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15575191 No.15575191[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>destroys trans activism for good

Holy shit, she truly is the best writer of our time


>> No.15575196
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I love her.

>> No.15575270

Based Rowling, this is actually big

>> No.15575275


Why did you guys tell me she was cringe? Show me any other write with the balls to truly speak out against it. You can't.

>> No.15575289

Holy shit, who the fuck cares? Do the trannies even care? What the fuck do you care if some woman you never met said women have menstruation? She's not stopping you from being trans or anything.

>> No.15575319

As surprising as it may seem, people who frequent /lit are more interested in someone's writing than his political views. Consequently, criticism on /lit doesn't extend to all areas of someone's existence, but rather applies just to their writing and related activities.
Why are those posts allowed to survive? This isn't the first one I'm seeing. Are the janitors currently in jail for involvements in riots or something?

>> No.15575425

How is this not /lit/ related? It’s a political essay by a world-renowned writer. Fuck off.

>> No.15575521

> If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/.
Also, a political essay? It's not exactly a philosophical treatise in which Rowling carefully dissects the arguments offered by trans activists, traces their political roots, offers rebuttals, and cogitates on the implications for society. She details her feud with trans activists, bitches and moans about her suffering, and concludes with platitudinous pleas for a better world. Fuck off to /pol.

>> No.15575537

nobody cares transphobe get off my blueboard

>> No.15576067


she litteraly was passive aggressive for a bit and she will never be more since she´s a liberal who jerks off on civility

so give up, female peterson aint happening boi.

>> No.15576335

>her entire point is that "trans people" are people who were convinced by their peers on the internet that they are different gender

>> No.15576345
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>"I want to be very clear here: I know transition will be a solution for some gender dysphoric people, although I’m also aware through extensive research that studies have consistently shown that between 60-90% of gender dysphoric teens will grow out of their dysphoria. Again and again I’ve been told to ‘just meet some trans people.’ I have: in addition to a few younger people, who were all adorable, I happen to know a self-described transsexual woman who’s older than I am and wonderful. Although she’s open about her past as a gay man, I’ve always found it hard to think of her as anything other than a woman, and I believe (and certainly hope) she’s completely happy to have transitioned. Being older, though, she went through a long and rigorous process of evaluation, psychotherapy and staged transformation. The current explosion of trans activism is urging a removal of almost all the robust systems through which candidates for sex reassignment were once required to pass. A man who intends to have no surgery and take no hormones may now secure himself a Gender Recognition Certificate and be a woman in the sight of the law. Many people aren’t aware of this."

>> No.15576360
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>We’re living through the most misogynistic period I’ve experienced. Back in the 80s, I imagined that my future daughters, should I have any, would have it far better than I ever did, but between the backlash against feminism and a porn-saturated online culture, I believe things have got significantly worse for girls. Never have I seen women denigrated and dehumanised to the extent they are now. From the leader of the free world’s long history of sexual assault accusations and his proud boast of ‘grabbing them by the pussy’, to the incel (‘involuntarily celibate’) movement that rages against women who won’t give them sex, to the trans activists who declare that TERFs need punching and re-educating, men across the political spectrum seem to agree: women are asking for trouble. Everywhere, women are being told to shut up and sit down, or else.

>> No.15576361

Trannys care about hary potter, therefor.

>> No.15576370
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troons and fags despise women who fail to tow the line

>> No.15576386

Ngl this is my basic opinion. Based harry potter women.

>> No.15576396

"The same phenomenon has been seen in the US. In 2018, American physician and researcher Lisa Littman set out to explore it. In an interview, she said:

‘Parents online were describing a very unusual pattern of transgender-identification where multiple friends and even entire friend groups became transgender-identified at the same time. I would have been remiss had I not considered social contagion and peer influences as potential factors.’

Littman mentioned Tumblr, Reddit, Instagram and YouTube as contributing factors to Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria, where she believes that in the realm of transgender identification ‘youth have created particularly insular echo chambers.’

Her paper caused a furore. She was accused of bias and of spreading misinformation about transgender people, subjected to a tsunami of abuse and a concerted campaign to discredit both her and her work. The journal took the paper offline and re-reviewed it before republishing it. However, her career took a similar hit to that suffered by Maya Forstater. Lisa Littman had dared challenge one of the central tenets of trans activism, which is that a person’s gender identity is innate, like sexual orientation. Nobody, the activists insisted, could ever be persuaded into being trans."

I love her so fucking much

>> No.15576410

She's pretty based.

>> No.15576421
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>It would be so much easier to tweet the approved hashtags – because of course trans rights are human rights and of course trans lives matter – scoop up the woke cookies and bask in a virtue-signalling afterglow. There’s joy, relief and safety in conformity. As Simone de Beauvoir also wrote, “… without a doubt it is more comfortable to endure blind bondage than to work for one’s liberation; the dead, too, are better suited to the earth than the living.”

>> No.15576424

even being chemically castrated doesn't stop incels from wanting love from a real woman

>> No.15576437

Best thing she ever wrote, but she's still a neoliberal Blairite shill and cunt author of bad children's lit.

>> No.15576439

Her main argument is basically "I was SEXUALLY ASSAULTED so you can't criticise me!!!!" and still insists she supports trans women
Just say the whole ideology is fucked and get on with your life

>> No.15576442

should've linked that 60-90% study instead of just talking about it

>> No.15576451

She also did a lot of research about the issue. She's basically mostly afraid that Trans activism is a sacred cow and anybody can use it for their benefit if they claim to be a woman.

This woman is based for being the only celebrity beside maybe Donald Trump, who goes against that trans mafia.

>> No.15576469

>and, of course, for my books to be burned, although one particularly abusive man told me he’d composted them.
kinda based tho

>> No.15576472

That research is bullshit though, the supposed "experts" on trans people don't have a clue. We simply don't have an objective understanding on the intersection of brain chemistry, identity and culture
It's just people qualified in other areas giving their two cents based on limited interactions ""treating"" trans people

>> No.15576479


>> No.15576509


>anybody can use it

Which is the original argument people had against it.


a few years ago now this debate in the USA really took off because some guy was in a girls bathroom and when he got arrested he said "I'm a woman." People railed against this as bullshit, but the pro-tranny faggots deliberately shifted the argument to be "they're calling all trannys pedophiles"

The talking passed each other in discourse and the bathroom debate all stems from that one dude harrasing girls and then claiming hes a girl. I wish I could find the article but I'm too lazy.

This whole bathroom tranny bullshit and all trannys are pedophiles are smoke and mirrors, and anyone addressing these arguments has falled for the trap. The real problem with transgender is using it as a post-crime excuse. You spend all day jerking off in a ladies room, licking toilets and then say you're a lady. It's insane

>> No.15576522

>>We’re living through the most misogynistic period I’ve experienced. Back in the 80s, I imagined that my future daughters, should I have any, would have it far better than I ever did, but between the backlash against feminism and a porn-saturated online culture, I believe things have got significantly worse for girls.
She's right here. Zoomers are pretty bluepilled on everything but women.

