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15583867 No.15583867 [Reply] [Original]

In my experience of mixing with both Americans and Brits, I've seen far more casual wittiness and better use of language in general from the Brits than the former.
As ESL, I'm trying to pin point the reason for this (in order to better my own English).
Why do you think this is the case?

>> No.15583872

America doesn’t value non-pragmatic studies as much as england. non-pragmatic pursuits are seen as pointless due to supposedly being unprofitable, whereas Europeans in general aren’t so focused on career and wealth
T. US UK dual citizen

>> No.15583904

>it's a statue
Where the fuck does this "tactic" of stating the obvious as if it's a rebutal come from? It was the same with
>they're just stores
when Minneapolis was burning

>> No.15583948

Shut up retard

>> No.15583953


>> No.15583967
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>> No.15583979
File: 256 KB, 1200x1039, EaAG6-aXgAAKA_J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They even called themselves "blue collar" in the photo op piece.

>> No.15584001

Oh, we just like banter. Joking and humour are a massive deal here. Americans are a little autistic.

>> No.15584025

yes, he's just a black man. not a man whose job it is to remove graffiti.

>> No.15584041

You're picking up on class markers, in the US there are not really the same upper class dialects apart from some minuscule minority of decrepit wasps somewhere. The lower class British sound highly retarded as well, but their middle classes affect upper class speech a bit.

>> No.15584060

It's not like those kinds of jobs have a disproportionate representation of black people in them and it's certainly not why black people are being disproportionately affected by covid in the UK. Certainly no irony, either, in the upper class, white politicians ordering the working class, black man to clean a statue of the message about racism while they take all the glory and pretend to do all the work. Just another day, nothing to see here, support r Borises on the front lines!

>> No.15584075

>those kinds of jobs have a disproportionate representation of black people in them a

>> No.15584078

those guys are based. fuck black people

>> No.15584081

We are all witty bro, I dunno who you've been talking to. The working class if anything is funnier than the toffs.

>> No.15584094

observe the mental gymnastics you have to perform whenever you're confronted by reason.

>> No.15584101


It comes under caring, leisure and other services.

>> No.15584108

>observe the mental gymnastics
Is this you saying "brain hurt"? It's not complicated. Those politicians are heroes, and there is no irony in that sentiment.

>> No.15584123

what a gorgeous bong

>> No.15584125

yes, most of what you're saying is unintelligible to a normal person because it is ideological rhetoric received third hand from god knows who.

>> No.15584136

If you hate the hard work the blue collar Tories did, that's up to you. You people are always crying racist everywhere.

She's Deano's side piece.

>> No.15584179

Were these statues originally erected to dab on niggers and that was the peoples intent in the past to put them up?

>> No.15584192
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Brits are not actually smarter than (white) Americans, they're just whiter. I spent five years in West Virginia talking to actual living stereotype of dumb rednecks, the sort who wear overalls without shirts, and they were absolutely hilarious and had very large vocabularies. You go to the British countryside and suddenly everyone starts sounding like a pirate and can't do long division.

It's a meme. The actual character of the Brits these days is Doctor Who, a show which has become so unfunny and cringe that it's more entertaining to read threads on /tv/ or /pol/ about it than to watch the actual show. There's nothing funny about that shit. In fact, from the beginning 90% of British "humor" is just white people making funny faces and reacting to absurd situations. How is that funny exactly?

You know who's actually funny? Andrew Anglin. American Neo-Nazi. This one shitpost is funnier than anything to come out of England since the 16th century.

>> No.15584194
File: 1.73 MB, 600x370, 30689705-7E24-4414-82E6-49C1F7249BB5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. This statue in particular.

>> No.15584197

They were initially put up to suck off rich white people and pretend they hadn't already dabbed on blacks and most other minorities or people with less power throughout their lifetimes.

>> No.15584206

Blacks are disproportionately unemployed.
They're also disproportionately affected by COVID because they cannot social distance because their average IQ is 83.

>> No.15584212

>You know who's actually funny? Andrew Anglin. American Neo-Nazi.

>> No.15584217

Did he died?

>> No.15584223


>> No.15584228


>> No.15584229

In normal countries, the actual people of said countries build monuments to their ancestors.

In countries where you let retarded mud people in, those monuments become symbols of oppression because they remind shitskins tha they're inferior.

The Mongols still put statues of Ghengis Khan, a guy who killed 300 million people, on every fucking street corner. This is because they don't have liberals.

>> No.15584231

Critical condition at the moment

>> No.15584234

Yes, fortunately. He ran up a six figure hospital bil

>> No.15584240

Oh sorry we need more mlk statues my bad

>> No.15584242

>In normal countries, the actual people of said countries build monuments to their ancestors.
Statues have always largely been built of contemporary people, aside from myths and legends and what not. Who is Churchill meant to be the ancestor of anyway you mong?

>> No.15584258
File: 254 KB, 1200x794, chargingbull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh sorry we need more mlk statues my bad
Fuck off.

>> No.15584266

wouldn't have to clean it up if leftist subhumans didn't vandalize it in the first place.

>> No.15584276


>> No.15584291
File: 276 KB, 900x600, It has been a pleasure, gentlemen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, look on the bright side. Millions of pounds are spent every year to clean the pigeon shit from those statues, now you won't have to pay taxes to keep them clean anymore

>> No.15584294

the absolute mental gymnastics... leftists truly are lying vermin.

>> No.15584301
File: 403 KB, 734x657, BONK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15584338

>the absolute mental gymnastics...
Then who was Churchill the ancestor of when the statue was built? Do you understand what mental gymnastics is?