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15572614 No.15572614 [Reply] [Original]

Stack thread.

I just finished Fifteen Dogs within a day, loved the idea and the book was written really well too, a great book that doesn't get talked about nearly enough.
I am also nearing the end of the Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, ~100 pages left to go. It's a weird one, I think I like the book but I'm not sure why. The prose is dry, I don't particularly like any of the characters, especially the main character, he seems to just bumble around aimlessly. The story bits related to Manchuria have been the highlight thus far. It's been a captivating read regardless of these critiques though.

>> No.15572873
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Decent stack lad, definitely get onto The Name of the Rose soon cause that shit is fucking banging.

Here's my lot, have started Chłopi now, about 20 pages in, enjoying it so far, very comfy feel to it, even if a cow has just died which is a bit sad, but the main thing has been me realising just how rusty my Polish has gotten, although shouldn't really be surprised since I haven't read any in years, since I was like 10 or 11, so yeh the first couple pages were fucking mental to try and read but I'm feel I'm getting the hang of things again, even if a page does take me like 5 minutes to read. Still definitely think it's alright so far and yeh interested to see how it goes from here.

>> No.15572883

kill yourselves immediately

>> No.15572931
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>Mihály Babits - Short Stories
>Mihály Babits - Documents and letters from 1918-19
I haven't read any of his short stories yet, so I decided to cop a volume of them to check out if they stand up to his poetry and essays.
This here book was apparently gifted to a girl in the 1960s in his first year of HS for her outstanding work in the Communist Youth League. I love inscriptions like these.
>Péter Polonyi - The History of China
I've read plenty of Chinese books but I never really bothered with Chinese history, so I got an older monograph to bring myself up to speed a bit. The last 25 years I can learn later anyway.
>Egon Friedell - The History of Modern Culture
>Horatius - The Complete Works
The bilingual edition was cheaper than a monolingual one.

>> No.15573013
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Is name of the rose any good? I was planning on starting my Eco journey with pic related
I've seen a lot of people posting this everyman's Rabelais lately, I may have to pick this up

>> No.15573072

it's a pretty old translation, like from the 1600s, so just beware if you're not used to that kind of stuff. Lot of non-standerdised spellings like felle and horrifick and shit like that.

>> No.15573077

*Non-standardised, fuckin hell I've started doing it myself it seems.

>> No.15573119
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I'll point out the books I like most.

>The Crying Lot of 49
My first literary love. Good to see it get some love.

>Gargantua and Pantagruel
Just read Kristeva's essays on him, sounds amazing. Is Rabelais really one of the best authors?

Not sure but these look very aesthetic.

>Divine Comedy
That edition looks amazing, I should cop it. Epic of Gilgamesh is still one of my favourites though, and I love that Ulysses too. I was about to pick up Bhagavad Gita

>> No.15573300


>> No.15573316


>> No.15573318

Best ITT.

>> No.15573568
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Newly unemployed between now and the start of September when I'll begin tutoring. Trying to have a serious crack at Christian Philosophy outside of my fiction reading.

>> No.15573635
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Got these in the mail earlier this week, some books to read during summer when I'll have a lot of free time. Already started Blindness, ~120 pages in, so far it's been a good read. Which book should I go for next? I'm leaning towards either Dom Casmurro or Quincas Borba.

>> No.15573785

I highly recommend you pick up the Gita, I’m more than halfway through and there’s some incredible stuff in there. It’s a lot of the stuff I love about Buddhism but it’s not as pacifist or ascetic, and of course it’s beautifully written

>> No.15574084

>Bhagavad Gita
very nice

>> No.15574192
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Just read brave new world
It was pretty good

about to Start with greeks

Should I read all of Plato's other works or just skip to the republic?

>> No.15574201

Definitely read at least a few dialogues before the Republic

>> No.15574328

start with Apology or Euthyphro

>> No.15574349

Pretty based stack. Wind-up, Lot 49, and the first part of the NY Trilogy are favorites, and it's hard to go wrong with Calvino.

>> No.15574470
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Finished the Land and Hegel. Currently reading the Kojeve

>> No.15574650

Start with the 4 dialogues regarding the trial and death of Socrates, then read republic.

>> No.15575285
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Anabasis is great
I got that same edition of Gilgamesh
Walden is one of my favorites :3

>> No.15576529
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>> No.15577145 [SPOILER] 
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I'm back :)

>> No.15577465

Rei or Asuka?

>> No.15577493
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Shalom goyim.

