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15574981 No.15574981 [Reply] [Original]

Any books about how social media ruined society? Stuff that touches these themes
>About it’s dangers like mass surveillance
>How fishing for ‘’likes’’ incentivize attention whoring behaviour
>Twisting of truths
>How people’s online personas take precedent over their real life ones

>> No.15574990

the big book of reddit

>> No.15574994

read ong, innis, mcluhan, baudrillard, debord and write your own

>> No.15575000

Yeah I want to write my take on the whole thing but I want to see different point of views on it first

>> No.15575013

Take the blindpill

>> No.15575014

Lord, I'd do anything to glaze those chocolaty buns

>> No.15575016
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Just get friends lol

>> No.15575027
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What’s that?
I do because I am against social media I refuse to speak to my friends online

>> No.15575029

Do you know Portuguese?

"Olho de vidro - A televisão e o estado de exceção da imagem" I read this book about the tv and it seemed relevant to this side of the internet.

>> No.15575040

No sadly but I know French fluently so if anyone has books related to that topic I’ll gladly look into the rec

>> No.15575053

Search for "blindpill" in the archive and download the chart.

>> No.15575081
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This it? Sorta some of the stuff I’m looking for but Infinite Jest? Sorta seems irrelevant

>> No.15575088
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>> No.15575098

4chan is social media, snowflake

>> No.15575101
File: 39 KB, 720x1080, C3248CE3-3A17-4AE7-82A7-CD89A9F7B5E6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book here? Thanks really seems like what I’m looking for

>> No.15575118
File: 211 KB, 1401x2000, F9A72C01-AB23-4263-A81E-B1D026FC9B52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is but it’s different. The fact that there’s no ‘’like’’ system and you don’t need an account is what I like about 4chan. I don’t need to have myself attached to it. I guess you could argue ‘’based’’ is the equivalent of a ‘’like’’ but whatever lol

>> No.15575202

I'm liking this meme

>> No.15575244

Liking or not is not the whole concept of social media. It's much more than that. 4chan is the same thing but for insecure young white males, echo chamber just like every other social media, the biggest difference is that you can't see much difference in the loser mindset between groups here since they all have the loser usa suburban mindset, different from facebook for exemple that has a bunch of different people that can make you step outside your bubble
4chan is pretty much a single bubble for losers that can't deal with their depressing lives echoing the same old beaten loser mindset

>> No.15575337
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I’ll bite since you raise an interesting point. You can’t built status on here which is one of the biggest contributors to the vapidness of other social media. I like to think anonymity allows people to say the things they would never otherwise say as it won’t tarnish their persona.

>> No.15575426
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I mean sorta? I think that’s a huge generalization. Depends on the board I guess but most people I know who go on this site are incredibly normal
Pretty much this is why I like it. You aren’t compelled to save face on this site because of the anonymity. There’s no race for ‘’how many likes I can get’’ there’s no oxytocin release either.

>> No.15575436
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>> No.15575459

That's so simplistic of you thinking that pleasing the ego is only about when people directly and actively praise you.
Being in a confort echo chamber of people that think the same of you and never having even the slightiest possibility of stepping outside your confort zone is also masturbating your ego.
All day long reading people that think exactly like you without even the possibility of stepping outside yourself.
4chan is the biggest circlejerk on internet
Maybe other social media you can receive likes or dislikes but here there's barely no need for this since uniformity is so prevalent. Uniformity even of backgrounds: young white males from suburban usa that doesn't study, nor work, nor anything, no friends to confront their ideas except literal anons that exactly for the fact of being anons they can desmiss easely every chance of being confronted since "it's only some anon" and only taking the posts that masturbate their own ego. Being anon makes even easier to dismiss or make a big deal of it, most here are losers trying to cope with life, so they only take things that they've heard from their mother at young age "you're special and smart", but society show them how much of not about him life is, but here in 4chan, there's only you and echoes of you in form of anons that you can believe os immediatly dismiss
4chan is for manchild that don't know how to cope with growing up in a world that isn't about them.
They cry tantrum and hate in unison against the world that isn't about his ego

4chan is definitely the worst of all social media because is creates and nourishes the worst in humans, vanity in the worst form, the one that the person doesn't even comprehend

4chan is full of vain hoes worst than instagram, cope with it by dismissing this anon, you'll filter, it's only an anon anyway

>> No.15575472

Enough projections it really isn’t that bad not everyone is like this on here

>> No.15575474

>there’s no oxytocin release either.
You don't feel approved only by likes, but also by echoes of your own mind in others
That's what's essencial about likes and why this behaviour always existed in all societies

>> No.15575489

Not everyone, not me. But you can't deny the vast majority

>> No.15575520
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Maybe but what I’m basically trying to say is that it isn’t ‘’big number of like good I feel validated
Certainly, I really think it just depends on the boards. Some boards just attract those types of people.

