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15577989 No.15577989 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books that can help one diagnose psychological issues that cause social awkwardness? Sometimes I realize I'm acting autistically, but I can't stop. I want to understand the causes for these issues and address them, so I'm wondering if anyone can recommend some books that discuss exactly why some people are more socially proficient than others, and investigate the psychological issues afflicting the various subtypes of the social inept.

>> No.15579039

the big book of reddit

>> No.15579058

You cannot diagnose yourself, anon. That is not how it works. You shouldn't feed those kind of thoughts either, I'm being serious. You can develop those things just because you are thinking that you have them. Seek professional help.

>> No.15579060

any books thatll get me a gf like op pic

>> No.15579069

the big book of reddit

>> No.15579070

>Believing you can outthink yourself and your mental problems.

I remember being young.

>> No.15579071

Your problem is called being ugly. I've never once in my life saw an attractive person who was socially inept. "I'm introverted/autistic" is just your brain telling you that you aren't fit for procreation and therefore human contact is unnecessary. Focus on sciences, arts, and solitude

>> No.15579074

just read siddartha and the empty mirror, start meditating and working out, also force yourself in to these awkward situations so you can train yourself to get better. experience > reading what to do

>> No.15579090

she looks attractive from afar but analyzing each individual feature (lips, nose) makes her go from an 8 to like a 6. Literature that explains this phenomenon

>> No.15579094

Learn about mental illnesses. Wikipedia articles should suffice, it’s not that complicated. You may have to reread some to remember the differences. Try throwing in some random pubmed searches and reading what you can. Google them.

I diagnose people pretty often. I recently diagnosed my girlfriend’s brother as aspie after hearing him talk on the phone once. Him and the rest of his family agree, and now he’s having this realization about himself and how it’s always affected his life.

>You cannot diagnose yourself, anon
Spoken like a true mid wit

>> No.15579102

The Fox & the Grapes

>> No.15579110

you sound like a fucking sociopath gtfoutta here faggot

>> No.15579115

Effective composition
When the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Yung Anne Hathaway is an extreme example, half of her features individually look like a circus show but all of them together work somehow

>> No.15579132

> Self-diagnosing mental illness can be dangerous for one's mental and physical health


Don't listen to this, OP. He doesn't even know what a DSM-5 is.

>> No.15579137

the big bo

>> No.15579156

There's definitely a correlation, but I'm fairly attractive but completely inept. Women are generally interested until halfway through the second date, when they're dating a mask.

>> No.15579161

Man my posts are completely incomprehensible at 430 am

>> No.15579390

>go to a therapist, work on some anxiety, self esteem and other issues
>get better, start feeling happy
>say that I have no problem being alone, and that it's great
>therapist tells me that we can only work on things I want to change, if I'm fine being alone than that's fine some people are like that
>end therapy

Were they right?

>> No.15579430

>say that I have no problem being alone
Most people who say this are lying to themselves. Your therapist probably realised this but just couldn't be bothered to deal with it.

>> No.15579662

How do you keep yourself together to even get to that point?

>> No.15579691

>Your problem is called being ugly. I've never once in my life saw an attractive person who was socially inept. "I'm introverted/autistic" is just your brain telling you that you aren't fit for procreation and therefore human contact is unnecessary. Focus on sciences, arts, and solitude

"pro-inflammatory cytokine markers get into the brain and do affect behavior and mood. And it’s not just humans who experience sickness behavior. These mood changes and behaviors can be found in all mammals and birds. This behavioral adaptation is thought to protect other members of the community from disease by making the sick members feel the need to separate from the group."

It's more likely than you think.

>> No.15580086

You're beautiful. Seriously. I've never seen you but I can guarantee you that you are. You are a woman. You are a female homo sapien. And for that reason you will always be a magnificent heralding of what millions of years of evolution has to offer, and men will find it mesmerizing. You are nature's work of art. You don't have to be the Mona Lisa or the sistine chapel to be beautiful. You have a lot to be proud of, honey. It's hard in our rigorously elitist society of late, but you are without a doubt attractive and appealing to the opposite (or same) sex. The tips in this thread will help, but confidence cannot be faked. Just know that you're fabulous and the world will follow you along.

>> No.15580165

ok, simp

>> No.15580201

goshdarn what a cutie

>> No.15581739

This is half true. Pretty people can be socially inept, but there's an proportional relationship between attractiveness and the amount of social ineptitude you can get away with. When an ugly person is acting tard, you grab the pitchforks and let them rot with the groundlings but attractive people usually have to do it far more brazenly and for longer before they get cast out of eden. I've known some real autists whose only saving grace is that they are exceptionally attractive and I've had to talk to them for quite awhile before realizing that they are completely unfit to socially engage with others, they do things that make me raise an eyebrow but they get way further than the mouthbreathing retard you can spot a mile away

>> No.15582668

Can someone really be this retarded?

>> No.15582694

He's right.
Especially if you're an edgy teenager taking pride in being speciul.

>> No.15582699

He just have some problems, I had some before. Now I'm fine, but I used to be even more retarded than the OP. And did all the stuff I told him not to do, ended up almost killing myself.

>> No.15582725

your personality adapted to the environment. primary cause of disorders are parents with their tyrannical control. we are born equal, parents should be brothers, not boss, priest, chief psychiatrist, husband.

>> No.15582728
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When I was a teenager I used to try to diagnose everyone around me because I stole a copy of DSM 5 from my therapist. Not a great way to live and interact with others, but if you’re wanting to self diagnose look no further. I could probably be a psychiatrist because of the amount of times I’ve read this.

>> No.15582752

This is retarded. I went to a psychiatrist, they prescribe you some drugs and you leave. You don't need to pay some faggot to tell you what you already know.

>> No.15582771

shit bait.

>> No.15582823

The trouble with self diagnosing is that people often romanticize a particular illness, so they convince themselves that they have it. A good psychiatrist and psychologist can see through your bullshit and will ask for specific details

>> No.15582892
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>> No.15583123

based, imma read that shit as well