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File: 45 KB, 1057x488, screenshot-litquarterly.ca-2020.06.10-20_07_27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15576268 No.15576268 [Reply] [Original]

Will litquarterly.ca have a chance at respectable magazine?

>> No.15576318

idk post an excerpt from it

>> No.15576378
File: 114 KB, 620x788, lq2feature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, we are and will continue to be a respectable magazine. Each issue is better than the last.

pic related an excerpt from the featured fiction of LQ2.

>> No.15576411


>> No.15576434

ultra fucking violet

>> No.15576459

I disagree. The piece as a whole is a wonderful short story. It has its purple moments, but is a surprisingly bleak and restrained piece in its entirety.

>> No.15576520

Do y'all take essays? I got one ramblin' around the ol' noggin

>> No.15576532

Wow looks like I need to get writing.

>> No.15576535

Yes. First issue had none but the second edition had two. Third edition has two as well.

>> No.15576770

That's a self-indulgent piece of writing. What was the selection process for this issue?

>> No.15576775

So glad I found this! As soon as I have something polished up I will absolutely send it your way. The magazine looks really interesting.

>> No.15576796

Read the whole piece. I assure you that "self-indulgent" is not how it reads. Perhaps I picked a bad, contextless excerpt.

Looking forward to it. Fall 2020 submissions have already exceeded 30 pieces (total: poetry, fiction, non-fiction).

>> No.15576799

Is that the best you have to offer? If so, you have shit taste as an editor.
Also, your website is trash. The links to your online editions don't even work.

>> No.15576800

When is the spring edition printing Kyle

>> No.15576819

Right now. They told me today at the earliest (didn't happen) and Friday at the latest.

No. Just picked screenshot from my favourite fiction piece.
>your links don't even work
We're in the process of adjusting our model for distribution, brainstorming how to keep this thing alive as long as possible. As such, we are not distributing the PDF for free right now.

>> No.15576833

it's so purple that the story is absent

>> No.15576879

Do you have an estimate of when the summer edition's submissions will be chosen? I'm very excited for this

>> No.15576881

What is the selection process, though, and how many people are involved in the decision?

>> No.15576898

I get it if you're trying to make money to keep the lights on, but why include dead links? You could at least feature a few stories or poems from past issues like most lit mags do on their websites. That way people would get a better feel for the style of your journal and whether or not they'd want to buy a copy. Based on the lone excerpt you posted, I wouldn't be interested in buying an issue, but if you provided a broad enough sample of what you've featured, I'd definitely be more interested.

>> No.15576900

>Right now. They told me today at the earliest (didn't happen) and Friday at the latest.
Very cool. I have no idea how your print and distribution works. Will we be able to order our copies on Amazon when they start printing (let's say Friday), or is there a delay?

>> No.15576930

>We're in the process of adjusting our model for distribution, brainstorming how to keep this thing alive as long as possible. As such, we are not distributing the PDF for free right now.

The subscriber model with recurring payments is the best model. If you're using WordPress, it's a matter of installing a simple plugin. Find one that includes a paywall and drip content. Beyond that, a newsletter simply sharing the recently published stories and announcements to maintain engagement. Mailchimp lets you create designed emails for free for up to 2,000 contacts.

>> No.15576943

Haha monke
Oo oo aa aa hahaha

>> No.15576947

is it still accepting submissions?

>> No.15576965

Plus, people hate reading shit on PDF or its online variant, ISSUU.

>> No.15576996

From the excerpt. I just encourage you to read the story itself. It's called Damned Machine, and it was well received across the board.

Well, my co-editor is working through the poetry as we speak. I'm in the process of making the spreadsheet of the 250+ submissions. I'm hoping to have answers by mid-August, but understand that that's ambitious. We fell far behind during the spring edition (which, ridiculously, is coming out in June), but hope to get back on track in the summer but end of August.

This whole thing is a two-man operation. I collect and sort the works, my co-editor makes the bulk of the edits, especially for poetry, and we discuss which works would make for the best collection for the readers.

I hear you. That's something that is being discussed as we speak. All I ask for is your patience as we work out the best way to keep it going.

Once they notify me that the books are available, I drive 15mins across town to pick them up, take a quick flip-through to make sure nothings screwed-up, then I make a thread here and start shipping.

Thank-you. We've both agreed, at the suggestion of a friendly anon, that dripping content will go a long way. Myself...I'm a little reluctant on principle to put up a paywall, whether it works or not. My inclination is to charge more for the books themselves. But I'm willing to be overruled on this.

>> No.15577005

We accept submission around the clock. Submissions received now go into the Fall 2020 folder.

I agree. That's why I've been insistent on hard copies. I basically only read books in paperback/hardcopy form.

>> No.15577041


You must be illiterate if you think thats "purple", look at Oscar Wilde's writing and then you will see fucking purple.

>> No.15577094

hello dig-dug

>> No.15577341

This is really bad. Like something I’d write as a teenager. The author clearly doesn’t trust his readers to make even the most basic of inferences. “The headlights of the car behind his affect...” for example shouldn’t have the word “his” as it disrupts the rhythm and fucks everything up, but the author either didn’t edit it or thinks his reader needs to be led by the hand through absolutely everything. The prose is purple without being evocative or lucid or even phonetically beautiful. Everything about this screams amateur tryhard trash. If this is the best /lit/ has to offer there is no point carrying on with this journal. I just feel sorry for whoever was naive enough to think /lit/ deserved an outlet like this and actually put their money behind it.

>> No.15577379

lol, keep seething.
The work was well-written and well-received. Read the whole thing. Don't judge on an excerpt.

