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15570687 No.15570687 [Reply] [Original]

Is society actually just a doomed endeavor of pure ego no matter what?

>> No.15570860

We're living in the worst case scenario about that right now, but even without all the fuss that keeps dumb sheeples being dumb sheeples it wouldn't be that different. We're just made like that, craving the most advantages from sociality than we can, in any means we can

>> No.15570868

Is it a moby dick spinoff?

>> No.15570877

It's about a telepathic gorilla.

>> No.15570896
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I thought you were joking

>> No.15570904

I would rather read more about a former sailor on a whaling ship.

>> No.15571013

It’s good.

>> No.15571297

this is a good book, talking monkey

>> No.15571359

this book is basically the author making up his own religion except he has a gorilla say it all and calls it fiction. that's maybe a bit too harsh as the content isn't bad but i find it a little hard to get over the form of it

>> No.15571373

Imagine being too cynical to enjoy Ishmael

>> No.15572372

big brain monke

>> No.15572399

things can be very different from they are now. we could lose the ego and lose our self-consciousness but we are very far from this and every year we only assert our ego even more, with everything we do

>> No.15572398

right its explanation of Eden and the flood is spectacular along with rebuttals against Darwinism

>> No.15572453

that book was so dumb. Pre-agricultural societies still had major problems with nature- they hunted most megafauna to extinction. All of the north american megafauna. Aboriginal australians destroyed the continent's megafauna population.

Daniel Quinn has a highly romanticized view of prehistorical life. Philosophically, also, I think it's always a mistake to try to "go back" to something. You can model a future on historical success, but you can never undo everything that's happened. In an individual that is regression, it's a failure to grow from experience. If we were to approach some kind of anprim existence it would be like nothing ever experienced by humans, an entirely experimental endeavour, likely rooted in some kind of novel technology or culture. Not replicating historical societies at all.

>> No.15572477

The people I've known who've read this book all react like pic related when they talk about it. These are people who: (1) haven't even touched The Greeks (2) read about 1 book every two years. They aren't people I'd ask for serious recommendations or opinions on anything. I haven't read it myself, I'm sure it's a fine book, but it seems to appeal most to less-than-well-read individuals who, upon encountering even just slightly novel ideas, are overcome with a "woah, that's so deep man" sort of effect.

>> No.15572491
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pic related

>> No.15572662

Civilization can never stop, it must keep expanding and destroy everything in its way. Nothing is ever good enough, progress is done for the sake of progress while technology and alienation from nature and one another make us miserable. It will eventually collapse for the better of this planet.

>> No.15573343

Danny Q is an agricucktural for sure and his white western culture shaming is mostly baseless, but you can't deny there are some philosophically interesting ideas presented in his telepathic gorilla book.
The other ones, especially Story of B, are some Dan Brown tier schlock tho

>> No.15573626

I liked the book until I read "white male" at the end.

>> No.15574142

i used to have the book but then i gave it away to an old roommate (mono vs stereo)

>> No.15574312

oh you mean his interpretation of the Cain and Abel story? That was fucking hilarious.

>> No.15574783

yea fuckin ridiculous but good for native americans haha

>> No.15574806

A hundred percent. The form is so utterly annoying and preachy that it negates the message. He should have written a political pamphlet.