>> No.15576533

Here's my translation:

>1) I'm a billionaire with fuck-you money so I really want to say "fuck you" on this particular issue, because why not.
>2) At the same time, I still enjoy being published and making movies, so I'm not looking to be completely ostracized like Harvey Weinstein et. al.
>3) So I've written this long essay that hopefully exudes enough SJWism so that I'm not seen as radioactive among the media elite cowards who greenlight the kinds of projects I want to do.

>> No.15576553

Why is she even still making content? Those fantastic beast movies look like total shit, and she must be ridiculously loaded. If she really wants to continue writing then do it under a pseudonym, and don't reveal it straightaway like she did with the last one
I guess she's just bored, I reckon most people on twitter 24/7 are, just like the people on here lol

>> No.15576574
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that´s like the tenth thread this week about her.

I know /lit/ is mainly a /pol/ offspring right know but the amount of identity politics is unreal here.

You know no one cares as much about transgender people as right wingers do?
Even the most progressive lib doesnt waste that much time caring about such an unimportant topic.

so what´s your game??
why you care?
What´s in for you?

>> No.15576583

>picking between historically oppressed women and a bunch of straight white men who decided to take some pills and dress up

How is this even a debate for them? Why the fuck are any of them picking the side of the trannies? It literally beggars belief

>> No.15576585

Yes everyone is trying to “cancel” her now, and the Harry Potter actors spoke out against her

>> No.15576592

That’s not her main argument though

>> No.15576597 [DELETED] 

4chan is literally the only place in the world where you can voice this kind of opinion and not worry about your job. It's a sanity check for the silent majority. Rowling is /lit/ so this shit makes it in as a technicality, but just let it be brah.

>> No.15576607

imagine biting the hand that fed you

>> No.15576614

She only just spit the dummy and wrote this essay yesterday, it's an ongoing thing

>> No.15576616

What are you talking about? They are not her children.

>> No.15576629

>I know /lit/ is mainly a /pol/ offspring right know but the amount of identity politics is unreal here.
Fuck off /pol/tard

>> No.15576631

This is the first real meaningful progress the conversation since Jenner came out. I cannot think of a better person to spearhead this shit than the world's richest wine mom.

>> No.15576632

Let me simplify it for you.
Her work gave birth to their acting careers and subsequent wealth.

>> No.15576650

this. seems suspect

>> No.15576664

Then how do we know its inate from birth then instead of enviornmental if we cannot say either way?

>> No.15576687

This isn't really a /pol/ thing, I hate /pol/ but I think you'd find 90% of people on 4chan find the whole trans thing ridiculous
And normally I wouldn't be interested in twitter spats but I saw this row was a major headline in the news today. It's just interesting because I think Rowling is being more than accomodating to trans people and still she's being painted as this evil bigot, it's really sad just how big this trans stuff has gotten

>> No.15576692

The actual tough pill to swallow: she's an excellent writer.

>> No.15576700

I don't follow you
My point is you can't know either way, and the "experts" suggesting we should accomodating people identifying as trans and give them hormones aren't any better placed to give an opinion. These are the same people who oversubscribe ADHD medicine to kids who are a little slow in school and end up messing with their brain development

>> No.15576704


>> No.15576708


Are you female? If not, she hates you. She hates all men who do not fit perfectly into a specific mould, a mould that she has created herself. She wants all men to behave a certain way and to have certain characteristics. If you do not fit the criteria, if you don't present as a gigantic beta the likes of Daniel Radcliffe, she simply resents you. She is a literal nazi. You're a pathetic cuck if you call her 'based', or if you say that you like her.

>> No.15576716

Newsflash: a 7.1 magnitude earthquake has just been reported with epicenter near Harold Bloom's gravesite in New Haven, CT. Developing...

>> No.15576719

Even the literal faggots on /lgbt/ hate trannies.

>> No.15576726


>> No.15576729

He's just stretching his legs.

>> No.15576731

She is a based radfem

>> No.15576738

based homos
neither faggots nor women want them

>> No.15576745


>> No.15576748

I read it. It's just okay. Now that she has time and space to think clearly, she censors herself quite a bit. I have no idea how to say this in today's world, but the point she is constantly circulating around is the obvious one: you have all these people in the LGBT community who have been struggling for years and now they are finally heard, but for some reason the Ts (a la Dave Chappelle) are the most vocal and dogmatic and aggressive, and when you just take a single step back and look at the forest for the trees, you see a bunch of straight, white males dressing up as women and co-opting the whole movement. So after all the humming and hawing about identity this and that, it's just a gigantic gang of aggressive straight white males in wigs endlessly harassing women.

>> No.15576763

Daniel Radcliffe likes trannies though so I doubt she wants men to be like Daniel

>> No.15576766

I stand in full solidarity with her. Enough of these so-called activists constantly silencing women in violent and oppressive ways. Enough of women receiving death and rape threats and losing their livelihood for stating the fact that biological sex exists and shapes women’s lives in ways men could never comprehend. Enough of women being unable to discuss the issues that concern them without having to include biological men in the conversation, otherwise it is deemed offensive. Enough of gender identity politics perpetuating degrading gender roles women have been fighting against for decades. Enough.

I’m glad JK has done this. It’s sad though that she’s only able to express what so many women feel because she is incredibly wealthy and can easily get away with being berated unjustly.

>> No.15576771

Oh so are you telling me that without those books there wouldn't be any other movies for them to work? Seems reasonable. You are absolutely right, anon.

>> No.15576784

Have you SEEN Radcliff acting?

>> No.15576787

He "wrote" a totally noncommittal paragraph for an LGBT charity that he and Rowling have worked for. It got conflated in the media with a twitter comment from a period tracking app that talked about uterine males.

>> No.15576790

This unironically. I legitimately think most of the baclash from actual female advancement came from the pracis of most visable feminist members which created a counter counter culture that made a bipolar devide when it once wasnt that much of a toxic subject. Pushing explicit slogans rather than imlicit changes.

>> No.15576792

Nope. Nobody has.

>> No.15576802


>> No.15576805

I mean, that's the standard TERF interpretation of the phenomenon, right?

I'm neither a feminist nor a tranny, but as a human being I can definitely sympathize with the former over the latter. "After all this work defending the girls-only treehouse, the bastards try to sneak in the back door by throwing on a frock and some lipstick? Fuck that!"

>> No.15576807


>> No.15576809

/lgbt/ is like 90% tranny posts though so yeah, the few actual fag threads on there aren't particularly amenable to trannies but good luck finding them on the tranny board. at this point trannies need their own fucking board for their horrible shitposts but it will never happen because removing the T is a big progressive no-no and 4chan doesn't really need MORE boards dedicated to faggotry anyway.

t. homo who would vote for the legal murder of these monstrosities

>> No.15576837

I don't care about his acting. Do you realize what are you saying? So I can't have any divergent thoughts outside professional environment than my "boss". She doesn't own anyone's mind, what is wrong with you?

