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15583535 No.15583535 [Reply] [Original]

It's possible to use other media than books to do philosophy (like film)?

I want to make a sort of JRPG where I take two diferent political ideologies and explore in the story the two sides of the conflict, and eventually make the player see the fatal flaw in both political ideologies by taking them to their final extreme conclusions (as storytelling can allow us to explore).

I know people make fun of videogames as intelectually empty, but I feel I want to make a story to explore my interest for gamedev and philosophy and literature.

Besides, It really bothers me to see the contradictions of an economic/political system if you stay in another economic system, so I think it would be nice to use game language and storytelling potential to explore this idea in a original way.

>> No.15583599

How will you do something new? Something like this has already been done in Fallout. The Half Life games also explore phislophical themes. I want to know what your plan is. I'm not trying to put you down, I just want to know what you're envisioning.

>> No.15583614

>I want to make a sort of JRPG where I take two diferent political ideologies and explore in the story the two sides of the conflict, and eventually make the player see the fatal flaw in both political ideologies by taking them to their final extreme conclusions (as storytelling can allow us to explore).
So basically imperials vs stormcloaks in Skyrim

>> No.15583632

one of my first ideas is to explore why both socialism and marxism fails.

Eventually I want to make something like gnomoria + AoEII (gameplay) where there's a finite resource, like the character stamina and some day/night calendar system.

So you're the one who does all the work to sustain the town, but there's some issue, all your effort is shared among the npcs, who don't work.

So eventually the more you produce resources, the more richer is your town, which attracts more NPC who wont work but take your resources.

There's also some kind of democratic vote type of thing where every decision is made using a democratic system, but the npcs always vote in their best interest (usually something diferent than your goals).

So eventually your town becomes more like argentina.
But there's also the oportunity to seize power and make others work for you (the NPCs), which means you now become Stalin.

So you can explore which side to become, if Argentina (democratic socialism) or Venezuela (autoritarian communism/socialism).

>> No.15583634

Yeah it works, even better if it's deeper than political philosophies of ancap vs authoritarianism nazism etc fighting one losing. Most games explore it superficially like everyone gets the same thing then they fight

>> No.15583644

I like it anon

>> No.15583646

Literally look up Lost Odyssey

>> No.15583666

Except not shit, as despite the Stormcloaks being EVIL RACIST ALTRIGHT NAZIS the only times you ever face discrimination against certain races is by the Imperials.

I can see it totally going over people's heads if you don't make the fact that you actually have a point damn clear.

>> No.15583672

I'm going to put some communist flags and che guevara shirts on my town.


>> No.15583708

I think you misunderstand how democracy works. People don't vote in their best interest, they vote according to the narrative(ideology) that they are fed. For example, monarchs across the world had a tendency to legitimize their rule by claiming a divine right, and so long as enough people believe the narrative, power is retained. In a feudal system you only need to control a small number of lieutenants, but in a democracy you need ideology.
You should look into liberal crime squad. It's not two sided like you want, but it's worth thinking about.
The thing is that there is a lot of nuance as to why socialism and Marxism fail irl, and it involves understanding a lot of history and a lot of philosophy. It's not as if you can create a game with a certain set of initial conditions, have it all converge always to the failure of a particular ideology, and then claim that this is a good model of reality.
Politics is a chaotic system. You'll find that many Marxists are vulgar historicists. A less historicist view of Marxism would be something like: Marxism is not necessarily a shift in politics, but rather a shift in human ontology and psychology. But then we're getting into the nitty gritty parts of philosophy which are not so easy to skillfully express in narrative or gameplay.
My advice would be to not be so general. Be specific: how exactly do you want the game to play. Hand wavyness is the death of many software projects. Come up with very specific documentation and then you can start to build it with the correct architecture and design patterns, and so on.

>> No.15583723

ok, let me define more in precise technical terms my idea.

It's a critique of the central planning model, basically.

>> No.15583729

>I want to make a sort of JRPG where I take two diferent political ideologies and explore in the story the two sides of the conflict, and eventually make the player see the fatal flaw in both political ideologies by taking them to their final extreme conclusions (as storytelling can allow us to explore).
Almost every game does that, you retarded amerimutt

>> No.15583742

Film is now philosophy’s default medium

>> No.15583756

Not the op but it was kind of you to give such detailed feedback to him. Thanks for making /lit/ a worthwhile place

>> No.15583847

So would the gameplay manifestation of that be: If you micromanage everything you're guaranteed to lose, but if you set down some rules and leave people alone then it'll work?
Am I wrong? This is not easy to express in gameplay with any sort of nuance, that's my take. Besides, Marx advocated for a classless, stateless, moneyless society, so while the central planning model stems from Marx's ideas, it does not mean that a centrally planned state is Marxist. You can make a decent argument for calling it a transitionary model, but to claim that this is end-game Marxism would be a mistake. You should refocus onto what is the nature of power amongst humans? That would provide you with better tools to criticize the failure of past Marxist states, and start to understand the rise of the modern CCP.

>> No.15583865

more like eventually the system fails because there's not enough resources (in this case the character stamina system and the night and day system sets a phyisical hardcore system in the design) and eventually more and more NEETS start leeching of the player resources.

At some point the system declines (argentina) or becomes totalitarian (venezuela).

>> No.15584636

Yes I use my TTRPGs to explore simple concepts like the meaning of freedom, loyalty, patriotism and the like... Many settings can easily be turned into theme parks