semiotics of gender and fashion from her experience as a model. She's incredibly witty, comfy, and tackles the subject from references such as Cindy Crawford, David Bowie or Tilda Swinton, to philosophers like Wittgenstein and Foucault. Even if you're not interested in feminism or such politics, she just talks about the aesthetic construction of gender.

Her book of essays, ¡Divinas! is her best work. Idk if it's been translated yet.

>> No.15586397

I went back to college at 24 and found myself much more motivated to actually study, graduate, and get a decent job. The years I took off school helped me realize that I needed to get my shit together.

>> No.15586418

Did you find to be a little bit older a disadvantage in getting a job? Just asking, bc I'll be out of college at 25, and am planning on doing a masters degree and a phd

>> No.15586451

Not him, but who would you rather hire? A 22 y/o zoomer just out of school or a 32 y/o millennial with a masters and life experience? Or would it even make any difference at all? Wouldn't you just look at how capable they are at doing the task that you need them to do? But really now imagine putting a 22 y/o fucking baby in charge of anything important.

>> No.15586459

22 y/o zoomer because young talent can be cultivated and 25 year olds' brains are already set in stone

>> No.15586474

I forgot to add I'm studying literature, so I don't think I face the same conditions as a STEM graduate, for instance

>> No.15586483

STEMfags ACTUALLY think like this

>> No.15586498

This is from a Business perspective - I work in Accounting. Maybe not a direct disadvantage but I did feel awkward being ~4 years older than some of the other people that were interviewing. Age was never brought up when I was job hunting but surely interviewers could tell I was a bit older. When I started my job out of college, the two people sitting next to me at new hire orientation were 21 and 23, and there I was, 26 with already thinning hair. It took 2 months for a coworker to ask my age and they were all shocked. The dynamic can feel a bit weird when you're closer in age to your supervisor than your peers.
But it is what it is. I know some dude who will be 43 this year and is barely starting his first white collar career after graduating. He is literally 20 years older than some of his coworkers and he doesn't let it get to him.

>> No.15586505

22 y/o zoomers can shut the fuck up and do what they're told. The 32 year old will be more defiant and actually question what he's doing and not stand for workplace bullshit. I would hire the 22 y/o.

>> No.15586524

That's not a business perspective at all, anon; that's from your insecure psychological perspective. A business perspective is how your supervisor looks at the work you're doing and whether or not he wants to keep you or promote you.

>> No.15586537

I said business perspective cuz anon said she's studying literature. So I wanted to be mindful that my job search might be different than hers.

>> No.15586553

22 y/o. Skill difference is probably negligible, more room for growth.