>> No.15576864

Have sex incel

>> No.15576905

Is it really a problem though? Who gives a shit if you say "menstruating people" instead of women, why should women be offended by that? As a guy I couldn't care less if I read "people with penises" instead of "men" when referring to something relating to the penis, and I can't imagine the deranged psychology of someone who does care. Trans people want pretty mundane and banal concessions to live out their lives like everyone else but people like Rowling feels like it's some awful culture war with far reaching repercussions that will wreck society. It's fucking nothing. Fifty years from now the suicide rate for trans people will have drastically dropped because of the sort of work being done today, and these complaints and long-winded essays by TERFs will be historical curiosities, like the hang-wringing about same-sex marriage or interracial marriage or whatever else people were so anal about that ended up being fucking nothing.

>> No.15576916

I think part of the problem is in trans being such a vanishing and disparate minority, if you're vocal enough you can be the despotic trans king and claim to be the voice of the group and get a bunch of people trying to show how allied they are being your personal army.

>the standard TERF interpretation
There isn't a standard TERF anything, the slur gets thrown around at anyone certain """trans""" people don't like. Because TERF is a group defined as the general opposition to a particular kind of trans voice, it includes all sorts of views, most of which are boringly mundane.

>> No.15576928

>"people with penises"
Is that the equivalent?

>> No.15576956

I didn’t realize how much hate lesbians have been getting from these uber progressive types

>> No.15576960

These newly policed norms, as the essay addressed, have significant costs to the young and impressionable.

Also, her defense of terminology, even if you think it is meaningless, is still a defense of truth, which shouldn’t so carelessly be dismissed with the air of “no skin off my nose.” Further, the term “woman” has greater significance to women than “man” does to men. Man is universal, whereas woman is particular.

>> No.15576969
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books about being a disposable fuckboy for a rich milf?

>> No.15576970

They're not progressive, they're wolves in sheep's clothing. They're men trying to fuck a dyke essentially.

>> No.15576982

The Graduate by Charles Webb

>> No.15576986

Words like Men and Women didn't descend down to us from God with some definition we have to conform to. They're words humans invented to make sense of the world. There's chromosomal sex and biological sex and phenotypical expression and we decided to use the same binary lingo to refer to these interrelated concepts. If we had different words for XX and XY than we do for penis-people and vagina-people and different words for gender expression then we wouldn't be having this argument, but instead we have the same words for all these things and take discussion of trans issues as some attack on Truth.

>> No.15576994

>Words like Men and Women didn't descend down to us from God with some definition we have to conform to.
Nice private language argument you fucking bug in a box.

>> No.15576998

You don't care because you don't get punished for basic biological functions. Women being useless is baked into many cultures, there's a reason why places like China and India kill female babies on birth and women get banished to huts or shunned when they're menstruating. There's no equivalent for men and larping about being a true and honest woman doesn't change the fact that your socialization and inherent societal worth has been set from birth.

>> No.15577015

Of course words aren’t immutable, but it seems like willful ignorance to ignore the definitions historically associated, and their use in the development of rights and self-understanding.

>> No.15577019

Buddy, then why is the party line TRANS WOMEN ARE WOMEN? Think a little before you write.

>> No.15577030

Where words and concepts come from matters if we're talking about terminology being tied to truth. I don't see the changing definition of man and woman being related to an attack on "truth", it's simply a broadening of concepts that recognize greater nuance in the world than when we were cavemen.

>> No.15577038

Because it's a deliberate broadening of the definition of words we have created and an attempt to communicate that? I don't know what you're getting at.

>> No.15577048

> I’m also aware through extensive research that studies have consistently shown that between 60-90% of gender dysphoric teens will grow out of their dysphoria.

Redpill Rowling is my favourite new lit hero

>> No.15577051

most fags are extremely conniving, snide fuckers; women like to gossip with them and often forget that this is a venomous personality trait for a man to have.

>> No.15577057

I didn't think I could love a woman more than I love Donna Tartt yet here I am

>> No.15577060

So? Rowling was upset that "people who menstruate" was used, language that is inclusive of trans men. Why would it have been better to say "women" and exclude trans men?

>> No.15577093


>> No.15577109

I hope she does a full switch to the conservative side

>> No.15577114

Trans men are women so that’s redundant

>> No.15577116

... read what you wrote again
> If we had different words for XX and XY than we do for penis-people and vagina-people and different words for gender expression then we wouldn't be having this argument

Then accept that and use a different word. 99% of people aren’t the aggressors here in this argument. Use logic and ask yourself if unspecific words are the problem then why do you care so much about inserting yourself into one that exists and making it even more of a problem? Read your own post again.

>> No.15577119

But it’s not the specific instance, right? It’s more so a fundamental incompatibility between the fungibility of gender and the feminist tenet of a specific essence that separates them from men (perhaps deriving from the subjugation of the former by the latter).

>> No.15577123

>Why would it have been better to say "women" and exclude trans men?
Because the article was about creating a more inclusive society for women. They use the term "women" pretty much throughout the article, for some reason they used the clumsy "people who menstruate" in the title.

>> No.15577130

transgenderism don’t exist they’re just mentally ill self hating men and women

>> No.15577136

No prob.

>> No.15577144

Come on now, they don't just hate themselves.

>> No.15577160

There are also women who for various reason either do not or no longer menstruate.

>> No.15577162

they also hate “cis” people

>> No.15577168

>this tired argument
I didn’t say all women menstruate but all who menstruate are women

>> No.15577173

Yeah, hope she comes out with a controversial Hitchens-esque book of essays soon.

>> No.15577176

Here's how I think about Trans people.

You know that dude in college who did junior year abroad in X and came back speaking with an X accent? There are a multitude of ways of responding to that. You can bust his balls mercilessly, you can ignore it, you can humor him, etc etc. Myself, I'm pretty laid back so I let it go and converse with my neo-Xish friend as before. However, if the guy has invested himself so much into his new 'cultural persona' that he proclaims "I am literally an English citizen!" (or whatever citizen) and demands that all his friends and acquaintances acknowledge him as such... that's where I get off the bus. I won't mock you, but don't expect me to support your delusion. I'm more than happy to accept you as a newly well-spoken 'bloke' who happened to be born in Akron, Ohio... but don't press your luck. Transwomen are transwomen, not literally women.

>> No.15577180

Pretty sure I saw research like this where all children who didn't comply with gender norms (ie boys playing with dolls and shit like that) were tracked against the amount of those that went on to transition. Obviously the rates were very low.

>> No.15577190

"Men" and "women" matter most in a social context. The social recognition of gender is important to reducing dysphoria in trans people, the solution that maximizes the reduction of harm for trans people is one that uses the same words for gender whether you're cis or trans. It's better to make that concession for social recognition of gender and then coin new words for phenotypical expression so we don't have awkward phrases like "people who menstruate".

>> No.15577200

nice fanfic incel

>> No.15577204

It manifests in enough different cultures throughout human history that it's obviously an uncommon but predictably-present variation in human psychology. Gender dysphoria is as "real" as any other mental illness, transgenderism is the way we conceptualize it in our culture.

>> No.15577207

>Is it really a problem though? Who gives a shit if you say "menstruating people" instead of women, why should women be offended by that?
I give a shit. I'm tired a rainbow coalition of wealthy bored degenerates crying about how hard they have it and anything less than absolute submission to their make believe bull-shit is an act of oppression.