>> No.15577433

Nobody can read the whole thing because the pdfs aren't available on the site anymore.

>> No.15577444

>Thank-you. We've both agreed, at the suggestion of a friendly anon, that dripping content will go a long way. Myself...I'm a little reluctant on principle to put up a paywall, whether it works or not. My inclination is to charge more for the books themselves. But I'm willing to be overruled on this.

That'll take you a long way. If I recall correctly, you received about 200 submissions recently, right? Might want to put a call out for readers and a book 3 days off the calendar for a Zoom meeting to discuss each readers' selections.

>> No.15577450

No, but do it anyway. Respectability is a foolish thing to chase.

>> No.15577460

My impression is they want to preserve some of their vision. Then their main problem is how to scale without compromising their aesthetic commitments.

>> No.15577463

ilu kmd and anxiously await a response on my most recent submissions <3

you're doing god's work

>> No.15577464

I know. Email me and I'll send you the PDFs if you keep them to yourself.

So have a "team" process the submissions and suggest the best works from their pool? Is that what you mean?

>> No.15577657

There are so many indefensible blunders in this short excerpt alone — an excerpt that apparently typifies the best of the magazine, judging by how proudly the editor showcased it here — that I really have no desire to read the story or the journal, especially since I have to pay for them. Since I can’t sleep now anyway I suppose I’ll explain what I mean.
>abject presence of disgust across her pretty face
This is a horrible way of phrasing it. “Abject presence” is already conceptually flawed. A more natural way would be “presence of abject disgust”. But what is the need at all for abstracting her facial expression so far back that we are not even talking about the physical features and contortions of her face as it expresses disgust, nor even about the actual “disgust” in her face, but about the even more abstract PRESENCE of disgust that is across her (also abstract) pretty face? I’m not one of these prudes who thinks “show don’t tell” is an unbreakable rule, but in this case the contravention is indefensible.
>a mouth to beg in a wordless way not to say a thing
>tomb silence reigns and all is still
‘Twas a dark and stormy night!
>The headlights of the car behind his affect
Should be ‘the headlights of the car behind affect’. Trust the reader not to be a retard.
>If there were ever drivers at the wheel, a jet-black substance... [that whole sentence]
Bad for obvious reasons. Just poorly phrased.
>there is a feeling mounting
I know the “flame” is the feeling that is being described here, but there seems to be a disconnect between the statement of the feeling and its elaboration. It doesn’t really feel like the flame and the feeling are connected, when you read it, because there’s so much shit in between. The result is that it seems like “feeling” is the extent of the description, a very mundane phrasing indeed.
>distance diminishes and it bears down with the racking intensity of a panicked horse trapped inside a barn on fire
Fucking hell. If you’re going to use such a bad metaphor at all (you shouldn’t), then at least word it palatably. It’s so clunky I can’t believe it. “A barn on fire” is a child’s phrasing. It’s supposed to be a lit barn. If you don’t like that, use a thesaurus. “Panicked” is quite redundant. Is “racking intensity” (itself tryhard) not enough?
>that last paragraph
Don’t want to analyse in depth after that last one. No flagrant blunder, I think, but still nothing special.

>> No.15577704

Shoot me an email. litquarterly@gmail.com. I'd like to have you on as an reader/editor.

>> No.15577750


>> No.15577816

Sorry I can’t. Hope you find someone though.

>> No.15577821

would you consider a former contributor as a reader? or is that too much of a conflict of interest?

>> No.15577823

Why not, brother? I bet you could get away with a total of 15hrs per issue. That's 60 hrs a year.

>> No.15577833

Certainly. But you have to be measured, focused on tone and grammar, and be willing to give people a chance.

>> No.15577849

>ultra chad litposter
As a young phil student how can I start working towards being a good writer?

>> No.15577866

>So have a "team" process the submissions and suggest the best works from their pool? Is that what you mean?

Yeah, that's what most places are doing.

It helps ensure submissions are given a fair reading before the reader experiences burnout. As the lit mag grows in popularity, so will the number of submission, so it's a good structure to have in place. Probably helps you find some of the hidden gems, too.

>> No.15577885

Cool, I sent you an email (I'm assuming you are KM)

>> No.15577898

I think that's what we'll try to do.

Sounds good.

>> No.15577927

lol guys before you submit just realize you can't read the old editions for free like it says(try)

>> No.15577944

We're working on that.

>> No.15578000

I emailed my CV if you guys want some technical writing eye's on it let me know.

>> No.15578025

Will get back to you, thanks.

>> No.15578040

>I think that's what we'll try to do.
Cool. Is >>15577704 an open invite for readers/editors or just to the person you replied to?

>> No.15578059

If you want to be a reader and contribute to the quarterly, shoot me an email and I'll get back to you tomorrow am.

Open call, but not a fun job.

>> No.15578100


>> No.15578101

spiritual miracle lyrical

>> No.15578209

"Read Online" link needs to be fixed

>> No.15578210

Kind of been thinking of offering some help with the next issue, since I saw you post about getting a bit overwhelmed by the number of submissions. I'd be willing to go through a portion of the submissions and compare which ones I thought were good/bad and cross reference that to your judgements on the same submissions, to see if I have a similar vision or standards to you and your partner. Gratis obviously.

>> No.15578824

don't be so defensive, you should take criticism as a way to improve your magazine

>> No.15579322

Le bump

>> No.15579432

Finna send some shit your way. I've been published in over thirty magazines, but none of them were willing to take my edgier shit.

>> No.15579495

>Nooo writing has to be clear, it must only convey the STORY
fuck off back to /r/eddit, we are ARTISTS here

>> No.15579524

Is there a way to buy from Amazon UK yet?