>> No.15577519
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I personally hated fifteen dogs. had its moments but it could be so corny at times. maybe its because I read it for school

>> No.15577549
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>> No.15577570
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Library reopened .Rate my stack

>> No.15577635

How’s the decadent society?

>> No.15577911

How’s process and reality?

>> No.15578028

I take it you have read Vol. 1 of Long Sun? How does it compare to BOTNS? I have heard it is much different in style.

>> No.15578095
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got a bunch of orders in recently. probably gonna be working through these for a few months

>> No.15578120

My mom really liked Circe

>> No.15578293

Hoping I will too. Never read her work before, but have heard good things.

>> No.15578311

If you want to read about Circe why would you resort to secondary resources? Just stick to Homer, my dude. He's a better writer anyway.

>> No.15578321

that civil war book is supposed to be great

>> No.15578341

I've read Homer. Not looking for recs, but thanks.

>> No.15578418

by what standard is homer a primary source about circe? she's a fucking fictional character

>> No.15578498

Homer invented her, Madeline Miller has no authority to speak true of her.
I can't write a Harry Potter, Jon Snow, or Edward Cullen novels because those are not my intellectual properties. Same as she can't write Circe.

>> No.15579339

these are good books but i hope after you finish some of them that you try to follow your own initiative rather than just reading prescribed classics. We have to all strike a balance between following our own interests and obtaining the shared understanding of the canon.

>> No.15580323

Good advice anon

>> No.15580381

Not him, but in my case I don't have that much free time so I'd rather read books that are known to be good so I won't waste my time.

>> No.15580432

how's the forest

>> No.15580494
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Here's what I finished in the past two weeks, based off of these, what else should I read

>> No.15580551

I'm reading The Name of The Rose. Right now I'm on Day four and honestly it isn't an amazing book, it sometimes goes on about religious factions and stuff that I don't feel like are really important for the story per se. It's not bad neither, but I don't feel it's "great"

>> No.15580589

You are very ignorant of how the Homeric poems were produced. Homer did not invent Circe, in the same way that Walt Disney did not invent Snow White. Homer's version of the story is just the one that happened to be written down and become popular in antiquity and thus continues to be passed around.

>> No.15580745

I’ve only read one chapter so far but it’s quite good. The language is very expressive and not overly dry or academic. If the subject interests you I’d recommend it.

>> No.15580776

A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch

>> No.15580800

Never heard of it before but after reading the description it seem like a comfy read. I will probably get it.
Thanks for the recommendation anon.

>> No.15580904

I'm pretty sure that Eco admitted to adding loads of unnecessary historical details to put casuals off from reading the book. I might be wrong but it sounds based enough to be plausible

>> No.15581159

Thanks mate

>> No.15581188

Fuck off

>> No.15581360

no problem. I'm deeply fascinated by folklore so I know a good number of lesser-known books on the subject

>> No.15581373

Different anon here, but what other such books folklore would you recommend?

>> No.15581385
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some of these have been chilling on the shelf for years and years

>> No.15581481

Baba Yaga: The Ambiguous Mother and Witch of the Russian Folktale by Andreas Johns

Morphology of the Folktale by Vladimir Propp

Green Man: The Archetype of Our Oneness with the Earth by William Anderson

The Book of Yokai: Mysterious Creatures of Japanese Folklore by Micheal Dylan Foster

Let me know if you'd like more. maybe I should make a chart.

>> No.15581517

Cool. Thanks, do you perchance have any further recommendations on Slavic folklore besides the Baba Yaga book?

>> No.15581519

He's following his interest in reading good fiction. What would "following your own initiative" entail? Reading haphazardly? Ignoring critical consensus? Wandering aimlessly through the mass of publication history? If the classics don't appeal to you, you don't have to read them, but it seems to me like you're assuming those who do are neglecting some truer passion. Which would be, what?

>> No.15581539

picking up a random book from the shelf at the library used to be quite fun to be fair but now it's mostly YA or Strong Woman/Race shit

>> No.15581602

If I showed my stack I'd get banned

>> No.15581680

Creatures of Slavic Myth by Dmitriy Kushnir

A Study of Household Spirits of Eastern Europe by Rosena Aveela

Russian Folk Belief by Linda J. Ivanits

>> No.15581741

What the fuck do you have?

>> No.15582003

doubt it

>> No.15582053
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Nearly halfway through my summer stack already

>> No.15582088

Woah dude be careful about showing books like that online. You could get put on a watchlist for owning captain underpants

>> No.15582437
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>> No.15582469


>> No.15582473

where did you get the land form and how much did it cost?