>> No.15577232

But that's not the point of the article or the tweet. The article was specifically about the act of menstruating. Rowling wanted to change "people who menstruate" to "women" which is both needlessly inclusive of women that don't menstruate and needless exclusive of (like it or not) people that do menstruate but don't personally identify with the term "woman".

JK is just bitching for no reason because like all terfs her entire identify revolves around being a woman and feeling put upon and downtrodden as woman qua woman. She's angry because the article didn't point to her particular identity as the cite of oppression which in turn didn't give her the self-righteous endorphins she craves.

>> No.15577233

Calm down you pseud tranny

>> No.15577236

There's definitely a grey area. I'd say that it would be nice for everything to be inclusive, but the important thing is that people don't have a significantly lower qol. So access doesn't have to be for everything, like if there are swimming pools that are women only they shouldn't have to take trans women, it's nice if there are some that can allow it, but even just having enough unisex ones are great. This isn't like the gay wedding cake shit.

I think most people agree with this tbqh.

>> No.15577242

>I'm tired a rainbow coalition of wealthy bored degenerates crying about how hard they have it
I'm pretty sure it's one of the wealthiest authors of all time who's crying about one of the most vulnerable, marginalized and poorest groups in our culture.

>> No.15577257
File: 232 KB, 1792x828, 47251A7F-CF92-423F-8926-B1E4FCFD036A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That entire essay just got invalidated

>> No.15577268

>lalala i don't hear you my fingers are in my ears
so this is the power of trannies...

>> No.15577283
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Are tranners just another consequence of industrial society?

>> No.15577284
File: 381 KB, 828x1792, 1C116792-3C84-425A-A2D6-795CFF1CE08F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t be mean anon, they’re literally sobbing over this right now. Have a heart

>> No.15577289

Marginalization on account of actions provides no victimship badge. Period. It doesn't matter if you're trans. It doesn't matter if you're gay. It doesn't matter if you're a fucking pedophile or an addict or anything else. Actions have consequences. You cannot possibly be so stupid that you think dressing in frilly dresses and calling yourself a woman while your 5" schlong hangs out your fucking skirt would have zero repercussions. There is zero equivalence between a woman who has to bear the consequences of being born a woman, something beyond her control, and a man who decides that he has to cut his dick off to solve some problem that in the majority of cases goes away on its own with time.

>> No.15577294

>Right to exist
Why do these people act like someone saying "You're not really trans, you're just confused and shouldn't mutilate yourself" is some kind of fucking death threat?

>> No.15577295

when did it become acceptable on /lit/ to post twitter screenshots as if there's anything to say about them

>> No.15577306

You’re posting in this thread too you fucking retard

>> No.15577311

I don't think we need to read what the author of the children's wizard boy story has to say about trans issues. Her opinion is about as fascinating and educated as any random anon's on this board and I don't know who would want to read over 3500 words in a single post on this board about it.

>> No.15577318

have a heart for the mentally handicapped, anon ;^)

>> No.15577343

>transgenderism is the way we conceptualize it in our culture.
It's a way, not the way. Many people have it and deal with it in different ways.

>> No.15577348

>Her opinion is about as fascinating and educated as any random anon's on this board
this has to be bait and pretending

>> No.15577353

>a man who decides that he has to cut his dick off to solve some problem that in the majority of cases goes away on its own with time.
This is not true.


"We conducted a systematic literature review of all peer-reviewed articles published in English between 1991 and June 2017 that assess the effect of gender transition on transgender well-being. We identified 55 studies that consist of primary research on this topic, of which 51 (93%) found that gender transition improves the overall well-being of transgender people, while 4 (7%) report mixed or null findings. We found no studies concluding that gender transition causes overall harm. "

The best treatment for trans people according to decades of medical research is gender transition. Doing nothing, burying it, etc lead to far worse outcomes. There are many studies in the attached link that show this.

>> No.15577355

We live in a society.

I remember when we had the Penny Mordant thing it was considered something totally alien. That was 5 or 6 years ago?

>> No.15577358

Everyone on this board talks out of their ass and calls themselves an expert

>> No.15577362

That wasn't my statement boyo. I said it goes away on its own, not that transition was harmful.

>> No.15577363

Are they long term longitudinal studies? What's the attrition rate? Because that's where you'll find most of the people that stopped wanting to transition.

>> No.15577376

>So access doesn't have to be for everything, like if there are swimming pools that are women only they shouldn't have to take trans women, it's nice if there are some that can allow it
This may be old-fashioned, but why can't the criterion just be "passing"? If a transwoman passes for female to the extent that nobody at the female-only swimming pool is made uncomfortable, isn't that good enough? The problem only arises when a bearded she-dude with a bulge thinks he can colonize the women's area due to his vagaries of self-concept.

>> No.15577381

Yes, some, for example:
> Dhejne, C., Öberg, K., Arver, S., & Landén, M. (2014). An analysis of all applications for sex reassignment surgery in sweden, 1960-2010: Prevalence, incidence, and regrets. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43(8), 1535-1545.
> There were 15 (5 MF and 10 MF) regret applications corresponding to a 2.2 % regret rate for both sexes. There was a significant decline of regrets over the time period.

I'm not gonna find all of them on that long list, but yeah, they're there.

>> No.15577386

Really highlights the mental illness...

>> No.15577398

I don't get it. Is that the dude from Opie and Anthony that fucks shemales?
(Apologies for not knowing all the twitter celebs).

>> No.15577414

Come on anon, we both know regret is a bad measure of whether a surgery is good or bad. Someone who has a strong emotional investment in transitioning and has built an entire identity around the necessity of transition is not readily going to admit that this was a terrible idea and has made their problems worse. We see marginal improvements in suicidal ideation post-transition but it's absolutely not a cure.

>> No.15577426

The only way it goes away on it's own is when the people end up killing themselves.
There's a lot of old boomers now that are transitioning now that they're about to die and don't give a shit anymore. They all say that they've been living with the pain and dysphoria for years.

Compare that life to those that transition early. It's usually pretty hard to tell them apart and in most day to day interaction you wouldn't treat them any different than any other cis man or women.

>> No.15577446

Regret isn't attrition and that's not long term longitudinal. So no.

I'll put it in lay terms: are there any studies looking at people from child through to adulthood that say they want to transition, and then looks at the outcomes?

>> No.15577461

It's a lot more than marginal. It's not a cure but it's the least bad outcome we can accomplish for trans people. It's not like no one is doing research on this, I linked dozens of studies done over decades around the world. There aren't any cures for any mental illness, all we can do is manage outcomes, plenty of them compare transitioning to "doing nothing" and transitioning is the better choice. Given that reality, we might as well accommodate the language for trans people. I don't give a shit if "men" included trans men, I'm not hurt by that broadened definition, but I know it can make a big difference to them, that recognition can decrease dysphoria. It would make for a better world, recognizing trans people, the same way it's better to treat anyone with mental illness with the best that modern medicine and psychology has to offer instead of locking them up or ignoring them.

