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/lit/ - Literature

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1557480 No.1557480 [Reply] [Original]

favorite sci-fi book or series GO!! mine is Dune by Frank Herbert

>> No.1557500


Starship Troopers - Robert Heinlein
Ringworld - Larry Niven
Starfist[series] - David Sherman and Dan Cragg
The Time Machine - H.G. Wells
War Of The Worlds - H.G. Wells
20,000 Leagues Under The Sea[NEMO IS MY HOME BOI] - Jules Verne
From The Earth To The Moon, Round the Moon - Jules Verne
The Sirens of Titan - Kurt Vonnegut
Hammer's Slammers - David Drake

>> No.1557509

>Starship Troopers - Robert Heinlein
Enjoy your herpderp

>> No.1557510

I thought war or the world was pretty boring, but Island of Dr. Moreau was really good. Ender's Game is probably one of my favorites. Dune is my favorite, it was incredible, although I have not read any of the later books. Are they worth reading?

>> No.1557512

how later? none of the books are as good as first dune but anything not written by frank herbert's son is worth reading

>> No.1557515


I have a strong tolerance for herpderp[as if that weren't blatantly obviously already ofc]. I got through BJ's Redwall even with the herpderp and racism as a childs. I got through the herpderp and warhawk conservatism bullshit in Heinlein's book. It's just a story.

>> No.1557525

Well that's cool.
I just didn't like the book that much, and am glad you did not like it for the philosophy.

>> No.1557528

I mean any after Dune. Yeah, I have no patience for people trying to ride their parent's legacy. What the fuck was Jack Keruac's daughter thinking??

>> No.1557529

I love the next three books but yes Franks son sucks ass and I don't feel like I'm reading about the same characters or places when reading his sorry sad excuse of books about the universe of Dune.

>> No.1557540
File: 10 KB, 183x324, lefthandofdarkness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula Le guin

>> No.1557560
File: 32 KB, 316x492, valorstrial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the Confederation of Valor novels by Canadian author Tanya Huff.

They are well written, original, and have an actually compelling well-rounded female protagonist.

>> No.1557571
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So good

>> No.1557674

Ugh you like that trash? I was forced to read this in AP lit during high school. No one in class liked it either, I got to read Huxley afterward so it made up for it.

>> No.1557682

I wasn't a huge fan of this but let me tell you something.

When I was almost done with it, I contracted the motherfucking-est flu I've ever had in North America. It was during a really ass-cold Midwestern winter and I had such a severe Victorian-ass fever that I became delirious. It was cold in my house and I thought I was Genly Ai on Gethen, dying from exposure. I didn't even try to get help because I literally thought I was on an alien planet. Fuck that book.

>> No.1557683

Hmmm, probably Peter F Hamilton's Night's Dawn trilogy.

>> No.1557690

Is this actually good or more /lit/ Zelazny cocksucking bullshit?

I loved both Amber series, but Lord of Light just fell apart halfway through and was a complete chore to read.

>> No.1557701
File: 31 KB, 305x475, frederik-pohl-man-plus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man Plus - Fred Pohl
Night's Dawn Trilogy - Peter F Hamilton
Culture novels - Iain M Banks

I did also enjoy Dune and Starship Troopers, but Heinlein is a total wackjob

>> No.1557721

Reading... Its great and all, but it stops me from playing the vidya. My Solution, Audiobooks!

I currently have 190 Dual Layer Dvd discs full of audiobooks
1500 Gigs!

>> No.1557739

It is my favorite Zelazny novel.

If you pick it up, be prepared for the writing style. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doorways_in_the_sand#Style

>> No.1557788

Anathem, Brave New World , does H2G2 count?

>> No.1557807


I prefer the commonwealth saga/universe books, but this would be a close second for me.

>> No.1557813

Tau Zero.
Beggars in Spain

>> No.1557852

And nobody's mentioned the greatest sci-fi series of all?



>> No.1557883
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