>> No.15575583

>Maybe but what I’m basically trying to say is that it isn’t ‘’big number of like good I feel validated
That's where you're missing the point. Being validated isn't only about numbers but about how you perceive the validation.
Even in facebook, for ex, even every 100 friends aunt think they're a "influencer". That's more essential than actuak numbers. Also validation doesn't need to come from other validating your point, but from other repeating the same point that you were thinking of. That's huge here.

>Certainly, I really think it just depends on the boards. Some boards just attract those types of people.
Not that much, even tho there's a very slight difference, foe ex, lit is more chill, pol is more extremist, vp is more pedo, etc, the main, the fatest part, the core is pretty much the core.
4chan is pretty unison compared to other social medias.

>> No.15575647

>even every 100 friends aunt think they're a "influencer"
I said 100 friends and that was not about the actual number but more about the bubble and the echochamber
But any aunt on facebook and be confronted by A REAL VISIBLEPERSON WITH A FACE AND FRIENDS AND LIFE AND ETC that validates the confrontation. It doesn't happen here. Every confrontation against you is simply "cringe"
4chan is extremelly hedonistic if you look closer. It's all about narcisism
That's why i always come to lit, you guys know how to rec me book because we barely different

>> No.15575656

Can be*
Also, that's why soft onions boy memes and stuff are so popular here. Projecting

>> No.15577364
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>> No.15577774

Just read the snowden book

>> No.15578060

It's dopamine. The social media psychological engineering works in dopamine circuits, oxitocin gives just a little.

I agree with the OP, I'm looking for sources too, and as a doctor, I'm going to write about the social and clinical impact of social media.

You won't read my book because it will be in spanish.

>> No.15578093

Projection of a etarded fucking twitter tourist, I am 80% sure that you're a wh*te women.

>> No.15578114

It's a big plot point there's a video which everyone who sees gets addicted to and dies It's not worth slogging through and you'll get more out of the rest. It is however one of the few times it's not just a pure meme to put it in a chart.

>> No.15578118

Karl Marx

>> No.15578995

i guess that's what otheranon meant. it's actually pretty good. storr is a bit hit and miss, a couple of his books are good, a couple are a bit rubbish. he so desperately wants to be jon ronson.

>> No.15579009

>Any books about how social media ruined society?
OP, you should be looking for books that either argue that the ruination of society came from another source or that social media is a good thing. And then understand their arguments inside out so you can refute them instead of lazily looking to stroke your own fragile ego by trying to find your own views validated by someone else you fucking smoothbrain.
How are you any better than a SJW in the echo chamber?

>> No.15579032

nice trips

>> No.15579048

who hurt you anon?

>> No.15579050

the big book of reddit

>> No.15579065

do you know? any books pro social media? kek

>> No.15579087

infinite jest is not irrelevent to your query

>> No.15579312

Jaron Lanier -Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now

>> No.15579474

(you) is just a form of like

>> No.15579750

Is this Jazzma?

>> No.15579955

honestly IJ was more predictive of social behaviour as regards to mass reaction to and engrossment in entertainment

>> No.15580003

Scifi might be too reddit for this thread, but literally anything by Neal Stephenson in the past twenty years.

>> No.15580552

If you know some of them (if they exist), I'll be glad to read them (laugh at them) and refute their phallacies.

Social media attacks mental health, the self. Eating disorders and dismorphic views of the person are cause by them.

>> No.15580975

Jaron Lanier's 'Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now ' and 'You are not a gadget'.

Both non-fiction. He seems a bit weird in interviews/talks, but he knows what he's talking about and has some good insights. Also has the advantage of criticizing social media from a perspective that's not totally Luddite.