>> No.15577486

>are there any studies looking at people from child through to adulthood that say they want to transition, and then looks at the outcomes?

>> No.15577504

>people who frequent /lit are more interested in someone's writing than his political views
hello newfriend

>> No.15577514

By this retarded logic, we have to ignore everything Schopenhauer said about Hegel and his students. I don't like Rowling but she's still in our wheelhouse.

>> No.15577544

Is R.L Stein's opinion on Palestine in our wheelhouse

>> No.15577554

If he has one, yeah.

>> No.15577582

Based Ant

>> No.15577589

Kinda want to read this tbph. Does it exist? Is it spooky?

>> No.15577614

She was the only famous person who defended johnny depp and she got shit on for that too

>> No.15577629

That was a rare piece of clarity from a modern-day popular author. Refreshing to read.

>> No.15577634

>this thread
the absolute state of /lit/

>> No.15577637

What’s your favorite hairy potter fan fiction?

>> No.15577639
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Imagine turning on the person who lifted you out of poverty into a life of wealth and privilege, to defend some creepy gay men in lipstick.

>> No.15577647

The one where harry stalks draco and eventually rapes him in a girls bathroom

I think it was called Half Blood Prince

>> No.15577648

Anthony Cumia is now bashing the shit out of Rowling for questioning his "totally not gay" fetish. He just can't admit his own homosexuality, so he's taking it out on a bestselling children's book author. Sad.

>> No.15577649

Fan fiction is banned anon. It's the one rule of the board.

>> No.15577656

Good analogy, that's pretty much how I (and I think a lot of people) feel.
I'm happy to say "yeah, whatever" to someone's mental disorder, but when it turns into mandatory society-wide emperor's new clothes scenarios of denying basic reality it starts to creep me out. You shouldn't lose your job for believing that biological sex is real.

>> No.15577665

Yea, but, what has she done for him lately?

>> No.15577682

But they're super sekrit.

>> No.15577686

I don't like trannies but radfems are retarded essentialists with an ideology that's been incoherent for hundreds of years.

>> No.15577709

This thread proves lit is filled with braindead twitter gossip-mongers. Read a book, please.

>> No.15577722

Okay, what book?

>> No.15577731

B-but she said trans bad

>> No.15577745

state of based

>> No.15577756

Twitter is Nosedive the website

>> No.15577766

Nothing can cure these people completely because we refuse as a society to accept that they're mentally ill. And we should not help them. The fact that these 1-2% of people are in the center of attention today tells a lot.
Who cares?
Their suffering will most of the time never go away... In fact, I believe the reverse, the more we talk about them, the more we bring attention to their well-being, try to help them in any way, socially accept in society (which will never be absolute), the more they think they are persecuted, become intolerant, agressive and suffer for it.
The only thing acceptable, is to let these people suffer in silence, just like it was before. Because as a society, we are not improving anything, we are simply making things worse. And I regret having to say it.

>> No.15577802
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>nobody posted the webm

>> No.15577836

Well she recognizes a part of the insanity in current year leftism. But she’s still got a LONG way to go before she arrives at the truth of things. She should pick up the Bible.

>> No.15577847

Interesting how it went to wanting to hurt her to wanting to make her suck on tranny cock than back to violence again.

>> No.15577856

twitter drama, everything I ever wanted to see in here

>> No.15577884

At least someone is taking a hard line stance against trannies.

Nobody likes them, for good reason, they're all legitimately mentally ill. Theres a reason they are disavowed by even their own allies within the 'LGBT community'.

It also fuels the campaign to dissolve gender roles entirely, where the concepts of man and women don't exist, and for a writer, she's obviously concerned with that considering the first battleground to achieving that is language.

>> No.15577888
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>> No.15577890

>Leftists are well behaved, psychologically sane and totally not part of a cult and here's why!

>> No.15577894

Is wouldn’t call her stance “hard line”

>> No.15577924

>No one will notice if I call sexually-fucked-up people like me "leftists" even if they reject everything about me.

>> No.15577974

I fucked a tranny once and can safely say it wasn't that fun. Real men and women are much better.

>> No.15578007

Common sense must be assigned at birth. because the trans Internet mob seems to have had it removed.

>> No.15578011

our Queen!

>> No.15578020

>anti-trans = writer good

>> No.15578122
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>But she’s still got a LONG way to go before she arrives at the truth of things. She should pick up the Bible.

>> No.15578123

why is that good?

>> No.15578126

That would be ideal, but please keep in mind that female-only areas are that way to protect women from men. "Looking feminine" has no bearing on any individual male's chance of being a threat, and there are plenty of men who will debase themselves for the sake of a fetish. It's a different story if they've had an orchiectomy, but for some reason that never enters the discussion.

>spellcheck tries to correct orchiectomy to hysterectomy

>> No.15578146

Don't know, but that's what the OP assumed. So I'm going with it.

>> No.15578148

No one's stopping them from being trans. Some woman in England mocking trans doesn't mean they have to not be trans now.

>> No.15578173

For what it's worth, these sorts of things are mostly going to be a no harm, no foul type of deal. If someone passes, uses a woman's facility without incident, no one is likely going to care.
But how do you legislate this? There's no one-size-fits-all for passing. Just because I can spot an adam's apple from a mile away doesn't mean my grandma can. And many transwomen believe they pass, but boy, do they not. This would also lead to non-passing transwomen to cry foul at the unfairness, because not everyone has the same chance of passing.
We either need to make gender-neutral spaces to accommodate transwomen / men or they need to shut the fuck up and deal with things the way they are.

>> No.15578175

It gives them fuel for their TRANS PEOPLE ARE ~~~LITERALLY~~~ DYING histrionics, so all in all, they're pretty happy about this recent turn of events.

>> No.15578190
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What did she mean by this?

>> No.15578198

I don't want transpeople to die, I wnat then to go on with their life. If someone is slowly trying to break off without starting any problems then just let them. Doubling down like a spazz won't make them like you when they clearly do not. I loved my grandma, I do not love the rest of you. It is that simple.

>> No.15578199

That despite making up 0% of the population they control 100% of the wealth.

>> No.15578208

Her Galbraith mysteries are some of my favorite genre fiction.

All of those HP actors who've publicly shunned her are the worst of the bunch IMO. Siding with the mentally ill Twitter mob over the woman who gifted them their careers.

>> No.15578214

But they are literally dying, do you know the stats about violence committed to them.

>> No.15578223

Trans people only die because they kill themselves or their boyfriend / pimp kills them. Transitioning doesn't ease the suicide rate so it can't be helped. Transwomen are inherently degenerate, so they're not going to stop doing sexwork, so being murdered can't be helped either.

>> No.15578229

Yes, they're less likely to get murdered than you or me according to statistics.

>> No.15578237

Except they are not mentally Ill, sounds like you bought into conservative pseudoscience

>> No.15578242

They are absolutely mentally ill AND they have a higher rate for personality disorders such as narcissistic personality disorder and borderline.