>> No.15583268


>> No.15583481
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>> No.15583508

Have you still not finished these? Been posting this for ages

>> No.15583553

Rei is my waifu
Ive only finished the first chapter which is on the aims of Speculative Philosophy. But so far so good. I'd recommend.
I got it on Amazon for like $24. This was a while back before the price increase.

>> No.15583662

bionic boogerboy part i is absolute kino

>> No.15583776

still to finish crime & punishment; currently on starship troopers

>> No.15583861

I am following my own initiative, you cod. What do you think, that I just put book names in a hat and draw them out in turns? These are specifically the books I've chosen according to my spirit.

>> No.15583975
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Obviously not reading the Shakespeare cover to cover but I really wanted a complete edition and it just came in today. Going to read it a play at a time just to switch things up. Any plays you guys would recommend?

Also halfway through Spinoza's TPP and really enjoying it, might queue up Ethics after I get through this stack.

>> No.15583995

I really love Macbeth and Julius Caesar and think they're his best

>> No.15584127
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>> No.15584135

He w do you guys fucking afford books. Or is this borrowed from libraries.

>> No.15584168

amazon is surprisingly good to find cheap publishers

>> No.15584215

My country is at war amazon doesn’t work here

>> No.15584260

based, what country?

>> No.15584285

Afghanistan. Most books outside Kabul are Islamic books. Kabul university has books but it’s far for me.

>> No.15584344

Can you post a picture of the inside of the Shakespeare book? Is it double column?

>> No.15584357

damnnn. hows afghan literature? (unironically)

>> No.15584392

Go to work, get money, buy books. I don't understand the question?

>> No.15584657


>> No.15584787


>> No.15584791

With an especially minute fraction of the money I make at my job.

>> No.15584807
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>> No.15584839

I make $115,000/yr before bonuses. After taxes, insurance premiums, and 401k contributions, that's like a $2700 paycheck every 2 weeks. My rent is $600/mo. Utilities, internet, phone, and other subscriptions are like another $250/mo or so. No student loans. Car is paid off. Plenty left over for books.

>> No.15584903

It's ok.I like Ross.

Yes. It's different in that Long Sun is in the third person while BOTNS is all through Severian. It's very good so far.

>> No.15585184


>> No.15585231

ugh I should really just suck it up and buy a complete Shakespeare volume like that. looks like a nice edition.

also, I need to read more Debord too

>> No.15585468

what do you do?

>> No.15585482
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summer reading r8 n h8

>> No.15585666

100/10 to the power of the final solution

>> No.15585729


>> No.15585785

Nice. One of the best from Fanon. Also I recommend Deleuze's book on Spinoza.

>> No.15585888

I do integration assistance for a small software vendor.

>> No.15586479

Yeah I read Moby Dick earlier this year and that was the impetus to just get a complete Shakespeare. I'm sure it'll be a lifelong project reading it all but it's nice to look at until then.

Good to know about the Deleuze. I'm just dipping my toes into philosophy but really enjoying Spinoza so far (helps that I had a religious upbringing so all the Biblical analysis isn't too over my head). I'll probably read the Balibar and the Deleuze before tackling a different philosopher, maybe a contemporary of Spinoza

>> No.15586611
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Resident Everychad reporting back in with a surprise even though I'm not even close to finishing my actual stack. I got some new translations of Homer, and a little junk food!

>> No.15586967

What translation are the Everyman's editions?

>> No.15587093

If you want some quality lesser read plays, Richard II and Cymbeline are both incredible.

>> No.15587146


>> No.15587185


>> No.15587304

Based Simone Weil

>> No.15587333

Are those OG Spengler prints for The Decline of The West?

>> No.15587402

Didn’t realise the Sade works were so T H I C C

>> No.15587408

Flowers for algenon is based af

>> No.15587644

Based libertine

>> No.15587908

It's either Islamic books (a lot comes from Pakistan and Saudi arabia) or a lot of poems. Afghans like poems.

btw if you want to know how an afghan knows 4chan, i was a refugee in pakistan and my friend showed me it. i use 4chan to practice english

>> No.15588506
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When I was 11 there was a secondhand bookstore that had two stories full of books stacked like this. I went there to buy some old trade paperbacks, and the lady who owned the store gave me one more for free.

The next time I went with my friends, and I was one of those kids who was fine on his own, but a total dick when with 'the boys', so we went upstairs, and while they stood watch I turned on the tap in the bathroom an locked the door. Then we both left.

We then heard that the entire first floor (all the shelves, books) were ruined by water damage.

>> No.15589800

So boring already