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15576488 No.15576488 [Reply] [Original]

Books about the effects of the internet, digital technology, social media and the proliferation of memes as the primary mode of online discourse?

Doesn't have to necessarily be about all at once. Both fiction and non fiction welcome.

>> No.15576501
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Only one cure for internet/vidya/porn addiction.

>> No.15576511

>Marshall McLuchan - The Medium is the Message
>Jean Baudrillard - Simulacra and Simulation
>John David Ebert & Brain Francis Culkin - Hypermodernity
The last one more so than the other two but Baudrillard and McLuhan are great resources to keep in mind on this topic

>> No.15577157


>> No.15577326

Fanged Noumena and The Shallows.

>> No.15577610

yea Nick Land actually isn't a bad idea for this topic

>> No.15577620

Radical Technologies - Adam Greenfield
New Dark Age - James Bridle
Bit Tyrants - Rob Larson

>> No.15577625

Byung-Chul Han

>> No.15579053

the shallows,kill all normies, it came from something awful for a serious interest
I hate the internet by kobek for 4th degree shitpost on vapid twitter in 2016

>> No.15579076

big book of reddit

>> No.15579501

Explain this gay ass meme

>> No.15580566

>shitpost on vapid twitter in 2016

>> No.15581103

the book is suppose be written like a vapid sjw tweeting like how some African village is being buttfucked by some army, write about how femboys and traps are transphobic slurs, mention terfs and how they're haters, can't see anything as not misogynist or brimming with racism, change their profile pic for a day in solidarity with some trending movement, and end the day retweeting ben&jerry's woke statements on blm. They do all of this while oblivious to how twitter is a company taking tax cuts with using the sjw as a +1 data point for whoever the highest bidder is and how b&j are using the movement to help sell their teeth rotting obesity helpers for a profit while gaining social points among the people. I don't recommend actually reading the book, it is the biggest example of "ironic shitposting is still shitposting" with instances of the book telling you it is bad. In reviews, it is supposed to be anti-literature. Considering we're both on this board, I think we both knew that and know this book is shit. It is very interesting in its trolling.
I think I should re-evaluate my life at times.

>> No.15581106

you must read the big book first

>> No.15581124

take your meds.

>> No.15581389


>> No.15582457

Nathan Jurgenson's The Social Photo: On Photography and Social Media

>> No.15582479

Sad by design