>> No.15578245

Public policy should be informed by scientific research and data we have collected on trans people. We have already made the determination that we don't want to live in a society where we throw the mentally ill in an asylum or just kill them, so since we're focused on bettering outcomes let's leave it to what the research says, which is that recognizing trans people's gender identity reduces dysphoria and leads to better outcomes. We really don't need input on this from children's literature authors, the only people we should be listening to are mental health researchers and trans people. It's like, I don't give a rat's ass what Christopher Nolan has to say about schizophrenia, I'd prefer to listen to the neurologists, psychologists, and the actual people with schizophrenia who can talk about their experience.

>> No.15578247

>Some woman in England
Sweatie, she's in Scotland.

>> No.15578249

Hooooooooo boy. You should get to know some transgender people and come back and say that. I'm /lgbt/ so I have to deal with them ALL the time. Most mentally ill people I've ever met and I've done multiple stints in psych wards.

>> No.15578250

Sure. Can you provide us with an argument as to why they are mentally Ill?

>> No.15578258

>It's like, I don't give a rat's ass what Christopher Nolan has to say about schizophrenia, I'd prefer to listen to the neurologists, psychologists, and the actual people with schizophrenia who can talk about their experience.
So stop uncritically watching A Beautiful Mind, it's literally propaganda.

>> No.15578264

She was already based when she defended Depp as everyone shitted on hin preemptively

>> No.15578266

Your personal anecdotes are literally irrelevant, google confirmation bias and then came back with an actual argument.

>> No.15578268

they have gender dysphoria, or at least most do, nowadays there are movements to declare you don't even need dysphoria to transition.

>> No.15578272

So says the keyboard warrior who has never done hard time surrounded by transwomen. I've put the work in, son. They are deranged.

>> No.15578273

I myself might be an actual schizoid and they are even too mentally ill for me.

>> No.15578274

Okay, but you still haven't offered us
any arguments. Why is gender dysphoria a mental illness?

>> No.15578280

Because it causes them distress to the point of upwards 41% of them attempt suicide at some point or another.

>> No.15578289

Personal anecdotes are not arguments. If you want to establish that trans people are mentally Ill, you need a sound argument. I think you know this.

>> No.15578290

>BTFOs trans-activists on twitter
>therefore, greatest writer of our time

Jesus fucking christ, please leave.

>> No.15578298

/lit/ is dead

>> No.15578301

40% try to kill themselves, dumbass. They are the most self evident example of mental illness around.

>> No.15578317

>Do the trannies even care?
Because in their mind the moment you stop being a victim you stop mattering.

>> No.15578324

>But how do you legislate this?
You don't. That's the thing. IdPol is great for riling up the masses on both the racist and tranny sides of the cultural divide, but such trivial horseshit has nothing to do with politics/economics/actual governance. The entire purpose of these tactics is to keep working people divided and at odds, and capital-holders united, fat, and happy.

Just to take an obvious example, the mouthbreating teens on /pol/ circa 2015/2016 literally thought they would be shifting the culture in a less SJW/PC direction by electing Trump. Is that what happened? Or, in fact, is "ClownWorld" what happened? All Trump really did is accelerate the transfer of wealth from middleclass working people to the idle parasitic class that dictates the elite agenda most people accept as reality in the form of corporate media. Culture in America is controlled by the corporate capitalist media (Hollywood, NYT, etc.), not by the POTUS. What the US government controls is the allocation of MATERIAL resources. Bottom line. If you want Wall Street and the ruling class to have more power, vote GOP. Your vote will not change the culture, either way.

>> No.15578332

trannies out

>> No.15578342

So if it was possible to cure or lesser gender dysphoria by medical transitioning, would you consider it a valid medical treatment?

>> No.15578351

Medically transition does not cure gender dysphoria and does not lessen the suicide rate.


>> No.15578357

Hold on, I give you a hypothetical question. What is your answer to the if statement?

>> No.15578372

What's the point of answering a hypothetical question that's already been shown to have no basis in reality?
I personally don't give a shit if people transition and I'm willing to respect pronouns even if I don't believe changing sex is possible. I do believe there are instances, such as sports and prisons, where sex segregation makes sense and where women (and men, to a lesser extent) should not cede to tranny mental illness.

>> No.15578375

Rowling isn't exactly Schopenhauer.

>> No.15578376

And as an /lgbt/ person, I can tell you there's a shitton of homophobia in the trans community. Like it's fucking built on it.

>> No.15578389

By what rationale are people who cause physical harm to their own bodies (via drugs, eating disorders, cutting, surgically amputating their genitals) not mentally ill?

>> No.15578397

Well because if we agree that if transitioning deals with gender dysphoria it is a valid procedure, it would be a straightforward empirical question as to whether it does or doesn't the job done. But if you think that even if it does, we still shouldn't accept as a valid procedure, it seems like you have a different issue with it.

>> No.15578407

>We have already made the determination that we don't want to live in a society where we throw the mentally ill in an asylum or just kill them
And why wouldn't we do just that? I personally don't want to live in a freakish circus where people yell at me because I refuse to call their prefered pronoun and don't want to see them dress in a fetish attire around my children. Mutilating a body is not helping anything. These people are hopeless, and as a large complex society, we will never content them.
Additionally, given the current demographics in the West, I would seriously worry about other things than the lives of some people with sexual identity disorders. Because a return to the a new dark age is not completely out of the equation.

>> No.15578430

What the fuck are you even on about, kid? I do not care if people transition. I have never cared if people transition. My dislike of the transgender community is based on my experience with them and their demands to take over female and lgbt spaces, not their transitioning. Only fundie Christians and Karens might care about someone cutting off their own dick and guzzling hormones. No one else gives a shit, myself included.

>> No.15578460


>> No.15578490

Most of her opinions are shit but at least she has the guts to defend them against actual adversity (ie not fantazised nazis), how many would have kneeled and begged for pardon already? She got my respect.

>> No.15578502


>> No.15578518

She has enough money that she no longer has any reason to give a shit what anyone thinks about her. She can say literally whatever she wants and there will be no cost to her beyond ultimately meaningless social censure

>> No.15578521

pretty sure this person has never met a tranny. the other posters are giving you undiluted truth and you are rejecting it.

>> No.15578523


>> No.15578527

If the harm on your body is done in favour of the psychological well being of the whole organism, I would argue that it is perfectly permissible. For example amputation of one arm to prevent an infectious disease to spread through the body.

>> No.15578528



>> No.15578567

Then why did you give me an article about how supposedly transition doesn't work? If you care more about trans women in prison we can talk about that instead. Do you think it makes sense for the little trans girl to go together with the burly male prisoners?

>> No.15578613

Why don't you answer the question in his place then. Give me some more of that undiluted truth.

>> No.15578616

Because psychos like yourself would be locked away or executed too. This paranoia about a new dark age would be pretty suspicious to any evaluating psychiatrist.

>> No.15578626

based. Fuck trannies

>> No.15578634

Would you lock Joseph Tainter as well? Neat!

>> No.15578635

Would you have respect for the bravery of kings for expressing their opinion to peasants in feudal times? Why do you think it's noteworthy that one of the wealthiest people in the UK is expressing their opinion without concern of how it would be received? Do you applaud Elon Musk's bravery for saying whatever he feels like on Twitter before banging his pop star girlfriend in his mansion?

>> No.15578650

>without concern

oh she had plenty of concern. you retards just don't notice

>> No.15578653

Crossfit, a 4 billion dollars business, died because of one tweet.

>> No.15578665

The DSM would beg to differ, and so would the first transgender experimentation results, namely John Money.

>> No.15578666

Since when is literature or theory relevant to the assessing the mental illness of individuals in this thread? It's not like the board is filled with scholars on trans issues, a bunch of neurologists or psychologists who have studied this shit, you're all know-it-all laymen who only know about trans people from shit you've read on image boards and fear mongering online. I would be fucking astonished if half of you have ever spoken with a trans person face to face.

>> No.15578676

>his pop star girlfriend
nah you make it sound hot, and not like his gf is Grimes

>> No.15578689

Really you shouldn't turn to any celebrities for political issues like this. This entire faux outrage is completely useless and Rowling is not affecting anyone with what she said. She is not a doctor denying you hormones or whatever.

>> No.15578695

If you think gender dysphoria is a mental illness, then if you were convinced that gender transition would cure or lessen their condition, you would be in favor of it. Correct?

>> No.15578717

Yes, because they are male. I'm possibly open to some sort of oversight committee placing non violent transwomen with no history of domestic abuse, sexual harassment, or rape in women's prisons, but if it's an either / or situation, throw the tranny in with the men.

>> No.15578720

Should we make a man who believes himself to be Napoleon the Emperor of France in order to "cure or lessen [his] condition" or just keep him locked up real tight so he can't hurt anyone?

>> No.15578743

Women who do not menstruate either do so because of medical interventions I. E. Using birth control, or because they have a medical issue that is exclusive to women. It is nowhere near the same situation as a mtf woman who never will menstruate no matter what. This stupid gotcha that people try with infertile women (who spoiler are still women but suffering from a medical issue) is incredibly tiring.

>> No.15578745

I'm a lesbian, dude. I've got tranners in my face 24/7.

>> No.15578746

there's no such thing as gender transition

>> No.15578835

>But accusations of TERFery have been sufficient to intimidate many people, institutions and organisations I once admired, who’re cowering before the tactics of the playground. ‘They’ll call us transphobic!’ ‘They’ll say I hate trans people!’ What next, they’ll say you’ve got fleas?
>Speaking as a biological woman, a lot of people in positions of power really need to grow a pair (which is doubtless literally possible, according to the kind of people who argue that clownfish prove humans aren’t a dimorphic species).

>> No.15578889

Kill yourself. Trans animals are not and never should be considered human.

>> No.15578943

Well written and rational essay. She wants to end cancel culture and calls out bigoted trans schizos for what they are: mentally ill abusers. Hope more celebrities start speaking out on this.

>> No.15578949

No, not pathologizing people for reproducing behavior patterns. K, not buying her box anymore.

>> No.15578960

t. schzoid. takes your meds tranny

>> No.15578967

>gender transition would cure or lessen their condition

This never happened though. "Gender transition" has never ever turned someone into a stable well adjusted person of the other sex. It has never improved somebody's life.
How we allow doctors to carry out these procedures is a mystery to me. It goes directly against the Hippocratic oath.

>> No.15578976


In a time where literal multibillion dollar business are bending over backwards for this crowd, yeah. Its good to see that some people wont appease these lunatics.

>> No.15578982
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>he takes corporate lip service at face value
Midwit detected

>> No.15578997

Seriously, are you that retarded? Thought people got irony in here.

>> No.15579008


kys commie

>> No.15579013

The analogy makes no sense because a dysphoria cannot, by definition, be a form of delusion, since it is not a propositional state. They experience discomfort with their current body, so they have to modify it accordingly.

>> No.15579022


The man feels discomfort at not being Napoleon. Stop trying to hide yourself behind semantics. Its the same silly trick as "gender =/= sex". Juggling definitions wont improve your shaky argument.

>> No.15579024

Yeah that's close to my position as well.

>> No.15579029

>the little trans girl

There is no such thing. Have you seen actual trans men? They are massive.

>> No.15579037

A woman is hailed as brave and wise for having common sense. Colour me surprised.

>> No.15579046

It absolutely has, have you not looked at any studies?

>> No.15579064

Then your analogy is still completely ridiculous. Wanting to modify your body in order to achieve peace of mind is completely different than demanding to become the leader of the country because not being so causes you discomfort. You can't possibly think this is a proper argument.

>> No.15579084

>There is no such thing.
Sure there is. Many trans women have a small frame, especially if they transitioned early.

>> No.15579104

>Wanting to modify your body in order to achieve peace of mind is completely different than demanding to become the leader of the country because not being so causes you discomfort.

I could make the exact argument in reverse. Wanting to modify your body in order to achieve peace of mind is completely different than demanding to become a person of the opposite sex because not being so causes you discomfort.

>> No.15579105

The other guy wasn't me. He's not wrong, but here's a clearer reason why you are not just wrong but stupid.

They may experience discomfort, but the purported source of that discomfort is clearly not a settled issue. The purported source and the purported remedy are linked, and neither are non-propositional. It is also impossible to assess the severity of their discomfort if you are going to isolate it to its non-propositional component. It may be that everyone experiences this discomfort and that healthy people react and make sense of it in a healthy and productive way. Therefore, the proposition that it is the fact that they are not living as women that is causing this discomfort and that this discomfort will go away or be reduced as a result of living as a woman is certainly a candidate for a delusion and is in fact a delusion.

By the way, the Napoleon analogy was made regarding issue of what we ought to do with people who are deemed mentally ill, the crux of your earlier point, not the nature of the illness to which you have now turned the conversation to suddenly (most likely because you don't know how to focus on a single logical point and let your mind jump around randomly in order to protect your ego) but I have chosen to join you anyway just because. If you have anything to respond to the original point I'm listening, but I think the answer is obvious: no we should not indulge the delusions of the mentally ill but work to turn them away from those delusions back to reality.

>> No.15579114


>Our freak experiments work great when we administer life altering hormones to little children!

>> No.15579120

I hope liberals eat her alive and then continue to get more and more extremely esoteric in their crusades. I already see white girls on instagram demanding that since it is both pride month and the negropocalypse, the only businesses anybody should buy anything from are "black queer spaces."
/pol/acks whining endlessly about this don't understand that it's the best way for it to go, the more they do this shit the more support they lose from everybody.

>> No.15579124

The only retarded conclusion is that /lit is for discussions of what this or that person thought about this or that person, regardless of whether it actually has anything to do with literature or whether it's a serious, specific philosophical work that can be discussed. Perhaps I should discuss the personal relationship between Wittgenstein and Anscombe while we're at it. You're told (in the post I was quoting) that that's not what /lit is for.

>> No.15579206
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Is this just going to be a liberal debate tactic? Suddenly claiming you're a abuse victim?

>> No.15579216

There was a time when I thought Rowling was a spineless panderer who licks boots of her political leaders, but then she raised the average tranny suicide rate to 80% and made the world a better place

>> No.15579246
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>going to be

>> No.15579318
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I mean she's actually just right.
The transgender movement and I suppose the LGBT movement in general is all about just painting everyone with the same rainbow colored brush turning everything into an indiscernible melange.
The way that these movements seek diversity is in fact by eradicating diversity itself something many people don't seem to realize is a far more dangerous and counter-intuitive course of action.

>> No.15579324

That cereal looks disgusting

>> No.15579336

she defo posts here

>> No.15579388

hafta disagree with you there bud

>> No.15579544
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>loving T*RFs
Look at me being all edgy and shit XDDD

>> No.15579580
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>> No.15579598

Urine - english overrated pederast-propagandist "writer" - clashed with shit - trans activism - or Escobar's axiom (The first shit, the second - too, it’s better not to choose anything from this). Hate all of them.

>> No.15579811 [DELETED] 

seething tranny go home

>> No.15579849

that kind of people never read Spengler and neither did you for that matter

>> No.15579871

>Perhaps I should discuss the personal relationship between Wittgenstein and Anscombe
Might make a change from the Wittgenstein and Popper, Wittgenstein and Norman Malcolm, and Wittgenstein and Parties on threads that are already common. I say jump on in if you think it'll be as fun as those threads.

>> No.15579880

>Parties on
Pattisson. Autocorrect isn't the greatest at acquaintances Witty picked up on train journeys apparently.

>> No.15579887

Wait, 4chan is feminist now and will fight to protect women from evil trannies?

>> No.15579894

yes, that's how bad trannies are

>> No.15579899

post chin and bmi with timestamp

>> No.15579903

My mom is a fat kraut and I myself do not have the highest IQ I admit it. What good is life for me? Why shouldn't I be returned to the Maitreya?

>> No.15580017

Is this the return of the prodigal son?

>> No.15580057

>I could make the exact argument in reverse. Wanting to modify your body in order to achieve peace of mind is completely different than demanding to become a person of the opposite sex because not being so causes you discomfort.
No that's just two different ways to say the exact same same thing. While your analogy compared a person wanting to do whatever she wants with her body with someone demanding becoming the emperor and everyone submitting themselves to their will.

>> No.15580126

>Therefore, the proposition that it is the fact that they are not living as women that is causing this discomfort and that this discomfort will go away or be reduced as a result of living as a woman is certainly a candidate for a delusion and is in fact a delusion.
First, of we were talking about gender dysphoria, which is not a propositional state, therefore it also cannot be a delusion. And even if I went along with your pivoting a mistaken belief is not a delusion. You can be wrong about what is the best treatment of x medical condition without being delusional.
>By the way, the Napoleon analogy was made regarding issue of what we ought to do with people who are deemed mentally ill, the crux of your earlier point, not the nature of the illness to which you have now turned the conversation to suddenly (most likely because you don't know how to focus on a single logical point and let your mind jump around randomly in order to protect your ego) but I have chosen to join you anyway just because. If you have anything to respond to the original point I'm listening, but I think the answer is obvious: no we should not indulge the delusions of the mentally ill but work to turn them away from those delusions back to reality.
It's not "indulging" anyone's delusions, because gender dysphoria is not a delusion, as I explained. Transitioning is a medical treatment of a mental condition. The studies have been dong, and it works, this is settled science.

>> No.15580132

>when we administer life altering hormones to little children!
Sounds like someone gulps down conservative headlines without doing any research.

>> No.15580170

kek imagine a world where we actually refer start unironically referring to men as "people with penises"

>> No.15580199

Holy...based.. trannies seethe at Rowling (pbuh)

>> No.15580333

The opposite.

>> No.15580375

Why should the body be changed rather than the mind?

>> No.15580458

She makes /lit/ trannies seethe. I like her.

>> No.15580581

I don't expect everyone to have a non-essentialist ideology, that's been my problem with the Maya Forstater business

>> No.15580587

We materialists now.

>> No.15580672

Go read the deffinition of essay.

>> No.15580691

It may not happen often, but it does happen and some people push for it to happen systematically/more often. This isn't limited to the right or conservative press, many people on the left also support or don't criticise this view.

>> No.15580700

Right back at you.

>> No.15580708
File: 148 KB, 894x1024, 1588147101041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biggest mistake the LEFT did was combining LGB with T. This is like adding Otherkins or Furries or people with Schizophrenia. Like WTF were you thinking actually teaming up with nutjobs?

>> No.15580795

T with the LGB makes sense for male attracted transwomen and female attracted transmen, but a straight man deciding he's a lesbian now (the dreadful 'transbian') or a straight fag hag female who fetishize gay culture and decide they're a fag now too need to get the boot.
These two sets also happen to be the worst offenders of narcissistic fury and demands for women to wax their balls and lesbians to suck their girlcock or, in the case of "gay" transmen, for gays to fuck their vagina or asshole and like it.

>> No.15580811
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>> No.15580838
File: 119 KB, 1280x972, 1591875344100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LGB was about orientation. About being accepted by Christian conservatives as either gay, lesbian or bi and not getting lobotomised or being "treated" by drugs like in 40's-70's to cure their homosexuality.

Now they added T and Q and "+" which mean basically any fucking looney toon who can fuck up their shit even though a mental disease in which "you dont accept your own natural body" is not the same as wanting to fuck someone of the same sex. Its on the same level of Otherkins who dont feel like human or Furries who want to fuck an animal. THose are classic mental cases that need therapy. Not some social shield and right activism.

>> No.15580858

Like the writings of Rene Guenon (pbuh), the truth of her words shines untarnished like the sun...

>> No.15580939

Is it safe to say she has redeemed herself after the "gay Dumbledore" shit?

>> No.15580948

T has always been a part of it, it just got subdivided. And male attracted transwomen / female attracted transmen are gay men and women just LARPing as straight so their orientation checks out.

I don't remember even realizing straight people LARPing as gay was even a thing until the past 5-10 years when it became socially acceptable with Caitlynn Jenner. Socially championed even, it's unreal.

>> No.15581063

An essay is an academic document that requires some formalistic qualities. It must be written from an objective point of view.
Even tho subjectivism is impossible, an essay should avoid giving arguments based on the personal experiences rather than being a rigorous study over a matter. She resembles more of a 'Cicero' school of rethorics, and I'd descrive her text as an 'opinion column' at best.

Now I'll write a formalisic reading just to make the topic /lit/ tier:
>She ends a lot of words with '-ly'
>She cites same author twice.
>She mentions studios, doesn't cite them.
>The reader can't corroborate the data she gives.
>She talks in the name of the cancerdyke that got cancelled for not sucking ladydick
>She doesn't answer the JQ

6/10 text.
tfw you couldn't scare her from behing, sneaking up to grab on them titties and feel her jump into an controlling embrace on your part. You can sniff the adrenaline from her hair, she trembles so frail in your arms as you drag it to the bed. She moans out, but doesn't vervalize consent.
tfw you don't help her rationalize it on the next morning and can't encourage her to divert her rage at trannies.

>> No.15581514

Look up Jazz Jennings.